oh suitless vader sounds boring where are his scars and deep voice and mask comon now
suitful vader for me
suitless vader is hot though
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if it's the worst why would you look for it again.
because it be funny to sho you
also suitless vader is hot ngl. Anakin Skywalker is hot and he's even hotter when he's at his most problematic. but like. i would not want to be that oc. (repeats that quite a few times to nail it into my head)
keep telling yourself that
look. just bc a guy looks good doesn't mean i want to read smut about him............(Christianity holds me TOGETHER sometimes I SWEAR)
keep it up
was it at least well written??
probably but i dont remember it very well because i found it years ago
Y’all I’m such a good Christian
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"suitless vader is hot" well probably not anymore he probably cooled down after not being on fire anymore
Girl suitless Vader was never on fire. That’s why he doesn’t have a suit. Suitless vader is what if Anakin turned to the dark side but got to stay hot
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i think the worst fan fiction i ever found was a darth vader x oc with smut i nit and ya i dont like that thats in my head now
should i go look for it again
if it's the worst why would you look for it again.
also suitless vader is hot ngl. Anakin Skywalker is hot and he's even hotter when he's at his most problematic. but like. i would not want to be that oc. (repeats that quite a few times to nail it into my head)
look. just bc a guy looks good doesn't mean i want to read smut about him............(Christianity holds me TOGETHER sometimes I SWEAR)
was it at least well written??
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what caused you to start this blog 😭
trump/biden romeo and juliet fanfiction in my normal inbox
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How are there 7 fricking BILLION people in the world and not one matches my type?
My type: Blond, messy hair, blue eyes (particularly ice blue) Has the most beautiful smirk ever! Tall, handsome (like, really hot) Funny, Pranks people, artistic
*Me sobbing*
You want to live the YA protagonist life so bad
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do you prefer morning or night showers? I like night showers but my family thinks that is Wrong and the only Good Shower is a morning shower.
Night is better but morning is more practical for hair
I still take night showers though lol
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“ for several years, the social media microblogging platform Tumblr has been central to fannish passions in creative production among youth, especially girls, people of color, and LGBTQ identified found, who found a home on the platform.”
Ooh what’s this from?
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do you have any musicals you like? (besides wicked ofc)
LOTR musical
PJO musical
Bring it on
The great gatsby
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Sophie: Did you know humans are 75 percent water?
Keefe: Oh, really?
Sophie: And I'm thirsty...
Keefe: *Silence*
I found it on Pinterest
(I need to limit my time on pinterest😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
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I'm having a mental breakdown
I am so sorry anon 🫂
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In the 5th grade, I had this teacher, and he was new! He was, like, 23 years old and was SUPER nice! Too nice! He was a math teacher, and math teachers are supposed to teach us things! (So are all teachers!) But guess what? This guy just zoomed through the lesson and never went over it with us! He gave us worksheets that we didn't even understand!
And to be honest, he was weird! People called the poor guy gay and pedophile (I'll explain that in a sec)
So, this teacher would always sit next to this one girl, Paisley! And Paisley was extremely smart! She understood the questions the teacher asked! (Even when he didn't exactly teach us anything) And he would sit on her desk and tell her how to do it! DUDE, YOUR WHOLE CLASS IS STRUGGLING AND YOURE HELPING THE ONE PERSON WHO UNDERSTANDS?! And Paisley would always feel uncomfortable around him! The worst thing is, my little cousin and brother are gonna be in 5th grade next year, and this guy is still there!
(1 Note: This girl, Jordan was struggling and the teacher was like, need help? And Jordan hissed at him and the teacher walked away quickly, like he was scared😭)
Last Note: Now the rest of the former 5th grade and I are in 6th grade, and we blame our lack of brain cells on the 5th grade math teacher
Yikes….. I don’t like that…
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its my sisters birthday in two days, and i was thinking about what to get her. but the thing is i think im the only one, and i've been kinda in charge of gifts for a while now. my parents kinda have stopped.. thinking hard about presents...? i dunno. for the past year or so from my sisters reactions the gifts i get and pick out for her are her favorites. its not that my parents are bad gift givers; they got my sister a cute notebook from her last birthday and she's been using it all year for her drawings. and they just booked a hotel water park thingy for her birthday which cost a lot, so they do care!! and there's a school camp trip thats in two weeks that she's going too (and im going to help out thanks to a program at our school) but so far all the gifts that i had to argue with my mom to buy were all from me. yesterday i had a small argument with her about gifts. she told me that she had an ideas, and that was to get her a bracelet. i asked her what else. she was quiet for a good 10 seconds and then i asked again, and she got all kinda mad and said 'i dont have to tell you everything' and i think i speak for all kids is that thats the reaction of a parent who doesnt know. its the same as because i said so. i've found two other gifts for her that are on sale and i hope that my mom will get them for her. she told me that 'i cant do everything for her' and yeah well i wouldnt be if i knew that you were already doing so.
i remember when i was in fifth grade, me and my friend were talking about our birthdays since they were on the same day, and after she told me about what she did she asked me what i did. i told her i went to a trampoline park. she asked what i got. i said i didnt get anything. she was shocked. my teacher asked us what we did too, and when i was answering she asked what else we did. i was quiet for a few seconds, and she asked if we went out to a restaurant. i lied and said that we did, that we went to a fancy one. she asked for the name and i said i didnt remember. we were actually supposed to go to one of my favorite places. it was simple and nothing fancy but i really liked their burritos lol. we didnt go tho, my mom (kindly may i add; i feel like i've portraying her as bad but i swear she's good) asked if she could just make salmon at home instead because it was easier. i said okay, because yeah i would have prefered to go out but i liked the fish she made. to my memory though she didnt end up making it. my mom actually got mad at us that year, so none of my siblings or i got any gifts. it was okay though. we still had fun though.
two years ago, a week ago my mom had to fly back to her old home because my grandpa (her dad) died. i cried in the front of the whole class for a bit when i was called to leave early. but basically my mom was leaving and was going to be back on my birthday. when she came back, we welcomed her and all. i was waiting for her to say happy birthday to me. i tried to tell her and get her to say happy birthday excitedly, but i dont think she did. she gave me a smile and nod and turned back to my dad. tbh it was valid. her dad died a week ago and she hadnt seen her family back at her home in a year and us in a week. i think i still cried a bit in the car ride form the airport though. we waited until saturday to do something for my birthday. but like, it wasnt all that bad though. she brought back gifts, and i got two, maybe three extras vs my siblings as a birthday gift. they were really nice. we celebrated my birthday two days after on a saturday, with cake and happy birthday.
but yeah. this al got really off topic. hopefully my mom listen to me about my sister or gets her some stuff on her own.
dunno if this counts as one of your weird anons, but yeah. praying i dont come off as selfish im just getting my thoughts out. your my new therapy inbox if thats okay. thanks.
-bad at feelings anon (help im writing this and listening to gracie adams and some ttpd there were some tears at some point)
It’s ok I can be your therapy inbox if you’d like
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Me again! Anyways, I mentioned Libby in my first story I told you!
And today we were talking and she started talking about how her grandma died on her birthday
Well...after that I laughed and she laughed and we kept dying for the rest of 5th period😭 D looked at us and was like, "Why are you guys laughing?" And we couldn't respond because we were laughing so hard.
(Yeah, death makes me weird! It's like the awkward atmosphere makes you start laughing uncontrollably😭)
And I said, "Maybe your grandma died because she didn't want to taste the food at your birthday party" 😭
And then we kept laughing...and our other friend (We'll care her T) At the end of class, T came up to us and asked why we were laughing so hard. I froze and said in a sqeaky voice, "We were that noticeable?"
T nodded, "Yeah! You guys looked like you were dying😭"
And now I'm still laughing while writing this😭😅😂
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More accurate to say so I could stomach Mayo and not really so I could eat it
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Jey its @sophieelizebethfoster idk where ur blog @myfairkatiecat went but u rebloged rotten work can u send me a link in my ask box
@permanently-stressed is the author! If you search the title on her blog a link will pop up.
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Describing my teachers💅
Mrs. L~ A total Karen, doesn't give 2nd chances, really mean (I mean, she is a Karen) her famous line is: ThE bEll DoEsnT dIssMiss YoU I dO👹
Mr. K~ Nice, kinda gay, loves his kids😁 I mean, there's really nothing bad about him besides the fact that he could be cheating on his wife with Mrs. L (which I don't understand bcuz Mrs. L is a mean, sassy Karen)
Mrs. F~ Her face looks like plastic bcuz it's covered in makeup 💄 she's really pretty, sweet, nice, thinks she's the cool, young teacher😭 (which she kinda is)
Mr. S~ He always shows off (since he's my Spanish teacher) wears cowboy boots and a tie. I don't really understand him. His pony tail is super greasy I guess.
Mr. W~ (This is one of my band teachers😭) His cat died a week ago and he came into class and told us. We gasped and he nodded. But guess what? He wasn't even sad! He just kept smiling and crap. Now, I feel bad for him, I really do. (Sorry for your loss, Mr. W!) And he's like, super preppy 😭💅
Mr. L (My other band teacher) He knows every single tik-tok dance, he talks like ppl my age! And I think he thinks that he's young...(DUDE, UR LIKE 50!)
To be fair some 50 year olds are young. My IB TOK teacher was like 55 or something and you would NOT have know that trust me
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