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yourhimanshuworld-blog · 5 years ago
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yourhimanshuworld-blog · 5 years ago
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yourhimanshuworld-blog · 5 years ago
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yourhimanshuworld-blog · 5 years ago
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yourhimanshuworld-blog · 5 years ago
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yourhimanshuworld-blog · 6 years ago
Digital Mraketing
Digital marketing is the way that connects advertisers with their customers across digital
channels. Digital Marketing is the space given by the publisher for advertisements on its
digital platform.
Digital marketing aims to provide visually attractive platform of marketing with plenty of
options suitable and convenient for all the segments of business marketing needs. Digital
refers to a number of different channels, all used to engage customers and tackle various
needs. The digital channels include display, search, mobile, social, and video.
Thanks to Digital marketing for targeting technology and managing of personal data,
marketers are able to reach large segments of customers. This includes filtering customers on
the basis of demographic, behavioral, psychographic, and more. They can also filter customers
on the basis of specific devices and even individual device they may be using. Additionally,
Digital marketing is to measure success of advertisements. A number of user engagements can
be tracked such as impressions, clicks, website hits, leads, and actual purchases.
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‘Digital Marketing always works with the advancement in technologies’
Segmentation: The major focus in digital marketing has been placed on division of
customer, in order to target specific markets in both business-to-business and business-to-
customer sectors.
Influencer marketing: It is identified as community marketing. This is becoming an
important concept in digital targeting. It is possible to reach customers via paid
advertising, such as Facebook Advertising, Google Adwords campaigns, or through
sophisticated CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software, such as SAP C4C,
Microsoft Dynamics, Sage CRM and Sales force CRM.
Multiple channels for Digital marketing:
1. Affiliate marketing:  A marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays
commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals.
2. Display advertising: Advertising on websites or apps or social media through banners
or other ad formats made of text, images, flash, video, and audio. The main purpose of
display advertising is to deliver general advertisements and brand messages to site
3. Email marketing:  It is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of
people, using email. Usually 95% of the companies communicate using E-Mails.
4. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the
promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages
(SERPs) primarily through paid advertising. SEM may incorporate search engine
optimization (SEO)
5. Social Media Marketing - The term 'Digital Marketing' has a number of marketing
faces as it supports different channels used in and among these, comes the Social Media.
When we use social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+,
etc.) to market a product or service, the strategy is called Social Media Marketing.
6. Game Advertising: Game advertising is defined as "advertising products or brands in
the digital game. The game allows brands or products to place ads within their game,
either in a subtle manner or in the form of an advertisement banner.
How it is beneficial for me?
 Discover the Professional in You
The count of Digital marketing jobs is booming up. There is an alarming rise in the count
of digital jobs today. Thinking of pursuing a career in digital marketing is wise. You can
prepare yourselves for a job role which is high in demand. Before you begin, it is important
to have an eye on the required skills and expertise. Taking the right start would help you
have secure job position with handsome salaries in approaching future.
 Lot of Career Options
Digital marketing does not restrict you to one specific job profile. Even the leading
companies such as Google, Twitter and Facebook provide lot of job opportunities. Making
a choice depends on the professional who has to set up his career in digital marketing. New
online jobs are declared regularly for different organizations and enterprises. This gives an
additional benefit of being choosy about the kinds of work and type of workstation.
   Better Salary
The scope of digital marketing is increasing; it will definitely affect the budgets of
individuals. The demand and supply for digital professional are inversely proportional to
each other. The demand is more and the supply is less. If you have a stronger skill set and
expertise, you can avail the best package. The salaries have been rising over the past few
years. SEO, SMO, PPC and several other job profiles have witnessed a hike in their
 Start your own Career
Like other professions where you need to complete your degree or diplomas to start up
with you career, digital marketing does not need such qualifications. The digital world
offers large opportunities to begin your career in digital marketing without even
stepping into companies. You can test your knowledge and skills by taking the online
test such as the Google Analytics Exam.
 Flexibility
Careers in digital marketing are always flexible. The complete task is based on the
Internet. There are no worries about the working location. You can even work from
your home, thus location does not matter. Thousands of people keep on surfing the
Internet 24x7. They can respond when assistance is needed.
 Supporting other companies
The digital professionals can transfer their skill set from one company to other. Since
digital marketing is being used by small, medium and large scale companies, you can
easily use the expertise gained to solve the problems of others.
 Showing Creativity
Digital marketing aims to add life to the non working blogs and websites. This needs
creativity and logic. Writing effective content and making plans requires lots of
imagination and innovative ideas.
Digital Marketing Career has become an important part of the marketing world. It is
better to pick this dynamic career option for those who desire to experiment with new
tools and adapt to changes according to recent market scenario.
“Digital marketing is the game changer tool these days; through this you can full fill
your dreams in an easy way”
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yourhimanshuworld-blog · 6 years ago
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yourhimanshuworld-blog · 6 years ago
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yourhimanshuworld-blog · 6 years ago
Technoglobe provides in-depth knowledge in Digital marketing training in Jaipur with the practical knowledge through live projects. Technoglobe is one of the best Digital Marketing Institutes in Jaipur with 100% placement assistanc
Address:  423-B, Surya Nagar (Near Hotel Safari)Ridhi Sidhi Chouraha, Jaipur,Mob: 91-9928556083 Kumbha Marg (Near Easy day) Pratap Nagar, Jaipur,Mob: 8529171155 Girdhar Marg (In front of Ghiya Hospital) Malviya Nagar, Jaipur,Mob: 8290047333 A-5, Vijay Path, Rajapark, Near Gujar Hostel, Jaipur,Mob: 91-9649443336 C-31, Opposite Tagore Public School, Ambabari, Jaipur,Mob: 8302916764
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yourhimanshuworld-blog · 6 years ago
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yourhimanshuworld-blog · 6 years ago
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