yamato-hyuuga · 8 years
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((I probably won’t be able to finish redoing icons until tomorrow, but I redid my theme! I actually like it this time, and the colors are easier on the eyes too.))
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yamato-hyuuga · 8 years
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((.....tfw something randomly deletes itself from your computer))
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yamato-hyuuga · 8 years
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yamato-hyuuga · 8 years
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“Looks like we're back and better than ever.”
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yamato-hyuuga · 9 years
HE★VENS GATE -The Beginning of the Legend ♪
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yamato-hyuuga · 9 years
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“Uh huh. Sure. I wouldn’t be so sure of that if I were you. I ought to save you the embarrassment of trying and knock you on your ass before you hurt yourself, but I don’t make it a habit to fight girls.”
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🌸}~ That look was a bit intimidating, but she won’t back down. “Y-yeah. You and me, one on one. I’ll make you sorry you ever messed with me.”
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yamato-hyuuga · 9 years
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“Are you sure about that?”
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🌸}~ “Fight me.”
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yamato-hyuuga · 9 years
he’s the resident bad boy she’s the innocent little flower they fall in love they date he breaks her heart for whatever reason she cries THEY TOLD ME NOT TO TRUST YOU they break up he pretends not to care some asshole hits on her he beats the living crap out of said asshole whilst screaming DON’T YOU EVER GO NEAR HER AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU SHE’S THE BEST FUCKING THING THAT’S EVER HAPPENED TO ME GODDAMMIT
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yamato-hyuuga · 9 years
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                 ❝If you’ve got a problem,                                                           COME AND GET ME.❞
                                                                                  Image credit: twitter & pixiv
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yamato-hyuuga · 9 years
The new HE★VENS is back.
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yamato-hyuuga · 9 years
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“Our angels would disagree, don’t you think? They were very happy to see us be by those gates at the concert. And do you really think any of us care what you think? Not a chance.”
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   “Yappy little–” He’s not a yappy little puppy, thank you very much! “You shouldn’t even be behind, let alone BY those gates. You don’t deserve the title HEAVENS at all. You guys are all asses.”
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yamato-hyuuga · 9 years
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((Twitter is wonderful oh my god.
Just look at “Yamatora.” Now enjoy the rest of your day.))
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yamato-hyuuga · 9 years
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((The things I do because I’m picky. orz
Anyway, new theme!~ It’s finally one that I’m happy with.))
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yamato-hyuuga · 9 years
Do you hate Ryuuya or your other brothers?
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“Ryuuya and I fight a lot, and he pisses me off more often than not, but I don’t hate him. I consider him a rival. Why would I hate my other brothers? Touma pesters me about my health, and Makoto is just fucking annoying sometimes, but they’re still my brothers. I don’t like any of them, but I don’t hate their guts either. What can I say? They’re family.”
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yamato-hyuuga · 9 years
Yamato, what is your stance on the damaged caused per concert by mysterious blue flames? Do you think they are too much, or not enough?
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“Not enough. This shouldn’t even be a question.”
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yamato-hyuuga · 9 years
Yo, Yama, what's your favourite food? Drink? Activity? Boob size?
“For food, anything with protein. Meat, mostly. It’s what tastes the best anyway. I usually drink water or sports drinks; the kind loaded with vitamins and stuff. I’ll have coffee if I’m desperate for caffeine, but it’s disgusting without anything added to it.”
“Training and video games keep me busy. When one pisses me off or tires me out, I turn to the other. Boxing is what wears me down the most, but it’s fun as hell.”
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“......Why the fuck are you asking what my boob size preference is? I don’t really care as long as a girl has something I can grab up top.”
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yamato-hyuuga · 9 years
((Since I haven’t seen a meme for it today, I’ll just make a post:
This is a formal open invitation to pester Yamato and/or me with questions. I want more headcanons for this asshole.))
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