zzzleepyheadzzz · 10 days
What are the rules for requests?
Are they for mutuals only or are they For everyone
Do you also do commisoons
How complicated can the requests be
Any Major DNI(fo not interacts)
Any other accounts your willing to share
Can it be Pokemon fusions or Just reginal variants, If only stuff for Reginal Variants Can it be based off our own regions with input
After one request is drawn will we be allowed to request another
And Remember Have fun and Take care of yourself!
Hi! Requests are open to any and everyone, so don't hesitate to send something my way.
I'm currently not doing comms, just requests.
Three Pokemon per line at max sounds reasonable, I've designed split lines and g o d they take a while.
None that I can think of.
My main account for spriting is Cubeboyo on Pixilart.com that's where I actually make my stuff.
I prefer doing regional variants and other adjacent forms and evolutions. I used to do fusions until maybe two years ago I think? They were all I did for a long time so I'm branching out.
If you have specific details you want included don't be afraid to tell me. I'd love to make something like a Snorlax that adapted to Alola's warmer climate or a Kingdra that's native to deep trenches.
If you send me another request after I complete the initial one, I will slate it for later and continue with the numerical order in which I received the requests.
If you yourself have something you'd like to ask, shoot!
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 18 days
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Hi there! I go by a lot of names on the internet, but here you can just call me Sleepy. I design Pokémon regional variants, evolutions, convergents, all the like. I've decided to open up requests on Tumblr! Send me requests and I'll see what I can do for you.
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 21 days
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Some new and old friends.
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 3 months
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A portrait of some of my more recent creations. I love making Fakemon, and so decided to compile a good chunk of them into this portrait.
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 5 months
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A Mimikyu evolution, Punikyu(GHO/FAI), the Torn Pokemon!  The result of Mimikyu’s disguise busting beyond repair, this Pokemon is inherently aggressive in an attempt to protect those unfortunate enough to be near the uncovered body of Punikyu. 
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 5 months
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Say hello to Drifloon and Sparadagion!  Drifloon(FIR/FLY)of this region seem to be made of paper compared to its rubber cousins, and the fire within is mostly harmless.
Sparadagion(FIR/DRA), the Celebration Pokemon!  A jovial and enigmatic Pokemon, it may be a rare sight but it is always a good one, bringing fortune and good tidings to those blessed with its appearance.
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 5 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day everyone, and say hello to Litwick, Lampent, and Valeriwisp!  
Litwick(FIR/FAI); A result of being Unovan Litwick being tamed by humans, Litwick protect their metal mounts with fervency, though those they like are allowed to carry it around like a normal candle.
Lampent(FIR/FAI); While that is indeed fire spouting from the top of Lampent’s bulb, it’s actually completely harmless and is comfortably warm.
Valeriwisp(FIR/FAI); Valeriwisp’s flaming hair and feathers are regarded as symbols of love and beauty, and sparked a trend of women dying their hair in Valeriwisp’s color.
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 5 months
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Some more designs I've had fun creating. I'm particularly fond of Saguardin, definitely a favorite child.
Saguardin(Grass/Ground): While intimidating at first glance, most Saguardin are actually very docile. Some even serve as living homes for smaller desert dwelling Pokémon.
Larvesta(Bug): A simple little Bug Type Pokémon, Larvesta doesn't do much other than bathe in moonlight and eat silky leaves.
Lunamis(Bug/Psychic): Known to many as the Patron of the Moon, Lunamis' radiant wings guide those who are lost in the night to safety.
Zoroark(Dark/Fire): An instigator of wild fires, Zoroark uses the resulting smoke to hunt. Concealed in billowing grey clouds Zoroark creates unique shapes that often resemble faces.
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 5 months
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Trainer IDs I made for my siblings.
Ameliya loves monsters and squishy animals, so of course wanted either babies or literal demons.
Markus is for the most part just a popular creature lover, whatever's cool in the moment.
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 5 months
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Ephirian Musharna, Dark/Fairy.
The result of a Munna feeding exclusively on nightmares, Ephirian Musharna exude a cloud of purified fear from their forehead.
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 1 year
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Voodoom, the Busted Pokémon! An alternate evolution to Shuppet, this towering creature of linen and cotton hides itself as a simple little doll, folding itself to appear as such. Ghost/Fairy
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 1 year
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 2 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day everyone, and say hello to Litwick, Lampent, and Valeriwisp!  
Litwick(FIR/FAI); A result of being Unovan Litwick being tamed by humans, Litwick protect their metal mounts with fervency, though those they like are allowed to carry it around like a normal candle.
Lampent(FIR/FAI); While that is indeed fire spouting from the top of Lampent's bulb, it's actually completely harmless and is comfortably warm.
Valeriwisp(FIR/FAI); Valeriwisp's flaming hair and feathers are regarded as symbols of love and beauty, and sparked a trend of women dying their hair in Valeriwisp's color.
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 2 years
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A three-way fusion, Blastakitree!  Blacephalon, Stakalaka, and Xurkitree!
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 2 years
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Fairy/Poison Florges!  A solemn and mild mannered Pokemon, this variant of Florges is often seen as the night to Kalosian Florges’ day.  The petals of Florges’ bloom are highly toxic however, and should be avoided.
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 2 years
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Ghost/Dark Gengar!  An excitable variant of the already mischievous Gengar, this Pokemon has a habit of dancing around random humans and Pokemon.  The reason for this behavior is unknown, but it’s certainly better than Kantonian Gengar’s constant pranks!
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zzzleepyheadzzz · 2 years
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Lampetelle, a fusion of Lampent and Gothitelle!
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