#archive of my own
blackkatdraws2 · 4 months
They are my lifeline
[individual drawings below]
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usatyimysh · 2 years
I would never have thought that people from China and Russia (that's me) would have to explain to people who live with freedom of speech that censorship is bad.
My head is literally exploding…
Guys, let's forget your childish ideas about the world for a second, please. Let's forget that this bitch is a "non-white woman" and focus on exactly what she says.
(A place where you can call me a racist. Did you? Okay, let's move on.)
I get goosebumps when she talks about CP and "child protection". This is how it all started in Russia. Once upon a time, two kissing girls could be shown on TV, and the Internet was a completely free fairy tale. Then the government didn't like too much freedom on the internet. They started blocking content under the guise of "child protection". It all started with a search for "child pornography". Then it turned out that children should be protected from knowledge about the existence of LGBT people.
And now they are preparing a law that will make ANY MENTION OF LGBT people illegal. Even among adults
this is your future. big disasters always start with small steps.
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sleepwalkersqueen · 5 months
Ao3 fearless mofos like:
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I sometimes hate how underrated ao3 writers are. Y’all know you made me cry more than once, right??had me curled up in a ball of despair at 3am just bawling my eyes out? Reading this shit ain’t enough anymore. I want those fuckers go on tours, I need to get an autograph or something. I don’t even know what celebrities are but if I see that dude who wrote my favourite ofmd piece I would just burst into a puddle. Comedy special? Give me ao3 special. Let em read their work and let me cry with a room of people about it. The way I see those people like actual celebrities at this point. You simply don’t create a heart warming, emotional, strong, interesting piece like that and expect me to treat you like a random person online. No mate, you’re a celebrity to me now.
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thewisestdino · 10 months
I went to my hotel last night at 11:00. We ordered two queens online weeks in advance. They give us our room card.
Andddd the room only had one bed and a freaking hot tub.
We went to the hotel desk and explained that we ordered two beds. They said they entire hotel was completely booked. We asked if they had a cot. They said the two cots they had were already in use. So we gave up and went back to the room
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BAD NEWS: I was not traveling with the love of my life and instead my dad. He snores like a truck so I slept on the floor <3
No we did NOT get a refund but we did get a free bottle of water
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So, I'm reading AHB! again, and I just realized there is a whole paragraph describing what Sirius, Remus, and Regulus look like. I also just read the snoging session between Sirius and Remus and decided I should write a fic with James and Marlene as guards and James gets snoged and Marlene makes fun of him.
Ahhh! The orange muffin scene is so cute!
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midnights-dragon · 2 months
I cannot stress how much I HATE people who do this. Fully tagged with 30+ specific tags, titled, and everything, only for:
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Because like. Ao3 is not a place for placeholders like this. I can almost guarantee that this person is some 12 year old from TikTok who saw something about the "Ao3 Algorithm" that doesn't exist and wanted to get a head start, if this is even someone who's writing anything at all.
Don't bother tracking it down, I already reported it and commented (though I don't doubt they'll delete my comment calling them out, and that they will wait until their account gets flagged and the "fic" gets taken down). It's just so, SO frustrating. THIS IS NOT WHAT AO3 IS FOR.
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neon-d0rk · 9 months
I promise I’m not a robot or anyone with malicious intent
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not-rab · 1 year
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moonah-rose · 4 months
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Me after someone comments on my fics.
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guys... fanfiction has ruined ACTUAL BOOKS for me.
genuinely incapable of picking up a book and finishing it.
but a 100K+ word fanfiction.... done in 2 days.
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cralaofmandalore · 4 months
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yonemurishiroku · 11 months
Some of you guys don’t understand that a fanfic, a fanart - any type of fancontent that caters to fans and fans alone - are allowed to be OOC, and would be more often than not OOC,
and it shows.
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alicehattera03 · 1 year
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paintedhyenadogs · 1 month
Just because Im lowkey pissed that people don't understand the archive warnings on AO3 and get mad at the author because of their own lack of understanding:-
Here are what the archive warning tags mean and what each apply to:
No Archive Warnings Apply
This means the fic doesn't have any of the content that fit into the other warnings
Still tread with caution, especially if there are no other tags, as in 0. No relationship tags, no character tags, nothing, nada. It means the author might be really new or just was too lazy to use any tags or warnings. Know the risk or play it safe and don't read.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
This means the fic might have none, some or all of the listed warnings. This is the warning. You might end up reading triggering material, or reading a fluffy sweet fic. It's a toss up, so if you aren't willing to take the risk, DO NOT READ.
If you've filtered out any of the other archive warnings and see this one, make sure you are ready to encounter something that might be triggering, that you've filtered or just avoid it. Even if the other tags don't indicate it, be wary and stay cautious, remember that this is still a warning.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
The content of the fic features graphic violence, as is stated. But if the creator chose not to tag what happens specifically that is violent, be ready for anything ranging from a bloody fist fight, to cannibalism to eroguro to violent torture.
Rape/Non Con
The fic will contain rape/noncon, which I've also seen include dubious consent/dubcon. It can be a major plot point in the story of the fic, or be smut. Read the additional tags to get a gauge of if it is one or the other. If there are no other tags, and you only want to read a story driven fic that may have rape/noncon, play it safe and don't read.
The fic has pedophillia and just like the rape/noncon warning, can be either a plot point or part of smut. Just like the above, if you do not want to read smut, play it safe and do not read if it has 0 additional tags. Honestly just filter it out all together, it's a good idea.
Some people also might use this tag when the fic involves sex between two underage characters (usually when the show is set in a high school), please keep this in mind if you aren't filtering the underage warning altogether. Also serves as a, "Always read additional tags!" note.
(Just in case someone gets on my ass and says "omg why would you say it also has smut under it ewww, are you a pedo?!" because I know someone will: I am simply saying that, the reality is, it's on the site. I don't wanna see that either, but it's there and I can't do a thing about it, just please be aware that you could be stumbling into a gross fic if you are not reading the tags properly.)
Major Character Death
A major character in the fic dies. This could be an OC, the reader, or a canon character.
If anyone feels I should revise and/or add these explanations, please tell me.
Additional words for newbies for ao3
AO3 is an archive site first, fanfiction hub second. It isn't for readers, it's for authors to archive their work and be able to label their work accordingly (or just not label it).
As a reader you should be respectful towards the authors and their work. You have no right to demand for a new chapter of a work you may like, you have no right to insult the author because of your own lack of knowledge or ignorance. Be grateful you're even getting any work from these people. Again, these people. These authors are real people like you and me, writing you fanfiction to read at no additional cost.
If you plan on posting on AO3, you should tag it, just so people can filter it, it's nice to be nice. I don't write on AO3 so I don't know what else to say on this part.
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James looks at Regulus' beautiful sunlit face. The sun is rising, and birds are chirping. It's the best day ever.
James resists the urge to kiss down Regulus' body until he wakes up. Instead, he gets dressed and shuts Regulus' door behind him.
James hears a door open at the other end of the hall. He turns toward the sound slowly and sees one of his best friends. He lets out a breath. It's not Sirius. Thank god.
James thinks for a minute.
That's Sirius' room.
Remus just came out of Sirius' room.
James laughs quietly. "I knew it." He whispers. "I fucking knew it."
"Shut up, James." Remus says, stalking over to him.
James smiles. "I knew it."
"What are you doing here?"
"Everyone already knows. It's obvious."
"Sirius doesn't."
Another door opens. Alice? James smiles in victory. "Knew it."
James and Marlene talk every week and when they start to get suspicious of someone, they take guesses to who their shagging.
Apparently, so far, James has got them right. Alice and Narcissa, Remus and Sirius, Mary and Lily, and even Dorcas and Marlene. He couldn't believe he got that one.
"You knew what?" Alice asks.
"I knew that you were shagging Cissa."
Alice rolls her eyes and walks over to them. "You're both standing in front of Regulus' door. I'm assuming James is the one shagging him and Remus is shagging Sirius." James eyes go wide. "It's obvious."
"Fair enough." Another door opens, and out comes Emmeline Vance, a Ravenclaw. "Emmeline Vance. Nice to see you." Emmeline turns around so fast that James thought she had to have had whiplash. "Pandora? Really?"
Emmeline Smirks. "No, don't even start that sentence." Remus says, holding his hand up to stop her.
They hear footsteps around the corner, and before they could hide, Ted comes into view. "My god." Emmeline says. "Andromeda. Definitely."
"Yeah, definitely." James replies, agreeing with her.
"My god. I thought you were Orion and Walburga." Ted says startled.
"Good for you, we're not." Alice says. She pauses. "Good for us too."
"What are you all doing here?" A voice asks. Rita.
"No way!" Emmeline shouts.
"Shut up." James says.
"Bellatrix. You're shagging Bella." James smiles. "Marls owes me so much gallons."
"Can we not?" Another voice sounds. Barty.
"I'm even more rich." James says proudly.
"How good are you at guessing?" Alice asks.
"Pretty good, actually. I even guessed Marls and Cas."
"Damn." Barty says, surprised.
Multiple doors open, and Evan, Pandora, Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Andromeda come out in the hallway. "What is going on?" Bellatrix asks.
Pandora smiles. "Panda? What are you smiling about?" Her brother, Evan, asks.
James purses his lips. "Yeah, I'm gonna go before Siri comes out. Right Al?"
"Yep, coming."
Narcissa grabs Alice' arm. "Not so fast. We're going back in. Yeah?"
While Alice is debating, James hears another door open but doesn't see which one. "Mon soleil?" Regulus asks. "Holy shit."
James turns around and sees his boyfriend. "Hey, mi estrella."
"What is going on?"
Barty smiles. "Sirius is about to come out any minute."
Sure enough, Sirius comes out of his room. "Mon crossiant de lune?" Sirius looks around. "Alice!? James!?"
Alice purses her lips. "I'll take you up on that offer now." She says to her girlfriend, and they go back in Narcissa' room.
"What the fuck?"
Remus walks over to Sirius and starts pushing him slowly back in his room. "Let's go back in, fy nghariad."
Sirius grumbles, turns around to go back in, and stops. "We will talk about this later, Prongs." They go back in.
"So, that happened." Pandora says.
"I say we do the same and go back in our rooms, yeah?" Emmeline says.
They all agree and go back in. "Come on, mon soleil." Regulus says.
"I should really go."
Regulus starts kissing up James' jaw line. He stops. "Are you sure?"
James grumbles and drags his boyfriend back in the room.
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