yesnoactually ¡ 10 months
It's the Dutch national elections today!
And I'm working at the polls.
So, for y'all non-Dutch ppl here, this is what our ballots look like:
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You vote for one specific candidate. The longests lists are from VVD and D66 and they consist of no less than 80 people.
Unfortunately I have no cat for reference scale but it's ginormous. I've seen a lot of ppl struggle with folding it.
So far the turnout has been great at my station and we haven't even hit the evening rush yet. The polls suggest more than 50% of voters are unsure who to vote for, so turnout is probably gonna go up by Quite A Bit as it gets dark.
Pssst, Nederlandse tumblrinas, hier een tip:
Ga stemmen!
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yesnoactually ¡ 1 year
read the words on my lips, kiss them to answer.
no need to knock the door i know it’s you, just slip right and make yourself at home.
put your feet upon te table and hold me in your arms, like you’ve been here a thousand times and will be here a thousand more.
watch me give you all you want and more, feel yourself sink in my words.
*I love you*
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yesnoactually ¡ 1 year
It’s starting to hurt again, get bad again.
The agony comes back peeking around the corner.
each night, each day, each breath i take is a quivering one.
waiting, anticipating the worst is yet to come.
just put me somewhere nobody can see me shake and cry and beg for death.
to hurt is to live but hurting much isnt worth living.
i want to be normal and feel the pain of love and friendship not of death and despair
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yesnoactually ¡ 1 year
In the end its all about love isnt it?
the wanting to be buried close to a dear one
the holding of the hands of a stranger
the helping those who probably cant be healed no matter what you try
in the end
love is all there is
all there ever will be
love will always be there
if you look very, very closely
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yesnoactually ¡ 1 year
i found out the hard way
that not everyone hates their body
not everyone avoids the mirror
not everyone sees the characteristics of the sexes as a sure way to hate themselves
“i would make such a pretty boy” i say
so now i will be what i was always meant to be
always wanted to be
A Pretty Boy
with a body that matches the mind
the mirrors will be uncovered
the self love will be there for the first time
and i will be me
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yesnoactually ¡ 2 years
getting older
waiting not so patiently for the end
because with all thats current
i dont see the end taking much longer
when i find that first gray hair
i’ll be finally set free
i’ll finally die happily knowing that getting older was meant for me
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yesnoactually ¡ 2 years
why am i scared to look up in to the mirror?
scared i’ll see what i’ve always known is there
the black figures i see in the corner of my eyes
i see things flying, walking, hiding and smiling beside me
i feel like i wasnt produced properly
a wolf howling at the sun
something isnt right
but its nice to have a friend i suppose
i know they’ll never leave
reassuring in some way
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yesnoactually ¡ 2 years
I’m not satisfied
the words i choose are so repetitive
as if my vocabulary is a faulty radio
playing the same song over and over again
just to make itself understood
what if it isnt
what if i changed them to
nostalgic with a tinge of sadness
it wouldn’t work
its my own
its so safe using those words
like a blanket
thats it
thats all i have to say
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yesnoactually ¡ 2 years
I want to know what will be in a few years
if i will be loved by something other than friendship
touched by kisses
maybe there will someone drawing soft circles on my back
maybe they will tell me goodmorning and goodnight everyday
maybe the crying will never stop
the blues will stay
and the day will not go by in a haze of laughter and sensuality
do i want to know what the future holds?
or does ignorance truly mean bliss?
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yesnoactually ¡ 2 years
don’t panic
don’t look away
the things i see
the things i say
are like hallucinations
the sorrows of the mind
the very pits of pain
pull me out
dust me off
“think, feel, breathe and you shall prevail”
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yesnoactually ¡ 2 years
red as the wounds
i made for myself
red as the lips
i so desperately want to kiss
red as the blood
running through all veins
red as the light
of those who lie dormant
red the colour
of pain
and love
so close pleasure and pain
yet so very far
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yesnoactually ¡ 2 years
it’s just like riding a bike they say
they say you’ll learn
i never did
i may never will
to love is to learn
but i’ve never loved
nor have i ever been loved
i would like to learn tho
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yesnoactually ¡ 2 years
“if you read this i’ll be dead”
thats what they always say isnt it?
the forward
the backward
the i’ll be dead soon who cares
the i’ll read that later
i still have time
time is a fickle thing it is
the reading of the book
can’t wait
the walking out the door to a new day
can’t wait
the i love you so stick with me
can’t wait
because soon there will be a letter
“if you read this i’ll be dead”
“i’m so sorry it had to end this way”
so take your time
grasp it with both hands
and let it take you wherever it needs
if not for you
for someone who ran out
had no time
had no love left to give
had no grudges left to feel
stopped feeling all together
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yesnoactually ¡ 2 years
oh to be dauntless
grabbing the bull by its hornes
that kind of dauntless
the kind where you would
willingly at that
admit fault
admit love
admit hate
admit that
you of all people really are
quite incompetent
to be the freedom itself
the wings on a bird
the mouth of a sailor
the colours of the sky
daunting isn’t it?
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yesnoactually ¡ 2 years
dying isn’t something done
it’s something that takes time
and lots of hate, revenge and despair
dying takes time
is done with care
lots of yearning for it
when the time is near
love it
hate it
you’ll be suprised at how much
you will want it
when it’s all said and done
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yesnoactually ¡ 2 years
my favorite colour
the colour of the sun
when you look at it
the colour of the warmth that fills me
when i speak to you
the sparkles in your eyes
like the bees that give us life
like the daffodils in the field i want to roam in
everything will be yellow at one point
from the sky to the deepest sea
well that is when i’m i charge
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yesnoactually ¡ 2 years
an end
a beginning
and also the middle bit
i’ve had the beginning
didnt like it all that much
the end will probably be soon
you know given the state of things
but the middle im still searching for
how will it turn out?
will it be nice like a rainy day with a lover
will it be awful, vile and horrible
like all other things have been
probably the latter
so i will prepare
gear up
for whatever will come my way
because for some reason quitting isnt an option
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