yellowing · 7 years
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hi im back with this au, i guess
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yellowing · 7 years
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ookami nijimura / priest (?) himuro ... who is not very holy at all lmao. also i guess veeery late art for kiss day o)-<
i might start just dumping all of my au art on this blog too...
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yellowing · 8 years
American Gods AU
background: i’ve been rereading american gods again and am super pumped for the tv series coming up and in turn this monstrosity creeped into my brain so... there.
...the more i think about it the more it becomes a weird mashup of american gods / noragami / the cross colors seven lucky gods AU...
obligatory fake paperback summary (what would this even be called? Japanese Gods? i don’t know):
Taiga is a man with a past. But now he wants nothing more than to live a quiet life with his brother, play some basketball, and stay out of trouble. Until Taiga learns that he’s been killed in a terrible accident.
Flying back to Japan for the funeral, as a violent storm rocks the plane, a strange man seems to suddenly appear in the empty seat next to him. The man calls himself Kuroko Tetsuya, and he knows more about Taiga than is possible.
He warns Taiga that a far bigger storm is coming. And from that moment on, nothing will ever be the same...
Also uh just so we’re clear, Kagami isn’t going to be shipped with anyone. It’s just him having a no good very bad extremely shitty year with a bunch of divine fuckups. There are side pairings, but you’ll have to work them out yourself~
Might add some more characters later but this is all for now!
Kagami Taiga
A nisei Japanese-American who was involved in a robbery gone wrong and took the fall for everyone else. His sentence is unexpectedly commuted and he is released after learning that his brother died in a mysterious car crash in Tokyo.
Is hustled by Kuroko into a weird job as his bodyguard after he learns that his former employer disappeared after the accident. Kagami knows basically jack shit about Japanese religion after growing up in America for so long, but slowly recognizes that Kuroko is actually the god Daikoku after following him to multiple shrines. He thinks that rogue spirits are the reason why Himuro died and thus is more motivated to stick around with Kuroko to find out why this is happening, but still doesn’t know what Kuroko sees in him until much later.
Also accidentally resurrects Himuro after tossing into his casket one of the rings he got to remember his brother by, after getting released from prison.
(The god Fukurokuju is the only one of the Seven Lucky Gods with the ability to resurrect the dead.)
Himuro Tatsuya
Kagami’s older brother figure and close friend, they drifted apart for a while until the whole mess that got Kagami imprisoned happened. Actually feels very guilty about it but hasn’t been able to come around to apologizing to Kagami before the car crash happens.
Gets accidentally resurrected by Kagami and goes on the run after spirits start randomly getting attracted to him and keep trying to kill him, presumably because of the divine mark left on him (his ring.)
Nijimura Shuuzou
A junior officer in the Public Security Mobile Investigation Unit of the Tokyo police force who gets roped up into the battle of the gods after witnessing officers get killed by rogue spirits. 
He was originally assigned to track down a possible cult uprising that his department could not figure out (designated ‘The Miracle Makers’ - actually just shit the Seven Lucky Gods caused) but gets saved by Himuro instead during a raid gone wrong. They try to find out wtf is going on together and encounter some of the gods/spirits listed below.
Alexandra Garcia
Kagami and Himuro’s former employer/mentor. She faked her own death as a cover after Himuro’s death to find out more about what had really happened, which is how she winds up employed in a Roppongi hotel where rumors of strange happenings keep cropping up...
Kasamatsu Yukio
Nijimura’s senpai at the Public Security Mobile Investigation Unit. He becomes increasingly concerned when members of the police department start getting seriously hurt or killed at an abnormal rate during mysterious occurrences, and decides to take matters into his own hands when Nijimura disappears.
Basically knows jack shit about magic or gods or whatever, but is a damn good shot (to some of the spirits’ horror.)
Haizaki Shougo
Nijimura’s kouhai who dropped out of police school. He gets involved with some bad spirits and gets into a life of petty crime, wherein he’s picked up by a mysterious man as an informant on the police side of things.
CAST/Kuroko’s Group
Kuroko Tetsuya
The god Daikoku, who is trying to find out why there are rogue spirits roaming around Japan. He comes to the conclusion that it is because one of the Seven Lucky Gods is missing and that some of them have turned corrupt, and figures out that Kagami is actually the missing god reincarnated as a human.
In order to fight the other gods who he believes are letting spirits fuck up Japan for their own gain, he is recruiting other spirits and minor deities to back him up. Without his golden mallet, which was stolen from him centuries ago, he has little presence and not that much power despite being a popular god, to the surprise of many.
Momoi Satsuki
The goddess of happiness and beauty Kichijoten, who reluctantly joins Kuroko’s mission because she doesn’t want to start fighting with the other gods. Though she has good feelings towards Kuroko and is eager to help him otherwise she isn’t sure if she completely believes his reasoning behind the spirit attacks. On the other hand, she does not want to see her fellow gods fall into boredom and inaction and even possible corruption, and feels compelled to help the people in need.
Kiyoshi Teppei
The god Sarutahiko Okami, who guided humans to the Japanese islands in the past. Although he is currently not as powerful as he once was thanks to an injury he received, Kuroko still views him as a great asset and wise figure. He spends most of his time in a home for the elderly talking to people about their lives.
Aida Riko
An incarnation of the bodhisattva Kannon, who wants nothing to do with this venture but is suckered into it by Momoi. Despite her misgivings the suffering of the humans calls to her and strengthens her resolve in finding out who the culprit is. She owns an antiques shop that is often used for her companions’ as a congregation place.
Izuki Shun
A tengu from Mt. Hiei who works at a local library, specializing in making all the patrons leave and never return with his puns. After seeing his own clan start to act strangely he decides to go to the city and find out what happened along with Hyuuga, where he runs into Kuroko and Kagami.
Hyuuga Junpei
A kunado-no-kami (local god) who saw his village get overrun by bad spirits and his villagers suffering from bad luck. He then set out to bigger shrines to find someone who could help him ward off the spirits because his own power alone could not stop them. He runs into Izuki on the way and they seek out shrines in the city, thus coming into contact with Kuroko.
Takao Kazunari
Yatagarasu, an avian guide of divinity and symbol of the sun. Appears as a raven in most mythology but also likes to appear as a hawk in recent times (because, as he says, it looks cooler that way.)
He isn’t really “part” of Kuroko’s group, but he flits around them often enough out of curiosity that they start counting him as one of them anyway. Takao works odd jobs around his apartment, mainly things like bartending, and picks up some interesting signs from a disgruntled bespectacled man who’s starting to frequent his bar...
CAST/The Seven (Five?) Lucky Gods
Kise Ryouta
The god Benzaiten, who works as an internationally famous model and quite frankly has not given much of a shit about his job as a god in a long time. At the same time, he has also become increasingly bored of the glitz and glam. Is accused at first by Hyuuga and Izuki to be the one who released the unruly spirits who overheard him talking about this, but in reality has no idea what happened. Or who happened, actually.
(Okay, maybe he has some idea, but it won’t do you any good to keep asking about it, Kurokocchi, so please just stop there.)
He still gets roped into the ordeal by Momoi’s disappointed stare. Uh, oops?
Midorima Shintarou
As Bishamonten, the god of warriors and repeller of evil spirits, he is very concerned about the rogue spirits roaming Japan. When he called for a council meeting of the gods only Akashi showed up, only to tell him that he believes it is the minor gods clamoring for rebellion. Midorima thinks it’s Kuroko who’s stirring up the rebellion and goes to confront him.
He is a well-respected doctor by day, though he’s starting to develop a bad habit of going to a certain bar nearby at night because of all the pressure from both of his jobs. Midorima also listens religiously to the morning broadcast Oha Asa, which despite his not having an actual birthday and the show not being broadcasted by spirits, is a very accurate prediction of his fortune.
Aomine Daiki
Jurojin, the god of longevity. Used to pick fights with other gods all the time, but now possibly gives even less of a shit about being a god than Kise, considering people don’t really worship him that much anymore. Now he spends most of his time drifting from town to town, much to Momoi’s horror when she finally finds him again.
He gets into a fight with Kagami at one point after some miscommunication and thinks that it’s Kagami’s fault that Kuroko and Momoi are trying to mess with something they shouldn’t mess with. Kagami thinks he’s hiding something (he isn’t; he just likes being an ass. Maybe.)
Murasakibara Atsushi
Hotei, the god of fortune and children. He works as a hotel concierge and frequents the in-house sweets shop run by Sakurai (Tajimamori) who is pretty frightened of him all things considered, and rarely seeks out gods other than the Seven Lucky Gods and select others. Is pretty docile, and while Kuroko clashes with him on how to treat humans they are otherwise on friendly terms.
Doesn’t seem to care a whole lot about what’s going on until several members of the police force suddenly burst in with a search warrant for a runaway criminal...
Akashi Seijuurou
Ebisu, the god of wealth. He is the unofficial leader of the Seven, who in the past always looked to his guidance in managing the affairs between the spirit world and the humans. He appears as a wealthy businessman, rumored among his colleagues to be descended from a noble house, polite but ruthless in his dealings.
Various gods have suspected that Akashi has a hand in the bad shit going on right now because of the rumors that he’s dabbled in weird magic before. Akashi, for his part, neither confirms nor denies these rumors, which simply adds fuel to the fire.
CAST/Other Characters
Araki Masako
A demigoddess whose grandmother was the goddess Kali. She teaches PE at a local high school by day but is a feared exorcist by night. The abnormal amount of spirits cropping up in the past year is what leads her to take a pilgrimage down south from her base in Akita to find out what’s going on, where she winds up running into some very interesting people.
Imayoshi Shouichi
A satori who works as a fortune-teller and informant in Ginza and is part of the local underworld populated by humans and youkai alike. Although seemingly amoral and willing to sell information to every side imaginable in the conflict, might he have his own hidden agenda...?
Hanamiya Makoto
Leader of a tsuchigumo yakuza clan who wants to use the current chaos as an excuse to extend their influence. They have clashed with the special forces of the police in the past before as well as other yakuza members. Is the reason why Kiyoshi is injured.
Mayuzumi Chihiro
Hakutaku, a youkai which carries around a book containing all known manner of demons and spirits of the world. Reticent and much preferring to stay out of the matters of the other gods and spirits over the years, he works at a small bookstore in an obscure part of Tokyo that attracts virtually no attention.
The recent upsurge of spirit activity has only increased the number of people seeking him out, which annoys him to no end.
Ogiwara Shigehiro
The rice god Ukanomitama, who has been long forgotten and not seen by the other gods in years. What could have happened to him?
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yellowing · 8 years
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KNB X Harry Potter AU: Wand types! 
It’s been a while since I updated this AU - I wrote these down a while ago but kept forgetting to put it up orz. The descriptions for the wood types come directly from the Harry Potter Wiki, with the exception of the native Japanese species and the paulownia (descriptions from a variety of sources including Wikipedia.) 
Under the cut are explanations for the core types; yeah, I know, it’s probably easier to give them all dragon heartstring/unicorn tail hair/phoenix feather, but I wanted to have a little fun lol. Quotation marks (””) indicate direct quotes from the wiki.
Big Three
Dragon heartstring: “Powerful, easy to learn spells though can easily be committed to another owner.”
Unicorn tail hair: “Consistent magic, bonds strongly to first user.”
Phoenix feather: “Learns most varied magic, hard to be chosen.”
Uncommon Types
Thestral tail hair: described as an unstable and difficult substance to utilize as a wand core, as well as making the wand have an unique and dispassionate personality. My train of thought was less trying to channel the elder wand (as it’s the only wand in canon to contain a thestral tail hair core) but more of the ‘invisibility’ part - this is vague for now but I feel like in this AU Kuroko would’ve seen some shit as a kid, and I think he’d be the kind of person to be really friendly with great creepy beasts nobody else can see, so.
Veela hair: temperamental, also more unstable and less easy to control than the “big three”, but has been utilized more broadly than thestral tail hairs. 
Salamander scale: salamanders are small fire-dwelling lizards in the Wizarding world. I felt like Wakamatsu needed something ~fiery~ like his personality which is why I chose this, but then again I guess a dragon heartstring would’ve worked as well lol.
Demiguise hair: if y’all have seen Fantastic Beasts, you will know the demiguise is a creature that can a) tell the future and b) make itself invisible at will. In canon it is said that demiguise hair can be made into invisibility cloaks, but they will eventually turn opaque. So...I think this fits Mayuzumi pretty well. :’D
Re’em hair: the re’em is native to North America and the Far East, and its blood gives the drinker immense strength. I don’t think blood can be a core (?) and that also sounds like of gruesome, so I opted for hair...
Griffin feather: griffins are fucking awesome, okay. Fierce creatures with a diet of raw meat, but can be befriended by wizards. In ancient Egyptian mythology they were regarded as symbols of divinity.
Leprechaun hair: look, I know leprechauns aren’t associated with puns necessarily, but just. Imagine. I think the point here anyway is the mischievous nature of the magic.
Jobberknoll feather: “the jobberknoll is a small, blue speckled bird that never makes any noise until the moment before it dies. It then lets out a long scream, which consists of every sound it ever heard backwards.” Considering Mitobe never fucking talks, I feel like this is appropriate...also, their feathers are used in truth serums and memory potions, so I guess that makes for interesting symbolism (re: never talking but having a good eye and memory.)
Acromantula hair: it’s the spiders. That’s it. Considering acromantulas are actually sentient and capable of forming emotional bonds with other human beings, I’d imagine the hair probably came from a pet...
Knarl quill: you know what. I don’t remember why I put this here. Knarls are cute??? Knarls are hedgehog-like creatures with magical uses for their spines, although the wiki doesn’t tell us what those uses are...
Ramora scale: “the Ramora is a silver fish native to the Indian Ocean that has strong magical power to anchor ships in place. It is an immensely powerful magical fish in the world of magic, and is a guardian of the seafarers.” Just continuing the association between Kaijou and the sea...
Hippogriff feather: hippogriffs are proud and fiercely loyal creatures who require maintaining a proper etiquette to befriend. Sounds like someone we know, huh?
Shrake spine: I...don’t remember why this is here, either. Shrakes are magical fish that seek out and destroy fishing nets.
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yellowing · 8 years
The Secret Garden x KNB AU
this is entirely @conquerse‘s fault jsyk
of course this is gonna be a) kid!mayuaka (platonic bc theyre like...10-12yo??) type of thing; and b) mostly just rakuzan and shuutoku characters again with a few others thrown in, and just... i’m starting to realize this is a trend, i love them,
...coming from me, what else would it be, honestly.
(not a fic YET just outlining characters/a bit of plot in order of appearance...)
mayuzumi: an only child living in (unspecified country/time period idk where this is set yet...late meiji japan? late victorian/early edwardian england? who the fuck knows) with wealthy but neglectful parents, basically he’s mary in this au ok so i won’t elaborate too much on that. he goes to live with a distant relative in a giant mansion after his parents’ death and hates it. at least he has books. maybe. continuously tries to find a nice place to read without being bothered by the staff (i.e. rakuzan members) (this is how he stumbles upon the garden because there is no rooftop available).
mibuchi: perpetually harangued butler sent to escort mayuzumi to the akashi estate. finds the kid strange with his habit of basically evaporating into thin air. he does his job perfectly but honestly also needs a break and a raise.
nijimura: fucking yall this is where it breaks down i dont know if i want him to be martha or dickon or even fucking ben weatherstaff and actually ... i guess martha makes more sense. is incredulous that mayuzumi doesn’t know so many things about taking care of himself. what the fuck is up with rich kids. why do i have to look after You. anyway they kind of snipe at each other until theyre finally sort of friendly after Character Development(tm) kicks in. hella protective of akashi even if he is snooty and imperious bc he needs someone to look after him after all because he’s like ten. anyway hes just here to earn money to help his dad in the hospital cus his mom has 2 more other kids to feed
midorima: the youngest but most gifted gardener on the staff, whos just here doing his garden things. is a grumpy carrot. shiori was very kind to him when she was alive ten years ago when he first came to the estate, so he stayed on even after her passing. very superstitious and reads the morning paper for horoscopes. is apprehensive upon learning about akashi, but comes to accept him.
akapiyo: i can’t believe im making akapiyo a character, sort of. remember the robin in the story? yeah, that.
akashi seijuurou: Yet Another spoiled rich kid, master of the house... hidden from view because despite being actually very suitable & intelligent as an heir, his father doesn’t want to look at him because of the reasons already outlined in the book (& misplaced concern that he might Also Die Young), he looks like his mom etc. how would masaomi keep him locked up tho like i feel like akashi would probably sneak out all the time he just hasnt figured out what to do with that time yet, thus the dilemma. mibuchi n nijimura indulge him very much, to mayuzumi’s chagrin. he takes a great deal of interest in mayuzumi bc he’s not from around And speaks to him...with 0 respect...what is this new feeling...
takao: dickon!! i guess he gets to name the animals he has around after various shuutoku players (aka the garden staff.) also likes to come to the mansion/gardens to bother the staff a lot, to midorima’s chagrin (he has a soft spot for this kid tho). also not rly related to nijimura, just grew up next door or something (?)
the rest of rakuzan: nebuya works in the kitchens and hayama in the stables? higuchi is...the footman?? i don’t know. shirogane is the doctor. maybe.
akashi masaomi: probably in like, fucking france or switzerland or sth 364 days of the year because he doesn’t want to be home and also is on business trips and shit. constant angst about his wife. buddy please look after your son. seriously.
akashi shiori: unfortunately dead. probably appears as a ghost. maybe.
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yellowing · 8 years
detective?? horror?? au
this idea was from eons ago but i was discussing this with a friend recently and decided some changes(tm) were needed
also just dumping it here for now bc if i do end up writing sth it’ll be far into the future...
main premise:
kuroko tetsuya, a recent college graduate hailing from an obscure village in the country, comes to the big city at the behest of a former teacher who runs a cram school for gifted kids. but between the building collapse that greets his first day, meeting a strange redheaded kid and gaining a sullen, mysterious roommate, he seems to have gotten himself into much more than he’s bargained for.
characters etc. under the cut
main characters
kuroko: a japanese-language cram school teacher with unremarkable and forgettable features and little presence. lived with his grandmother for most of his life in a tiny village in the mountains until he went off to college in the city.
mayuzumi: kuroko’s roommate. does he have a job?? nobody knows. mysterious, grumpy and perpetually annoyed that kuroko keeps unwittingly attracting supernatural trouble. seems to have weird powers (?) or maybe it’s just his lack of presence...?
other characters
nijimura: kuroko’s former college teacher who invited him to come teach at the cram school he runs. rumored to have a delinquent past.
generation of miracles (aomine, midorima, murasakibara, kise): a group of (gifted? who knows lmao) students who were friends and used to go to the cram school together 10 years ago. during the time of the collapse they were having a reunion inside the building which kills everyone but them and a few other people.
murasakibara: gets his leg hurt during the collapse and stays at the hospital, but sees the ghosts of some of his former classmates haunting his room.
aomine: a divorced ex-basketball player turned salaryman who is raising his kid on his own after a long custody battle. things start going south when he starts suspecting there’s something up with the legal processing...
kise: a rising actor who was supposed to be auditioning for a new horror film but ends up thinking he is possessed after attending a funeral service.
midorima: a reclusive doctor who shows up at the reunion after he gets a strange invitation, only to start remembering disturbing things he saw while at the school.
momoi: aomine’s childhood sweetheart who later broke up with him and went abroad for her studies. initially stayed in america while all of this was happening, only to come back after hearing about her friends all starting to die horrible deaths.
akashi (ore): a high school student in the class kuroko teaches who warns him about danger following him and then mysteriously disappears after the building collapse
akashi (boku): ? (it is a mystery)
initially i wanted to have kuroko meet kagami and himuro instead of akashi(s) because of Plot Reasons but then i figured this actually works better bc in the original work the protagonist does meet a strange pair of twins...
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yellowing · 8 years
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the sorting! + team lineups
re-posting here bc i wanted to keep things all in one place / i made some slight edits to the lineup (no personnel changes just position changes...?)
i can’t believe i spent so much time on this rip; explanations/some basic headcanons under the cut
all of them have the same age gap (2 years at most) i.e. when kuroko’s generation are 4th years kasamatsu’s generation are 6th years. i refuse to make the gap bigger lmao sorry
blood status, prefect status etc isn’t reflected here bc i don’t have enough COLORS or SYMBOLS that might be in a later table those tables are done i just need to post them separately bc this is a giant textpost ALREADY
some more notes n explanations for my choices;
i don’t believe in putting all the villains in slytherin…hanamiya was 100% a hatstall btwn slytherin and ravenclaw imo and being in ravenclaw probably made him seem less nefarious. the perfect cover for his uh, track record lmao?
yep all the professors were quidditch players at some point, what did you expect from me lmao
furi is a gryffindor FIGHT ME (actually dont fight me i am small and weak)
i know…i know…80% of rakuzan and shuutoku are in the same house respectively but…listen…
idc how much ppl dislike haizaki but im not putting him in slytherin just because of that (not saying to NEVER put him in there; go ahead! but i rly dislike using ‘he’s a villain in canon, so…’ as the only reason…sry). he’s a reckless asshole gryffindor to me
aomine is a ravenclaw idc how much his grades suck have you listened to him analyze basketball?
(everything below is less explanations and more headcanons for THINGS THAT HAPPEN)
hufflepuff probably makes the captaincy transition smoothly - i don’t think the slytherin 2nd years will be particularly happy but they’ll come around in time, and i can see some grumbles from gryffindor but it’s Akashi so.
ravenclaw probably has some kind of weird captain succession crisis? i can see izuki and momoi having a friendly rivalry about it (izuki conceding in the end) but hanamiya has to be placated by…uh…well. it wasn’t very pretty.
third succession for hufflepuff and slytherin is probably liu–>ogiwara and riko–>takao
sometimes gryffindor loses their seeker right before games
AND their seeker substitute
it’s kind of a mess (akashi is always the one who ends up finding them)
riko as a beater is terrifying do not let her tiny size imply otherwise
kagami and haizaki probably have gotten into fights on the field before when both akashi and nijimura aren’t present. actually scratch that they HAVE 100% DONE THAT
hyuuga yells at them but it doesn’t work lmao
why is gryffindor so overpowered idk please do not ask me this is just how it turned out (you don’t want to see what this chart looked like initially trust me)
hufflepuff has emergency meetings to pool resources to get midorima’s lucky item before every game
kise and takao become best friends and (lovingly) annoy the SHIT out of midorima.
i want himuro and mibuchi to become friends too? they probably talk about skinny jeans. not that they wear those at school. what do you mean the pile of pants you saw peeking out from under the bed
mitobe hangs out with the gryffindors a lot. koga used to go to him all the time instead but some of the ravenclaws freak him out, so.
mayuzumi probably knows all the hidden staircases and rooms and everything inside the castle bc Honestly (he uses the room of requirement as a quiet place to read where NOBODY CAN COME IN except akashi does)
midorima and takao probably met each other once or twice as children and although they’re in diff houses, takao keeps coming to find him n they start developing that weird lovable friendship
otsubo knits scarves for EVERYONE in hufflepuff for christmas. also takao, bc takao keeps coming over he might as well do that.
himuro and nijimura are both prefects and that’s how they get to know each other better. they become good friends and probably do terrifying adrenaline-filled activities during summer vacations
there’s a rumor that the gryffindor and slytherin heads of houses are dating. it has yet to be substantiated
?? more to come
while i def think many characters can fit more than one house, this is just my preference for now! like 95% of people in this fandom probably has their own knb au so yeah
idk if anyone’s actually reading this or if i’m just screaming into the void but i do welcome questions about my choices etc. _(:’3
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