#Baby Kinard
houseofevanbuckley · 1 month
Not even going anon for this q... please give us all more parents!bucktommy!!!!
Oh lord … I’m obsessed with them as parents, so it’s not a hardship at all
I want to go back to the start though, to how this family started.
They’ve been together for a few months when they have their first talk about having kids. Buck was babysitting Jee and took her to Tommy’s place since he has a garden and Tommy can’t stop thinking about it for days afterward. Buck in his garden with a kid. The sight was just so good, the way they played and ran around together.
Tommy can’t stop thinking about it. And it’s not the first time he thinks about it, to be honest. He loved to see Buck talking and helping Christopher with his homework and anything, really. Spending the day all three of them at a museum or park while Eddie can spend time with Marisol or for himself.
Tommy actually loves to make a date of anytime they have to babysit the kids, taking them all outside, parks, museums, theme parks, beach, you name it, and Tommy took them there.
So while they cuddle one day, he just asks if Buck ever thought about having his own one day.
And Buck turns around to look at Tommy, because he feels that as innocent as the question is, it is a sign of their growth as a couple, of Tommy thinking long term and he has to face the man for it.
Buck, who talks about how he felt when he held the baby, that he helped to conceive, for a few minutes and how his life just came to a halt. How seeing Jee for the first time on her mom’s chest had his heart squeezed.
He always assumed that his life would fall in line, the wife, the house, the kids.
But if he let the wife cliche go, he still thinks that he’d like the rest. The house, the kids.
And what he doesn’t say, the husband.
Tommy just hugs him tighter and confesses that when he came out, letting go of the potential of having kids was the hardest part, but that with how the world change he wanted to believe in it again.
It absolutely unlocks something between them, this talk of the future, of a future together and of shared dream.
That’s why when two years later, after their wedding, after their new house, Hen and Karen go to them when they had a call for a little boy. A three months old. The child is orphaned, no dad or grandparents filed anywhere, and no one is still alive on his mother's side.
They already had three foster kids, in addition to Denny so having a fifth child in the house would be a challenge, one that they would embrace but when the worker asked them if they had people in mind that would take the boy they thought of Buck and Tommy.
The boys who look at each other, hands clasping together while Karen shows pictures of a small blond boy bundled up in a green blanket.
Buck is the one who asks, “what do we have to do?” and by the squeezing he feels around his fingers from Tommy, it was the right thing to say.
Thanks to Karen and Hen having been exemplary in all the years of them taking kids in, and because it’s a baby, the process is sped up. Not that it’s fast or easy.
Just after the visit, Buck goes on a cleaning spree, pulling out a clipboard and going full Clipboard!Buck on himself and Tommy. The house has never been this clean since they moved in.
The garden is mowed, plants and trees are pruned.
Tommy has even been sent on the roof to clean it and he did with a smile, seeing how serious and excited Buck was, making himself even more excited for this new adventure with his husband.
When they go back to their respective stations after their two days off, each of them gather letters of recommendation and characters from their teams, which also announce to them all that they want to welcome that baby boy in their house.
It takes them a week to have the house ready and their letters from everyone, filling their foster parents’ file with the help of Hen and Karen.
Buck vibrating out of his skin each night while they cuddle, and Tommy doesn’t count how many times he caught Buck on baby clothes websites, but he’s just as bad as him. Having screenshoted so many cute onesies, his ads are now only baby formula and toys.
It takes them one more week before they get a call back from the agency for a first visit of their house and an interview.
They have to wait for three days for a feedback of that visit. Buck is a wreck and Tommy had been asked to stay grounded with how distracted he’s been.
Finally, they get a call for a second visit at their house with two workers this time. The questions are more in-depth.
A few days letter they have a call from Bobby saying that they had a call from the agency to talk about Buck and Tommy. And a day later, Lucy calls them with the same news. Quickly enough, Maddie and Tommy’s brother were called as well.
It takes them one more month, random visits and calls before they get the call.
They can take Noah home starting four days from now.
Buck pulls the clipboard out again, but this time he enrolls everyone.
Maddie and Chimney are sent to the shop to get the formula and diapers, mountains of each.
Tommy and Eddie are painting the guest room, Noah’s room. They agreed on a soft forest green for the walls, and blue for the ceiling with small white clouds.
Buck has Pinterest boards, ok? And he’s going to make this room the best room for a child.
May and Denny went to the shop to pick up plushies and games.
Buck is finally ordering all the onesies he and Tommy saw online and baby proofing the whole house: one cupboard, one drawer, one window at a time.
Bobby making food for them all and helping where he can.
One week later, the social worker come to their house. They’re alone. They wanted to welcome him, just them. Noah will be presented on Sunday to the whole family, but now it’s Thursday and the next 3 days are theirs, and only theirs.
Buck is the one to open the door, his breathing stuttering and his blood pumping in his ears, until he fully opens the door and his eyes fall on the car seat where Noah sleeps and everything quiet down.
He hasn’t felt this calm and quiet since his and Tommy’s first kiss, but after all, his world is changing again today and shouldn’t it warrant the same reaction?
The worker enters and does a last inspection, more a formality than anything else, but it could still mean that she’d leave with Noah.
She goes around the house and leave Noah in his seat in their living room where Buck and Tommy can’t stop looking at his sleeping form.
Finally, she comes back from her inspection and sees how they are hugging and looking at the seat and she can see how excited they are, how much they already love the little boy.
“Do you want to take him?” she asks, and Buck looks at her with watery eyes and nods.
She goes to the seat to free Noah from it and carry him toward Buck’s, who’s himself held by Tommy, and she very gently places Noah in his arms.
Tommy and him looks down at the boy. They know that for now it’s only a temporary placement, that anything could happen. But Noah is in their arms now and they couldn’t feel happier or more complete.
Small follow up here : https://www.tumblr.com/houseofevanbuckley/748906523907014656/the-tie-is-blue-and-i-love-you
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erlie · 2 months
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"Look Tommy, I put my pronouns AND a rainbow flag on my bio!"
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kinnsporsche · 30 days
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— Yeah, also, [Tommy's] not officially my date until the wedding tomorrow.
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meep-meep-richie · 2 months
just tommy saying evan
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carrythatwayt · 23 days
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No longer bothered or bewildered.
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bananabirch · 9 days
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I’m rockin with bucktommy 🚒 x 🚁❤️
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do you ever think about tommy paying for their dinner date or tommy pouring the beer in buck’s glass or tommy gently grabbing buck’s chin or tommy showing up despite him being on-call or tommy’s “i didn’t wanna pressure you” or his “i think you’re adorable” or tommy feeling bad for leaving the party to go to work and immediately promised buck he’ll try his damnest to make it to the wedding or him apologizing for being late to their wedding date even though he has valid reasons or tommy going straight to buck after fighting a beast of a fire still in his turnouts
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watchyourbuck · 2 months
Every piece of fanfic hits different now that I know what Buck looks like kissing a boy <3
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very-feral-lesbian · 2 months
sneak peek clip from tonight‘s episode 911 s7 ep5
“im an ally” … babe you are a part of the community
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neverevan · 2 months
can't stop thinking about how that whole situation must've been bonkers from Tommy's pov
like, there is this dude so imprinted on you that he hangs out with you 3 days a week, while you both have differing schedules and do 24-hour shifts — oh and supposedly he also has a girlfriend.
and then his boy best friend asks you for a tour at your station and flirts with you, and then he shows up anywhere where he can get you and ends up bodyclocking his bestie like a preteen boy, which you'd think was to punish him, but you later find out that it was a subconscious attempt to get him out of the competition.
that's not mentioning the fact that the guy imprinted on you also introduced you to his son, who is incredibly fond of the other guy and won't shut up about him.
and then you worry that you came between these two friends, so you go see the one who is clearly more upset, to reassure him that's not what's happening, only to find out that he was actually crushing on you this whole time and he is also just realising this as he's telling it to you.
can you imagine the spin all that gave to Tommy's head??
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birdclowns · 8 days
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tommybuck + their dog at pride for @kinardbuckleys, as part of the @911actions gotcha for gaza!
prompt donations will be open until june 17th!
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houseofevanbuckley · 1 month
So I’m back with more Daddy!Evan and Papa!Tommy and baby Kinard, that I decided to name Noah
The adventure of Clipboard!Daddy and Helicopter!Papa
Continuity of this post : https://www.tumblr.com/houseofevanbuckley/748826226503843840/not-even-going-anon-for-this-q-please-give-us
Noah has been with them for 7 months already. They celebrated his 11th months the week prior, and he’s been babbling non stop. He’s the happiest child Buck and Tommy have been around, and no, they’re not biased, thank you very much.
And a little competition has started between them about who will be Noah’s first word. They both would be happy, whatever the word is, of course, but they’re nothing if not competitive in the most ridiculous ways sometimes.
So each time one of them is feeding Noah, changing him or just playing with him, they repeat their own word. Sometimes Buck says daddy so many times that he loses every sense of the word and he doesn’t know how many times he called somebody daddy because the word is running around in his head.
Everyone at the station just teases him, but they all love that new version of Buck, Daddy!Buck is something else that none of them were prepared for.
And the stations start to join in too. Anytime Noah goes to the 118 or 217 for any reason, people there would be whispering “papa” or “daddy” to Noah each time they are around him.
Of course, there is one word that they should have seen coming, one that has been said around Noah so many times that, of course, he would pick up on it, their clever little boy.
Since Noah arrived, they were able to sync their off days more. They were mostly in sync already since the wedding and filling their marital status to their respective stations, but with Noah now they made sure that except for emergencies they would share them, not willing to have Noah grow up with only one parent at a time.
They’ve spent the day relaxing at home, playing with Noah and cuddling on the couch while a documentary played in the background.
It’s snack time now and Tommy is feeding Noah some pieces of banana, the only fruit Noah has accepted all week, whispering “Papaaa” each time he gives him a piece while Buck watches and snorts at how ridiculous his husband is, not that he’s better.
Noah just smacks his lips, little bits of banana sticking to his lips, looking at his parents before he points to Buck and goes: “Buk!”
They both freeze and look at each other.
“Did he …?” starts Tommy
Buck bites his lips to try to keep the laugh coming inside.
Tommy groans, “of course our son's first word would be Buck."
And as usual, hearing “our son” coming from Tommy’s mouth makes him giddy and he kisses the pout off his husband’s lips, both smiling into the kiss.
“You’re so clever Noah! Say it again!” encourages Buck.
“No, no, now he says papaaaa,” says Tommy before giving him more of the banana he was feeding him.
Buck’s laugh could be heard from the street.
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heauxplesslydevoted · 2 months
Whether Buck and Tommy become a full blown couple through the rest of the season, or they end things over the next few episodes, I need to see Buck have a fun and cute romcom dating montage with a guy. He deserves to be wined, dined, and doted on.
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incorrect911argoship · 2 months
Hen: Explain to us again how your baby daddy—
Eddie: Buck is not my baby daddy!
Chim: And your almost sugar daddy—
Eddie: Tommy is not my sugar daddy!
Ravi: Started dating each other?
Eddie: I don't know.
Hen: It's ok Eddie, two tops dating means they have to take turns until they find a bottom, you still have a chance.
Eddie: I'm not a bot— You think?
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poughkeepsies · 2 months
I don't care how awkward and stupid he is look at his awed little smile and blush and wide eyes every time tommy flirts with him he's the literal light of my life
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buckxtommy · 2 months
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my roman empire fr
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