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younggodblake · 7 years ago
Ok but like Wells Jaha would have made everyone sit the fuck down and been like “y'all need to sort out your problems now”. His father would have never gone off and found alie. he would have helped Jasper with his PTSD, helped Monty understand how to support Jasper, Bellamy with his guilt about Gina and Mt. Weather, he would have given Octavia a reality check for the way she treated her brother, he would have reminded Clarke about who she is and where she belongs, he would have become a solid support system for Raven when she struggled with her leg. HE WOULD HAVE BEEN THE SUPPORT SYSTEM THEY ALL NEEDED.
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younggodblake · 7 years ago
in the midst of all of this Bellarke tension, never forget that Clarke radioed Bellamy for 2,199 days never knowing if he was alive or not
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younggodblake · 7 years ago
when your wife is mad at you :/
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younggodblake · 7 years ago
if that’s not angry married couple then i don’t know what is
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younggodblake · 7 years ago
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This actually happened.
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younggodblake · 7 years ago
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Bellamy when he and the gang arrive in the Valley
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younggodblake · 7 years ago
My S5 Finale Prediction
(Regarding Bellarke separation/the radio)
The episode opens with a flashback to the gang in space. Raven has been tinkering with the radio attached to the ship for months now, in hopes that they could get in contact with the bunker to inform them they’ve arrived safely. So far the attempts have been unsuccessful, a fact that drives her crazy. She’s been able to take on and solve far more difficult tasks; why is she struggling to complete such a menial and easy task like this?
In the meantime, Bellamy has spent much of his first few months away from his sister and those he loves sulking. Once more, sat lowly on his bed, he was driving himself mad by overthinking. He keeps thinking of the last time he talked to Octavia, what he could have said differently. He thinks about Jasper, and how he could have saved him. Deep down he knows it’s what he wanted, and that there was nothing he could really do, but he stills beats himself up about it.
But the real thing that keeps him up at night, as it has for years now, is Clarke.
He thinks of his last words to her. “Hurry.” How stupid is that? Of course she would have hurried. She’s never one to not deliver. Why didn’t he say something better to leave her with? Why couldn’t he have just pulled himself together, been a man, and said what has been boiling up inside of his chest since she pardoned his crimes back on the ground: “Thank you”, “I love you”, “I can’t live without you.” Anything. Anything but “hurry.”
He’d been so close so many times. When they first saw each other after he risked his life in Mount Weather. When she left Arkadia on some brooding mission. When he was able to truly forgive her by the river. He was going to do it then, but he was interrupted. When he truly thought he’d never see her again. Then again, Roan was there.
She always challenged him. God, did she challenge him. He wonders now if she would’ve challenged him if he told her. The last words he could’ve told her before she died.
Raven had been so close to giving up for the day out of pure frustration before she began to hear a mangled voice through the usual static. She couldn’t make it out, it barely sounded human. Various pieces of sentence came through until she could decide it was a woman. A full sentence had finally been formed.
“I’m okay,” the voice said, though she sounded slightly defeated.
A bubble of hope rose within Raven as she brought the radio to her mouth.
“Abby?” she breathed into the mic with a half smile.
No response.
“Abby? Octavia? Someone, please,” her hope had faltered slightly, “This is Raven Reyes, speaking on the Ark. We are okay. Are you there?”
More static.
Furiously, Raven began to tinker more with the radio. As tears burned in her eyes, she could feel herself slipping away. Come on. She had worked so hard for nearly six months now. Please. She continued to work until she had truly given up. In a fit of anger, she slammed her screwdriver against the radio and began to cry.
“She tried to attack me again. She’s been unable to trust me since we first met, which is understandable. She’s scared. So am I.”
Raven’s head slowly lifted from her hands. She couldn’t believe it. There was no way it was possible. Praimfaya took out everything above ground. There was no way. “C...Clarke?”
The voice, which Raven could now fully understand was her old friend, continued. “I mean, I’m alone. And this little girl wants to kill me. I have a gun, but that’s all. She’s a skilled hunter, a natblida.”
“Clarke!” Raven laughed as she spoke into the radio, overjoyed. She was alive! “Clarke, can you hear me? It’s Raven.”
“Well, I should go. It’s almost time for dinner,” Clarke chuckled on the other end. “Berries. As is the usual.”
“No, no, wait, Clarke, please,” Raven’s shoulders sunk as her voice began to shake. Things were not looking good, just like they haven’t for the past six months. “Please hear me.”
“And Bellamy,” Clarke continued, with a mix of sadness and some other emotion Raven couldn’t put her finger on. “If you hear this, just know that I miss you. All of you. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
Once more, like a horrible symphony that would never stop ringing in her ears, Raven was met with the sound of radio static. “No!”
She closed her eyes as her head began to swim. She once more held her head in her hands, but she didn’t feel the need to cry. At least she knew that her friend was alive. How could she tell the others, how could she tell Bellamy, that she was alive? How could she tell him that Clarke had been looking to speak to him? There was no way she would be able to do it without breaking him. He would go nearly mad.
“Raven, is everything okay?” She heard his voice from behind her. He must’ve heard her yelling.
She couldn’t face him. She pretended to sound bored, like the events that just happened were all a figment of her imagination. It was late, everyone was in bed. Maybe it had been just her imagination. “Um, yeah. Everything’s fine.”
“Did you hear anything?” his voice sounded hopeful like it always had. She hated to keep letting him down. “Did you talk to them?”
Not them. Her.
“Uh,” she paused to look over her shoulder slightly to offer a sad half smile. She could tell him, and bring him a bit of happiness that she knows he’s missing. No, she couldn’t do that to him. She couldn’t get his hopes up with no promise of being able to talk to her again. “No. But I will. Eventually.”
He nodded, expectantly, and retreated back to his room, like he always does.
She would tell him. Eventually. But for now, she’d keep it a secret, like she had kept many secrets all her life: with reverence, and with the same sadness she was used to.
{A new theory on the radio calls: Raven has heard, and knows, and finally reveals them to Bellamy in the finale}
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younggodblake · 8 years ago
Just some things I liked from tonight’s episode:
- Kane and Abby being such parents (Also: “You saved my life, and I don’t just mean by opening that door.” LEGENDARY)
- Bellamy’s eavesdropping on Abby and Clarke’s conversation, pretending like he wasn’t boiiii you ain’t sly
- ALSO: That convo. A nice callback to “Maybe there are no good guys.” and then, whattya know! Abby realizes there are good guys out there. *camera very NON-discreetly cuts to Bellamy.*
- Just a small thing: Murpy approaching Niylah and putting his arm on her when looking for Emori. I just really wish they’d have more scenes with Richard and Jessica so we can see the beautiful Harmon sibs interact with each other on screen. 
- MURPHY AND EMORI. That is all.
- A cool double date with Memori and Bellarke. That is all.
- The Millers deserve so much better. I’m glad Nate’s still gonna be kickin’ it, but it just pains me to think about when he wakes up and sees his dad isn’t there with him. RIP Dave, aka Papa Miller. (ALSO: “Everything will be okay, Nate. You will rebuild the earth.” :’( )
- SIDE NOTE: Where the fuck is Bryan? Miller, come get yo man!  Holy Lordt is this boy still alive even what was he on the list I have no FRICKEN idea.
- Bellamy fricken killed a guy because he was staring at Clarke. Don’t quote me on that, though.
- Monty and Harps are safe! And always to the rescue!
- Octavia going to kill Skikru?? K girl you do you I guess
- SIDE NOTE ON THAT SCENE: wow. the composition, the horrified looks on the faces of Kane, Octavia, and Indra. Kane’s haunted, low whispers as he cries: “This is how we save our people.” This show never fails to move me in ways I can’t describe.
- Echo came to the rescue and had a nice talk with Clarke, but still nope she will never be redeemable in my eyes no matter how much resolution they try to give her. That bitch tried to kill Octavia!!!!! And they’re setting her up to be into Bellamy???? girl do you know how extra that boy is when it comes to O????? shoulda snatched up Roan when he was alive, because that sexual tension was off the charts!!!!
- Also: Does anyone else think Roan was just pretending to be dead so Luna would leave him alone? Just me? cool
- The one thing I worry about with this separation is how much they will all change. I mean, for all we know, Clarke and Niylah could be fricken going at it like rabbits. Murphy and Emori might have a kid, idk. Bellamy and Raven??? Callback to season 1??? it could happen, y’all!!! five years!!! the boy’s got needs!!! There’s always Echo,
- Raven Reyes is an amazing character. So smart and developed. Always a queen. I’m so ready for her and Monty to kick so much ass next episode.
There’s so much I’m missing, but still.
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younggodblake · 8 years ago
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younggodblake · 8 years ago
honestly if i had ten days to live and i was a beautiful blonde woman the first thing i’d do is try to fuck bellamy blake so honestly??? relatable 
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younggodblake · 8 years ago
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younggodblake · 8 years ago
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younggodblake · 8 years ago
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— Kiera Cass, The One
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younggodblake · 8 years ago
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my dad was chief guard. he sure loved having a thief for a kid.
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younggodblake · 8 years ago
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#And Kane has officially adopted Harper
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younggodblake · 8 years ago
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younggodblake · 8 years ago
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Lincoln/Octavia Goodbye in 1.10 // Bellamy/Clarke Goodbye in 2.16 (Inspired by 100yearsofbellarke‘s post (x))
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