Dr Satilal Patil in TEDxPune 2022 He's a Dreamer,a Doer, a Thinker. He sees possibility Everywhere.Listen to the art of becoming Doers by fulfilling all his dreams.
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Dr Satilal Patil is an experienced businessman who has become an inspiration to many as an entrepreneur, scientist, author and adventurer, organic farming expert.
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Dr Satilal Patil is an experienced businessman who has become an inspiration to many as an entrepreneur, scientist, author and adventurer, organic farming expert.
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Dr. Satilal Patil’s role as newspaper columnist came in existence after publication of the popular Marathi article series named ‘Mazi Mushafiri’ (My journey), started publishes in ‘Sakal Agrowon’ newspaper.
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Dr Satilal Patil is an experienced businessman who has become an inspiration to many as an entrepreneur, scientist, author and adventurer, organic farming expert.
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Dr Satilal Patil is an Entrepreneur, Scientist, Consultant, trainer, and adventurer with a Doctorate in Environmental Science with specialty in Biopesticides. Dr Satilal Patil An experienced businessman who has become an inspiration to many as an entrepreneur, scientist, author and adventurer.
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Development of Entomopathogenic Fungi Based Biopesticide Technology (English, Paperback, Patil Satilal) Biopesticide is need of chemical free food production. Entomopathogenic fungi based biopesticides are special among microbial pesticide due to its unique mode of action.
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An Effective Employee Training This is skilled and effective training program for employees to identify and assess needs. Also set right goals and metrics to achieve success. Click here to know more: https://drsatilalpatil.com/index.php/trainings/
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Dreamers And Doers

रोजच्या रहाटगाडग्यात पिसलेला तो एका बेसावध क्षणी जागो होतो. उघड्या डोळ्यांनी एक स्वप्न पाहतो. स्वप्नाला स्वप्न जोडत धाडसी स्वप्नाळूंची एक टोळी जमते आणि सुरु होतो स्वप्न प्रत्यक्षात उतरविण्याचा थरारक, रोमहर्षक प्रवास
ड्रीमर्स अॅन्ड डूअर्स वाचताना आपण लेखकासोबत गाडीवर मागे बसून या प्रवासाचे भागीदार होतो. येतील ती आव्हानं वरदान म्हणून झेलतो, पेलतो, समृद्ध होतो. सात देशांचा इतिहास, भुगोल, वर्तमान, निसर्ग, अर्थकारण, समाजकारण, अवस्था, व्यवस्था, राहणीमान, खानपान… याची देही याची डोळा अनुभवतो. आजूबाजूच्या जगण्याकडं डोळसपणे पाहत त्या त्या भागातील माणसांच माणूसपण काळजात साठवतो.
फिरण्याचा, जगण्याचा अन् जगाकडं पाहण्याचा एक नवा दृष्टीकोन, नवी उर्मी, नवा आत्मविश्वास देणारं… स्वप्नपूर्तीची दुर्दम्य इच्छाशक्ती जागृत करणारं आणि राष्ट्रीय, आंतरराष्ट्रीय मोहीमांचे स्वप्न पाहणारांना उत्तम मार्गदर्शन करणारं आवर्जून वाचावं असं पुस्तक !
Dreamers And Doers
Price: Rs 399
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This is training program for Agro-Input dealers. This program covers extensive knowledge about agrochemical trading business. Click here to know more: https://drsatilalpatil.com/index.php/trainings/
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Dr. Satilal Patil: Scientist in Pune
Dr. Satilal Patil, has completed doctorate in environmental sciences from ‘Savitribai Phule Pune University’. During his PhD, he worked on entomopathogenic fungal biopesticide technology which is shear necessary for replacing chemical pesticides from an agriculture.
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Dr Satilal Patil is an experienced businessman who has become an inspiration to many as an entrepreneur, scientist, author and adventurer, organic farming expert.
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Various bacteria and fungi are safer alternatives to chemical pesticides. The demand of microbial pesticides is increasing. This program covers various aspects of microbial pesticide market. Click here to know more: https://drsatilalpatil.com/index.php/trainings/
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Converting waste into fertilizer is useful for sustainable agriculture. Composting of organic waste is need of hour. This program covers technical, commercial, and regulatory aspects of composting business. Click here to know more:https://drsatilalpatil.com/index.php/trainings/
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Dr Satilal Patil is an experienced businessman who has become an inspiration to many as an entrepreneur, scientist, author and adventurer, organic farming expert.
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Dr Satilal Patil is an experienced businessman who has become an inspiration to many as an entrepreneur, scientist, author and adventurer, organic farming expert.
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Dr. Satilal Patil: Organic farming expert

Training Programs
· PGR/PGP Production Technology
Plant growth promoter or regulator market has emerged as major sector since last decade. This business needs thorough knowledge of active ingredient, formulation, quality control, packaging, bio efficacy and government regulations. This course covers these aspects of the business.
· Micronutrient Production Technology
Micronutrient fertilizer has become irreplaceable part of agriculture. Manufacturing of quality micronutrient fertilizers is need of hour. This course covers various aspects of micronutrient production.
· Composting Technology
Converting waste into fertilizer is useful for sustainable agriculture. Composting of organic waste is need of hour. This program covers technical, commercial, and regulatory aspects of composting business.
· Microbial Pesticide Production
Various bacteria and fungi are safer alternatives to chemical pesticides. The demand of microbial pesticides is increasing. This program covers various aspects of microbial pesticide market.
· Agrochemical Trading Business Training
This is training program for Agro-Input dealers. This program covers extensive knowledge about agrochemical trading business.
· Customized programs for Students
This is training program for students to enhance their career growth. Student Training and Workshops programme is designed to be fun, interesting and engaging for all students
· An Effective Employee Training
This is skilled and effective training program for employees to identify and assess needs. Also set right goals and metrics to achieve success.
· Unique and Fun Team Building Training Program
Push your personal boundaries in this truly adventurous program. The Adventure course basically deals with biking, hiking, rock climbing, cycling.
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