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♥ Personal, random things, some edits and translations 
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yakyuus · 6 years ago
New Daiya no Ace Casts!!
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Umehara Yuichiro as Mima Soichiro from Hakuryuu High
Fukushima Jun as Koutari Kazuto & Yuuto from Yamamori Gakuen
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yakyuus · 6 years ago
New Daiya no Ace Casts!!
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Ono Daisuke as Hongou Masamune
Junichi Suwabe as Enjou Renji
Sakura Ayane will replace Yurika Endou as Yoshikawa Haruno
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yakyuus · 6 years ago
A3! White Day Special Lines 2019
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Graphics: @sarapyon
Proofread: @tomateyrei on twitter
Translation by me
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yakyuus · 6 years ago
ゲスおと☆ (Gesu oto ☆) Full Translation~
CV: 佐和真中(Nakazawa Masatomo)
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yakyuus · 6 years ago
aaaa thank you so much for translating 執着eye3!! (especially that H scene... LOL) i hope you do more r18 drama cd translations soon!!
You're welcome~ haha
The H scene almost wrecked me 😂
I'm just a beginner but I hoped you enjoyed my translation and of course I'll do more~
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yakyuus · 6 years ago
執着eye3 (Shuuchaku Eye 3) Summary & H Translation
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CV: 寺竹順 (Abe Atsushi)
(I’ll only translate the H-scene since I’m not that confident enough with my japanese. If there’s a mistranslation don’t hesitate to point it out. Thank you very much)
*you and your(as the listener/mc)
Tags: non-con/rape, stalker
Track 1 春の日
Mc is walking and suddenly someone greeted her(maybe for her new apartment)
Track 2 開幕
So this is where Asai knocks on your door,…
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yakyuus · 6 years ago
When will Daiya no Ace season 3 be out?
It's on Spring!! April 2019 ヽ(´▽`)/
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yakyuus · 6 years ago
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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yakyuus · 6 years ago
New Daiya no Ace anime casts!!
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Ayumu Murase as Yui Kaoru
Hatanaka Tasuku as Asada Hirofumi
(Im so excited for my bb boys ♡)
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yakyuus · 7 years ago
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Screw Driver 4☆ Another collection ヽ(´▽`)/
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yakyuus · 7 years ago
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Screw Driver 5☆ My beloved collections of this mighty meaty
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yakyuus · 7 years ago
Its my birthday ~! Look how kamikaze stutter while asking what present I want 😍😍😍 I'm gonna miss this app so much
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yakyuus · 7 years ago
I gave up all my orbs cuz of those mizugi smh these damn bait
But when i solo-ed he just came casually.....
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Not gonna complain but i want those 3* cards 😅
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yakyuus · 7 years ago
hmmm i want to contribute too
Exactly what it says on the can, but this is just to gauge interest.
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yakyuus · 7 years ago
When You Wanted to do an International Project...
Well… I was going to make an official announcement for this today, but there’s no point. So I might as well explain what my idea was since there’s already an unofficial site to send support for Zaiki Takuma going around already that would be a more suitable option. 
Last night, I had an idea to do an International Project with everyone who’s supporting Zaiki through this difficult time. If there were any Japanese fans that are still going to support him, they could have joined in on it too. 
Since Zaiki has had to apologise twice for everything, those who are trying to support Zaiki are being defiled and hated on by the hate accounts on Twitter, as well as some of the fans that have dumped him and want their money back. Quite a lot of us international fans (as well as myself) had to go private on Twitter temporarily because if we send comments of support, the hate accounts and that comment and tell us not to do it because we have a photo of a different actor as our profiles and the actor then somehow “get’s involved” in the issue when they have nothing to do with it. They see it so then we don’t “tarnish” their good name. But they’ve also said that because we have those photos as our profiles instead of photos of Zaiki, we’re not “real” fans. Even those that I’ve seen who support Zaiki and that don’t have their profiles photos as him either! I even commented on the issue myself when he made a post about reading everyone’s Tweets about the issue, to explain that even though I have a main favourite, doesn’t mean that I’m not a fan of Zaiki as I love and respect all 2.5D actors. And I did comment in support for Zaiki when he made his apology and I never received any backlash for both, but I thought I’d go underground for the time being to play it safe. 
No matter what some of us have done, we’ve been scummed to the hate accounts taking over the entire comments and dominating those who are trying to support him. And I saw that @vvlin91 had posted on Twitter that if someone was going to do something that she’s be signal boosting it. So it gave me an idea. I wanted to get personal letters and/or short notes of support for Zaiki from all over the world and put them together into a little book that would be filled with positive notes in English & Japanese to send to Zaiki from where I am in Australia. I was going to be funding the entire project myself and everything. 
But since this morning, an Unofficial Site For Supporting Zaiki Takuma has been posted for international fans. Everyone from all over the world can write messages and the person who made the site will re-translate them into Japanese (so I would suggest writing in English as it’d be easier for the mods to re-translate), and one of the Mods for that page will be going on Zaiki’s Bus Tour to give him all of our messages personally as posted again by @vvlin91 on Twitter to let everyone know. So it would be best to write your messages on that site ASAP!  
So since that page has been opened overnight, I decided to drop my idea as this will be a faster way to get everyone’s messages to him since one of them will be going to his Bus Tour Event. I will be writing my message of support sometime today (as I have a lot going on IRL still that’s also stressing me out as well as this issue) as I feel bad for Zaiki and he needs to see that us international fans are different from his JPN fans! All of us would have scummed to relationship leaks in other fandoms either in your own countries or in western fandoms (US Entertainment) and we have learned to respect their relationships and continue to support them and not see them as someone we can spend our money on and want it back when things get bad. A lot Japanese fans don’t realise how much us internationals have to spend in order to see the shows, get the merch or even to go to events. We spend a lot of money to get a plane ticket and to get a hotel, we spend a lot on Proxy fees & shipping fees to get the merch online stores that don’t ship overseas (Animate, silkroadstore etc.) and even from sites that do ship overseas (Amazon Japan, CDJapan, etc.) or from a physical store that the proxy might need to go to for you since you can��t do it yourself, and we spend a lot of money just to get a ticket to the shows and events if we can make it. JPN fans do have it a bit more easier than us internationals and some of them don’t realise it. We do this because we are DEDICATED through and through! We don’t jump ship because things turn bad. It’s like some of them pay that kind of money for them to basically tell the actors “they’re not allowed to have a life or even a love life because I own you”. That’s what it feels like.
So please, get in your messages to that site ASAP and show support for Zaiki and let him know that if his JPN fans have left him for good, his international fans will ALWAYS be here to support him and his career and we’ll look forward to what he does in the future! ❤
(And some what I’ve written is my opinion that I wanted to say as nice as I could. If you don’t approve of some of the things I’ve said or I’ve taken it too far, please take it with a grain of salt or message me about it privately?)
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yakyuus · 7 years ago
trying to get your story together like:
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yakyuus · 7 years ago
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So I requested my sissy to get me that koibito pocky now I cant stop screaming internally
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