please donate to my gogetfunding, link in desc
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zealouscow28 · 3 months ago
Please don't skip me.
Please Help Me Achieve My Dreams. Even A Small Amount Or Sharing Will Help.
My name is Buhle, and I'm from South Africa. I'm trying to gain admission into an educational program in Bangkok, Thailand, and I've exhausted every option I can possibly think of. I've contacted banks, companies, and even relatives, but nothing has worked out. My parents don't have enough money to fund me because the program fees are in dollars, and our currency is weaker compared to dollars. Even if you can spare $5, it would mean the world to me. Thank you for your kindness.
Please share this post as much as you can to help me. Thank you again. ❤️❤️❤️
My gogetfunding campaign link:
You can PayPal me at: paypal.me/calamitie17 or https://paypal.me/calamitie17?country.x=ZA&locale.x=en_US if the first link doesn't work
Please share, and donate if you can. Even the smallest things can help out the most. Thank you
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zealouscow28 · 3 months ago
Please share, if you can't donate. It would mean the world to me. Thank you in advance ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Please donate to my gogetfunding to help me achieve my dreams.
My name is Buhle, and I'm from South Africa. I'm trying to gain admission into an educational program in Bangkok, Thailand, and I've exhausted every option I can possibly think of. I've contacted banks, companies, and even relatives, but nothing has worked out. My parents don't have enough money to fund me because the program fees are in dollars, and our currency is weaker compared to dollars. Even if you can spare $5, it would mean the world to me. Thank you for your kindness. Please share this post as much as you can to help me. Thank you again. ❤️❤️❤️
My gogetfunding campaign link is: https://gogetfunding.com/help-buhle-achieve-her-dream-of-attending-the-awmun/
Paypal me at: paypal.me/calamitie17 or https://paypal.me/calamitie17?country.x=ZA&locale.x=en_US if the first one doesn't work.
Thank You Again
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zealouscow28 · 3 months ago
Please donate to my gogetfunding to help me achieve my dreams.
My name is Buhle, and I'm from South Africa. I'm trying to gain admission into an educational program in Bangkok, Thailand, and I've exhausted every option I can possibly think of. I've contacted banks, companies, and even relatives, but nothing has worked out. My parents don't have enough money to fund me because the program fees are in dollars, and our currency is weaker compared to dollars. Even if you can spare $5, it would mean the world to me. Thank you for your kindness. Please share this post as much as you can to help me. Thank you again. ❤️❤️❤️
My gogetfunding campaign link is: https://gogetfunding.com/help-buhle-achieve-her-dream-of-attending-the-awmun/
Paypal me at: paypal.me/calamitie17 or https://paypal.me/calamitie17?country.x=ZA&locale.x=en_US if the first one doesn't work.
Thank You Again
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zealouscow28 · 3 months ago
I say this with the utmost sincerity, but I hope you have the courage and space and freedom in the upcoming year to be the nasty little freak that you are. I hope you can find a place to realize that the things you think make you unlovable and disgusting are in fact very lovable and not disgusting in any way. I hope you find sincerity beyond your ability to even comprehend.
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zealouscow28 · 3 months ago
there's no nice eye catching art, just my words.
I've been talking to Dina Alanqar @zinaanqar
Dina has been living in Gaza with her husband and four children. she lost her parents and four sisters, and had to give birth to her youngest child Ronza during the war.
at time of writing they've raised about €82,642 out of their €100K goal to leave Gaza, for travel and accomodation expenses, and to survive in the meantime.
their campaign is vetted here, at number 264:
€5 = USD$5.25 AUD$8.19 GBP£4.12
€10 = USD$10.51 AUD$16.39 GBP£8.24
i know in many places Euros can be hard with conversions and fees but just a bit can go a long way.
especially if you're somewhere with a strong currency, please consider donating. it helps a lot ❤️❤️
I'm posting this now for friends in Europe, and scheduling reblogs for better visibility from the Americas and Pacific timezones. thank you everyone!
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zealouscow28 · 3 months ago
Writing Notes: Why do Humans Like to Drink Alcohol?
Primates have been eating fruit for at least 24 million years.
Most primates, including chimpanzees, orangutans, and gibbons, are primarily frugivorous—fruit is the mainstay of their diet.
The ripest fruits, which are greatly preferred, contain high amounts of two ingredients: sugar and ethanol.
The “ethanol plumes” emitted by fruit might provide cues to its ripeness.
Primates, including humans, have been consuming low levels of ethanol for millions of years through ripe fruit.
Modern humans, however, live in a world that is far removed from this low level of ethanol consumption.
The ethanol levels in fruit are typically only 0.6 percent (Dudley, 2002).
Based on a reasonable set of assumptions, eating ripe fruit might yield a blood ethanol level of only 0.01 percent, far lower than the typical legal definition of drunk, which is typically 0.08 percent.
Our distant ancestors did not have the kegs of beer, bottles of wine, or flasks of whiskey that currently contain high concentrations of alcohol.
According to the frugivory by-product hypothesis, the human penchant for drinking alcohol is not an adaptation but rather is a by-product of adaptive fondness for ripe fruit (Dudley, 2002; Singh, 1985).
Alcohol not only has a distinct taste but it also has a unique odor and is often associated with the color and fragrance of ripe fruits. . . . Utilizing the odor and taste of alcohol enables the animal to predict the caloric value of a food. (Singh, 1985, p. 273)
That is, all humans have adaptations that favor the consumption of ripe fruit, but these can go awry in the modern world of artificial drinks with high alcohol content.
Indeed, alcoholism in the modern world is likely a maladaptive by-product of the overindulgence of these frugivorous adaptations.
The next time you reach for a drink, perhaps you will think of your primate ancestors having their version of a party—sitting around a tree eating ripe fruit.
Source ⚜ More: Writing Notes & References ⚜ Cocktails ⚜ Wine-tasting Writing Resources PDFs
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zealouscow28 · 3 months ago
Please don't ship💔i need your help 🙏
Hello.. My name is Mahmoud Atta. I am 29 years old. I live in Gaza, Palestine.. I am looking for my life partner.😊 I used to work as an Arab teacher and I was looking for happiness, but suddenly my life turned around.💔 War was declared on Gaza without any advances. 🥺Tanks entered the neighborhood in which I live and the planes began bombing. 💔💔I found myself and my family trapped between shells. I miraculously escaped, only to find myself without shelter, without a bed, not even a place to go to the bathroom,💔 or even a meal. I couldn't find anything to eat I made myself a tent and lived in it out of nylon, 💔but it does not protect me from winter or from the sun. I am sorry that I am writing this, but this is the reality in which I live🥹💔. I ask you to stand with me so that I and my family can live. 💔💔Any donation will be good for me. Stand with and may God stand with you. Thank you for listening and donating😭😔
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zealouscow28 · 3 months ago
Please don't skip, save my children's lives 🙏
I am Eman, from Gaza. I am 28 years old. I stand before you as a person trying to maintain his family. Married and a mother of two children: Walid, 7 years old, and Layan, 5 years old.
We live a life full of fear. It is difficult for me to find the words to describe what we face every day in Gaza. There is no food, no medicine, and no clean drinking water. An environment full of diseases. Walid Walian was afflicted with hepatitis due to the pollution of the environment in which we live.
We were forced to move more than 5 times, and my house was completely destroyed, and I cannot provide enough food and drink for my children due to high prices and the lack of means to buy them.💔
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Now I find myself in this difficult situation, and I ask you with all strength and humility for urgent assistance to save the lives of my children by getting us out of Gaza. The situation in Gaza has become unbearable due to slow death as a result of hunger, displacement, the spread of diseases, and continuous bombing.
The past months have been full of hell and horror. This war has gone on for too long. Our mental health and our lives are in constant danger. We have reached a point where there is no longer any hope in Gaza, as if we are waiting for death.🥹
Please help me and my children get out of the genocide as quickly as possible🙏
Your help will contribute greatly to alleviating our suffering. I hope you will share my story with your family and friends 🍉
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"Please reblog or donate as much as you can."
Verified by :
My campaign was verified by verifying the link to my brother's account( @karamalmadhoun1 )
Thank you for your kindness and support.
Yours sincerely;
@nabulsi @sar-soor @90-ghost @palipunk @soon-palestine @sayruq @gaza-evacuation-funds @appsa @emanalmadhoun8 @karamalmadhoun1
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zealouscow28 · 3 months ago
Hello my friend I'm from GAZA, I ask you to Donate for my father. This is a great request from me. He needs a lot of expenses every day, about $100 a day for hospital treatment and he needs a surgery that costs $5,000. I hope you publish this for me, I have full hope in you
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Please Donate if you can in my link in bio 🙏
Thanks 🙏
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zealouscow28 · 3 months ago
It’s rare to feel happy in northern Gaza. But the other day, my sister Soso made me smile.
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It’s not a lie that sugar is expensive. 1kg is $80. Frying oil is $70. That donut was expensive to make, even without the sugar. But it’s okay. Even if it means the adults can’t eat, it’s okay. Soso was happy for a few hours. She’s only 4 years old yet her life is already so hard. She’s not growing properly due to malnutrition and trauma. Her mental health is in shambles, not at all how a child should be. Since birth, two wars have come very close to killing her, so we just want her to be happy.
Please help me make her happy every day. A few days ago, she was the happiest child in the world because she ate an apple for the first time in a year. That won’t happen again because fruits are too expensive, but I swear, she explodes with joy when we buy vegetables too. She is a child with simple dreams.
Please don’t feel hesitant to help me, my campaign has been vetted!
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #347 )✅️
Forgive me, tagging for reach again, please share I beg you @timetravellingkitty @deathlonging @briarhips @mahoushojoe @sar-soor @rhubarbspring @schoolhater98 @pcktknife @sawasawako @appsa @anneemay @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria @mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @7bittersweet @tortiefrancis @ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchameleon @dykesbat @komsomolka @neptunerings @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts @watermotif @stuckinaprill @mavigator @lacecap @determinate-negation @deepspaceboytoy @paper-mario-wiki @kibumkim @neechees @socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sapphic-dino @rooh-afza @shesnake @totallynotsilversora @nabulsi @gazavetters @gaza @gazanarchive @palestine @palesttino @palestinianliberator @palestinianrose
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zealouscow28 · 3 months ago
The eight stages of writing :
- this is awesome
- this is slightly less awesome
- this is shit
- I’m shit
-oh god oh fuck what the hell am I doing
-wait this might not be that bad actually
- How the fuck is this working
-This is awesome
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zealouscow28 · 3 months ago
you know you’re a writer when…
you spend 30 minutes choosing the perfect synonym for “said” only to change it back to “said.”
you google “how long does it take to bleed out” at 3 a.m. and now the FBI is probably watching you.
you write one sentence, stare at it, rewrite it 14 times, and somehow end up back at the original version.
“this scene is so important” but you have no idea what the scene actually is or why it’s important.
you come up with the best story ideas… in the shower… with no way to write them down.
your characters feel like real people but also you’re like “who are these guys and what do they want from me?”
your brain says “start writing!” but instead you reorganize your desk, reread your notes, and spend two hours naming a side character who shows up once.
you’ve cried over your WIP exactly 67 times and will do it again because the pain is the point.
you reread something you wrote and think, “wow, did i peak as a writer three months ago?”
every writing session begins with the sacred ritual of scrolling social media, opening unnecessary tabs, and procrastinating until panic sets in.
you have no idea how long a chapter should be, so you just… vibe.
you can’t watch tv or movies without mentally critiquing the plot, dialogue, and pacing.
your writing playlist is 98% vibes, 2% songs you’ll actually listen to while writing.
you keep a “murder notebook” but swear it’s not suspicious because it’s for your novel (probably).
the phrase “just one more draft” is your eternal mantra, even though you’ve rewritten this thing more times than you can count.
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zealouscow28 · 3 months ago
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zealouscow28 · 3 months ago
100 Dialogue Tags You Can Use Instead of “Said”
For the writers struggling to rid themselves of the classic ‘said’. Some are repeated in different categories since they fit multiple ones (but those are counted once so it adds up to 100 new words). 
1. Neutral Tags 
Straightforward and unobtrusive dialogue tags: 
Added, Replied, Stated, Remarked, Responded, Observed, Acknowledged, Commented, Noted, Voiced, Expressed, Shared, Answered, Mentioned, Declared.
2. Questioning Tags 
Curious, interrogative dialogue tags:
Asked, Queried, Wondered, Probed, Inquired, Requested, Pondered, Demanded, Challenged, Interjected, Investigated, Countered, Snapped, Pleaded, Insisted.
3. Emotive Tags 
Emotional dialogue tags:
Exclaimed, Shouted, Sobbed, Whispered, Cried, Hissed, Gasped, Laughed, Screamed, Stammered, Wailed, Murmured, Snarled, Choked, Barked.
4. Descriptive Tags 
Insightful, tonal dialogue tags: 
Muttered, Mumbled, Yelled, Uttered, Roared, Bellowed, Drawled, Spoke, Shrieked, Boomed, Snapped, Groaned, Rasped, Purred, Croaked.
5. Action-Oriented Tags 
Movement-based dialogue tags: 
Announced, Admitted, Interrupted, Joked, Suggested, Offered, Explained, Repeated, Advised, Warned, Agreed, Confirmed, Ordered, Reassured, Stated.
6. Conflict Tags 
Argumentative, defiant dialogue tags:
Argued, Snapped, Retorted, Rebuked, Disputed, Objected, Contested, Barked, Protested, Countered, Growled, Scoffed, Sneered, Challenged, Huffed.
7. Agreement Tags 
Understanding, compliant dialogue tags: 
Agreed, Assented, Nodded, Confirmed, Replied, Conceded, Acknowledged, Accepted, Affirmed, Yielded, Supported, Echoed, Consented, Promised, Concurred.
8. Disagreement Tags 
Resistant, defiant dialogue tags: 
Denied, Disagreed, Refused, Argued, Contradicted, Insisted, Protested, Objected, Rejected, Declined, Countered, Challenged, Snubbed, Dismissed, Rebuked.
9. Confused Tags 
Hesitant, uncertain dialogue tags:
Stammered, Hesitated, Fumbled, Babbled, Mumbled, Faltered, Stumbled, Wondered, Pondered, Stuttered, Blurted, Doubted, Confessed, Vacillated.
10. Surprise Tags
Shock-inducing dialogue tags:
Gasped, Stunned, Exclaimed, Blurted, Wondered, Staggered, Marvelled, Breathed, Recoiled, Jumped, Yelped, Shrieked, Stammered.
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