You ARE IN Barbados
57 posts
Dedicated to the philosophy and teachings of Neville L Goddard
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youareinbarbados · 2 days ago
I think one of the biggest dangers is overconsumption of Media. Whatever subject matter may be. There are different teachers who might say the same thing but reading about 80 different authors saying the same thing does lead to confusion. I've read all the posts on this blog and I've realized that there isn't much more to say on the subject matter. I've only stopped a two authors, which are Neville Goddard and Robert Russell. I've read their books over and over and over and over again. It takes that much to truly comprehend the material. I feel like the keys are in your hand and you just have to turn them. It may be difficult but keep turning. You have to focus your energies instead of letting them scatter.
They're really is no virtue in Reading 300 different authors if you still have trouble applying what you're being taught. In the preface of "feeling is the secret" Neville warns about reading many books upon your art, in the confusion that it will ultimately lead to. Find an author who resonates with you and stick with them. There might be a couple of other authors whose work resonates with you or fills in The Missing pieces that one might have, but don't forget to apply it. Reading a bunch of subject matter will actually scatter your focus and lead to being a data Junkie. This has been set a thousand times but you have to be a doer of the word and not a hearer or even reader, only.
Read the material again and again and again and again. There's only so much information you can learn.
✌️ there's not much more to say, and thanks for listening 🫶
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youareinbarbados · 2 days ago
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I really do feel like this is a problem that no one likes to talk about. I guess an audience of 200,000 people is way too much for some marketers to pass up? 😞 This is depressing.
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youareinbarbados · 27 days ago
So it seems r/NevilleGoddard has decided to stop moderating. Wow.🍿
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youareinbarbados · 4 months ago
"-Whatsoever ye desire, when ye pray, BELIEVE YOU HAVE RECEIVED, and it will be yours."
The past and future are just ways of us perceiving the 3D, but our self-concept is made up of everything we've experienced upto now. The NOW is the eventuality of everything we've ever experienced, as well as our SELF-CONCEPT. The future is just as real as the past, and exists concurrently. Making something a memory integrates it into our SELF-CONCEPT.
"Gone isn't the last moment, but on-coming." -Neville
Take your wish-fulfilled into your self-concept, just as you allow the past to define it. It's the same mechanism.
"say not ye, 'there are yet 4 months and then cometh the harvest' Behold, I say unto you..lift up your eyes and look into the fields, for they are white already to harvest."---"The difference between rational theology, and false theology, is essentially a difference in TENSE. One is claiming our good now, and the other is trying to demonstrate (manifest) it." -Dr. Robert A Russell
For your self-concept's sake your wish has ALREADY BEEN FULFILLED.
"-there is nothing to come that has not been, and is. " Ecclesiastes 3:15 ERV
*slams double doors and pulls a muscle*
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youareinbarbados · 5 months ago
The ultimate technique
...Is to literally think according to your imagination. Who cares if it isn't manifest yet. You have to conceive an idea for it to manifest. Most people don't conceive of anything, and complain that it's not coming true. A baby needs to be conceived to be born. Imagine a woman expecting a child when she isn't pregnant. You need to conceive the idea, then react to the idea, completely SEPARATELY from the consideration of the 3d. You're conceiving a state of being. Manifesting is the process of you expressing your state of being . The 3d isn't your state of being. When you regard your 4D with as much importance as the 3D, you'll think from the end without realizing it.
Someone's in a waiting room, but in their imagination, they're enjoying themselves on a vacation, smiling like a crazy person.
THEY'RE living in the end. Your imagination is just as important as the 3D. We hardly pay attention to it though. We see it as a way of getting things in the 3d.
Spend time with yourself. That's the technique.
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youareinbarbados · 5 months ago
The 3d is the result of realities you've chosen to acknowledge and identify with. Your Mind is an infinite possibility, and sustained attention to any one, Increases it's probability. SATS is literally just withdrawing your awareness of "reality" from the manifest, to whichever one you choose.
Sensory vividness, looping, "belief", etc. all of them are just ways of shifting your perception of reality. Everyone's different, so each one will have a preferred or more efficacious method of achieving this. Reality is whatever you acknowledge as "real". Reality is also always NOW. This is why you need to feel the state of your preferred reality, NOW. This is what Neville meant when he said " it is within". ALL of the possibilities that reality can offer are in you, NOW. THEY NEED TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED AS BEING *NOW*
I once read a book saying how Nikola Tesla would go to sleep assuming he knew the answer to a problem he had. He'd then wake up with the answer. Whether or not this is true isn't the point. The point is that he went into sleep in the state of having what he was looking for. Your state is your reaction to reality. Again, the whole point of everything is getting you to shift your state. The state. THE STATE. THE STATE.
YOUR STATE IS YOUR SELF-CONCEPT. It's your "unconditioned awareness" conditioning itself.
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youareinbarbados · 5 months ago
Think about it. Why is the past real ? It's because you SAY it's real, and has a measurable effect on the now. What if you could change it ? Well that's called "revision". The reason the past has such an effect on you is because you've tied it to your self-concept. What if you could decide the future ? What if you tied it just as securely to your self-concept? I think we've seen countless times where the most successful of Us humans have always spoken about their "future" success with a certainty that defies all logic.
If we are to be logically consistent, blaming the past for their way we are now is just as insane as KNOWING the future, but we do it all the time.
There is no time in the 4D. So hurry up and be now, who you will be.
This is literally what Neville was talking about when he compared seeing the "future" as of seeing the end of a movie.
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youareinbarbados · 5 months ago
Some thoughts
Though I don't tend to read much LoAs material outside of Neville and Robert Russell, I gotta say I've had a number of realizations since reading "Edward Artsupply hands'" post on Why "creation is finished" is the most integral point of understanding.
He goes on to talk about "versions" of one's self, and the past and future and how choices create alternative versions of self. He talks about how all that is necessary to manifest these versions is awareness of all of them being essentially the same "I Am".
I realized, after that, that the past is just the sum total of everything you've ever been away of being. The future is everything you see yourself as being, as time progresses. The past and future don't exist in the 4D. The past and future only exist when you incorporate the 3D into what you're conscious of being.
When you "shut the door to the outer senses" you focus solely on mind. Mind exists in the 4d. When focusing solely on your "I Am", you realize that there is no Time. Everything you've ever been or will be is NOW. Your thoughts of the future, in Mind, are NOW. The past ? NOW. mind doesn't recognize TIME. Mind, as well as everything IN it, IS. Time is a metric used to measure changes in the 3D. You cannot measure mind with Time. It's like trying to measure sound with a ruler. Mind is immeasurable by 3d Standards. Your thoughts are NOW. What we call the past and the future are both conceptions of ourselves relative to the 3D. But what if we don't defer to the 3D for our self-concept? You'll then realize that you ARE everything you've ever been or will be. At this realization the desire to "create" anything should vanish, as you realize that conceiving anything is to instantly make it so. He states;
"When we dwell on a past mistake, we are essentially becoming Re-Aware of Being that Version in the Now"
This is what happens when you bring the relativity of the 3d INTO the 4d. This is essentially letting the 3D dictate your 4D condition, which is literally the reverse of how all this works. Because if your past exists NOW, and the perceived "NOW" also exists NOW, then the past is merely a condition your placing on yourself in the "present" which DIRECTLY AFFECTS your CURRENT conception of yourself. Your CURRENT perception of the past works in tandem with your CURRENT perception of yourself in the present moment which then directly affects the perceived "future". See how that works ? This is all 3d Shit that we've INSERTED into the 4D mechanism, thus giving us exactly what we've put in. This is why it's said, "JUDGE NOT BY APPEARANCE".
This is why the 4D is called the only true reality. Everything you've ever wanted and will ever want is NOW. This is why it's so important to have the best self-concept possible, and why your self concept is truly independent of the 3d, XD unless you MAKE it dependent.
If there is something you want, and you conceive a thought of yourself having that thing that you want, and you can feel the state that that produces, "It is done." When you see that your thoughts of yourself are literally manifestations in themselves, you will put far less importance on the 3D.
We get what we desire as soon as we remove the 3D from what dictates our self-concept, and replace it with the 4D. This is what is meant by "Circumstances don't matter." We have only what our self-concept is. Our self-concept exists in the 4D and is truly independent of the 3D. The 3D is nothing but a mirror that can only show us what we ARE.
When you think about yourself, your mind says "I AM-"..... REGARDLESS OF WHETHER IT'S IN THE PAST, PRESENT, OR FUTURE.
Self-concept/ "I Am" = 4D
Past/Present/Future = 3D
Thoughts of:
The past = "I AM - someone who WAS"
The present = "I AM - someone who IS"
The future = "I AM - someone who WILL BE"
A desire is a state that wants to be expressed. But if you can't conceive of yourself as expressing that state, you will always just be in a state of desire. This is why you have to enter the state of the "wish fulfilled" NOW. Every conception of self comes with a state. This is why Neville asks you; "How would it FEEL ?"
You literally are the only one on the planet who would know what your state would be if you had what you wanted, because it's all NOW/YOU.
P.S. : There was a guy on the subreddit who talked about how he lent his friend some money that the friend had never paid back. I referenced this in a previous post I made. All the things we have and all the things we are, are tied to our self-concept. His conception of himself was someone who had money, even though it wasn't with him in the 3D. His friend then paid him back out of nowhere. The things that you have, and the things that you are in your self-concept, cannot be separated from you. It doesn't matter if his friend or his money was in space somewhere, his concept of self was someone who still had money, in spite of it being separated from himself physically. Even if he told himself that it's ok if the friend didn't pay him back... his self concept still included the money that he lent out. His concept of self didn't depend on the 3D to be what it was. His money not being with him was merely an appearance. (3D)
Judge not by appearance.
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youareinbarbados · 6 months ago
Hot/cold , good/bad, love/indifference these are all condition. "Duality" if you will. Every state is NEUTRAL in nature. Duality occurs when you incorporate consciousness into it.
Alone ? That's neutral. You could be content with being alone, or lonely. These are conditions.
If you choose NOT to be alone and find someone, ok. But now you're in the state of being with someone. This state is also neutral. Now this person will satisfy you, or not. These are conditions added to the state. But the state of having someone is NEUTRAL. Once you understand the nature of states, you'll understand how to better embody them. States taste like water. Neutral in nature, you condition the flavor. "...buT dIfFeReNt wAAtErS tAsTe dIfFeRe-" * SLAP*
Thinking is the act of conditioning the state. To condition the state, you have to think from inside it. Happiness and sadness are reactions, which are dual in nature. These are fleeting conditions. The states themselves are perpetual and only move as conditions are applied or removed.
There was a post on the NG subreddit earlier last week about an OP receiving money back from their friend as soon as they removed the "duality" from the conception of it. This is pretty much along those lines.
Every state has A LOT to think about, from within them. You have to consider all the aspects of that state. That's a jumping off point for "thinking-from"
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youareinbarbados · 6 months ago
What does letting go mean ? How does one "pray without ceasing" but also "drop the seed ?"
Praying without ceasing: Living in the wish fulfilled
Dropping the seed: Knowing it's already done and taking no more thought about it.
Dropping the seed RESULTS in Praying without ceasing. They are not opposites. This is not a contradiction. This is a sequence.
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youareinbarbados · 6 months ago
You don't want the money, sp, job, house, etc. You want to express the STATES these things will trigger.
The state is what comes out of you. You radiate it. Your states don't exist externally.
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youareinbarbados · 6 months ago
Manifestation is expression.
You cannot express what you don't have.
Feelings of happiness, sadness, Anger, need to exist before they can be expressed.
Your life is an expression of what you have in Mind.
The matter is not one of OBTAINING, but one of EXPRESSING.
That SP, Wealth, Love, success you want isn't anywhere outside of you. It's all INSIDE of you, trying to EXPRESS.
This is what is meant when you're told that you "already have all that you want within you."
The world is a blank canvas meant to be painted on, or painted over. You can paint whatever you desire, but the picture has to exist inside before you can paint it outwardly.
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youareinbarbados · 6 months ago
Close the door to the outer, and go within.
This is when you're awake.
Stay awake as long as possible.
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youareinbarbados · 6 months ago
Your #1 goal, is to realize that what you want to express/manifest , IS. Regardless of your emotions. Emotions sometimes anchor people to reality, but they are not what manifests. You could even say that emotions are merely REACTIONS to reality, and have nothing to do with the CAUSE of what IS.
"Consciousness is really one and undivided but for creation's sake it appears to be divided into two"
- Neville (Feeling is the Secret)
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youareinbarbados · 6 months ago
The formula
"..BE, and not SEEM." -Robert A Russell
"Whatsoever ye ask for when ye pray, believe you have received, and you will receive.
Your state changes when you get the THING you want.
Your state is independent of the THING you seek.
Attention - effort = BEING which then results in EXPRESSION
BEING, is effortless. You're not to focus on the STATE, as you don't
need to TRY to be. You're to focus on the desired EXPRESSION of
the state you are.
The function of the will is choosing the expression .
It's typically ;
You + wish fulfilled (the expression) = state
In reality it's;
You + state = the expression (Wish fulfilled)
I can't make it simpler.
The purpose of you wanting what you want is for an abstract state of being that isn't contingent on the objective desire itself.
You have that state of being already.
You bonding with that state of being will then express whatever you choose.
You are ANY state you wish.
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youareinbarbados · 6 months ago
I don't know why i found your blog so late ughh, it's like i've hit a gold mine
It's only here to help you, friend! 💫💫
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youareinbarbados · 7 months ago
"..What I have DONE, I have DONE. Do nothing.(?)"
As the title says..
really quick...
I've made a few posts on the subject that probably could have been written far better than they are. Oh well. It's a pretty contentious topic, "outer action". A lot of people say that you should take steps toward your wish-fulfilled, and some say you do absolutely nothing.
Neville knew that people in their current iteration are far more Easily impressed by the 3D than the 4D. This is why he instructs you to do what the person you want to be would be doing. The entire body of his work tells you to think from, But some people have a hard time doing that. If you think about who you'd be if your wish were fulfilled, and you figure that they would be doing jumping jacks and walking around with toothpicks in their mouth, Neville insists that These are the things that you should be doing right now. Not because these actions actually do anything to manifest what you want, but because these are 3D actions that allow you to identify more with the person you are in REALITY. To say that an action taken in 3D is responsible for manifesting the 4D is literally to create two powers when there is one. Nothing you Do in the 3d Matters. Techniques, the suggestion of outer action...these are all things to HELP you commune with the inner "Father which doeth the work." That's all they are. Nothing has power outside of the one within. How effective you are depends on that communion, which is what techniques are there to aid you in.
As I illustrated in a previous post, If you want to be a supermodel, and you figure that if your Wish-fulfilled, you're at the gym every day to maintain those appearances, do that NOW. All it does is bridge the gap between the 3D you and the REAL you, again.
However, If you're a supermodel in your wish-fulfilled, and as a result, you meditate on the grass and drink green drinks, THAT'S what you should be doing. You're trying to merge the "Outer person" with the REAL person. Those were two examples of someone taking drastically different approaches to the same ends, and both are equally as efficacious. This is why you need to know what you want. This is why Neville says 10 Bajillion times "What would it be like, If it were true ?" Literally, no one else knows, but YOU.
"Whenever it is the action which the outer self takes to appease desire, that desire will be realized.”
― Neville Goddard, Awakened Imagination
The outer action MUST IMPLY THE WISH FULFILLED. It's called "inspired action" because it's action taken with your REAL self in mind. Like I said, it's different for everyone because no one person is the same, despite their circumstances/aspirations seeming identical.
This is why "Know thy self" is the most succinct sayings one can understand.
Do what you're doing in the 4D, in the 3D and maintain in order to collapse the distance between the two.
Edit: ok so a DM asked, "What if my wish fulfilled includes someone else with me ? They're not here now."
Understand that your life is more than just having the person or thing you want with you all the time. I have an unbelievable partner, but I'm not with her 24 hours a day. A lot if emphasis, in these online LOA-Buckets, is placed on the SATS scene. "Feel your head moving up and down on their chest in front of a Christmas fire yadda yadda" clearly the person you want isn't in your vicinity in order to match to 3D action . I have, however, been alone at my desk thinking about how fantastic my partner is. Is she there. No. But are my thoughts and mood implying that I have her? Yes. Having something or someone is more than them being under your nose 24/7. Can you imagine yourself at work or in your car thinking about how great your SP is or how lucky you are to have so much cash? I don't need to be counting hundred dollar bills to know and feel that I'm wealthy. Again everything is there to trigger a state. The ladder technique, century vividness, everything that Neville ever instructed was simply to try to get you to change your state which is intangible.
3d action is just meant to get you into the mood of the wish-fulfilled.
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