۪ 𝅄࣪ ׅ ❥ ׁ ⸼ 💭 Are you ready to light up 𝖭͟𝖾͟𝗏͟𝖾͟𝗋͟𝗅͟𝖺͟𝗇͟𝖽 like shiny, glittering wands with us? ۪ ׁ 🪄 ⸼
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

1. @minkyeufn : Kaluela Sirena
2. @ssulyoonn : Shanaya Tazanna
3. @wrooyeon : CLarentine Ashylla
4. @haewornz : Gabriella Haze
5. @wqnhee : Aneisha Lorraine Delancy
6. @gaddxe : Isha Thufaila Engrasia
7. @bodna : Orzora Serafina
8. @rirachaha : Derana Lazuardi
9. @nifngie : Naomi Rachelia
10. @kimyemise : Almeira Catherine
11. @jihlan : Erendira Kayshea
12. @roseahpark : Rosella Daranita
13. @saeibl : Sylvie Heartfilia
14. @minjeonxg : Nayasa Willa
15. @kawiairuka : Haruka Akira
16. @Wonyougno : Clarieta Ruelle
17. @chunghaartt : Annelise Cierra
18. @katarinarblu : Keizha Keshwari Arsyile
19. @sveeun : Ayish Ellèanor
20. @xiaotuing : Kanaya Graciella Anastasya
Have some fun, everyone!
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1. @yeonjunzze : Aelion Ash Anastasius
2. @jungwof : Altarez Abhinara
3. @taesanj : Theonathan Gabriel
4. @Asahaei : Arthur Meviano
5. @jilsungi : Raksha Evander
6. @kjiseoq : Aryan Jivan Pratama
7. @jbinwoo : Widito Gantari
8. @totuno : Alan Hoddle
9. @Nqshimura : Elvan Kharelio
10. @seungkyan : Baim Sayudha
11. @jouhshua : Jonathan Madhani
12. @jicnangmin : Ezekiel Arkantara
13. @jihooon : Keenan Arka G.
14. @tomiyawsu : Yuzuki Kazuya
15. @jaefmin : Navarro Aezar
16. @bcomgyuu : Byantara Kaivan
17. @ofDohoonn : Mikhael Atma Verduister
18. @mindhyung : Adhikari Malik
19. @hyunyinn : Devario Asael
10. @eriecsohn : Jericho Malven
Have some fun, everyone!
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With a flick of my finger, glittery pixy dust sprinkled out forming enchanting words in the air.

With a tiny flick shimmering pixy dust popped out of my hand and spelled out a magical design.
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Littlest Pet Shop Moodboard
Requested by: @super-lovely-star

💖 - 🐶❤️🐱 - 🐰❤️🐹 - 🐷❤️🐸 - 💖
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Our Sparkling Concept
Every living thing on Earth must have a backstory, beginning with the moment of birth, continuing through a seemingly common yet meaningful childhood, and culminating in the dawn of adulthood and the awakening of desires. However, many adults are hesitant to gracefully let go of the baggage that they carried around from their youth.
It could be a pleasant recollection that makes an adult feel like life is getting worse and more terrifying, or it could be a childhood dream that hasn’t come true, spiraling into wishful thinking. Acknowledging and accepting each memory slowly is the sole way to overcome it. We cordially extend an invitation to every adult, still engrossed in past, to journey to Neverland, a realm of fantasy where unrealized childhood aspirations can materialize, or a place of reminiscence filled with joy, where everything gleams before fading with a radiant smile. Then, you can all go on living your adult lives unburdened by the things of the past.
Setiap makhluk hidup di Bumi pasti memiliki latar belakang, dimulai dari momen kelahiran, berlanjut melalui masa kanak-kanak yang tampak biasa namun penuh makna, dan berpuncak pada fajar kedewasaan dan terbangunnya hasrat. Namun, banyak orang dewasa yang enggan melepaskan beban dari masa muda mereka dengan anggun.
Itu semua bisa berupa kenangan indah yang membuat seorang dewasa merasa hidup semakin memburuk dan menakutkan, atau mungkin impian masa kecil yang belum terwujud, berubah menjadi harapan yang tidak realistis. Mengakui dan menerima setiap memori perlahan-lahan adalah satu-satunya cara untuk mengatasinya. Kami dengan hangat mengundang setiap orang dewasa, yang masih terbenam dalam masa lalu, untuk melakukan perjalanan ke Neverland, sebuah dunia fantasi di mana aspirasi masa kecil yang belum terwujud dapat menjadi nyata, atau tempat penuh kenangan yang dipenuhi dengan kegembiraan, di mana segala sesuatunya bersinar sebelum memudar dengan senyum cerah. Kemudian, kalian, para orang dewasa, dapat menjalani kehidupan dewasa kalian tanpa terbebani oleh hal-hal dari masa lalu.
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Hey, precious soul! You are the recipient of this special invitation! 💌
Being an adult is difficult because childhood memories loom large in our minds. Could it be that we still can’t let go of the things from our childhood that are holding us back? Whether it’s a joyful recollection or a longing for something we didn’t get around to doing back then. Nothing beats reminiscing about the nostalgic old days, even if it’s just a wish fulfilled.
Our hand is outstretched in 𝗮𝗻 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝘂𝗿𝗻 it all together in lighthearted and carefree ways until ultimately, a feeling of relief may embrace your heart, banishing any remaining bad feelings. Make sure you don’t pass up a tale that will enrich your life’s path.
With love,
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and there i was, all well up on our tree house thinking this is all there is to the world
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A Sunday Walk Along the River:
The smells and fragrances of near overheated plants and wild flowers on a summer day filled the air, a welcome break from the usual odor of sizzling concrete and asphalt. It took me back to those hot, dog-days of August in Appalachia when my brothers and I would be up in the woods on the hill above our house spending the whole day there. Perhaps we were groundhog hunting---groundhogs mostly had more sense than to be out in the heat---or wrestling our bicycles through the weeds and brush and occasional mud holes. That was when we hadn't the money for mountain bikes, even the cheap junk ones available then. Or maybe just exploring.
Many of the plants and flowers are the same along the Tamagawa and back home in the hills and just the scent of them takes me back decades and thousands of miles.
I did not even mind the near 100 degree heat.
Tamagawa River, Tokyo side.
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Disney fairies by Lavera Grace on Etsy!
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Guidelines on GDM.
1. The GDM INFO ONLY will only be used for sharing tweets and information. If you want to have a casual talk in GDM CONVO, it would be with our permission.
2. A penalty will be given if you violate the GDM rules.
3. Only sharing info, greetings, and convo starter/new convo tweets is permitted; do not share any weird tweets.
4. GDM INFO ONLY does not permit you to share any tweets. Please use GDM in the conversation to put your tweets.
5. Before sending your own tweet, please engage with the tweets provided by other members on GDM.
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1. Making Circle in Circle, or involved in any problem such as a war and drama.
2. Breaking our rules for 3 times. We will give you a warning first.
3. Being inactive for 3 days without any notices.
4. Being inactive for 24 hours after verification.
5. Hiatus passing the limit days without any notices.
6. Not having any interaction with a members agency for 3 days straight without any notices.
7. Deactivating your account without any notices.
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Hiatus, Temporary Swap & Switch Characters.
1. Semi Hiatus is only allowed within 3 days.
2. Hiatus/Rest is only allowed within 7 days.
3. Both Semi Hiatus and Hiatus/Rest is allowed after 1 week verification unless you're having a extra urgency.
4. Please let us know if you change your username or changing your account.
5. Temporary Swap is allowed max within 3 days. Please inform us before you're doing a TS.
6. We only allowed you to changed your character once in a month.
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1. MUST BE ACTIVE! Please be active to interact and participate in Agency activities.
2. We only accept Gen!RP with no weird username or nickname, so it's must be related to your muse. Nick and username that not related with your muse and JFB thingy it's strictly prohibited.
3. One account per-head. We truly appreciate it if you used your main account.
4. Love wins & All Star.
10. New account is accepted with minimum 50 followers and 100 tweets.
11. Your following must be under 500.
12. No twins. Unless you're muse have a biological twins.
15. Circle in Circle, War, and any Drama are strictly prohibited.
13.. Multiagencies are allowed. Maximum 3 with us. And maximum 2 Squad (Group squad are excluded. cont: TBZ Group Squad, IVE Group Squad, etc.) equad counted such as a big squad who had a schedule and held an events.
14. NO NSFW before 11 PM and only allowed until 4 AM.
15. Circle in Circle, War, and any Drama are strictly prohibited
16. Please use brackets for mundane’s talk and out of character things.
17. Follow all the weekly schedule as possible and participate in our events, please do tell us if you unable to join.
18. Please mingle well with your agency mates and respect The Pixies and fellow member.
19. Every violation of the rules will lead to warnings.
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