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pr0blematic-h0unds · 1 month ago
Hi there, sorry if we sound corny or some shit but you don’t know how amazing it feels to see another system who’s fictive heavy </3
It makes me (or us) feel seen that there are other fictive heavy systems who are happily existing and confident in who they are without caring about what anyone thinks (and good anti harassment mindset too, there are more serious things to worry about after all)
Again we’re sorry if this is cheesy or something but thank you for being YOU. It’s systems like you who help us be confident in who we are and accept ourselves as a system.
Thank you and have a good day/night ✌️
Were so glad we could make others feel comfortable w¡th themselves by us just be¡ng out here being s¡lly!!!
Our ta¡l ¡s wagging SUPER hard at th¡s, hegshrhehrhehd so happy aughhhh!!!!!!
We and host are so grateful for th¡s, th¡s just made our day so thank you for your k¡nd words!!!!
Thanks aga¡n for stopping by to tell us th¡s, we're gonna hold th¡s ask near and dear for sure x3
(Also, s¡de note! We are SO SORRY that th¡s is late!!! We forget most of the t¡me when we have th¡ngs ¡n our ¡nbox or drafts :"), so the delay for th¡s ask was not ¡ntent¡onal we swear!! <:"D)
- 🪽✉ // 🖌🎨 // 🎸🎧
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araenginerecondition · 3 days ago
Complete cylinder head services for the best engine performance
Maintaining and enhancing the performance of your car depends mostly onAll Cylinder Head Services. Crucially controlling the intake and exhaust valves, spark plugs, and fuel injectors, the cylinder head is the engine's component responsible for A well running cylinder head guarantees improved engine lifetime, smooth combustion, and effective power output. Specialized cylinder head services provide professional diagnostics and solutions whether your needs call for repairs, replacements, or changes. Regular maintenance can greatly increase the general condition of your engine, therefore avoiding expensive problems down-road and improving vehicle performance.
ARA Engine Reconditioning: Essential for Longevity
Maintaining the effective functioning of your vehicle depends on engine reconditioning, and "ara engine reconditiong" offers the required knowledge to bring engines back to their best. Engine performance and dependability decrease with wear and tear over time. Repairing or replacing worn-out parts helps to guarantee that every component, including bearings, pistons, and cylinder heads, is operating as it should be. By increasing the life expectancy and sparing you from costly replacements, a competent reconditioning service may revitalize your engine. Engine reconditioning is a perfect answer for individuals trying to maximize the power of their vehicle as, with the correct expertise and equipment, it enhances general performance and fuel economy.
Major advantages of cylinder head services
Many advantages of cylinder head servicing immediately affect the condition of your engine. The cylinder head might develop fractures, warping, or wear that lowers the engine's general performance over time. Resurfacing, pressure testing, and valve seat grinding are among the specialized services that help to solve these problems, thus guaranteeing good cylinder head operation. By ensuring correct combustion, regular maintenance or servicing may also increase fuel economy. Using All Cylinder Head Services guarantees dependable engine performance for years to come and helps vehicle owners avoid more costly repairs later on, including whole engine overhauls.
Why Is the Smart Choice ARA Engine Reconditioning?
Turning to expert services from ARA Engine Reconditioning might make all the difference when your engine begins displaying symptoms of failure. With years of experience, ARA Engine Reconditioning offers a reputable service focused on engine restoration. From minor repairs to major overhauls, their in-depth experience helps them to manage challenging engine issues. Every engine component is returned to its best thanks to the exhaustive and exacting refurbishing procedure. Choosing reconditioning services instead of a complete engine replacement can help you save money while still getting the performance and power of a new engine.
The Method Behind Cylinder Head Servicing
A thorough and meticulous operation, cylinder head service guarantees that every engine component is in perfect shape. Usually, the first step is looking for obvious damage such as fractures, warping, or too high carbon build-up on the cylinder head. Should problems arise, technicians might fix warping by welding cracks or cylinder head resurfacing. Furthermore done are pressure tests to make sure the cylinder head can sustain ideal pressure levels. Additionally carried out might be thorough cleaning and valve seat grinding. These maintenance improve engine life by helping the cylinder head to reach its performance criteria.
Keeping and improving the performance of your engine calls for certain treatments such as ARA Engine Reconditioning and All Cylinder Head Services. Both are rather important for guaranteeing the lifetime and best performance of your engine. From complete engine overhauls to cylinder head repairs, these services get your car back to running order. Selecting a reputable supplier like ARA Engine Reconditioning will help you to be sure your engine will get the treatment it requires. Visit araenginereconditioning.com.au to find out more about their skilled services and how they could enable your engine to run as it ought.
For more info:
Engine Rebuilding Services
Cylinder Block Honing
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commonpoint1 · 3 months ago
john tenuto speaking about -The true answer to this daunting question – DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME? - As I have moved forward with my life amazing things have unfolded that I did not even consider- in the conception of my future – I have a video “ Everything happens for a reason”   so look at your life in terms of what you are giving now, not what you wanted to do from your past perceptions. Trust me we all think like this, “Why am I here?” or “What’s the point of my life?” what is my significance? looking back what did you do that was of value to you or someone else? And do you fill overwhelmed about wasting your life or feeling that you did not live up to your potential. You might have a sense that your life is meaningless or believe on some level you aren’t doing anything to create value or a lasting impact.  – trust me we all have meaning in some way even if we can’t accept it. ONAL- how to
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daixiepython · 11 months ago
CSCI 4176/CSCI 5708
CSCI 4176/CSCI 5708 Mobile Compu6ng: ASSIGNMENT NO. 4 Date Given: Friday, Nov 1, 2023 Date Due: Sunday, Nov 14, 2023, 11.59 PM Submission: On Brightspace PLEASE READ - GENERAL IMPORTANT NOTES FOR ALL ASSIGNMENTS:
For research type ques/ons or for ques/ons that require you to do online searches, please ensure that all references are properly cited in your answers. Use IEEE reference styles.
Keep in mind that just because you cite references, you must not “cut-and-paste”
代写 CSCI 4176/CSCI 5708
from these or other sources. The write-up must be properly paraphrased and referenced.
This assignment is intended to be completed individually. Please remember that collabora/on with others on this assignment may be viewed as a breach of our academic integrity policy.
Submission will be on Brightspace. Convert your documents into pdf. Submit ONE pdf file containing the answers to all ques/ons. If you have answers in mul/ple documents, compress them into a zip file and upload ONE zip file. Please make sure that your full name and banner ID appears on the document(s). Title: Province and City Explorer Android Applica6on Objec6ves: In this assignment, you will create an Android applica/on that allows users to explore a province and its ci/es. The applica/on should start with a login screen and then lead to a main page with naviga/on op/ons for exploring the province and its ci/es. Part 1: Project Implementa6on   1 point (Login) 2 points (Naviga=on Panel) 1 point (Background Image) 2 points (ViewPager) 2 points (TabView+Image)
LoginAc6vity: This is the entry point of the applica/on. Implement a simple login screen that grants access to the MainAc/vity (hardcoded username and password).
MainAc6vity: ATer a successful login, users should be taken to the MainAc/vity. This ac/vity should incorporate a Naviga/onToolbar with two items: "Province Info" and "Ci/es". Addi/onally, the MainAc/vity should display an image of the selected country in the background.
ProvinceInfoAc6vity: When a user selects "Province Info" from the Naviga/onToolbar, they should be taken to the ProvinceInfoAc/vity. This ac/vity should u/lize a ViewPager to display different views (or fragments) of informa/on about the province.
Ci6esAc6vity: When a user selects "Ci/es" from the Naviga/onToolbar, they should be taken to the Ci/esAc/vity. In this ac/vity, implement a TabView with three tabs, each represen/ng one of the three ci/es in the province. Each tab should display a picture of the corresponding city. 2 points Bonus Op6onal: Adding more op/ons to the naviga/on panel or improving the design may earn you up to 2 bonus points.
2 points Part 2: Report Wri6ng ATer implemen/ng the project, students will be required to write a comprehensive report covering: Project Descrip6on: An overview of the project, its objec/ves, and func/onali/es. Technical Details + Code Commen6ng: A discussion of the technologies used, project structure, and important code snippets. Explain what each line/block of code does, ensuring that the descrip/ons are detailed and clear. (Please take Screenshots of your ac6vi6es and explain about them) Challenges & Learning Points: Reflect on the challenges faced during the project and how they were overcome, as well as the key points learned. Results and Screenshots: Include screenshots of the working applica/on, explaining each one. Conclusion: Share final thoughts on the project and poten/al future enhancements. The report should be well-structured and free from spelling and grammar errors, demonstra6ng proficient technical wri6ng skills. The commented codes should be included as the final sec6on of your assignment within the PDF file. Addi6onally WX:codehelp 
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teamxyellow · 2 years ago
Brian Stars' Affect on Alt Social Media
Brian Stars was a very popular interviewer in the alt scene known for interviewing the biggest names of the time such as Panic! at the Disco, Motionless in White, Blood on the Dance Floor, and more. These interviews were then posted on YouTube for hundreds of thousands of people to see. Brian would often exploit teenagers by having them on the channel, and ask inappropriate and raunchy questions to the bands which would result in disturbing answers. One example of this is when Stars interviewed Ronnie Radke and asked what his preference in women was, who then answered "I love their personality. Their puss-onality". Answers like this were an extremely common occurrence on this YouTube channel, and the effects were dangerous.
Fans seeing their idols display a cocky and misogynistic attitude allowed for them to feel like the artists themselves had given their approval for this behavior, which is how the cycle of misogyny begins in the scene. Once these fans adopt these attitudes towards women to be more like their idols, they begin to harass and demean women in online and public spaces that were meant to be a place of community. This behavior then spreads to the other men in those groups, only worsening the effect.
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mageofspacemultiverse · 2 years ago
TAT> A gAme shop oh thAt sounds suff!c!ent conf!rm the Address And ! w!ll rendezvous w!th your except!onAlly nerdy self w!th due hAste
TAT> ! hAve two or three cAesArs on my person for beverAges do you th!nk thAt would be enough
TAT> ActuAlly do not Answer thAt just let me know the plAce And we w!ll see About the T!me (lol)
In the middle of the day, Adrian receives a ping on his device from Trollian.
TAT> ! Am only just now reAl!z!ng we never Agreed on A proper meet!ng spot (lol)
ovo>> 0h, that*5 right! um... i c0u/d a/way5 c0m3 0v3r? 0r... h3y! th3r3*5 a gam3 5h09 n3arby. /0t5 0f fidu59awn card5 th3r3, and it*5 n3xt t0 a c0rn3r 5t0r3. w3 can g3t drink5 and b3 n3rd5!
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simsparrows · 2 years ago
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Before their elders arrived for instruction, the children were a force of chaos in their hut. They ran around the room playing games of predator versus prey and climbed on the stone seats and wooden benches like jungle animals. 
The time before interaction was everyone’s favorite part of their day. 
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It was a time with little to no rules, where they could be silly and live in their own world. 
On this day, in the middle of the commotion, Ando took to the floor and announced to all who would lend an ear in the hut that he was going to do an impersonation of Ghark. He  began to spin tall-tales and flutter his eyelashes at the girls. The children who were watching this spectacle roared with laughter...well, except for Ghark. 
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“That’s ridiculous,” Ghark scowled, gesturing in Ando’s direction as he bowed for his performance. “He’s not even half as cute as I am.” 
Ibha chuckled. 
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Not all children were running around vyign for the most attention or praise. Rhey and Tsala’s fiery-haired second daughter Kadji was sitting quietly waiting for instruction to begin. 
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Others like Naygan and her brother Onal were in the deep in a conversation about who was a better climber. They were often the ones int heir families to scale the tall trees on the forests edge and bring down the edible fruits and leaves. 
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Bori, seeing that this was Kadji’s first time getting formal instruction from her elders, invited her over to chat. He tried to invite Rain into the conversation but she was in her own excited world. 
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“Oh, when do we get to hit something?” Rain said, excitedly. No one answered but she didn’t mind. She had been up all night waiting for this day where she could join her elder siblings and learn. She was very excited about the combat training. 
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Kadji and Bori continued their conversation. 
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Outside, they could hear the deep voices of the elders and a hush fell over them. Hali slipped from her seat next to Forest, telling him they better settle into their places for instruction. 
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fatehbaz · 4 years ago
Hey! I got three chunks of money to donate for Christmas and there's so many things that need support I haven't been able to pick where to donate them yet. Mostly I want to donate to indigenous communities and environmental protection, especially bc indigenous communities do so much amazing work to protect the environment that helping one can also help both. I saw your swift fox post and it filled me with rage- do you know if there's anywhere I can donate to help?
Hmm, I know that I have friends at this site who are a part of these Native communities, and they would be better people to ask for guidance on how to help and/or donate. I’m not really equipped to give a good enough answer; not really  sure I have great recommendations. But I guess I’d like to share a couple of resources about reservations in the region. (This is the post being referenced, about the Fort Belknap reservation’s reintroduction of the previously-extinct swift fox to the prairies of northern Montana.) And I hope that, maybe, others reading this can supply some recommendations on where/how to donate.
A couple of recent issues:
-- Fort Belknap Indian Community joined the Rosebud Sioux to launch a major legal case against the Keysonte XL project (run by Alberta fossil fuel company TransCanada, now known as “TC Energy”) in order to prevent the pipeline from being installed on/near their communities. In spring of 2020, after months of pursuing the case (Rosebud Sioux Tribe v. Tr*mp) the tribes achieved several victories in federal courtrooms in Montana.
-- In 2020, Fort Belknap formally declared a state of emergency partially because of increased risk of viral spread due to the influx of pipeline workers brought in by TC Energy to service pipeline construction.
-- Nearby, in June 2020, Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes began lawsuits against multiple agencies of the US federal government over Keystone XL pipeline, since the project’s route would threaten Fort Peck’s drinking water because the pipeline is planned to be built under both the Milk River and the Missouri River only a kilometer or so west of Fort Peck’s border. This would threaten the Assiniboine and Sioux Rural Water Supply System (which was left out of the government’s and oil company’s “arbitrary geographic scope of the [routine environmental health] assessment” of the pipeline project). Fort Peck relies on this water system because the local groundwater was poisoned, and the aquifer destroyed, by oil development during the 20th century. In 2020, activists demonstrated against construction of the pipeline which was taking place nearby at the US-Canada border. (Just this month, January 2021, one activist from Fort Peck was interviewed by BBC News regarding Keystone XL.)
Also worth pointing out that the swift fox reintroduction program at Fort Belknap in 2020 was not the first time that the community hosted reintroduction of an iconic extinct species.
-- Beginning in 2013, Fort Belknap began reintroducing the highly endangered black-footed ferret, which had previously been functionally extinct in the wild. (These programs join other Native reintroduction efforts in northern Montana. Again, outside of Canada, in 1998 the Blackfeet reservation was the first community/organization to reintroduce the swift fox to a region where it had gone extinct.)
-- In 2019, the Fort Peck reservation reintroduced bison, when 55 of the creatures were transferred from Yellowstone and moved to the prairies north of the Missouri River at Fort Peck. (US federal government has a policy of simply harassing and/or killing bison that leave Yellowstone’s arbitrarily-drawn formal park boundaries, and Fort Peck negotiates to have those wandering bison brought to the reservation.)
I also just want to take a moment to say that these reservations are not treated nicely by the state of Montana. Big surprise.
North of the Yellowstone region (and with the exception of the Spokane and Tri-Cities urban areas), within US borders, in the entire 2,600 kilometers (1,600 miles) between Seattle on the Pacific coast and Minneapolis and the shores of Lake Superior, there is no city with a population of over 190,000. So, the northern Great Plains are relatively isolated from easy access to metropolitan resources (internet, cell service, grocery stores, etc.). Within Montana borders, south of the Missouri River, the Plains landscape features badlands and hosts a lot of cattle rangeland and coal mining. But the landscape north of the Missouri River was historically covered by Late Pleistocene glaciers, so the soil is different, which attracted settlers more interested in farming, and this region hosts more cropland. This expansive cropland eliminated most native shortgrass prairie, so the agriculture has not been kind to the swift fox (or black-footed ferret, bison, pronghorn, etc.). Four of Montana’s formally-recognized 7 reservations are located in this region: the Fort Peck reservation, Fort Belknap reservation, Rocky Boy’s reservation, and the Blackfeet reservation. There is also the Little Shell Chippewa Tribe.
The Little Shell did not even receive formal recognition from Montana until 2019, and they only own about 3 acres of land.
The Blackfeet reservation struggles to gain access to infrastructure funding and has a poverty rate 3 times higher than the rest of Montana despite the fact that the reservation sits directly on the border of Glacier National Park, a major international tourist destination which attracts big-money visitors. In 2019, the Nat!onal Park Service estimated that Glacier added $484 million to the “local” economy.
Here are some resources:
Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes (”Fort Peck Reservation”)
-- The Fort Peck Languages and Cultures Department provides a vision statement: “The vision of our department is to increase the language revitalization and cultural restoration with our Nakona and Dakota communities [...]. Our respectful approach addresses the historical accuracy of our people’s education past and present, community-based curriculum development, language revitalization, cultural restoration, and learning strategies [...].”
Blackfeet Nation (”Blackfeet Reservation”)
-- FAST Blackfeet (Food Access and Sustainability Team)
You can donate online via P@yP@l, or by mailing a physical check. The team opened a food pantry in Browning in late 2019, where they prepare boxes of food. Their website also supplies a Food Sovereignty Library with info on food, housing, medical issues, elder/senior resources, etc.
Fort Belknap Assiniboine and Gros Ventre Tribes (”Fort Belknap Reservation”)
-- Fort Belknap Language Preservation Program
Their primary website contains documents (including language dictionaries) and audio files related to Nakota/Nakoda (Assinoboine) and Ahe/A’anann (Gros Ventre).
-- Fort Belknap’s utube channel
Among other videos, their channel contains about 6/7 hours of presentations and lectures from the Fort Belknap Language Summit from 2016.
-- Aaniiih Nakoda College
The college facilitates a program to earn a Bachelor of Science in “Aaniiiha Nakoda Ecology”. Some of the courses: BiiO oto/Jyahe wida (Little Rocky Mountains/Fur Cap/Island Mountains); ‘Akisiniicaah/Wakpa Juk’an (Milk River/Little River); ?isitaa?/Peda (Fire) and Lab; Nic?/Mni (Water); Nii tsin ah hiiit/Woksabe (Balance: Ecological Health); Ethnobotany and Traditional Plants. (They also offer associate-level courses in American Indian Studies, Education, Human Services.)
I hope that others can recommend community orgs, campaigns, projects, etc., to donate to.
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isyancialtan · 4 years ago
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag people you want to participate! (Also tag it #The Dizi Tag Game so we can see everyone’s lists)
Tagged by Stolen From: @chaitea-ulusoy
1. your first dizi & how you discovered Turkish dramas :
I started watching Magnificent Century after my friend @angeliatheturkishdelight, who was studying the Ottoman Empire, recommended it.  She liked Aras Bulut Iynemli, so after the English subs I was watching got taken off youtube before he showed up, I started watching his other shows/movies instead, and then followed the cast of those to other projects.
2. show(s) you’re currently watching
Icerde (in Turkish/Spanish), Medcezir (in English), and rewatching Maral BUT FINALLY WITH ENGLISH SUBS AND I AM THRILLED ABOUT IT
3. your favorite genre of dizi (romcom, mafia show, contemporary drama, historical/fantasy, etc.):
I think every one I’ve watched has been a different genre :p  I like family/found-family plotlines, and stories that don’t revolve around Love Only (I want developed background characters/plots and for the leads to have other ambitions than Just Romance.)
4. the show you rewatch (parts of) the most:
5. favorite Turkish actor and actress (feel free to pick multiples)
Aras Bulut Iynemli, Cagatay Ulusoy, Cankat Aydos, Taner Olmez
Bensu Soral, Bige Onal, Elvan Boran, Feliz Ahmet
6. a show you quit before finishing:
The English subs of Magnificent Century and 1001 Nights both got taken down before I finished them, and I don’t really care about going back to them.
7. favorite song(s) you’ve discovered in dizis:
Gamzendeki Cukur, especially Zeynep Bastik’s version.  Everything I’ve heard from Toygar Isikli has been A+--I don’t watch Cukur, but I like the music, and the Icerde soundtrack is one of my all-time favorite soundtracks.
8. the show whose plot disappointed you the most:
Season 2 of Maral (dropped plotlines, new characters I Absolutely Did Not Care About, treating Maral as a side character IN HER OWN SHOW) and The Protector (especially S1)
9. a show that was cancelled too soon / ran too long:
I totally understand S2 of Maral getting cancelled, but I wish it had continued in the direction S1 had set up >:[
10. favorite character(s):  
Sarp and Nilufer Altan from Maral, Sarp Yilmaz and Melek Yildiz from Icerde
11. your favorite romantic pairing(s):
Sarp + Melek from Icerde, Mert + Eylul from Medcezir
12. favorite side character(s):
Mert Serez from Medcezir; Alara Gorkem and the David-and-Hamiyet BROTP from Maral (technically Nilufer is a side character too, BUT SHE IS A MAIN CHARACTER IN MY HEART) :’D
13. best kiss:
the forehead touches in Maral were softer than any kiss, change my mind
This scene in Icerde (what I am learning from this question is that I find SoftnessTM more memorable than KissesTM) :’D
14. an underrated show more people should watch:  
LISTEN, Maral is ridiculous but it is MY ridiculous favorite and I want more people to experience it :’D
15. a show everyone loves that you aren’t interested in:
Sen Cal Kapimi and Erkenci Kus
16. a show you want to recommend right now:  
I feel like I haven’t heard as much about movies as shows, so I absolutely recommend Miracle in Cell No. 7, Sadece Sen, Delibal (tw suicide), and One Way to Tomorrow.
17. the next show on your list:  
I am SO EXCITED for Paper Lives (Cagatay’s new movie) on March 12th!!!  I’m less excited for his new show, but I’ll watch it anyway. :p
Tagging: @angeliatheturkishdelight @pandolfo-malatesta @gentlegrace and anyone else who wants to do it!
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phantomtutor · 2 years ago
What is the central theme of the Jacob and Joseph narratives (see textbooks for identification and discussion of this theme) and how does it relate to God’s covenant with Abraham? Promise and Obedience in the Stories of Abraham and His DescendantsReadGenesis in The New Interpreter’s Study Bible (NISB) and itsinterpretative notes for chapters and passages referenced below. Readchapters on Genesis in The Old Testament: A Historical and LiteraryIntroduction to the Hebrew Scriptures, The Pentateuch, and A TheologicalIntroduction to the Old Testament. Also read the entries on “Genesis,”“Abraham,” “names of God in the Hebrew Bible,” and “covenant” inHarperCollins Bible Dictionary.1.Genesis provides two accounts of God establishing a covenant withAbraham (Genesis 15 and 17). What does each account reveal about thenature of this covenant? Consult the notes for 15:6 and 17:9 in NISB.2.How is the character of God’s covenant with Abraham rooted in Abraham’sencounters with God before it (Genesis 12-14) and what do Abraham’sencounters with God which follow (Genesis 18-22) reveal about thiscovenant relationship?3. What is the central theme of the Jacob andJoseph narratives (see textbooks for identification and discussion ofthis theme) and how does it relate to God’s covenant with Abraham? Notewhere and how this theme comes to expression in these two narrativesections of Genesis.4. How is God’s covenant with Abraham linked toacts of God recounted in Genesis 1-11? How do the genealogies inGenesis signal connections? See “Excursus: The Priestly View ofHistory” and the note for 17:1 in NISB.Integrate your answers to these questions in an essay on the topic, Margins are to be one inch onall four sides of each page. All pages should be numbered either in theupper right-hand corner or bottom center. (Note: If syllabus requiresdifferent guidelines, please follow syllabus)State the questions atthe beginning of your answers. (Note: If syllabus requires differentguidelines, please follow syllabus)FOOTNOTES should be provided forreferences or quoted materials. These should be in this order: Author,title (underlined), city, publisher, and date (in parentheses), and pagenumber. Example: Fox & Morris, Let the Redeemed of the Lord SaySo, Nashville, (1981), pp 28-30.All work should represent your ownwork, except where credit is given. Plagiariam Defined “You plagiarizewhen, intentionally or not, you use someone’s words or ideas but failto credit that person. You plagiarize even when you do credit theauthor but use his exact words without so indicating with quotationmarks or block indentations. You also plagiarize when you use words soclose to those in your source, that if your work were placed next to thesource, it would be obvious that you could not have written what youdid without the source at your elbow.” From page 167 of the Craft ofResearch by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams,published in 1995 by the University of Chicago Press in Chicago. •The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version withthe Apocrypha. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2003. ISBN-13: 978-0687278329.Students may read other versions of the Bible along with NISB, but notin place of it! •Coogan, Michael D. The Old Testament: A Historical and LiteraryIntroduction. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN-13:978-0199946617. Earlier editions of the Coogan textbook may be used, butreading assignments refer to page numbers in the 3rd edition.•Fretheim, Terence E. The Pentateuch: Interpreting Biblical Texts Series.Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996. ISBN-13: 978-0687008421. • Powell, Mark Allan, ed. HarperCollins Bible Dictionary. New York: HarperOne, 2011. ISBN-13: 978-0-06-146906-0. Post navigation
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bananaff · 2 years ago
Goo lon book reviews for kids
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The activities are designed designed for you to h ave fun w ith your child w hile developing and reinforcing science skills. The activities use materials found in your h ome an d make learning ex periences out of everyday rout ines. This booklet includes a range of activities for families with children from preschool age through grade 5. It reflects the importance of inquiry processes and content in science achievement as described in the Nati onal Science, released in 1996 by the National Research Council of the National Academy Education Standar Standar ds of Sciences. Helpi ng Your Chil d Learn Science Science is part of the president’s efforts to provide parents with the lat est research and practical information designed to support children’s learning at home, at school and in the community. Bush has ma de clear his commitment the goals of raising standards of achievement for all children and o f providing all children children w ith highly qualified teachers and w ith instruction that is based on scientific scientific research. Through the No Chil d Left Behin d Act of 2001 commitment to 2001 , President George W. When you least expect it, a moment for learning w ill occur: occur: A bit of ice ice cream drops on the sidewalk and ants appear some cups float float an d some sink wh en you’re w ashing dishes dishes static electrici electricity ty ma kes your hair stand on end when you put on a sweater. Without Without expen sive chemistry sets, sets, equipment or kits, a child can be introduced easily easily to the natural w orld and encouraged to observe what goes on in that world. Science “ha ppens Science ppens”” all around us every day, and you h ave endless opportunities opportunities to invite your child into the w onders of science. What’s far far more important tha n being able to give a technical explanation of how a telescope telescope wo rks is is your w illi illingness ngness to nurture yo ur child’s natural curiosity curiosity by ta king the time to o bserve and learn together. As a parent, you don’t have to be a scientist or have a college degree to help your child learn science. When w e encourage children to ask questions, make predictions, predictions, offer explanations and explore in in a safe environment, we lend them the kind of support support that they need to become succes successful sful science students and scientific thinkers. This is wh y parenta l involvement is so importan t in children’s science science education.
Curiosity Curiosity is natural to children, but they need help understanding how to make sense of wha t they see and to relate their observations observations to their existing existing ideas and un derstand ings. Being “scientific” “scientific” involves being curious, curious, observing, asking how things happen and learning how to find the answ ers. In search of answers, w e use science science to both enlighten and delig delight. Lis Listing ting of materials and resources resources in this book should not be construed or interpreted interpreted as an endorsement by the Department of any private organization organization or business listed herein.įoreword Why is the sky blue? Why do things fall to the ground? How do seeds grow? What makes the sound and music? Where do mountains come from? Young children a sk their parents hundred s of questions like like these. Other materials mentioned are provided as resources and examples for the reader’s convenience. Children’s books and magazines are mentioned in this booklet booklet as examples and are only a few of many appropriate children’s books and periodicals. For more information, please contact the Department’s Alternate Format Center a t (202) 260-9895 260-9895 or (202) 205-0818. This publication is also ava ilable on t he Department’s Web site at: On request, th is publication publication is ava ilable in alternate formats, such as Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer diskette. Learn Science with activities for children in preschool through grade 5 or ord order er online at : ww w./webstore/C webstore/Content/search.asp ontent/search.asp Those wh o use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) or a te letypew riter (TTY), should call 1-80. If 877 is not yet available in your area, ca ll 1-80 1-80 (1-800-USA-LEARN). Or fa fax x your request to: (301) 470-1244 or e-mail your request t o: or call in your request toll-free: 1-87 (1-877-4-ED-PUBS). Department of Education, Office of Communications and Outreach,, Helping Your Child L earn Science Science Washington, D.C., 2005.ĮD Pubs Education Publications Center U.S. While permission permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the citation should be: U.S. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part for educational purposes is granted. To order copies of this publication in English or Spanish, write to:įirst published in September 1992. Department of Education Margaret Spellings
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camilladerricoart · 7 years ago
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Let's get purse-onal! 😁 I heard some of you lovelies were hoping for purses on Etsy, so I've answered your call! 🙆‍♀️ Purses are joining my #Maythe4th release starting Friday at 12noon PST/3pmEST! These beautiful handbags will be available in different images 💞I made custom #glowinthedark zipper pulls for an extra special touch! Ohhh baby! Set your alarms now so you don’t miss out tomorrow! 🔊 And #maythe4thbewithyou
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tsgalexandriavirginia · 5 years ago
Blonde In The District Shares Her Top Local Holiday Gifts
Hi Alexandria!! My name is Dani Sauter and I run Blonde in the District, a body positive fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blog focused on encouraging women to find their confidence through style. I moved to Old Town about a year and a half ago with my husband to be closer to his business and I absolutely love living here! I love the community and have felt so welcomed to Old Town. One of my favorite things about Old Town is the local shops and businesses. We are so lucky to have so many amazing businesses and boutiques at our fingertips here and it’s so important to shop local, especially during the holidays.
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Sweater & handbag from The Hive, Jewels from Mystique Jewelers
Today’s gift guide features five amazing Old Town boutiques with gifts curated by topics that I find myself shopping most for! I hope this guide will help you in your holiday gifting and give some ideas if you’re stumped on what to gift.
For the Purse Lover
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There’s nothing better than a fabulous purse, and I know I’m not the only one in Old Town who loves handbags! If you have a purse fanatic on your gift list this year, The Hive has the most amazing and fun options. I purse-onally (lol, purse- get it?) recommend the Pronto Purse in Bold Leopard ($375) or the Alpine Bag in Zebra ($380).
For the Sports Fanatic
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With our DC National’s just off the brink of the World Series win, there’s no better gift for the sports fanatic on your list than a DC National’s baseball bat turned bottle opener from Twist Boutique ($132)! Made out of actual baseball bats used in a major league game, this is a great gift that will definitely be cherished by your sports fan! If bottle openers aren’t your thing, they also have money clips and wallets made with your favorite team’s sports jerseys.
For the Girl Who Has Everything
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Stumped on what to buy for the girl who has everything? Jewelry is always the answer and Mystique Jewelers is the place to go! Mystique Jewelers has an amazing selection of pieces with something for everyone. For the girl who has everything, I recommend a more unique piece that comes with character, like this Mythic Jaguar Cuff ($348)! While this piece is a statement on its own, you can add even more character to it by stacking it with another cuff and stacked rings! Pictured here- Jaguar Ring from the Vintage & Estate Selection (I loved it so much, I gifted it to myself as an early holiday gift!), Oval Stone Moroccan Quad Ring ($1,386), Art Deco Square Diamond Ring ($3,900), Moonstone Diamond Earrings ($1,350), Fox Cuff ($348).
For the Beauty Obsessed
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For the woman (or man!) in your life who is beauty obsessed, a gift card to Sarah Akram Skincare is a sure bet. Since beauty lovers take pride in their skin, a facial treatment like the SA Signature Facial ($150) would make for an amazing gift to indulge, beautify, and relax after the stressful holiday season!
For the Hostess with the Mostest
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Tis the season for holiday parties galore! I’m all about a great party, and I’m also all about celebrating those who host the party! This reindeer serving dish from Boxwood Home is seriously amazing and filled with fun holiday character! I love how each reindeer’s personality is subtly shown, making it a great conversation starter at parties, too! The plate ($16) also has a matching set of 8 reindeer mugs ($50) so you can choose to gift one or the other, or both!
Happy Holidays!
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cromulentbookreview · 5 years ago
Ziziphus obtusifolia!
Ah, yes, Ziziphus obtusifolia, native to the Southwestern and South central United States and Northern Mexico, this shrub has many branches, forming a giant cluster of thorns that can reach up to 13 feet (4 meters) in height. This shrub does best in USDA Hardiness Zone 7, has a high heat tolerance, low water usage, and only requires partial shade and dry soils! It has deciduous leaves that aren’t really around for most of the year, showing off the shrub’s light gray-colored bark. It has an inflorescence (a cluster of flowers arranged on a stem) of little, inconspicuous blooms. It bears a small fleshy black drupe with only a single seed. The fruit is technically edible, but not at all tasty, so maybe leave that for the wildlife.
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Isn’t that pretty?
So why the hell am I talking about this weird desert shrub? This is a book review blog, not a botany blog, right? Right? Well, good ol’ Ziziphus obtusifolia has many names:
Gumdrop tree.
Texas buckthorn
Wait. Graythorn. Gray. Thorn. Those two words mean something, I can’t quite put my finger on it....
Oh. Shit.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! *More incomprehensible fangirlish screaming*.
Bet you wish this were just a plant blog after all, eh?
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There will be some minor spoilers ahead. Keep your hats on, people. You’ve been warned.
So. Greythrone by Crystal Smith! 
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Greythorne is the sequel to Bloodleaf, a book I absolutely loved beyond all logical reason. Sometimes I enjoy a book so much that it becomes physically impossible to review it objectively. However, fortunately for me, this is a cromulent book review blog - I offer perfectly cromulent reviews, not objective ones. If you wanted objective reviews, I suggest you look for somewhere a little less cromulent.
Before I start my incomprehensible fangirlish squealing, I suggest you take a look at the synopsis. Here’s what the writers at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books for Young Readers say about the sequel: 
In Bloodleaf’s highly anticipated sequel, Princess Aurelia’s life is turned upside down when the kingdom she thought she saved turns to ruin, a loved one is tragically killed in a shipwreck, and her home country refuses to respect her brother’s legitimate claim to the throne. With no place left to call her own, Aurelia returns to Greythorne Manor—her best friend’s family mansion—only to get swept up in a coup d'état on the night of her brother’s coronation. With everyone turned against her and enemies closing in on all sides, Aurelia has nothing left to lose in a mad fight to protect the only people she has left—her family. But in her darkest moments when all seems grim, will Aurelia find a spark of hope from a love she thought long lost? A read bursting with romance, magic, and ghostly intrigue, Greythorne will not disappoint.
OK, that seems like your standard summary except...
Wait. A loved one is tragically killed in a shipwreck? Huh, I guess they changed the summary to be far less spoilerific because before it specified that it was Aurelia’s fiance that was killed in the shipwreck. And when I read that my poor, YA fangirl heart just about burst out of my chest because WHAT THE HELL, ZAN DIES?!? Aurelia’s Zan?! The Zan she was betrothed to as a baby but they met without knowing who the other was and they fell in love anyway because sometimes arranged marriages work out and it’s romantic as hell only now apparently he dies in a shipwreck AND THEY SPOILED IT IN THE SYNOPSIS?!?!
Heh, some poor writer for HMH got yelled at for that one.
Anyway, since I spent pretty much the whole of the first book shipping Aurelia/Zan like...well, like a crazed fangirl. Hey, when I like something, I really like it. Anyway, faced with the prospect of having to wait until next June (NEXT. JUNE!) for answers, you can imagine my amazement when the digital ARC of Greythorne hit NetGalley back in September. 
My reaction, an approximation:
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I did exercise some restraint and waited to read Greythorne until later in October because a) my TBR pile is roughly as tall as Mt. Kanchenjunga and b) I was somewhat paralyzed by the knowledge that, if I read it immediately, not only would I have to wait til next June for the finished copy, it’d be at least another year and a half AFTER next June before the third book comes out.
And then I waited until mid-November to write a review because I’m lazy.
I’m not sure if I’ve established this well enough yet, but I don’t like waiting. Waiting is the worst. 
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The wait for the third book is going to be agony, but oh well. Best get comfortable.
So! How to review without being spoilery? That’s the dilemma with reviewing sequels. Inevitably, something gets spoiled. Anyway, our favorite Bloodwitch Aurelia is back in Renault, keeping a low profile and avoiding being burned as a witch by living in a whorehouse and plotting to infiltrate the party barge of one of her many enemies, Dominic Castillion. Castillion is some kind of tyrant from the north who has been swooping in and taking over various nations, and he has eyes on Achleva. Aurelia encouraged her fiance Zan to go and parlay with Castillion...only his ship got caught in a storm and Zan drowned. 
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Find out next June, because I refuse to spoil that. You don’t have to wait long to find out and it’s worth it. 
Anyway, Castillion is only one of Aurelia’s many enemies - she’s got more than a few in Renault, including the Tribunal, which is determined to have her burned as a witch. Her little brother Conrad is about to be crowned King, but his situation is precarious, at best. I mean, his sister is a known witch, and the Tribunal really, really hates witches, especially its leader, Isobel Arceneaux. She’s really not that big on witches.
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Anyway, Arceneaux and the Tribunal interrupt Conrad’s coronation just to be dicks and undermine the young king before the crown is on his head longer than thirty seconds. They deliberately provoke Aurelia into a public demonstration of her magical blood powers, forcing her to flee, yet again, with her loyal guard Kellan and her old nurse/teacher/friend, Onal. They venture into the Ebonwilde forest, where there are rumors of witches capable of old magic and a dead/immortal horseman who enjoys chopping off heads...
And that’s about as much as I can say without giving the whole book away. Did I explain it well at all? Nope. Did I finish the book weeks ago and have been putting off writing an actual, semi-intelligent cromulent review because all I can do when I think about this book is make a long series of unintelligible fangirlish screeches? Yes, absolutely. This book was an absolute blast to read, and a worthy followup to Bloodleaf. There’s action! Romance! Magic! Card playing! Shapeshifters! Somberly sweet hallucinogenic wine! Zombie wolves! Witches that live in the woods! Ruined cities! A party barge! What more could you possibly need?
I do have one complaint, which is there is an instance of the Bury Your Gays trope. I’m not really even all that mad about it - I thought this particular character’s death was handled well, but I’m an idiot fangirl with a tumblr blog, so I’ll leave it to you to read the book and form your own opinion. 
Another kind-of-sort-of complaint: the covers changed. It’s another one of those Rebel of the Sands situations, someone in the marketing department decided to change things up. it means my hardcovers won’t match but...I guess that’s OK. I mean, it’s not like my eye doesn’t twitch every time I see my Harry Potters go from being paperbacks to hardcovers starting with Order of the Phoenix. I mean, I don’t panic a little every time I see that my first two books of the Ember in the Ashes series don’t match A Reaper at the Gates. It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s totally fine.
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Anyway, here’s the original cover that would match the first book. It’s lovely! But I’m not in charge of marketing at HMH and the new cover is gorgeous as well.
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Honestly, though, so long as I have the books and the spines are intact, I don’t give much of a shit whether or not my editions match. Of course, I’d prefer them to match, but ultimately, it doesn’t matter. I just want the book. Change the cover to whatever you want, just please be sure to give me the words inside, please. The cover is just packaging - if all you do is look at a book’s cover, you’re not reading properly. Just learn to live with that eye twitch.
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(Me, when stuff doesn’t match).
RECOMMENDED FOR:  Fellow Bloodleaf fangirls, fans of YA fantasy with a strong female lead, magic, romance, etc.
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Anyone who didn’t like Bloodleaf, anyone who came here legitimately thinking I was going to write a blog post about Ziziphus obtusifolia, non-YA fans, people who can’t stand the idea of a kickass female protagonist.
TOTALLY UNBIASED FANGIRL RATING: 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000/5
RELEASE DATE: June 2, 2020
SHRUB RATING: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
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itunesbooks · 6 years ago
Accuplacer Mathematics Prep 2019 - Reza Nazari & Ava Ross
Accuplacer Mathematics Prep 2019 Reza Nazari & Ava Ross Genre: Education Price: $5.99 Publish Date: October 14, 2018 Publisher: Effortless Math Education www.EffortlessMath.com Seller: Draft2Digital, LLC ACCUPLACER Mathematics Prep 2019 provides students with the confidence and math skills they need to succeed on the ACCUPLACER Math, building a solid foundation of basic Math topics with abundant exercises for each topic. It is designed to address the needs of ACCUPLACER test takers who must have a working knowledge of basic Math. This comprehensive book with over 2,500 sample questions and 2 complete ACCUPLACER tests is all you need to fully prepare for the ACCUPLACER Math. It will help you learn everything you need to ace the math section of the ACCUPLACER. There are more than 2,500 Math problems with answers in this book. Effortless Math unique study program provides you with an in-depth focus on the math portion of the exam, helping you master the math skills that students find the most troublesome.  This book contains most common sample questions that are most likely to appear in the mathematics section of the ACCUPLACER. Inside the pages of this comprehensive ACCUPLACER Math book, students can learn basic math operations in a structured manner with a complete study program to help them understand essential math skills. It also has many exciting features, including: Dynamic design and easy-to-follow activitiesA fun, interactive and concrete learning processTargeted, skill-building practicesFun exercises that build confidenceMath topics are grouped by category, so you can focus on the topics you struggle onAll solutions for the exercises are included, so you will always find the answers2 Complete ACCUPLACER Math Practice Tests that reflect the format and question types on ACCUPLACER ACCUPLACER Mathematics Prep 2019 is an incredibly useful tool for those who want to review all topics being covered on the ACCUPLACER test. It efficiently and effectively reinforces learning outcomes through engaging questions and repeated practice, helping you to quickly master basic Math skills. http://dlvr.it/R5svDR
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