Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
“He was flawed. People aren’t just good and bad Nick. Come on you know that!” She huffs. Taking what’s left of the device and shoving it in her pocket.
“Well… we should take this to the memory den. Maybe they can help. So let’s head to goodneighbor.” She sighs.
“I wish you could have seen him. It was amazing. You know the green goop we saw at that factory last week?” She asks.
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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Mel freezes. “Nick… tell me you’re kidding… that… was a man. I think… where did you put it? Maybe we can still save him!”
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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“Well there’s one way to see if you’re telling the truth.” Nick sighs.
He had a duty. To protect Mel.
He unplugs the chip and finds the connector in his head.
“Sorry I took so long. Had to dispose of some blood bugs. So how are you boys getting along?” Mel asks.
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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Nick pulls a face. Then looks at the chip sticking out of the pip boy.
“You’re lying. She’s as moral as they come. Won’t even have a cigarette and goodness knows she could use some. Although… losing a kid… well that’s a pain nobody can handle for long without closure…” he replies.
And it had been a while without a clue.
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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“Sounds like My Mel…” Nick sighs. “So uh…you were in this cult huh? Ever heard of the Synth underground?” He asks. Trying to get a few for this program. If he knew… he wasn’t human.
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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“Mel can be somewhat pushy. But I don’t know if accuse her of kidnapping. What happened?” Nick asks.
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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“My name is Nick Valentine. What’s yours?” Nick asks.
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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“I don’t need your help!” She replies. “Unlike you I have friends.”
“Out of the kindness of my heart I’m willing to help you.”
She sighs as they approach the campsite she had left Nick at.
“There you are!” Nick exclaims. “I heard an explosion and got worried.”
“I’m fine. Brought back a friend… or an acquaintance.” Mel replies.
“Where?” Nick asks.
“Here.” She unclips the pip boy and hands it to him.
“I gotta use the ladies room…” Mel says as she walks off.
“Well… hello there…” he says to the pip boy.
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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“Slaves? You were planning slavery?” Mel sighs.
“No. There are places that make synth bodies. I could try and find one of those. Im trying to find it anyway. Because those are the people that took my infant son.”
Her face hardens. “And I’m going to kill them. But we can totally use them first.”
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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“Mmmhmm…. Yeah. Well I’m from Boston so you probably don’t know of my vault.” She replies.
“It wouldn’t have worked. People are cruel. they would have found something to mock. To alienate. It’s human nature.” Mel sighs.
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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“It’s nice to meet you Richard.” She replies softly. “I know this is strange and new for you. But I help people. It’s what I do. I can try and get you a new body. One that isn’t so… broken. Okay? And I know I’m asking a lot. But if you trust me I really can help. And I’m sorry nobody helped you before. People aren’t mentally well anymore… but I can’t blame them. I mean… look at this place…” she shows the device around.
“You probably haven’t moved in a while right?” She asks as she turns the radio on low.
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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Mel snorts. “I’m gunna call you Pippy. You know. Because of the pip boy. No man is my master. The only man with any authority over me is long dead. So. I’ll figure out who you are eventually.” She smiles at the device.
“Do you like music? I usually put on Diamond radio as I journey.”
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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“I’m crazy. Some asshole stole my baby.” She retorts dismissively. “Also it’s not my fault that you’re a whole different level of insane.” She sasses.
“I’m taking you back to sanctuary. My friends and I will figure out what to do with you there.”
She’s quiet for a moment as the church explodes behind them.
“What’s your name?” She asks. “Your real name.”
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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She pulled the chip from the computer and shoved it into her Pipboy. Then she drew out a grenade and made her way to the stairs. Crouching and rushing past the cultists throwing the grenade into the basement as she runs past them. Skirts swishing as she runs.
“I’m saving your life!” She manages as she draws a gun.
“Everyone’s slightly crazy in the wastes. But I’m betting you haven’t had a friend in a while. This is called tough love.” She retorts as she shoots the ones that are following her with frightening precision.
“You still there?” She asks her Pipboy.
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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“And anyone who wasn’t a Supermutant would what be killed? You’re just creating new forms of racism Buddy.” Amelia sighs.
“Oh yeah and also a dictatorship. I remember how well that’s gone over in history for men in the past. I’m going to guess you were once a man. Because you haven’t eliminated sexism. Or even thought of it. And you’re trying to override free will. So that’s not going to fly…” she says stepping forward to start typing on the computer. She’s downloading him into Kellog’s memory chip. Essentially overwriting him.
“I think you need to go touch grass buddy. And that’s kind of hard to do in your current state.”
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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“I have no idea what that is frankly. I was just sort of… shoved towards the basement. Nobody told me what unity is. Like I understand the concept but with the state of the world right now… I mean we didn’t even have unity when people had clean water and food and housing…” Mel replies. Pulling up a chair and putting the necklace back on.
“So frankly I’d love to hear your sales pitch.”
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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“Lotta things around here are odd but that question wasn’t one of them.” She teases with a friendly smile.
“Tell you what. You ask me an odd question and then I’ll ask you one.” She says.
“Yes I was a vault dweller. My husband was in the military before the bombs fell. You can look him up… you appear to be patched into the system here right? It’s… amazing. My husbands name was Nathaniel Brown.” Her hand goes to her throat and she pulls a dog dag with two wedding bands out from under her dress.
“Where… do you see from?” She asks. Looking from the computer camera to the floating eyeball.
She takes the necklace off and approaches.
Mel had been running from some raiders when she stumbled across a church. Though church was too simple a word for the elegant building.
She thought of Nate. Their wedding. And then the thought faded as she heard movement inside.
She spun around and almost crashed into someone. Someone in a robe.
Oh shit. Was this another children of Atom situation?
Morpheus frowned confused at her curiously as he didn't recognize her at first but figured she was new like most.
"Welcome to the church of happiness child. Are you our newest member. The Master will be so proud for more eager followers."
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