zoubissoux · 16 days
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zoubissoux · 2 years
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zoubissoux · 2 years
party favours
summary: your best friend robin is in a bit of a pickle, and who else to help her out is there, but you? did she forget to mention eddie munson?
word count: 2.6k
warnings: mentions of drugs, drug use, FLUFFFFFFFF
“seriously, robin. if i wanted to be arrested for drug possession, i could think of a million other ways to do it.”
“really? you?”
you closed the lid on your flute, sitting snug as a bug in a rug within its case. “really. me.”
robin scoffed as she threw her trumpet with little care into its case, shutting its locks with a click. “for some unknown reason,” she eyeballed, looking you up and down, “you make that very hard to believe. besides, you’d really be doing me a favour here. you owe me, remember?”
“remind me?”
“last month when you skipped band practice to go to the mall? i had to tell mrs. blancher you came down with the craziest case of diahorrea?”
your fellow bandmates were slowly filing out of the music room, the blanket of chatter slowly leaving with them. hoping to escape this ploy you were very obviously being dragged into, you threw a handle of your backpack over your shoulder and grabbed your instrument off your chair. “you sure that was a favour?”
hurriedly grabbing her things and following close on your heels into the hallway, robin was growing desperate. “okay, okay, okay. i know it might not have been the best excuse, but i did it out of the goodness of my own heart! doesn’t that count for something?”
“okay, whatever. why can’t you just go get it yourself? i don’t understand why i have to go for you.”
“because i just so happen to have a shift at the video store with steve and won’t have time to do much else before the party.”
you rolled your eyes.
“pretty please? please, please, please do this eensie weensie little thing for me?” robin clutched her hand’s together so tightly that her knuckles were almost white, eyes scrunched closed in prayer.
despite not being friends for a very long time, you had to admit that your soft spot for robin ran pretty deep, as much as you liked to hide it. “alright! okay,” you sighed in admission. “i’ll go see munson.”
lunch was a sort of organised chaos - one that you never really had to think about beyond getting your food and walking to your usual table near the windows. if you really focused and examined your peers’ seating arrangements, you might be able to find some sort of hierarchy, but admittedly you were more interested in the food in front of you.
robin came into your field of consciousness with the grace of a baby deer, slamming her lunch tray onto the clear space of table next to you and making herself comfortable on the bench seat. “ah, how we meet again!” she laughed, nudging your shoulder.
“very funny, rob.” you laughed in response, nudging her back. “study period got you on the ritz again?”
“you know it. but something else has been nagging me even more, believe it or not.” she sighed into her meatloaf before downing a heaped spoonful. oh no, you think, i was hoping she forgot about that.
“i have.. almost this sixth sense.. that you’re avoiding the the task i so graciously handed off to you yesterday.” she raised her spoon at you, eyes reduced to slits. “am i right?”
you shrugged, quietly picking at the mystery meat in front of you. “i haven’t forgotten, don’t worry. just.. waiting for the right time.”
as if thinking the same thing, you both turn your heads to peer at the table a few from your own.
eddie munson was quite the character. ever since you started at hawkins’ high as a freshman and first seen him in the flesh, you had held a sort of fascination with him. you’ve always preferred keeping your head down and keeping to yourself, it’s always been easier to handle the lack of drama when you’d always been sort of… forgettable. the main character in a filler episode type of personality. but this boy never seemed to care what others thought of him - the mischevious smile that never failed to reach his eyes, that playful glint in his eye; it was enough to piss people off, but you found yourself a little jealous of his reckless abandon. your memory of him doesn’t pale in comparison to how he appears in front of you now, it only created a clearer picture.
although you couldn’t exactly tell what he and his friends were talking about, you could still hear the echoes of his voice travel across the cafeteria and see his arms wildly gesticulating something to the boys sitting around him. if you hadn’t known any better, from this angle he looked a bit like an excited kid (albeit, a kid two years older than you).
as if he could feel your gaze on him, he whipped his head around to look in your direction. he caught you staring long enough to throw you a questioning look. you continued to blankly stare at him before being ripped out of your reverie by a painful pinch from your neighbour. “eks-nay on the staring-ay, doofus.”
you quickly realised that you were basically staring all googly-eyed at eddie munson and were caught in the act by none other than the aforementioned party. “fuck. FUCK.” your hand flew to your brow to shield yourself from his view as you began to closely examine your meatloaf.
robin sounded exasperated, joining in on your stealth mission. “you better hope he doesn’t charge extra after that stunt you just pulled.”
“surely not? besides, its not like he’ll remember who i am.” you sneak a peek back at his table through your fingers to see if he was still looking your way. huh. “okay, coast is clear. he’s gone.” it seemed a bit strange that he had just disappeared, but you decided not to question it and count your blessings.
“i swear to god, it feels like the universe is throwing obstacle after obstacle at me in the revelation that i might have some fun tonight.” you let out a breathy laugh at robin’s epiphany, resting your head on her shoulder.
“god, you’re telling me. i never knew this would stress me out so much. i haven’t even asked munson to meet yet!” you let out another giggle, too slow to realise that your friend had gone stiff.
“what do you mean you haven’t asked munson to meet yet?” you lifted your head to meet robin’s raised eyebrow.
“well, i mean- i was going to do it later.. like at last period, or something? isn’t that how it works?” something tells you that no matter what you said here was the wrong answer.
“y/n…” robin shook her head. “at least give him some notice! i bet ten dollars we will not be his only customers today and his services will be in high demand. you have to ask him now. like as soon as possible.”
you found yourself at a loss for words. just as you were about retort back at robin for not giving you any sort of direction, an unfamiliar voice answered for you.
“ask me what?”
eddie was standing right behind you and robin. dear god.
robin was the first to turn around with a sheepish grin. “heeey, munson.. we were just talking about you.”
you gulped, hoping that the floor would just swallow you whole and you wouldn’t have to sit through this interaction any longer.
“yeah i figured. saw your friend checking me out all the way from my table,” he smirked, turning his attention toward you.
his indignance seemed to awaken a little fire within you, causing you to sit up straight and look at him dead in the eye. “i… was not.”
eddie let a small chuckle escape his lips. somehow your feigned confidence served as an invitation for him to make himself comfortable on the bench seat next you. turning his body toward you, he rested his chin in his hand and grinned maniacally at you. “so, what did you want to ask me?”
seeing the infamous troublemaker up close was a lot more pleasing to the eye than you originally thought. you didn’t exactly have the luxury of time to inspect his every feature, but you knew that roguish sparkle in his eye belonged to him. besides, his cocky act was enough to piss you off a little bit. “for weed, munson.” you decided to mimic his smile, resting your own chin in your hand. “were you hoping for something else?”
“honestly? yeah,” he moved closer, testing your resolve. your faces were nothing but a breath away from each other; it took everything in you not to shuffle backwards into the safety of robin. “but i can be patient.” his brown eyes flittled between your eyes and your lips so quickly you could have imagined it. he suddenly stood up and stepped away from the table to take a bow. “i shall be seeing you at the park bench in the woods at 4pm, m’lady.”
“oh.. okay.” you both sat there watching eddie, dumbfounded. it was as if what just happened was a hallucination - he shot you a wink over his shoulder as he left the cafeteria and disappeared into the hallway.
you turned to robin to get some look of reprieve, only to be met with a gaze that said i told you so. “could’ve been worse, right?”
there was a notable chill in the air; the leaves were yellow, orange and red and while some of them held on for dear life, most of their fellow leaves created a colourful palette on the forest floor.
counting the leaves one by one was the only thing holding you together right now. all that was running through your head - or rather, that you were trying to distract yourself from thinking about - was how you embarrassed yourself so collosally at lunch. what were you thinking? what was that whole thing? eddie is kinda weird.. isn’t he? well, it explains a lot of what you’ve heard and seen thus far.
oh man, who cares anyway? you think to yourself. it’s not i’m ever going to speak to him again. it’s not like he’ll remember me beyond whatever happened today.
you stretched your jumper sleeves over your hands and scrunched the material up in your palm, obscuring any lingering cold breeze that dared to slip through.
yeah, it’s fine. i’m so fine. i’m just going to do the deal, head to the party and forget any of this ever happened.
so enrapped in your own thoughts, you didn’t expect to hear a voice coming from behind you, sending you flying up from your seat with a yell.
“woah, sorry. didn’t mean to scare you.” eddie stepped back with his hands up, one still being occupied holding a small metal box.
you took a second to gather yourself before sitting back down. “it’s fine. sorry about that.” you were trying to push out the thought that you have just embarrassed yourself for the second (or was it third?) time in front of this guy and you weren’t sure if you could handle another stint of this.
the table seemed like an awfully interesting subject of focus instead of the drug dealer who was now circling back to sit across from you. from the corner of your eye, you could see eddie trying to hold back a grin, his lips pursed into a thin line. just my fucking luck. ugh.
you lifted your head to look up at him to find a familiar pair of brown eyes looking straight back at you. you couldn’t help but mirror the grin eddie projected, and before you knew it, you both burst into laughter.
“god, sorry! i’m a bit of a nervous mess, aren’t i?” you giggle sheepishly, scratching the back of your ear.
“understatement of the year,” eddie chuckled, playing with the latch on the little box. “we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. just say the word.”
the wall you created around yourself softened to clay at his comforting words. maybe he wasn’t so scary after all? or is that just what he wanted you to think?
“thanks, but i’m good.” you nodded to yourself. “how much does thirty dollars get me?”
“maybe enough for a small family of 4?” eddie answered back in disbelief. “didn’t peg you as the type.” he raised his eyebrows at his container, leisurely collecting the goods together.
you almost corrected him, but your curiousity got the best of you. “the type to what?”
“oh i don’t know,” he threw his hands up. “the type to buy a pound of weed out of the blue?”
“thought this was a ‘no questions asked’ kind of transaction?” you raised your brow, causing eddie to bite down his lip bashfully and continue to carefully scoop the leaves into a little bag for you. “but you’re right, munson. it’s not for me - it’s for robin and her other friends.”
“oh yeah?” he pressed the bag shut along the suction closure at the top. “big party tonight?”
“you haven’t heard? it’s at patrick’s house on cornwall.” eddie looked at you blankly. “patrick mckinney? on the basketball team?”
“ah, that explains it.” you and eddie exchange packages; three ten dollar bills for a medium sized ziploc bag filled with little balls of green. “you haven’t heard? those assholes are allergic to freaks. not that i care to get to know the monkey living in their empty skulls.” he looks down at the money in his hands for a beat, before shuffling it back into the box.
“well… i wouldn’t say you’re a freak.” you squeezed your lips together. as best as you tried to keep to yourself, it was definitely hard to ignore the bullying that went on. it wasn’t fair to the hellfire club to keep taking all the ignorant insults thrown their way. over a board game? and music? are you serious? you couldn’t believe people were so dense.
“really?” you had piqued eddie’s interest. maybe that moment in the cafeteria earlier wasn’t a one off occurence. “what would you call me?”
you looked at eddie. really looked at him. from his wild curly hair, brown eyes shimmering with curiousity, mischevious grin, all the way down to the chunky rings he adorned - he looked nothing like a freak. he was cute, you’d admit it to yourself, but never to him. “i would call you… interesting.”
“hm!” he smiled widely, nodding to himself. “well, you might be the only one who thinks so. thanks.”
without even touching them to check, you could tell your ears were burning bright red. “anytime, munson.”
sitting across from each other just smiling had you both fidgeting with nothing after a few minutes. “well, i guess i should be going.”
“oh. yeah. sure,” eddie seemed to be caught up in his own thoughts until you started getting up. following your lead, he awkwardly waited for you to gather your things before he joined you on the walk back down to the parking lot.
“is this not a violation of customer policy or something?” you joked, hiding a grin.
eddie looked over at you, metal box jingling in his arms as he walked beside you. “maybe,” he shrugged. “gotta say, our hr department sucks.”
you giggled, covering your mouth as you did. “i kinda wish you were coming tonight.”
you have no idea where this sudden rush of confidence came from; it was a total 180 from earlier today. explaining this stir in your chest after such a brief interaction was bound to sound ridiculous once it left your mouth, so you decided against it. “really.”
eddie did little to hide the grin spreading across his face. “maybe i could make a quick stop on the way home.” he looked over at you, brown pools of hope clouding his eyes. “do you need a ride?”
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zoubissoux · 8 years
hello, beautiful.
summary: you and wonwoo love fiercely and without hesitation. it might be your downfall one day.
a/n: tbh i’ve been overloaded with emotions from the originals and i miss wonwoo, so i thought i’d combine the two! slight vampire!au and werewolf!au
word count: 836
sometimes you didn’t have to say a word around him to communicate what you felt. it occurred to you that it might be a by-product from all the time he spent reading books; he learnt to read people just as well.
but at this moment even a stranger could see the emotion written on your face. everything happened so fast, but in your eyes it didn’t pass fast enough.
truthfully, before him, you could take care of yourself just fine - being alone was the way it was, whether you liked it or not.
but he showed you the importance of unity.
the both of you had developed an almost beastly protectiveness for each other, however looked down upon by others. despite having lived for countless years on this earth amongst humanity, you had a feeling he’d always had the spark of teenage rebellion in his eyes. he loved without boundaries and whatever people told you to avoid, you would only follow in chase. you fuelled each other and brought out the best in each other.
your love was strong, obvious, but subtle.
gazes across rooms were followed with lazy smiles, careful not to expose too much of their happiness, fearing it would be taken from right under your noses.
“hello, beautiful.”
secret rendezvouses in a garden tucked away from prying eyes set your hearts ablaze with excitement and happiness, like little sparklers illuminating the stark night sky. sweet nothings in your ear, the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, the taste of his lips against yours. amidst the chaos of the world you were always able to find peace with him.
but when one of you was put in danger, what you felt was anything but peace.
his people were being put in danger by powerful witches - witches who could tear him apart from the inside out. but being the selfless man you fell in love with, his first thought was to protect them. protect his kind from harm that could potentially reach you. in the end, you knew that no matter how much you loved him and wanted to help him, he would never put himself first; his fatal flaw. so here you were, alone in this mansion where you could do nothing but worry about him. you hated being helpless, even more so when it came to him. if there was anything you could do to stop him from coming in harm’s way, you would do it. even if it meant dying in the process.
not being to stand it any longer, you raced out of the building and followed his trail. there was a sick feeling growing in your stomach and you were afraid that you might come across a scene that might justify it.
the woods were eerie at night to most, but to you it was home. your eyes glowed until the exposure of the moon, your abilities growing stronger under its light and heightening your senses. your shoulders were tense as you navigated swiftly amongst the trees, easily camouflaging yourself.
you felt it before you saw it.
waves of heat saturated the air with an unbearable stench of burning flesh and you decided to follow it, knowing that he’d be right in the middle of the ruckus. your doubts of his survival grew as you drew closer, the warm air wrapping around you like a blanket.
you heard him before you saw him.
“hello, beautiful.”
here you stood, face to face with your bruised and battered lover, his glasses sitting askew on the bridge of his nose while his mouth formed a smile in the same way.
his name rolled off your tongue like a poem, the very word letting all your emotions loose into the cold night. “wonwoo!”
you collided with his chest and wrapped your arms tightly around him. burying your face into the crook of his neck and clinging to him with desperation, you committed yourself to memorising everything in this moment.
tears sprang to your eyes when you felt his soft laugh vibrate through his skin, wrapping his strong arms around you in return and kissing your head. home. it was the first thought that sprang to mind.
“i thought you would’ve been left for dead.” you pulled away and held his face in your hands, studying it with hungry eyes as if you were lost in a desert and had just found an oasis.
he looked down at you with the most loving eyes you had even seen, brushing the hair away from your eyes and answering your concern with a soft smile. “you can’t get rid of me that easily.”
it was the small moments like this that let your love resonated the strongest; in each other’s arms and eyes focused on nothing else but the other. and so, your lips finally connected and communicated everything unsaid, the words between the lines. even if you both were cursed to live through countless lifetimes, spending just one with him was enough.
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zoubissoux · 9 years
whipped cream mountains
summary: you're seungcheol's little sister and you visit him at the studio and meet the boys for the first time. you also fall for joshua at first sight, freaking your overprotective brother out.
a/n: my second request!! apologies for taking actual eons to get this posted, pls forgive me ;; also i got super carried away woah
word count: 2,045
This Saturday was the day. August 8th: your older brother’s 20th birthday.
When you stood back and thought about it, it really was amazing how your dumbly ambitious brother had survived 20 years on this godforsaken planet without any broken bones. But then again, he had you to thank for that.
You and Seungcheol had always been close, but when you started high school and your rebellious phase decided to show its ugly face, things changed. You were always on the side to act out; sneaking out at night through your window and going for midnight swims in the school swimming pool with your friends was a normal occurrence for you. Besides, you enjoyed the thrill.
But count on Seungcheol to follow you, hot on your trail, just seconds behind and fuming as he ran after you.
When you were caught by the gates of the swimming pool, you were both so busy arguing that you only heard the old security guard as he was coming around the corner. Seungcheol pushed you behind the closest bush and took the blame for you and your friends. You could thank his stubborn sense of justice and overprotectiveness for that.
Consequently, after the night he spent in jail for ‘trespassing’, you two had become close again just like when you were kids.
“Are you coming home for your birthday?” You were flipping absentmindedly through an old magazine while lying on your bed, swinging your legs nonchalantly.
He sighed deeply. “I want to, but I don’t know if I can, sis. Our comeback is coming up soon and we really need to get this choreo down..”
“Oh, I see..”
“I’m really sorry..”
“No, it’s really okay! I was hoping to see you soon but I guess I’ll just have to wait a little longer. Good luck with practice though, Cheol.”
He hummed sadly in response, “Okay.. Well, take care little monster. I’ll call tomorrow to check in on mum and dad.”
“Bye, Godzilla. Don’t trip on your fat tail when walking out of those automatic doors.” He laughed and ended the call, leaving you feeling a little better after hearing your brother’s voice.
You ran downstairs to the kitchen where you found your parents quietly talking quietly before turning to you with expectant faces.
A huge grin spread across your face. “The plan is a go!”
“Ok, take five!” Soonyoung’s voice echoed through the practice room.
Almost immediately the members scattered from their positions: some making a beeline for their water bottles, others lying on the floor and a select few perfecting moves.
In the flurry of practice and meetings throughout the day, Seungcheol had actually forgotten that today was his birthday. The boys had a hunch that this would happen to their ever busy leader, so they knew that the little event they organised later would definitely be a surprise.
Joshua was the unlucky one to pull out the short straw the night before and therefore assigned in charge of the birthday cake, which explained his early morning stroll at 5am on Saturday. He thought it was a cute little birthday cake, and knowing that Seungcheol was a huge fan of whipped cream he naturally picked out the one with the little mountains of cream and chocolate decorating the top of the golden cake. If Seungkwan and Jeonghan’s reaction were anything to go by, he’d say he did pretty well.
Seungkwan, lying on the floor, subtly nudged Joshua’s foot by the water fountain. “Dude, the cake!”
Joshua’s eyes widened and he nodded, quickly ducking out to Jihoon’s studio where the cake was safely hidden away.
But little did they know that the same cake was sitting on your lap and on the way to the practice room in your parents’ little blue car. You buzzed with excitement just thinking about how your masterplan was about to be set in action and Seungcheol’s surprised face when he saw his favourite cake in the world.
“Are we ready?” You looked to your parents with a anticipated grin and waited for their nods before pushing the door to the practice room open with your shoulder, the birthday cake glowing in the light of the candles.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Seungcheol! Happy birthday to you!” Your heart absolutely swelled at the look of your brother’s adoring face as he whipped his head around to see the source of the singing, only to see your small family surrounding a small birthday cake and smiling in glee.
The members looked equally as shocked, mostly because they had no idea this was planned. Your parents had made a phone call to Seventeen’s managers to make sure it was okay for you all to drop by, and they assured it would definitely be a surprise.
“Ah! It’s my birthday today!” Seungcheol beamed as he and the other members came to encircle you and your parents, all smiling happily.
“Happy birthday, son. We hope that you see many more years and that you and your team members will remain happy and healthy always.” Your teary-eyed parents moved to hug your brother and you watched as he whispered small promises to your parents.
All around you, you heard loud cheers from the members as your family embraced. Soonyoung, Seokmin and Seungkwan were hugging each other and crying out to the ceiling for their mothers while the other’s just looked on, laughing at the mood makers’ antics.
Seungcheol was soon done with your parents and quickly moved to you, his eyes a little red from his tears, but happy nonetheless. “Thanks, sis. I love your guts, you know that?” He pinched your cheek before wrapping an arm around you protectively.
You grinned and nudged your hip against his. “My birthday better be the whole shabang, okay? You might as well use your birthday wish to wish that my birthday will be amazing!” You both laughed, only belatedly realising everyone was laughing with you. Your eyes gleamed with pride as you smiled at the members, knowing that your brother has achieved so much.
“Hi everyone, I’m your dorky leader’s little sister! Please look after me!” You did a slight bow and grinned, happy to finally meet your extended family of 13.
“Hey, Mr. Leader! Why didn’t you tell us your sister was this pretty?” Junhui winked at you from behind Minghao, making you a little flustered.
“Hey, hey, hey! There’s a reason I didn’t introduce you guys to her in the first place,” Seungcheol glared at the members playfully, which made you all laugh.
“Maybe you should blow out the candles before it turns in to candle wax cake, ‘Cheol.”
Just as your brother took in a deep breath to blow out the slowly shrinking candles, the room was quiet and you all suddenly hear a small voice coming from the  far side of the room.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to—“ Joshua stopped, seeing everyone turn around to see the source of the singing. “… What’s going on?”
Hansol ushered for Joshua to join the circle. “Quick! Hyung is going to blow out the candles!”
“But the cake is here?” The members erupted in a fit of giggles as Joshua approached the huddle with curiousity. “How could he possibly— oh.”
He saw you at the middle of the huddle, holding an exact replica of the cake in his hands, with even the same candles to boot. “I see you beat me to it,” he laughed along with the others, making you hold your breath.
You knew the members of Seventeen were handsome, but not to this degree. This boy in front you had to be the most beautiful human being you have ever seen, and his smile was just the cherry on top. It was difficult to reply smoothly when you were blatantly staring at Joshua, who came to stand next to you with his cake (which mind you, wasn’t helping).
For the first time, you were thankful for the excuse of the hot candles beneath your cheeks for your tomato-like complexion. You saw your brother raise an eyebrow at you to which you could only reply with a nervous smile. “Please just let the floor swallow me into oblivion, I can’t handle this.”
“Alrighty then, more candles for the birthday boy means more cake to for us! Let’s get to it, ‘Cheol.” Your mother patted your older brother’s shoulder to urge him on.
He blew out the candles on your cake first, then moved onto Joshua’s. Again, you could use this as another excuse to gush over his side profile silently. He smiled kindly as the leader bent over to blow out the last of the candles and allowed a roar of cheers to follow and fill the room.
“Knife! We need a knife!” Seokmin’s yelled, running out to the kitchen.
“Seokmin! I don’t think you handling a knife is completely safe!” Jeonghan rushed after him, eliciting more laughs from the members before they started introducing themselves to you and your parents.
You tried your best to remember all their names, but matching 13 names to faces were harder than you thought.
“Don’t worry about remembering all our names for now, it takes time.�� Joshua nudged your shoulder and smiled kindly, rendering you at a loss for words.
“W-Well, I’ve only heard twelve so far.”
“Oh, sorry for not introducing myself earlier! I’m Joshua, but the members call me Jisoo. Feel free to call me either.”
“Ok, Joshua. Can I ask a question? How did you know get a hold of Seungcheol’s favourite cake in time? I got to the store at eight this morning and managed to get the last one.” You sighed, knowing that your brother definitely had to pay you back for your early wake up call this morning.
“Try visiting at 5am, they have a lot of choices.”
“5am?!” You gaped in shock, but also admiration. He cared about your brother so much that he woke up at those ungodly hours of the morning to get a cake? Where was the catch to this guy?
“Yeah, and believe me, it was a definite struggle to wake up.” You both laughed together, your heart silently skipping at his cute laugh.
“Cake holders! Please bring the cakes over here!” Your father beckoned you and Joshua over to the kitchen counter to cut up the cakes, and suddenly there wasn’t any excuse you could use to keep talking to Joshua.
“Uh, thank you. For holding the cake with me.” You mentally shoved your shoe in your mouth feeling the instant regret of speaking whilst being this flustered.
Joshua giggled and nudged your shoulder. “Anytime.” But this moment was short lived after the Dino called for him. He flashed you a smile and waved as he joined them, leaving you a little sad that you couldn’t spend a little more time with him.
Seungcheol soon found you again and almost knocked you over. “Make sure you get some cake, alright? Is everything going ok?”
You smiled and pinched his cheek playfully. “Yes, big brother. They are all really nice, especially Joshua.”
“Joshua?” He raised his enquiring eyebrow at you again, sparing a glance back at the group of boys teaching your parents how to play mafia, specifically Joshua. “How nice exactly?”
“He just gives off that vibe, y’know? Like I already know he’s already the kind of guy who could pass as an angel if he tried.”
Seungcheol scoffed, punching your shoulder lightly. “No way, you haven’t seen him around the dorm, sis.”
“Well, I don’t need to. I bet he’s just as lovely and you’re just trying to make yourself look better.” You poked your tongue out at him and went to join the others in the game.
Your brother soon followed, but you could feel his glare practically burning a hole through Joshua’s innocent head.
“Hey,” Joshua whispered to you. “Is your brother angry about me bringing in the cake I brought or something? I can feel his anger literally radiating from all the way over here.”
You look over to Seungcheol and see him glaring at Joshua in plain sight, looking to you indignantly for a moment before going back.
“No, I wouldn’t worry. He’s just a little overprotective, that’s all.” You smiled sweetly.
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zoubissoux · 9 years
hey everybody! i meant to get through the rest of my requests by today but i’ve just been really busy with some paperwork ;; but expect some new drabbles this weekend!!
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zoubissoux · 9 years
Drabble Time!
Send me an idol and a number and I’ll write a drabble -Stolen from @justimaginethem (Hope you guys don’t mind ^^)
1.  “I don’t want to wake up if you’re not by my side.”
2.  “Oh yeah, you really told him, didn’t you?”
3.  “Well, this is where I live.”
4.  “H-how long have you been standing there?”
5.  “Babe, what happened?”
6.  “You promised me and you broke it.”
7.  “You stand there and accuse me - but where were you at that time?”
8.  “Please don’t argue. You have to leave right now, you aren’t safe here.”
9.  “I don’t want to have a baby.”
10.  “If only I’d just gone over when she called.”
11.  “Go and live with her, then! See if I care.”
12.  “What does the word ‘love’ mean to you?”
13.  “I want to turn back the clock to before…”
14.  “Give me one good reason why I should wear a dress.”
15.  “Could you be happy here with me?”
16.  “I just want a nice, easy life. What’s wrong with that?”
17.   “You make me feel like I’m not good enough.”
18.  “You were meant to be watching him!”
19.  “You embarrassed me this evening.”
 20.  “You were always the quiet one.”
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zoubissoux · 9 years
taking care of you
summary: jihoon is sick because of super late nights working at his studio and you attempt to take care of him but STUBBORN JIHOON IS A HANDFUL 
a/n: my first request!! thank you and also sorry for taking so long ;; hope you enjoy it! (i also may have gotten carried away)
word count: 872
“Jihoon, it’s late..”
You could only see his black cap over the head of the chair from the door frame you were leaning against, but even with your eyes shut you would’ve anticipated that he wouldn’t move.
“Lee Jihoon!”
Moving onto strategy #2, you moved over to his desk to find him fully engrossed with his computer, arrangements and lyrics scattered across the screen. Draping your arms over his shoulders and breathing his name in his ear softly definitely elicited a reaction out of him, almost throwing you across the room with the speed that he swivelled the chair around to your direction in shock.
“W-What… What the hell!” The tips of his ears that stuck out from underneath his hat betrayed his indignant expression by matching his bright pink hair tufts curled around his eyes, causing you to bite back a cheeky grin.
“I’m here to pull you out of this stuffy room; it’s 3am and high time you got some sleep.” You stuck your hands on your hips and stuck out your chin, making apparent that you weren’t budging until he did.
Rolling up his short sleeves and turning his chair back to his desk, he let out a small laugh. “Babe, it’s still early. Just let me finish this one song and I’ll be right out.”
“How far are you anyway?” Sitting on the chair armrest, you leaned against his shoulder to look at the screen.
“I just opened a new file.” Jihoon bit his lip, holding back a grin.
You shot him a look and noticed his sleeves, nothing that would be out of the ordinary if it the studio was mildly warm at all.
“Ji, what are you wearing?”
“Uh- clothes?”
“No, I mean it’s the middle of winter and you’re sitting in this freezing studio with nothing but shorts and a t-shirt?”
He shrugged, “it just feels really warm in here.”
You slipped one of your arms out of your woolly overcoat to wrap it around your boyfriend’s shoulders before pressing the back of your hand to his forehead and cheeks. “Jihoon, you’ve got a fever!”
“Fever, shmeever. I’ll be fine,” he smiled, taking your hand from his cheek to hold it firmly in his and give it a light squeeze.
“No, you are going to stop working right now and go back to the dorm where you can get some much needed rest.” Squeezing his hand back, you stand up and push his swivel chair to the door with sheer determination, then dragging him out by his arm.
“I told you I’m fine! Nothing like writing another song won’t fix!”
“There’s no use fighting it, I’m going to get rid of this fever whether you like it or not!”
By the time you both reached the dorms, Jihoon was thoroughly ready to collapse into a sleep induced coma. Which he did.
In the meantime, you rummaged through the medicine cabinet (albeit quietly, there were 12 other boys fast asleep and waking them up would be another story) only to find a cold heat pack and a small jar of flu tablets. “This will have to do for now,” you though woefully.
After grabbing a glass of water from the kitchen and heating up the heat pack, you tiptoed over to Jihoon’s bed, the bottom bunk under Seungkwan’s.
“Ji, wake up and take this,” you whispered to your half-conscious boyfriend and watched in worry as he downed the pills and coughed roughly before returning to lie down.
“I’m cold,” he whispered and sniffed, drawing the blanket closer around him.
“Lucky for you I found this in the medicine cabinet, so take good care of it.” You playfully laid the heat pack on his head and leaned forward to place a small kiss on his temple. “I’ll come by again tomorrow, okay? Get lots of rest and don’t you dare step into that studio until you’re feeling better, or you’ll have to deal with me.”
“Okay,” he whispered, but you weren’t sure if he was sleep-talking at this point.
“I have to go home but you can call me when you wake up, I’ll wait for your call.” You get up to leave the room before you hear a small voice.
“Please stay..”
You look back and smile stupidly to yourself, knowing you can’t resist his pleas.
Slipping under the blankets with him quietly, you face him and feel his arms wrap your waist to pull you close. “For warmth,” he states, making you laugh softly.
You lift a hand to trace his facial features, seeing his eyes glint in the gentle light that the streetlight creates within the room. “Thanks, babe. For taking care of me.”
“Anywhere, anytime, Jihoon.” You smile and peck his lips before settling yourself into his embrace, the both of you falling asleep as your breaths synchronised into a steady rhythm.
The next morning you find yourself safely tucked in your boyfriend’s arms and meet his smiling eyes.
“Good morning, beautiful.”
“Good morn-” Your greeting was interrupted by a loud sneeze on your part, a small throbbing in your head left in the aftermath.
You and Jihoon lock eyes, and laugh loudly enough for the whole dorm to hear.
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zoubissoux · 9 years
hello!!! i’m (another) new seventeen scenario/drabble blog! i’ll do my best to satisfy your seventeen drabble craving needs ✧✧
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zoubissoux · 9 years
chapter 24
summary: jeonghan in a library (enough said)
a/n: for aki!! love ur guts
word count: 518
The ticking of the clock was too loud, the pen too slippery, this cheap cardigan too itchy, and the weight of the test tomorrow was worth way too much for a human to handle.
I moved to the farthest corner of the library in hopes of better concentration, but the deafening silence was almost smothering.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, I dropped my pen and opted for a comfortable there-is-no-hope resting position and lay my temple on my left hand, making direct eye contact with the boy sitting one seat away from me, looking over in what seemed to be a vague annoyance.
Quickly turning my head to face the other side, I could begrudgingly feel it grow hot with embarrassment as his expression burned into my memory.
It was only when closing time approached not soon after the incident that I realised who he was.  As per the stingy librarian’s request, the small group of people that occupied the library filed out quietly through the doors into the sleepy warmth outside.
I didn’t have to be near Jeonghan to see his silver hair glint in the lazy afternoon sun, almost like he was absorbing it.
Too caught up in my daze, I didn't realise that I was staring and walking straight in his direction. It was only when he turned around suddenly, his hair circling his head like a halo in his wake, and flashed me a grimace.
Stopped dead in my tracks, I immediately directed my eyes to the tall trees around the car park in feigned interest as my cheeks burned bright. Jeonghan was walking over, and my book bag chose that moment to slip off my shoulder and spill its contents everywhere.
Cursing myself, I immediately dropped to the ground and hurriedly gathered my books and wished the floor to open up and swallow me whole.
But before I could reach my math book at the edge of the grassy front of the library, Jeonghan picked it up and walked over.
I rose slowly as he came to meet me, invisible bullets of sweat running down my face. Not only did I embarrass myself twice in front of him, but I also had to face the acknowledgement from said person I embarrassed myself in front of? Why did bad things happen to good people?
He held the book out in front of him, smiling slightly. “I think you dropped this.”
“Ah, thanks.” I took the book from his hands, looking at him curiously. “Well, I guess I’ll… be going now?”
Jeonghan only looked at me with what looked like nervousness after my thanks, so I took that as the social cue to get out of there before it got awkward.
I turned around and started to power walk to the bus stop when I heard him call out to me.
“Wait! I need to tell you something!” He lightly jogged over as my eyes widened in surprise.
“Chapter 24.”
“The math test tomorrow? It’s on chapter 24. Weren’t you studying chapter 23?”
You have got to be kidding me.
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