yestumme13-blog · 6 years
Peaceful Mama Circle - Launch team!
Peaceful Mama Circle – Launch team!
We are so excited to invite you to be a part of our Peaceful Mama Circle Launch team!
What is the Peaceful Mama Circle (PMC)? Our intention is to create a virtual community that gives mamas a tribe, resources, and inspiration so we replace the overwhelm, judgement, and comparison with acceptance and begin to flow through our days in a more wholehearted, centered, and connected way. Here’s what it…
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yestumme13-blog · 6 years
Peaceful Mama Book Launch Event
Peaceful Mama Book Launch Event
I’m excited to announce that the Peaceful Mama book that I co-wrote with Natalie Sager is coming out this May! Just in time for Mother’s Day—something to keep in mind for any special Mamas you know!
Join me for a casual Peaceful Mama Book launch event on Wednesday, May 9, from 7-9pm at Jayne Boutique at 122 Marion St. in Oak Park, IL.
Find out more about the book here.
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yestumme13-blog · 7 years
Change ourselves and experience a shift in our relationships, environment, and well-being
Change ourselves and experience a shift in our relationships, environment, and well-being
Want a change in our relationships, our parenting, our environment, our well-being?
We have to make the change.
  This is a bit of a paradigm shift.
Think of how much energy is wasted worrying, fearing, dwelling on what someone else was doing without even realizing that nothing we do or think or say can change a person or situation.
It comes from us.
When we stop keeping score in our marriage,…
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yestumme13-blog · 7 years
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Playing full out—living a more fully engaged, confident, joyful and fulfilling life – EDEM ep. 40 with Rita Hyland What if the story in our own head, that drives the choices we make day-to-day isn’t serving us or is even against us?
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yestumme13-blog · 7 years
Peace begins within us - and our children feel it
Peace begins within us – and our children feel it
Our own level of peace and wellbeing has such a big impact on the people we share our world with, especially the little people, our children.
They feel what we feel and it’s up to us to take responsibly for the energy we’re putting out.
It’s easy to blame our wellbeing on stuff outside of us that isn’t going right. The harder choice is to choose differently. To chose love in the midst of it.
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yestumme13-blog · 7 years
Raising a Mindful Family by Modeling it
One way to build a more compassionate and conscious family is through mindfulness.
Mindfulness is the simple technique of paying attention to the present moment in a nonjudgemental way.
Once we calm the thoughts in our head, we are able to tap into a part of ourselves that we lose sight of in our day-to-day busyness and schedules.
That part of us that is truth, kindness, creativity, peace, and…
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yestumme13-blog · 7 years
Finding joy in the little things - remembering gratitude is the gateway to joy
Finding joy in the little things – remembering gratitude is the gateway to joy
It’s often in the little ordinary things, the everyday, where we find the joy.
Sometimes we get so caught up in the big things. That we lose sight of all the little things that lead up to the big event.
Thanksgiving dinner is a great reminder of this.
Sitting down to the table and eating the big dinner is wonderful. But it was the little conversations, the flurry of activity in the kitchen…
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yestumme13-blog · 7 years
How we Grow Ourselves through our Parenting Journey
How we Grow Ourselves through our Parenting Journey
When I started my blog EveryDayEveryMom almost two years ago, I had no idea what direction it would take.
I wanted to capture my experiences in motherhood before it passed by—as many mothers before me warned me that it would.
It’s true that in what seems like a blink of an eye—even though the days themselves seemed to last lifetimes. My children have grown from babies to now toddler, preschool…
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yestumme13-blog · 7 years
Happier, healthier, more purpose-filled Life? Try Mindfulness
Happier, healthier, more purpose-filled Life? Try Mindfulness
Mindfulness helps us strengthen our attention skills so we bring more awareness to the thoughts and beliefs in our mind that fuel our reactions and behavior.
Once you know how to harness and focus your attention—you can get out of your head and into this moment.
You awaken your innate ability for happiness, no matter what life throws your way.
Mindfulness strengthens our Three Attention Skills
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yestumme13-blog · 7 years
Free Mindfulness Workshop at HeartGarden in Oak Park
Free Mindfulness Workshop at HeartGarden in Oak Park
Want to stay focused on what matters most? Stay centered through the ups and downs?  Seeking a happier, healthier, more purpose-filled Life?
Mindfulness is one way to achieve these things— it’s a set of attention skills that you can learn and grow and integrate into your day.
It’s like a gym for your mind, and it can radically transform your life—leading to better health, more connected…
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yestumme13-blog · 7 years
Want to be more mindful - Pay Attention to your Senses
Want to be more mindful – Pay Attention to your Senses
Our senses play a key role in the development of mindful attention.
When we are seeing the bright colors of a leaf, hearing the sound of our child’s voice as she shares a story, smelling our coffee before we drink it, touching the breakfast dishes as we wash them, or tasting the juiciness of the berries in our cereal.
We are in this moment. We cannot smell or hear later on. We are doing it right…
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yestumme13-blog · 7 years
Peaceful Mama Workshop: Bringing more intention and awareness into our day to feel more fulfilled
Peaceful Mama Workshop: Bringing more intention and awareness into our day to feel more fulfilled
One way to feel more at peace in our busy days, is to be tuned in to the things that fill us up. Awareness is the first step.
Our days will be busy no matter what. When we choose to fill ourself us up first, we show up as the highest version of ourself at home, at work, in our relationships—in all the different areas of our life.
Join me for a PeacefulMamaworkshop next Friday, August 18 at 10am at
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yestumme13-blog · 7 years
Zen Parenting - 14 tools for more cooperation and less overwhelm in parenting
Zen Parenting – 14 tools for more cooperation and less overwhelm in parenting
It’s when our children aren’t cooperating and we’re experiencing stress in our lives that we need to practice mindful, conscious  parenting. 
But its during these stressful and overwhelming times that we lose our Zen self. But the more we practice, in good times and in bad, the easier it becomes to tap into.
Whatever you want to call it—being calm, centered, mindful, or zen—requires daily…
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yestumme13-blog · 7 years
Feeling more energized from helping others and experiencing deep relaxation and healing through Reiki - EDEM ep. 39 with Janice Lodato
Feeling more energized from helping others and experiencing deep relaxation and healing through Reiki – EDEM ep. 39 with Janice Lodato
Little opportunities to give a little bit of ourselves through our time, patience, and love are all around us. And helping others actually helps ourself by activating that part of the brain that releases the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine.
Meet Janice Lodato, a mother of one who works full-time but also has a Reiki, grief coaching, and meditation instruction practice on the side. She is busy…
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yestumme13-blog · 7 years
Being Positive - Accepting that whatever is happening now is the best for this moment
Being Positive – Accepting that whatever is happening now is the best for this moment
We were at a crowded indoor play space, where many of us find ourselves during the cold and rainy months.
I was complaining about the crowds, how far away we had to park, how chaotic it seemed.
Then I realized something… my kids weren’t complaining at all. They didn’t even seem to notice these negatives that were consuming me.
  I paused and changed the way I felt about the experience in front if…
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yestumme13-blog · 7 years
Struggling with weight, making a shift, gaining back energy and so much more - EDEM ep. 38 with Shanna O'Brien
Struggling with weight, making a shift, gaining back energy and so much more – EDEM ep. 38 with Shanna O’Brien
The idea of giving ourselves up when become mothers doesn’t work because we have to take care of ourselves first, before we can help others. We’re only as good as how we feel inside, our energy level, our mindset.
Meet Shanna O’Brien, mom of 3 who talks candidly about her struggle with losing weight, feeling unhappy, and just waiting for her days to end. She was looking on Facebook wondering why…
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yestumme13-blog · 8 years
How to Sustain Your Child’s Natural Mindfulness
How to Sustain Your Child’s Natural Mindfulness
How do we create a more compassionate world for our children? We can start by practicing mindfulness and compassion in our own homes and relationships.
Our children learn most by what we model in the everyday moments that make up our days. As we’re eating breakfast, driving to activities, and connecting or disconnecting. It’s not so much what we say. It’s the tone of our voice, the look on our…
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