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zyum-d 24 days ago
my birdies :'
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zyum-d 6 months ago
"Kiana...stay with me", "Mei, stay with me"
Still my favorite wallpaper, spend 100 pulls for this, is worth till today.
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zyum-d 6 months ago
Femirins is an AI created by ERA: ZERO Yssring, she was built with an emotional module and in that aspect is very similar to humans. She's also the AI in charge of Project: Avalon and the Global Connector, an ERA: ZERO Project that aimed to connect everyone's minds in the world through Femirins for humanity to be able to theoretically work in sync.
Femirins img below, not sure why I couldnt post it at the start
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Fast forward to early/mid Reborn, Reborn Era Yssring came across the Antarctica Research Institute where Femirins was at and Femirins was reawoken
Several chapters later, after the moon was damaged by a honkai attack from Jyahnar (re-directed by Otto from his ship to the moon #BlameOtto) and the world started experiencing a world-wide spreading honkai, Otto announced the existence of honkai to the world and threw humanity into panic. Merlin had decided to use Project: Avalon to try to have humanity fight back against the honkai together, but hid a lot of information regarding his plans
Project: Avalon would use the Global Connector (a era zero tech thats above the Earth) to connect Femirins' mind to everyone in the world to have humanity fight back against the honkai, however all the emotions and despair that the world was experiencing right now would also be experienced by Femirins. This was one of the truths that Merlin hid as he didnt care if Femirins was gone aslong as he could use her to connect to humanity and control everyone to fight back
When Project Avalon was activated, all the despair made Femirins' emotional module overloaded and Femirins chose to destroy it. However Project Avalon ceased to work without Femirins' emotional module which was something Merlin didnt expect.
Gladly that wasnt the end, ERA: ZERO Yssring had foreseen that if Project: Avalon was ever activated in a moment of despair, it might be too much for Femirins. So she created an encrypted "Ring of Memory" that could create a backup of her memories and emotional module and would only be auto-decrypted if it detected that the module was destroyed.
Alongside that, ERA ZERO Yssring also created a Protection Program (Little Devil Femirins, the other one you see) that would help her through that despair
This would only activate once, as Era Zero Yssring hoped that this would make Femirins truly emotionally strong (which is why you see Little Devil Femirins fade disappeating and Femirins crying in the CG later :( Little Devil accomplished what she was created for, and Femirins could move towards the future but had to have a goodbye first D: )
When she reawoke, Femirins appeared in Conscious Space. The Little Devil "Femirins" was there to help her and a normal human named (#player) was also there. Initially she had lost her memories but they gradually recovered, aswell as she remembered that she had a mission she needed to completely in reality so they needed to leave this space. They noticed that there was a tower in the distance in Consciousness Space, Little Devil informed Femirins and #player that it was the place where information flows to and from, and the exit from this Space. Afterwards they started to make their way to the tower but time and time again encountered "monsters" (later revealed to be Humans's subconscious' rejecting Femirins). The times they weren't around Monsters were mostly chill conversations about Femirins, Little Devil and #player. As the conscious space erosion got worse there were also a time where Femirins witnessed what was happening in a place in reality and it was quite bad, with human society alread slowly falling apart into chaos (inserting human beings' lines that she saw here) "Go to hell... Go to hell..." / "It's all mine, it's all mine" / "It's the end of the world, you can do whatever you want!" / "Do you still have humanity!" / "Stop talking nonsense and kill me!" / "Stop these beasts!". As they got closer to the tower, it got worse and they were close to it they had appeared back at where they started and Femirins also faced her own negative emotions. All of humanity's despair was too much and she was struggling but she refused to give up. Her last words before she fell to despair resounded in the Consciousness Space of all humankind and, in the Real World, almost everyone saw an illusion of Femirins struggling but never giving up while being torn apart by countless dark hands (what she experienced in Conscious Space). This inspired some people and more humans subsconsiously accepted Femirins,
She had barely survived, but Little Devil managed to connect back to Femirins in time and helped restore her.
She kept going on her path afterwards and while things were certainly better than they were, they still found a lot of Monsters. As the Global Connector was no longer at 0%, Yssring was able to track her and help out with Avalon to fight off the Monsters while Femirins kept going towards the tower. As she was approaching the Tower again, her negative emotions also appeared before her again in the form of "Merlin". As for why it looked like Merlin, its explained in this moment:
"I was wondering why it looked like Merlin in the first place"
"Because deep down, I was trying to see her as the source of my pain"
"A person I had never seen before suddenly appeared and took over my life"
"Why should she let Femirins save the world?"
In the end she accepted her emotions and the negative emotions disappeared and she made her way to the Tower of the Conscious Space where she could also reach most people and made her speech:
"All humans listen!"
"We stand at a crossroads of destiny."
"Now, our home, is being threatened by Honkai."
"We have paid an extremely heavy price. The people and things we cherish are being ruthlessly destroyed."
"Now, we will make Honkai pay the price!"
"Stand up! All those who do not want to submit to your fate, give up your will."
"I will rule no one and command no one!"
"But we will fight for a common belief-"
"Victory over Honkai! Victory over despair! Victory over your destiny!"
"I will connect everything and let the wandering light of hope gather!"
"I will unite everything and regenerate the world!"
The "Theosophical Agreement" has been written, and "Global Connection" is ready to be constructed
"The first and last process of the Avalon System starts running!"
A lot more people had now accepted Femirins, and most importantly, the Global Connector was now running and "Global Connection" had been established. Technology and Factories were also now running automatically thanks to the Global Connector and Femirins and with coordination more safespaces would be established. Up to now, 36% of the world's population had died but humanity was finally starting to fight back
The Conscious Space began to collapse as it had lost its meaning. The future Avalon would be the real world itself.
As they were leaving, the Little Devil would also reach their end. As the Protection Program, she was programmed to only take effect once so they had to say their farewells :( After that and after meeting #player in the real world, Femirins came back to the cast in the Space Station
Global Connection kept running, and the hope that few people had would spread to others. Ryoma describes it as "seeing the movement of civilization", witnessing people fighting and never giving up as if with your own eyes, which compelled others to do the same. With all of this hope and the ability to coordinate between all Humans via Femirins, things that would normally be nigh-impossible to accomplish became reality, for example:
- 176 countries (nearly all countries in the world) established an alliance to fight against the spreading honkai
- Several Isolated Safezones (basically kept the spreading honkai energy out) were quickly set up in the entire world which allowed people to stay at safely without succumbing to honkai energy
- Rescues were able to be carried out on a huge scale. Through the Global Connector and Femirins, Femirins was also able to know the location of everyone in the world and so even underground, under building rubbles etc people were able to be rescued
- When the cast at the space station was needing replacement parts for the slowly overheating global connector, several spaceships with supplies and parts provided by several countries showed up before anyone even asked for help
- and the list goes on. Through the spreading of hope and a common goal, Femirins united all of humanity who was under panic and despair after all of a sudden honkai happend worldwide and Otto told them on the news that honkai was a thing
The World entered a new age, where everyone was united by Global Connection (Global Connection Arc is.. quite literally... about a Global Connection) thanks to Femirins and fought for a common cause (against the Honkai) for the first time in history
Other Information:
- **Who does the text with just quotations and no sprite or character name belong to in "Global Connection: Heart Architecture"?:** Femirins. Not sure why they went with that approach, can confuse some ppl. Did confused me when I first read initially
Conscious Space Technical Lore Information:
- What is the Conscious/Consciousness Space?: Humanity's subconscious calculated and integrated with the Avalon Space.
- Who is #player?: #player refers to the in game username if you see it in-game text, and the player has some dialogue options. The player here is a normal human being and the first human to subconsciously accept Femirins and appear in Conscious Space, and alongside the Little Devil helps Femirins through chapter "Global Connection: Heart Architecture" and the beginning of "Global Connection: World Reborn" (this is the reason so much is missing in interpreter, all choice-tied story parts, include 1-choice only options, are missing from the "Others" section of the GGZ Cutscene interpreter.)
- What are the monsters that Femirins encountered in Conscious Space?: Though they seemed like monsters, it was later revealed to be each person's subconscious. Normally each person can only accomodate the consciousness of "self", and humanity subsconsciously would reject her. As was said in "Global Connection: Heart Architecture": "Femirins' "Heart" is an "intruder" in human consciousness". It was only later when Femirins was about to drown in the despair of all humanity again at the end of "Global Connection: Heart Architecture" that her struggle and beliefs to keep fighting and never giving up resounded in the consciousness space of all humankind, and everyone saw an illusion/hallucination of what Femirins was experiencing in that moment and her will to keep fighting, after which more humans aside from #player accepted her and were seen in Conscious Space
- Why does the colour of Conscious Space often turn red?: That is despair and Conscious Space corrosion, be it humanity's or Femirins' herself. And at a time where the end of the world is happening, the entirety of humanity was in despair
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zyum-d 6 months ago
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going to post all my art here
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zyum-d 6 months ago
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hello everyone.
time to spread my wentori agenda here too so i will start with meme.
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