Language Learning Ideas Printable
Here is a printable I made that I hope can help you out on your language learning journey. It has different activities based on how much time you have, as well as a checklist for frequent activities. By using it, you can see what works for you and what doesn’t.
I tried to include as many things that many people can use, but some activities can’t be used by all language learners, unfortunately. The links to the website are clickable in the PDF file. I tested this myself and have even included a blank version if you prefer to write your own activities. Again, these are just some ideas for you to incorporate and I hope that they are useful.
Download Links: Dropbox
Full Activities
Blank Version
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Russian Language Resources?
Sooo I just started to study Russian a bit more seriously and I was wondering if anyone has any tips on online resources? Any blogs, masterposts, sites?
I’m mostly interested in grammar stuff, since I have a lot of native speakers on my hands to practice spoken language!
Btw if you post a lot about this kind of content like/reblog this post, I will check your blog out!
Thank you so much in advance! ❤
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Animals in French! •Chicken - Poule •Dog - Chien •Fish - Poisson •Cow - Vache •Cat - Chat •Bird - Oiseau •Horse - Cheval •Insect - Insecte •Lion - Lion
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My first langblr post ever!
Ok, I just saw this post:
and I will try to do the same with spanish poetry & stories,like it was asked.
Because Spanish changes in an important way depending on the country, probably you should pay attention to the author nationality.
To begin:
The Little Prince /Spanish Version/ I know this autor is french but the classic of all the times. Very easy to read and lovely.
Julio Cortázar (He born in Belgium, but he lived a lot in Argentina)
Eduardo Galeano (Uruguay)
More Classics stories spanish with the nacionality of the autor: here
Classic stories + audiobook: here
If that wasn’t enough: last (go down to find the stories)
Oliverio Girondo (Argentina )
Pablo Neruda (chile)
Mario Benedetti (Uruguay )
Adolfo Bioy Casares (Atgentina)
Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia)
Federico García Lorca (España)
More poetry with the author’s country: here.
Mafalda by Quino (Argentina)
Liniers by Ricardo Siri Liniers (Argentina)
If you are looking for a long book for advanced spanish readers, I personally love Carlos Ruiza Zafón’s trylogy : “El cementerio de los libros olvidados” ( La sombra del viento - EL Juego del Angel - El prisionero del cielo )
Well this is my first, first ever langblr, I hope someone like it and found it helful.
Any recomendation, critique , correction or what ever is welcome.
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Learn Korean Online!
Hii guys!! I decided to make this tutorial for online Korean learning, this is a method my Korean teacher gave us, is completely free, really easy to use, and fun! Made this specially for @diaduithannah, hope you like it! 1. You must enter the page and create an account. You can set it for it to be in english so it is easier to use.
2. Click on: Create an account
3. Once in there, click on the grey mark points so they turn blue, and click on General Membership Signup, if you want you can use the Social Media one but I was taught this method.
4. Fill in all the information and remember to select that you are a Student
5. Confirm your accont and go back to the home page
6. Once in the home page, click on Learn and Standard Curriculum
7. Go to the bottom of the page for the beginners option, if you are more advanced look for the one that suits you
8. There will be an option bar, choose Learn.
9. A tab will open up. Click on the korean “start”, this page will give you animations, conversations, audio, explanations, and exercises for you to practice grammar and vocabulary.
10. This is a little extra, but I would recommend for you to already know how to read Hangul (korean) in case you don’t know and you want to practice deeper the exercises, the page offers textbooks you can print. Click on search and select the option Sejong Korean Workbook in the ebook section. Choose the one that suits you. The one I pointed is for beginners and explains how to read Hangul! However I do recommend watching videos for learning Hangul as well.
Sincerely guys, this webpage is everything. It even gives you cultural lessons, it teaches you cultural traditions in Korea according to what you are seeing in the lessons! It is really fun and helps a lot. Any doubts about this web page I am all yours! Thank you! Please share if you find it helpful!
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I'm so glad I found your tumblr page! I'm from The Netherlands and I'm going to study international business and languages, also with Spanish. Can you recommend me some Spanish series or tv shows? Beginner level 😅
I found a series on Youtube, it’s old but it’s funny and it’s specially for beginners, and It has Spanish transcript.
On Netflix you can watch some Spanish series and you can put Spanish subtitles in most of them.
You can check this article about learning Spanish with telenovelas, I think it’s useful and you can still watch other series and learn from them even if you’re a beginner.
Some popular series on Netflix:
El tiempo entre costuras
Gran Hotel
Las chicas del cable
El Internado
Bajo sospecha
Mar de plástico
El barco
Juana Inés
La Doña
Club de Cuervos
Rosario Tijeras (Mexican version)
Capo “El amo del túnel”
El Dandy
El Vato
La Reina del Sur
La esclava blanca
La niña
Palabra de Ladrón
Pablo Escobar
Las muñecas de la mafia
El Cartel
Cumbia Ninja
Rosario Tijeras (Colombian version)
Cuatro estaciones en la Habana
You can also check these websites:
Series Colombianas
rtve (Spanish series with Spanish subtitles)
Las Estrellas (I hope you can see it)
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你好! I was wondering if you know any good Chinese songs. I have a found a couple, but I would love to find some more to listen to. Any genre is fine by me n,n
thanks so much for the ask!!
first i want to just direct you to my music tag because it’s bound to have a wide variety of stuff in there
i also want to point you in the direction of @fyeahcindie they post a wide variety of indie music so there’s definitely something there for everyone
but i don’t want to just leave you with that, so i also put together a short list of some songs/artists that i really love
苏打绿 (Sodagreen)
你在烦恼什么 (this was the first sodagreen song i ever listened to)
五月天 (Mayday)
苏运莹(苏苏)(i really really love her)
i would list more but it would be useless
just listen to all of her music
i love her
宇宙人 (Cosmos People)
右脑 (right now) this is their latest album. i think it was released like two weeks ago? anyways, it’s a great album and (like almost all of the music on this list) it’s on spotify for free so definitely give it a listen if you have time
Astro Bunny
if you go to their youtube channel you’ll also find a lot of vlogs so it’s great listening practice as well if you’re interested
阿肆 (A Si)
所幸(世界再大,我走不出你) (i’m not familiar with this artist at all but this song came up in one of my daily mixes on spotify and i really liked it)
and here’s something a little different as well:
i’ll also mention that artists like lu han and kris wu are pretty popular. i personally don’t like their music that much but you should definitely check them out if you’re interested
anyways, i hope you find something you like on this list!
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I've noticed that when I speak in English which is my first language, sometimes I end sentences with "so", especially when I'm feeling awkward or don't have much to say. Example: "I was gonna go for a walk but it's raining so...". I've been studying Spanish for a few years now but I still don't talk speak the way I do in my native language. I'm wondering, is there a Spanish equivalent to my awkward " blah blah blah so..."? Thank you!
There are many ways to say that, depends on the person, the context and maybe the region.
You can say: así que… (so…)
Iba a salir a caminar pero está lloviendo así que… - I was gonna go for a walk but it’s raining so…
Le mandé un mensaje pero no me ha contestado así que… - I sent her a message but she hasn’t replied so…
**This one sounds a little formal.
You can also say: y pues… (and well, so…)
Se fue el Internet y pues… - The Internet went down so…
No tenía nada mejor que hacer y pues… - I had nothing better to do so…
**This one sounds more colloquial and natural.
In Mexico we say a lot: y así… (and like this/that, and so…)We use this when we want to say “and stuff like that”
Salí con mis amigas, fuimos de compras, luego fuimos a comer y así… - I went out with my friends, we went shopping, then we went to eat and so…
Esta semana tengo que ir al banco, comprar unas cosas y así… - This week I have to go to the bank, buy some stuff and so…
Sometimes we even say: y pues así (and well like that…) mostly when we finish a story.
[…] y pues así. - […] and that’s what happened (I finished my story).
[…] después se casaron y pues así… - […] then they got married and well that’s what happened…
You can also say: y ya (and that’s it), when you said everything that happened, or everything you wanted to say.
[…] vi la tele, luego me fui a dormir y ya… - I watched the TV, then I went to sleep, and that’s it…
Me dijo que luego me llamaba y ya… - He told me he would call me later, and that’s it….
We also say: y ya sabes… (and you know…) or y pues, ya sabes… (and well, you know…)
No le gustó la idea y pues, ya sabes… - She didn’t like the idea and well, you know…
A mi gato le gustó más la caja que el juguete y ya sabes… - My cat liked the box better than the toy, and you know…
When we’re asking something between two options sometimes we just don’t finish the question.
Entonces, ¿nos vamos a ver en el café o…? - So, are we going to meet at the cafe or…?
¿Quieres una rebanada de pastel o…? - Do you want a piece of cake or…?
That’s all I can think of right now, maybe there’s more. I’ll update this post if I find more phrases.Hope this was helpful! :)
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If you’re using the German Duolingo tree, the Duolingo notes and tips section is important in order to understand the rules and language. I compiled all the notes and tips from the course into a Google doc to make it easier to work with offline or whenever you want to look up a certain skill. There is an outline there to make it easy to find the information.
The link to the doc can be found here
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when native spanish speakers ask me "¿hablas español?"
what i say: sí, un poquito
what they hear: sí, puedo hablar con fluidez así que habla tan rápido como puedas porque puedo entenderte perfectamente
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これはわたしのものです! kore wa watashi no mono desu
(This is mine!)
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La Jerga Tica - Costa Rican Slang
tuanis = cool; awesome
¡Qué tuanis que es la playa aquí! = This beach is awesome!
pura vida = positive phrase similar to hakuna matata
¿Cómo estás? - ¡Pura vida! = How are you? - It’s all good!
tanate = a big quantity of something; a fight
¡Qué tanate de tortugas hay en la playa! = There are a whole lot of turtles on the beach!
Ayer en el bar se armó un tanate. = A fight broke out last night at the bar.
qué guava = lucky
¡Qué guava la de Marco! Se ganó la lotería. = Marco is such a lucky guy! He won the lottery.
chingo = butt naked
Lo vi a Daniel chingo. = I saw Daniel naked.
mae = dude/bro
¿Mae adónde va mae? = Dude, where you going bro?
tico/tica = colloquial term for a native of Costa Rica
¡Ser tico es tuanis! = Being Costa Rican is awesome!
al chile = really?; yes, really!
Estoy embarazada. - ¿Al chile? - Al chile. = I’m pregnant. - Really? - Yes, really.
pura paja = someone who doesn’t follow through with plans
No voy a poder ir al restaurante con vos. - Mae, usted sí es pura paja. = I won’t be able to go to the restaurant with you. - Dude, you really are a flake.
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Korean Language Learning Youtube Channels
These are language-learning-oriented or good channels to practice listening
TalkToMeInKorean (native speakers)
KoreanClass101 (native speaker)
ChooNunMigookSaram (expat)
Go! BillyKorean
LOJ Institute (native speaker)
Korean From Zero (native speaker)
Corey and Maire (expat)
RedDragonDiaries (expat)
HallyuBack (expat)
Seemile (native speaker)
Motivate Korean (expat)
Hyunwoo Sun (native speaker)
SeoulBot (expat)
MyKoreanHusband (native speaker)
The world of Dave (expat)
Conversational Korean
Fluentkorean (mostly about Hangul)
Minjiteachkorean (native speaker)
KreamKulture (native speakers)
Solfa (native speakers)
Hemtube (native speaker, technically vine)
세바시 (native speaker)
DurumiKorean (native speaker)
DailyWords (native speaker)
Maangchi (native speaker, speaks English but you can add Korean subtitles)
수탉 TV (native speaker, gaming channel)
LATTE ASMR (native speaker)
THOMWHAT ASMR (native speaker)
dorrimer’s Makeup Korean Youtube Masterpost
Please feel free to add some you know or message me ones to add.
Also let me know if a link is broken :)
List posted in my masterpost of all Korean-related resources
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Korean Resources Masterpost
Merry Christmas @tollpehely ! This is my present to you! I hope you have an amazing Christmas and New Year. Korean is a language I have enjoyed learning so I really do hope these resources are of good use to you.
A difficult aspect in learning a language is finding resources. Thankfully with Korean there are plenty. More than plenty actually. Personally, I use various resources just because some explain a certain grammar point better or sometimes I need to complement with other ones. I decided to make a list of my favorite resources and where to find them.
Note: The star is for something I highly recommend.
★ How to study Korean - This website is great for really understanding the grammar. For some it’s too much but I like how detailed it is.
★ Go! Billy Korean - I like how simple his explanations are in contrast to How to study Korean. You can find his pdfs and lessons here or click here to download most of them up till lesson 91.
★ Korean Grammar in Use - One of my favorites just because it helps a lot when learning HOW to use the grammar. How to study Korean is great for understanding the grammar, but Korean Grammar in Use goes into detail. For example the conjugation charts are really helpful. I have the pdfs from Beginner to Advanced with the audio and answer keys.
★ Memrise: TTMIK: The Korean Verbs Vol. 1 - A course with practice sentences for the most common verbs. You can also just use this as a guide for which verbs you should learn first.
★ Memrise: TTMIK: The Korean Verbs Vol. 2 - More useful verbs.
TTMIK: Word Showdown - This small pdf explains the differences between commonly used words. I recommend it.
TTMIK: Korean Slang Expressions Volume 1 - Like the name states, Talk to me in Korean shows useful slang expressions through a brief explanation, examples and sample Dialogue.
TTMIK: Korean Slang Expressions Volume 2
TTMIK: Everyday Korean Idiomatic Expressions
Listening Practice
Some popular Korean shows to practice.
The Unit - Ex-idols who never got to shine, and current idols who want to make a name for themselves perform on stage to prove their worth. They will perform in front of Rain, Hwang Chi Yeul, Hyun A, Tae Min, San E, and Jo Hyun Ah. Will the young artists be able to impress the judges?
MasterKey - Korea’s hottest celebrities come together for an exciting game show where they must use their sixth sense to find the one who’s lying and hiding the ‘master key’! Can they find the liar?
★ Exo Showtime - A South Korean documentary starring the boy group Exo that allows the fans to see behind-the-scenes of Exo’s daily lives and how they act offstage. It’s one of my favorites and always will be.
The Return of Superman - Fathers may not be perfect.. but that’s alright if they aren’t perfect! There’s nothing like a father’s love to boost our spirits. The dads who used to spend all their time working have returned home on 'The Return of Superman’.
Fast Drama - I won’t recommend a specific drama since there are too many and everybody has their own taste. I did recommend variety shows because those are aimed towards a wider audience. Instead, I recommend this website where you can watch dramas. Note: You can use other websites for watching kdramas. Not this just one.
Reading Practice
Learning Korean with Humans of Seoul - They break down the phrases, grammar points and words from the Facebook page ‘Humans of Seoul’. Really useful.
Humans of Seoul - Here you can find interesting Korean stories in Korean and English.
Dongsa - I can’t even express how useful this website is. You can look up a verb to see its conjugations or look up a conjugated verb to see its “dictionary” form.
★ Tengugo - I learned hangul mainly from here and really recommend it. They have mini lessons, audios of how to pronounce each character and quizzes. It works without wifi so you can practice anywhere.
Lingodeer - I recommend this over Duolingo all the way. You can find Studiousbees’s review on it here. I love this app and it’s a good way to get used to the basics, like Korean sentence structure which is different from a lot of languages.
Blogs are super useful for when you don’t understand a grammar point. I only recommended one blog since I prefer learning from grammar books and resources that come straight from native speakers, but their blog is seriously amazing.
Studiousbees - I love their Korean grammar lessons. If you’re advanced, you can also find their Korean News posts here, to practice reading and vocabulary. @studiousbees
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tumblr: on languages
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Many languages available. One of the hardest audio practice sites I have found. Enjoy!
English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Dutch, Mandarin, Shanghainese, Danish, Hebrew, Latin, Esperanto
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6 years of All Things Linguistic
It’s my six year blogiversary! Wow! Let’s celebrate by looking back at some of my favourite posts from the past year:
Articles and talks
I wrote for the Washington Post: Herefefe is why it’s toughfefe to say “covfefe”
I archived my Toast articles here as a folder of pdfs
I organized a Linguistics in the Public Ear podcast panel at the Linguistics Society of America
I ran an informal session about internet linguistics at SpaceWitchCon
I livetweeted the book The Prodigal Tongue
I’m quoted on the origins of “doggo” for Wired
I’m quoted in NY Magazine: The Internet Tilde Perfectly Conveys Something We Don’t Have the Words to Explain
I’m quoted in an episode of the World in Words about “aliebn-speak” or the linguistic style of jomny sun
I taught a session on communicating linguistics (LingComm) at Lingstitute, the linguistic summer institute of the LSA. Here’s my course summaries:
Day 1: Goals
Day 2: Terminology and the explainer structure
Day 3: The Curse of Knowledge and short talks
Day 4: Myth debunking and in-person events
Day 5 & 6: Events, self-promotion, and charades
Day 7 & 8: Pitching and final projects
Advice and lists
How to teach yourself linguistics online for free
A very long list of linguistics movies, documentaries, and TV show episodes
Linguistics merch gift guide
So, your linguistics department has a recruitment challenge
An extensive playlist of songs about linguistics
How to explain linguistics to your friends and family this holiday season (revised and updated)
My two linguistics grad school advice posts, revised and updated: Part I and Part II,
How to type IPA on your computer or phone
Linguistics jobs
Communications professional
University course coordinator
Data scientist
Think tank researcher
Museum curator
Communications consultant
Project manager a language tech company.
Librarian and digital humanities librarian
Text analyst
Speech pathology
User experience research
Quote from Bringing Linguistics to Work
Communicating colours using black and white (a language evolution game)
Heaven’s Vault: a videogame that’s “like Guitar Hero for linguistics”
IPA chart Battleship
Robot mind meld, a word net game
Take the Dialects of American English survey
Yanny or Laurel
Local man fond of linguistic garden path sentences friends to hearing his boring puns
Structural ambiguity: Lindsay Lohan and the snake and who calls their cat toxoplasma gondii?
Ambiguity: true self control is waiting until the movie starts to eat your popcorn and “You can’t eat a dumpling wearing a tuxedo!”
Structural ambiguity: the sad and lonely man science has left you
“Amelia Earhart flies, like, a plane.”
Things about languages
A colour-coded diagram of the English IPA with the part of the mouth you use to make each sound
A free online course about the linguistics of signed languages
Learning Javanese is like learning 3 languages
“Utterly linguisted”
Latin roots in English words that ultimately go back to the same Proto-Indo-European roots as native Germanic English words
Why drawings aren’t universal communication
Deflecting “how are you” and “how many languages do you know” with Gricean Maxims
Proto-Algonquian Dictionary online
Babies notice the difference between signed languages and gestures
Pointing with the index finger isn’t as universal as you might think
How to visualize consonants by painting charcoal on various parts of your mouth
The story of “sic”
When most people tell you they think words are so fascinating, they have in mind items like “canoodle” and “serendipity.” When linguists say it, they have in mind, like, “the.”
The 300-year history of using “literally” figuratively
Phonemes as Pokémon cards and the first conference on Pokémonastics
Google Translate adds gender stereotypes when translating from Turkish
Wells Lexical Sets as emoji
Pokemon take on the question of whether language and the universe is pre-programmed
“Somebody trying to switch into English on you is like them trying to pick up the cheque”
An exercise for teaching about iconicity in ASL for intro linguistics classes
Heritage Speaker Problems and the word for “remote control”
When does maluma/takete fail? The language’s sound system matters
Sign languages have accents
How many times people repeat the “u” when saying “fuck” on twitter
Playing wax cylinder recordings of Indigenous languages with lasers
What a border collie taught a linguist about language
Deaf babies, when exposed to ASL, start to babble with their hands
The relationship between gesture and thinking/speaking
A graph of a kid’s first words
Clip of someone whistling a sentence in Spanish
How to tell apart the two “th” sounds in English
Talking about The Doctor across regenerations using singular “they”
Inclusive and exclusive “we”
Kids aren’t using the thumb-and-pinky-out gesture for “phone” anymore
Conlang summer camp for high school students
The most common speech sounds in languages around the world
An intro to the field of computational sociolinguistics
Latin, Ancient Greek, and Sanskrit triplets
Language activism
On learning Aboriginal languages as a non-Aboriginal person
Icelandic language battles threat of “digital extinction”
An anti-linguistic discrimination limerick for Grammar Day
“We see value in speaking two languages, but we don’t see value in speaking two dialects. Maybe it’s time we did.”
Ursula K LeGuin on singular “they”
Why do cartoon villains speak in foreign accents?
Native American Hand Talkers fight to keep sign language alive
Why sign language gloves don’t help Deaf people
The Vocal Fries does an interview about Rez English(es) and indigenous language revitalization
Phonaesthetics is propaganda
The strange reason deaf children aren’t taught sign language
Spenser vs Shakespeare: a response to grammar policing
“The idea that intelligence is linked to pronunciation is a legacy of colonial thinking”
The problems with talking about “oldest languages”
Linguistics baked goods and other handmade items
How to crochet your own wug
An embroidered IPA vowel trapezoid with animals
Gingerbread wugs and IPA
Knitted IPA door handles and a stuffed wug
Linguistics Halloween costume roundup
A Halloween Costume Neural Network halloween costume
A wug-tastic addition to the linguistics baked goods files
Look, Simba. Everything the light touches on that chart is pronounceable.
Linguistics takes on the “Is this a pigeon?” meme
May the 4th Be With You: Syntax Wars
Linguistics takes on the “Hallelujah” meme
This is the best meme poem and I will brook no arguments
The English “th” sound takes on the Distracted Boyfriend meme
Is your child texting about linguistics?
Which beer would you like? IPA, please
R meets the “lik the bred” meme
Prescriptivism takes on the expanding brain meme
OK is a fossilized meme
Is your child texting about minimalist syntax? (meme)
You’ve heard of Elf on the Shelf, now get ready for…phonemes on the memes
Is your child texting about phonetics?? meme
Kilroy Was Here: a proto-meme
you: *cough* me, a linguist: aspirated glottal stop
Linguist humour
A Maximal Onset Principle joke
Structural ambiguity: “Fake degree claims dog prominent Spanish politicians.” and “Nicole, who never saw a dog and didn’t smile” (diagrammed)
xkcd and the linguist meteorologist
This Egyptian bird has declared himself “your evil son”
Yahoo Answers takes on the type-token distinction
The new Buffalo buffalo… sentence is about a fish called Boops boops
A dialect map parody
Internet linguistics
A study of tagging on tumblr
A masters thesis about tumblr orthography
A paper about tagging practices on tumblr
why would you do this / it just seems right?
Keysmashing “wrong”
Winnie-the-Pooh used Ironic Capitals
Question mark in parentheses (?)
Lingthusiasm, a podcast that’s enthusiastic about linguistics, entered its second year! Myself and Lauren Gawne of @superlinguo released the following main episodes this past year:
9. The bridge between words and sentences: Constituency 10. Learning languages linguistically 11. Layers of meaning: Cooperation, humour, and Gricean Maxims 12. Sounds you can’t hear: Babies, accents, and phonemes 13. What Does it Mean to Sound Black? Intonation and Identity Interview with Nicole Holliday 14. Getting into, up for, and down with prepositions 15. Talking and thinking about time 16. Learning parts of words: Morphemes and the wug test 17. Vowel gymnastics 18. Translating the untranslatable 19. Sentences with baggage: Presuppositions 20. Speaking Australian and Canadian English in an American/British binary
We also had a full year of bonus episodes:
4. Doggo linguistics behind the scenes 5, Hypercorrection 6. Language play 7. DIY linguistic research 8. Hark, a liveshow! So, like, what’s up with discourse markers? 9. Is X a sandwich? Solving the word-meaning argument 10. Liveshow Q and eh 11. We are all linguistic geniuses: Interview with Daniel Midgley of Talk the Talk 12. Creating languages for fun and learning 13. The grammar of swearing 14. The Poetry of Memes: Roses are red in the icebox 15. What you should know if you’re considering applying to linguistics grad school
We also released Lingthusiasm merch: scarves with a subtle International Phonetic Alphabet or tree diagram print on them, plus various items that say NOT JUDGING YOUR GRAMMAR, JUST ANALYSING IT, Heck Yeah Descriptivism, or Heck Yeah Language Change.
I did a lot of behind the scenes writing on my upcoming book in defense of internet language for Riverhead at Penguin. I wrote an update post about the revision process here.
We’re getting close to the “exciting updates” stage for the book, so if you want to make sure you don’t miss things like the official title and publication date, preorder links, and what the cover looks like, you can sign up to receive very occasional book update emails here.
Haven’t been with me this whole time? You can see my favourite posts of year one, year two, year three, year four, and year five. For shorter updates, follow me on twitter as a person or as this blog, or for a monthly newsletter with highlights, subscribe at my website.
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