Drunken Princess
15K posts
Fandoms, all the fandoms, bring them to me.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
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Dogs have had many jobs throughout history, in this case: Revenge.
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Can’t help but imagine what if this energy went into amplifying survivors. :)
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Do I understand immense disappointment at the cancellation of GO? Absolutely. I saw this coming when the allegations first came out and I admit I was very upset about it. I don’t need to go in depth of why GO meant as much as it did to me, people are already writing long essays everywhere on socials. I was very much looking forward to the third season, spending time on very well-written fanfics. I was hyper-fixated on the Tennant-Sheen dynamic. I was RIGHT THERE WITH A LOT OF YOU! I spoke to my therapist at length about it. It took a while to process what I was feeling. And I understand everyone is on their individual journey towards doing the same.
But this outpouring of outrage over the cancellation of a show, from the same fandom which refused to allow any discussion on the allegations (at least on Reddit) has been a bitter revelation to me.
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I’ve seen a lot of “nothing wrong with being sad” takes. And it’s true. You’re allowed your feelings. You’re allowed your disappointment.
But to mobilise your sadness to empower an alleged abuser, yeah, you should absolutely be called out for that. I won’t even go into the details of what this “petition” calls for. But to those of you who were expecting it involves “at least the removal of Gaiman,” it does not. I’m not even sure how that would work at this point without a ton of money actually going to Gaiman’s pocket for breach of contract, etc. It definitely doesn’t urge further investigation into the allegations. It’s simply not concerned with them. :)
This man allegedly abused vulnerable women, weaponised NDAs, gaslit survivors and lied about donating to charity. NONE of that caused as much outrage as this show’s potential cancellation has. What an apathetic mob we’ve become. When you co-sign to save your shows at the expense of real harm done to real people, I’m sorry to tell you, you’re part of the problem.
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EVEN IF Good Omens is either canceled or Gaiman steps away from it, I'll never openly be in the GO fandom and will def not consume a TV Show that was primarily written by a rapist.
I will still (eventually) read my Good Omens book because Pratchett wrote part of it and I adore his work, but I'm not going to support GO.
I believe the women who have come out. I will not give my money to someone I know is a rapist and am disgusted that I have.
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apparently neil offered to step back from good omens?maybe he could step back from being alive while he's at it?
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Offering to step down from the creative team doesn't actually mean anything. Like, at the end of the day it's still partly his work and no matter what he does get paid for it.
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From the post by Mer:
"I care about cultivating community that isn’t brutally inequitable.
I care about making sure Scarlett and K and Claire and Caroline and Julia and every other survivor out there who's still keeping their head down knows they’re not alone, that their life and agency and dignity matters just as much as Neil Gaiman's.
For most of the summer, Neil’s many many many many many many survivors, both known and concealed, have been watching a majority of his A-list croneys and blurb-boasting besties look the other way, presumably wishing it would all go away.
Dear friends and colleagues and respected peers who were in-the-know at least as much as I was:
Why, even now, are you still pretending this is none of your concern and waiting out the news cycle? It DOES concern you! All of you.
Me too. (Pun intended.)
It concerns our careers and our reputations and the feminist values we've all loudly espoused for years, the same values which played integral roles in our successes.
Please consider caring, too.
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So tumblr resident darling Neil Gaiman assaulted women and exploited his fame and all people worry about are canceled TV shows?
Am I getting this right?
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People really need to get their moral priorities in order...
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I don’t particularly care for Neil Gaiman, but I care people are dog-piling based on very little information, the investigation is still ongoing why are people acting like a trial has already taken place?
Trials are a legal matter, where a bunch of people sit around and try to figure out if someone legally consented. Innocent until proven guilty is a legal matter, not a social one. I don’t actually care if he gets convicted, because statistically speaking, very few rapists do. Why should I withhold my own, non-binding, non-legal judgment? As far as I know, there is not even a legal process in the works.
But Gaiman is a man who made his name on rape scenes. All of these women sound perfectly credible to me. I made up my own mind based on the evidence, and I don’t need somebody else to do it for me. To believe he is innocent, I would have to believe that at least 5 women are lying inna way that is humiliating and painful for them. Does that seem realistic to you?
If a trial is the only thing that tells you someone is a rapist, you either know nothing about the reality of courts and rape, or you hate women and think they are constant liars.
But also—have you not seen the network of people talking about him being inappropriate over the years? Or maybe you haven’t seen several writers he was close to *also* be accused of sexual assault in the past few years? Or did you not hear how he already admitted to, at the very least, immediately having sex with a new employee? Or having sex with an employee who relied on him for housing? Even if they legally consented (which is not my standard for rape, or a feminist standard), the situation still makes me think he’s disgusting.
Would you go this hard for a regular, non-famous man? If he wasn’t a writer, but just a guy in your community who five women said had raped them?
Would you be alone in a room with that guy? Would you go to his house late at night?
Would you take that chance that maybe, all those women are lying?
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So someone is sending chain anons defending Neil Gaiman saying until he’s proven guilty by “The Law with capital letters” we all need to shut up and stop “dog-piling” him. Some with more overt, gross victim-blaming or abuse towards the asker.
This is either a bot or a person sending the same anon over and over to a bunch of people who have posted something about the allegations that isn’t support or “nooo my TV shows :(((“ without further comment
If you get it, no need to engage with it like it’s a person who cares about your opinion. They’re just trying to get as many people as possible to post their non-defense of him
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Neil Gaiman Sucks
TW: Mentions of SA
I don't make a lot of posts but I wanted to express how thoroughly disappointed and angry with Neil Gaiman I am. He used his power to do unspeakable things and then turned around and acted like an amazing person. He sat in the spotlight and accepted praise and love while he sexually assaulted and hurt multiple women. I love Good Omens, it made me and countless other people happy and then he ruined it. I hope he is fired, and I hope he stops making money from the beautiful piece of art that is Good Omens. This needs to be addressed more, we as a fandom can't just ignore the horrible things Neil Gaiman has done. Justice for those women, and may Neil be brought to justice for what he's done.
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Neil Gaiman is still following the PR playbook
I'm so sick of how Neil Gaiman is continuing to manipulate the conversation while displaying ZERO accountability or remorse.
Do you think him leaking that he's apparently offering to step back from Good Omens Season 3 is a sign that he realizes he fucked up and is trying to make it right? Absolutely not.
What he's doing is making the first moves to launder his reputation so that he can keep making money off of his IP and, eventually, return to the spotlight. All of the overjoyed reactions here and elsewhere are part of that plan.
One part of that Deadline article really stuck out to me.
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[Highlighted Text: Deadline understands Gaiman’s offer is not an admission of wrongdoing...
Gaiman’s position is that he denies the allegations and is said to be disturbed by them.]
This is what makes me think that it is actively irresponsible to publicly celebrate or advocate for the continuation of any media project that involves or enriches Gaiman. The fact that Amazon has even announced that Good Omens is on hold shows the credibility of the accusations. And yet Gaiman leaking this information suddenly puts them on the backfoot. "Just take the deal!" cries the fandom. Neil is no longer the bad guy, it's Amazon who are now denying you your comfort show. It's blatant manipulation and it sickens me that it might actually work.
Boosting Good Omens or Sandman or Coraline at this time is not a victimless crime. True, no one person is going to be the difference between Gaiman facing consequences or not. But it's public opinion that will truly determine whether his legacy will be impacted. That's why he's spent a considerable amount of money on the same PR firm as Russell Brand, Prince Andrew, Danny Masterson, and Marilyn Manson. Their specialty is helping rapists get their lives back.
So please think of the long-term implications of breathing a sigh of relief and going back to posting about Good Omens, or signing a petition that gives Gaiman a way out of finally facing the consequences of his own actions.
Yes, none of these shows were 100% made by Gaiman. It sucks that this is going to affect people other than him. But maybe he shouldn't have chosen to sexually abuse at least 5 women and very likely more. In a just world, you fuck around and find out.
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I got into Good Omens because of the older book fans, before the production even began. They were making such wonderful fic and art, and they wove queer history into it beautifully. They hoped for a show that did justice to their book. They also almost all disappeared from fandom after the show came out — overwhelmed by the sudden size of it, and some of them quite frustrated by how much the new fans trusted Gaiman.
A lot of them didn’t trust him. No one mentioned assault (or knew about it, I assume); but they talked about him arguing with fans via dm, and about how he used to express distaste toward shippers until the cultural tides shifted. They didn’t like how he’d begun inserting himself into fandom discussions, how because of that people considered him an authority on fan commentary, or how he answered immature asks better left unpublished.
I’m remembering that now, and I hope after all this they’re feeling some sort of catharsis.
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just fucking with some dinosaurs. some raw forces of nature
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6 hour workday maximum i’m not kidding, if it can’t be done in that timeframe it doesn’t need doing.
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Daniel: As the irresistible cultured sophisticated upper-class classy gentlesir that I am, I can’t but conclude that your sex life must have gotten considerably more flavoured with the dick umami ever since you stopped being a disgusting hellbeast.
Betty: Actually, my sex life used to be much more satisfying, you utter fucking creep, bye.
Armando: *slithers in, photobombs the shot, literally enters the chat*
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