zcnge-blog · 6 years
discord is down... this is so sad
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genji, play despacito 
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
if i seem slow on here, it’s only because i’m sick / cramping / making new blogs on top of it. multimuses take a hell of a lot of time, let me tell you. also fever sucks. 
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
Send me ⊙0⊙ to see a glimpse of a canon character I’ve played/considered playing
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
Communication wheel.
communication wheel. | accepting.
Soujiro: You no longer carry the blade I gave you.
Hanzo: So you’ve noticed.
Soujiro: If you commit the deed, at the very least you should not flinch from its memory.
Hanzo: I have no need for riddles.
Soujiro: I have no need for lies. You know very well what I speak of—now ask yourself: who are you trying to convince?
Hanzo: You’re one to speak of deception. We thought you dead!
Soujiro: And look what became of our home in my absence. Torn to ash from your ambition.
Hanzo: Ambition? Genji would not heed warnings!
Soujiro: Nor did you! Have you forgotten respect as well as what I taught you?
Hanzo: Father—
Soujiro: You played into their hands.
Soujiro: But do not look so stricken—the blame is mine as well as yours, though you act a fool.
Soujiro: Hanzo.
Hanzo: Come to shame me further?
Soujiro: Cease your barking and listen for once. Look beyond your wounded pride.
Soujiro: You are still my son.
Soujiro: I would have us set matters to rights. Come.
Hanzo: … I will bring the sake.
Soujiro: Good.
Soujiro: Overwatch. I did not see such a decision for you.
Hanzo: That is because I did not make it for myself.
Soujiro: Genji, then.
Hanzo: Yes. I have thought long on how to mend things between us, but the wounds I left are deep.
Soujiro: He has already forgiven you.
Hanzo: I understand.
Hanzo: But a bird once told me I must forgive myself as well.
Hanzo: This is not my home, but here—at the very least I may try to find my place.
Soujiro: Your marksmanship has improved much since I last saw you in battle!
Hanzo: I was still a child, then. Many years have passed.
Soujiro: You do well. Almost as well as your work with a sword.
Soujiro: Almost.
Hanzo: Do you ever miss home?
Soujiro: It would be dishonest if I claimed I did not.
Hanzo: I find myself forgetting small things with each year that passes.
Hanzo: Mother’s laugh. The location of the tree we planted to bloom.
Soujiro: Time is a thief—it cannot be helped.
Hanzo: I suppose you’re right.
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
“Hanzo, I believe that you have come far — I can see that you have opened your heart ever so slightly and though it is not in my position to say, I think it is such a beautiful sight.”
The sight of her has become a common one over the years, and that they should meet under these circumstances once more… Their shadows crossing in the rekindling ashes of Overwatch’s justice—yes. Hanzo supposes that he is grateful for it. He has never been one to accept change. He adapts, and that is only natural, but it is a bitter thing. Sour on his tongue. All the new names, the tugs for conversation… the looks set upon him because so many knew what he had done—
He needed this, he thinks. Needed the familiar to ground him in this unfeeling place where even his brother’s face has become an unknown. Perhaps the fault is his own. The distance he creates… and surely some of the looks he imagines are paranoia. Yet he feels frozen, and he knows that Genji can sense it. Knows that the frequent moments they share amongst dinners (like when they were young, the sparrow had chimed, and memory had put an ache into his bones) are a balm the youngest Shimada tries to soothe onto Hanzo’s self-inflicted wounds.
( Let us look at the sunrise. Hanzo, here—the training grounds; can you keep up with me? )
Artoria’s smile is nothing so simple as a sun—it is a comet, as lovely as it is rare. To be graced with the sight makes him wonder if he should muster a wish. And what was it he wanted? An open heart, she spoke of. Perhaps that came with healing.
Perhaps forgiveness.
( And I have forgiven you. Now you must forgive yourself. )
Spoken like it was simple! Yet the memory is no longer so sharp a pain—instead, something unfurls inside of him like the first of the spring blooms in their family compound. How long had this winter lasted? When Hanzo looks back to her, it is with a tiny smile. Graceful fingers raise to brush his nape, his neatly cut hair reminding him—
“I feel I have been born anew. It is a slow start—but each person must crawl before they walk.”
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His head bows to her, then. Simple and courteous.
“I owe a measure of gratitude towards you. Thank you… for watching over me.”
Thanks to you, I was not alone. | @imperterritus.
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
Communication wheel.
communication wheel. | accepting.
Artoria: It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, my friend.
Hanzo: Yes. My travels have taken me far.
Artoria: It suits you.
Hanzo: You have an arduous task ahead of you.
Artoria: That is true.
Hanzo: Hesitation in your voice. What is it even you fear?
Artoria: Perhaps my fear mirrors your own.
Hanzo: Failure—yes. I know it well.
Artoria: Then you understand.
Artoria: You fire your arrows so rapidly!
Hanzo: It is a learned skill!
Artoria: Who was your master?
Hanzo: My father.
Artoria: Hanzo! Look what I brought.
Hanzo: Green tea! Excellent. 
Artoria: [ Laughs. ] I imported it from Hanamura.
Hanzo: I am flattered. You honor me.
Artoria: With tea?
Hanzo: Never underestimate the power of the senses.
Artoria: And good taste.
Hanzo: Precisely.
Artoria: Hanzo, I do not mean to overstep, but… I heard earlier—
Hanzo: [ Snappishly. ] Heard what?
Artoria: Your conversation with Genji.
Hanzo: What of it?
Artoria: Cruelty does not suit you.
Hanzo: Reserve your judgments for someone who cares.
Artoria: I… apologize for earlier. I do not possess the full story, I should not have—
Hanzo: No. It is I who should apologize.
Hanzo: You were right.
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
Send 'Communication wheel’
for some fictional ‘in-game’ dialogue lines. 
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
‘ I WON’T HESITATE, BITCH! ’ actually, literally shoots a man.
vine memes. | always accepting.
The bullet lands cleanly into the skull of his father’s target, and the teenage Hanzo has seen enough of the world he’s meant to inherit to not flinch at the sight. The man had screamed as he saw the bullet incoming. Dishonorable coward. Yet it was not so much the sight of death that off-put Hanzo as it was his father’s delivery. Dark brown eyes widened as his father shouted in clear English. Uncouth! Though he dared not say as much.
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Stepping over, he avoided the pooling blood to kick the weapon out of the would-be assassin’s hand.
Perhaps his master would learn his lesson: no one came after Shimada Soujiro’s sons.
“Father,” he mused. “Perhaps this is not what we think. We should interview the ones whom this spy interacted with to trace the source. That American in town—Kaitlyn…”
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
‘ welcome back to me screaming. ’
vine memes. | always accepting. 
The sound had been horrific enough to make Hanzo drop the pizza he’d been sent to retrieve. The simple food wasn’t quite to his taste, but when it came to feeding the general population of the slowly regrouping Overwatch he found himself easily outvoted. Why indulge in the finest cuisine available to Spain when you could order five pizzas? As for how he’d been roped into fetching it, that was another horror story he had no desire to revisit even in his thoughts, and now—
Now it did not matter, because all five boxes had crashed to the floor.
“What is the meaning of this?”
The lobby was in ruins. Electric sparks hissed angrily and jumped at him when he lingered too long in the doorway. Only now did he notice it’s ajar state. When he attempted to shut it, the door began to whir violently and snapped open. Several clicks and then—pop! It shut down completely. Dark eyes swung back over to the gathering of heroes, and there—there sat Genji, rear end skidding on the floor as one of the others held him in a chokehold.
Welcome back to me screaming! Such a cheerful way to announce this chaos. Annoyance gripped the archer and he had to remind himself to take several deep breaths. He even closed his eyes and counted to twenty. Sixteen… seventeen… eighteen…
Genji’s garbled, half-mechanical scream pitched again as a metallic crash sounded. Hanzo’s eyes snapped open only to see Genji hanging from the tire swing haphazardly.
Eighteen—nineteen…. To hell with it!
Impatience had his foot kicking the pizzas aside, right arm raising to point an accusing finger at the troublemaker that so happened to be his brother. All too easy, it was, to recall why they disagreed so often in their youth!
“Genji!” The dragon master barked, tone as sharp as their father’s but lacking the leniency it had so often held for the youngest. “I swear to our ancestors if you do not get down from that abominable swing this instant and eat the pizza you voted for I will shove it—”
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He cut himself off, slapped his hand over his face. Forced an exhale. Calm as the spring wind, he told himself. Steady as his aim. Breathe… Now he pointed to the others, looking by all standards like an overtired father of far too many children.
“And the rest of you! Do not touch him in such a manner lest you find yourselves hanging from that tire!” A disgusted glance at the pizza on the floor before he jerked his chin up, striding past the boxes and everyone in the vicinity. “Now eat your food and leave me be.”
Overwatch was shut down for a reason. | @hciwa.
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
* vine meme
a shit ton of lines from different vines.
‘ look at all those chickens. ’ 
‘ i’ve always wanted to do this! ’
‘ i fell down the stairs. i hate when nobody shares. ’
‘ can you tell me a bedtime story? ’
‘ bro, you can’t tell anybody. ’  
‘ yeah, i’m good. i’m just happy for you.’ 
‘ dude, it’s like we kissed! ’
‘ oh, my god. we just locked eyes. ’
‘ yooo! ’ 
‘ you look upset. ’
‘ i got bit by a spider. it gave me superpowers! ’
‘ i’d be a unicorn. because no one believes in me. ’
‘ yeaaah, yeaaah. ’ 
‘ the only fitness here is me fitting this pizza in my mouth! ’
‘ well, i don’t have to do anything except pay taxes and die. ’
‘ girl, you look fierce today! WE LOVE IT. ’
‘ can i get a waffle? can i PLEASE get a waffle? ’
‘ i’ll beat your ass if that’s a ticket. ’ 
‘ you want some vodka? ’
‘ road work ahead? uh, yeah, i sure hope it does. ’
‘ i smell like beef. ’
‘ you better STOP YELLING. ’
‘ your secret’s safe with me. ’
‘ and we are two very supportive guys. ’
‘ honey, you’ve got a big storm comin’. ’  
‘ fuck you, that’s why! ’
‘ yeah, no shit, honey! ’ 
‘ today’s forecast. we can clearly see that somebody got me fucked up. fucked. up. ’
‘ is that a weed? i’m calling the police! ’
‘ just shut up and die slowly, okay? ’ 
‘ i sneezed! ’
‘ i got my hat on backwards and it’s time to fucking party. ’
‘ hey, how you doing? ’ 
‘ i’m doin’ just fine. i lied. i’m dying inside ’
‘ oh my god, why can’t you just take the fricken compliment! ’
‘ and they were roommates! ’
‘ i wanna fucking die. ’
‘ you remember one time i liked you? ’
‘ yo, drink this vodka down the hatch. c’mon. ’
‘ mother trucker, dude! that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick! ’
‘ he needs some milk! ’
‘ the yo-yo master did not answer. he just kept on yo-ing ’
‘ bored as sheeeet. ’
‘ do you ever shut the fuck up? ’
‘ welcome back to me screaming.   ’
‘ sorry, i’m on the toilet. ’
‘ babe, are you serious? ’
‘ i gotta go home cause i forgot to… vacuum my room.  ’
‘ you are my dad. YOU’RE MY DAD. boogie woogie woogie. ’ 
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
maybe this is what I was meant to be: neither here nor there, neither saved nor damned, neither good nor bad, neither dead nor alive. just broken. just another lesson, another example. just one more moral of one more story that doesn’t have a happy ending.
the unhappy medium | m.a.w
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
starting fresh in terms of content i put out. to that end, i cleared my askbox and only kept pre-planned threads in my drafts. i’ll reblog some more memes momentarily if anyone wants some form of interaction. 
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
💌 I just think you’re amazing💌 I just think you’re amazing💌 I just think you’re amazing💌 I just think you’re amazing💌 I just think you’re amazing💌 I just think you’re amazing💌 I just think you’re amazing💌 I just think you’re amazing💌 I just think you’re amazing💌 I just think you’re amazing💌 I just think you’re amazing💌 I just think you’re amazing💌 I just think you’re amazing
munday symbols! | accepting.
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and you are the actual light of muh life, BABABABABABABAY.
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
munday symbols! | accepting. 
; ~ ; omg, thank you so much sedfijhif you’re such a sweetheart, you know? and i’m really, truly honored bc you!! are so talented? i would love to be friends, and if you’d like to write together i’m open to discussions or winging it whenever! i know i’m slow, but my heart is into my writing, so hopefully you can bear with me. 
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
munday? oh gosh i’m so shy but here
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
Symbols for the mun
💝 I ship our muses, but we’ve never interacted
✨ I think your portrayal is on point, but it also intimidates me
💍 I want to be exclusives with you 
⭐️ We don’t rp, but I desperately wish we did
☀️ I want to rp with you, but I’m not sure how
💔 We’ve rp’ed in the past, but now we don’t
🎂 I’m new to your blog, and I want to be friends
🎉 We’ve been mutuals for ages, and this makes me so happy!
💡 I have a thread idea for us!
💌 I just think you’re amazing
💥 We’re not mutuals, but I wish you’d notice me
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zcnge-blog · 6 years
[dials 911] hello i’d like to report a crime because @hciwa and @solitcire won’t reblog POSITIVITY MEMES SO I CAN DROWN THEM WITH MY LOVE???
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