zhanfaxun · 8 years
Tbh I think you're a kind soul
I do what I can to help others.
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
write me a tbh (to be honest) in my inbox stating a thought you feel about me. start the sentence off with “tbh.”
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
If anyone has demo jitters, please, don’t be too anxious to come to us in mental health for some help.
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
Hello, Dr. Boschetti. I’m your subordinate, Dr. Xun.
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Good evening, Orenda. It is more than a pleasure to finally roam these halls as a part of the team. Not sure if the timing for my arrival is right, but we’ll have to make the best out of it. For those who don’t know me, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Doctor Lorenzo Boschetti, Dominant, Head of Mental Health Department. For any formal reference, it’s Doctor Boschetti. Simply Lorenzo to my fellow Dominants, Sir Enzo any other time. If there is a need for a scene title, that can be discussed privately. 
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
Actually, I believe you’re interested in many things; including movies and space. I’m sure there are more and it does not hurt you to be enthralled with one or two particular things. It’s how we engage with the world around us.
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I suppose so… Although my mother doesn’t really think that’s a good thing. It isn’t attractive to be too interested in a single thing.
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
To many people it is noteworthy. I would encourage you to continue to pursue your interests not those of others.
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I don’t know… I thought it was interesting at first but then everyone else didn’t care so much so I suppose it wasn’t really as noteworthy as I’d thought. 
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
Do you think it’s pathetic? That should be your concern.
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Yes! That’s the one. Well, a lot of people here think it’s rather pathetic, apparently.
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
I assume you mean Wall-E? It’s very easy to project human feelings onto a machine. It’s okay to feel sad.
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I suppose? It’s like the robot from that children’s movie. 
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
Do you find it sad because it’s alone?
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Does anyone else find it incredibly sad that the Mars Rover sings happy birthday to itself every year? Because I do, and I may or may not have just cried because of it. 
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
Send me ⊙ for a 6 song soundtrack to describe our muses together.
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
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look up your character’s first name on Urban Dictionary and post the first result
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
Send me hearts
💖 - I admire you
💓 - You give me feels
💜 - You’re intimidating
💌  - We should talk more
💟 - How are you so cute
💝 - Love seeing you on my dash
💗 - I miss interacting with you
💞 - You’re amazing at ______
💘  - I’m crushing on you
💕  - I ship you with ______ 
♥ - You make me uncomfortable
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
Send ☻ and my muse will explain one way in which your muse makes them smile.
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
1 to 5
1. What tends to feel better for you, sex or masturbation?
2. Your 5 favorite spots to be stimulated.
I don’t have any.
3. Have you ever had your prostate stimulated?
I don’t have one.
4. Have you ever had an orgasm from anywhere other than your genitals?
5. Do you prefer clitoral or vaginal stimulation?
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
I’m curious, send in songs that make you think of my muse
(bonus: tell me why, too)
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
Send my muse some flowers and they'll react to their meaning
Begonia — “We are being watched.” Blue Flax — “You are very kind.” Blue Hyacinth — “I will give my life to your service.” Bronze Chrysanthemum — “Though I value your friendship, I cannot love you.” Daffodil — “I do not return your affections.” Deadly Nightshade — “I believe you to be false.” Foxglove — “You are not really in love.” French Marigold — “You are unreasonably jealous.” Hawthorn — “Despite your answer, I shall strive to win your love.” Iris — “Your friendship means so much to me” Lavender — “I like you very much, but this, I am sure, is not love.” Mistleoe — “Kiss me” Myrtle — “Be my sweetheart.” Ox-eye Daisy — “I might learn to love you.” Pink Carnation — “I’ll never forget you.” Purple Hyacinth — “I am sorry, please forgive me.” Red Rose — “I love you” Scarlet Geranium — “I do not trust you.” Spider Flower — “Elope with me.” Sweet Pea — “Thank you for a lovely time.” Tea Rose — “I’ll remember, always.” Viscaria — “Will you dance with me?” White Camellia — “You’re adorable.” White Rose — "I love you not.” Yellow Rose — "I love another.”
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zhanfaxun · 8 years
‽- Something your muse has problems understanding
Sexual attraction
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