dg, aquarius '97, it/its. i like and follow as ksohollo. this is a cartoon blog. cc and kp ft. ml, c:knd, taojnbg, ppg, atla, p:ag, eah, lk, sd:mi, tt/g, tds, omgcp, etc
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🕶 operation: m.e.e.t.c.u.t.e. 👓
by airauralintensity (aka me, xyzcekaden!)
memorable encounter explored through changed universes, totally excellent
fandom: codename: kids next door characters: lizzie devine, nigel uno ship: nizie genres: romance, comedy, fluff, pre-canon, first meeting, transfer student!lizzie, hero complex!nigel, nigel pov, mostly themes: paranoid!nigel, nigel asks first, literal schoolyard bullying, canon typical laws of physics, loosely inspired by operation holiday and stop the g:knd word count: 2.6k+ chapter: 1/3 rating: K+ for depictions of bullying
read it below, on ffnet, or on ao3!
A/N (1.11.2025): I can’t believe a kids' cartoon is what breaks my 2 year fanfic writing slump. All of this is sparkymouse’s fault. If they didn’t leave such a great comment on just another textbook case, none of this would have happened!!!
I didn’t rewatch every episode of C:KND, just the Lizzie ones. If anything I write contradicts canon (not that the show is overly preoccupied with canon to begin with, lol), then just read this like an AU, nbd. I deal in feels, not facts.
One-shots are in the order of ideation, nothing more particular than that. Chapter titles are from Soldier by the Backstreet Boys.
somebody shot you down
His working theory is that Lizzie is a disguised alien from a planet of sentient plants sent to monitor Earth’s children, and he just needs the proof.
“Class, settle down! I have an important announcement to make before homeroom ends!” Mrs. Thompson’s voice rings out above the chatter of fourth graders.
Nigel listens with half a mind as he draws up blueprints for the new scanner he wants to install in mission control. Projectiles smaller than a baseball are currently ignored by the treehouse’s security system, but the Teen Ninjas have started paintballing graffiti onto the tree trunk; and he wants that behaviour curtailed expeditiously.
Normally he’d use this time to chat with his teammates, but they’re all out this morning. Hoagie has food poisoning, Kuki’s got a family emergency, Wally is suspended, and Abby is on some personal candy mission. It’s just him today.
“We have a new student who’ll be joining us for the rest of the year! Please give a warm welcome to our newest classmate, Elizabeth Devine. Elizabeth, why don’t you go and tell us a little bit about yourself?”
He lazily tilts his head up to catch sight of the new girl—long auburn hair in twin braids framing a cherubic face, wide circle glasses framing wide brown eyes, wide frame in general. She doesn’t look like much; but then again, he thought the same of Kuki until he got to know her better.
“Hiii, everyone! I’m Lizzie, and I just turned 10,” she introduces with a voice that sits high in her throat. “I like watching romcoms with my sister and baking pies with my grandma.”
At least she’s American. She won’t have it as bad as he did when he transferred to Gallagher. In fact, he notices a group of girls in the class surround her table once Mrs. Thompson prompts her to sit; and the sound of eager gossip among them starts not too long after. Seems like she’ll be in good hands.
He doesn’t pay her any more attention for the rest of homeroom, and he more or less forgets about her entirely, too… until recess, that is.
While on his customary playground patrol (a routine he is well-equipped to handle even without the rest of his team), he catches sight of a group of kids where the fence meets the wall of the school. Curiosity propels him closer; to his knowledge, that corner of the playground has nothing there to play with.
He doesn’t want to unnecessarily get their attention, though. The point of recess is that kids can spend their time doing whatever they want in order to recharge and face the rest of the school day; so be it if these guys are choosing to spend their time over there. A few paces away, he makes the decision to just leave them be… but then he hears laughter.
It’s not the fun and happy laughter of a good joke; it’s meaner than that. It’s the laughter of bullies.
He lurks on the periphery of the group to observe the situation. Through the gaggle, he sees someone on the ground, but he can’t tell yet whether that person was pushed down.
“But I don’t understand,” a familiar voice pleads. “What was I doing wrong?”
“For crying out loud, girlie! You were eating dirt; do I really have to spell it out for ya?” the ringleader jeers.
Natural shifting of the crowd reveals none other than the new girl, Lizzie, as the center of attention. She’s lounged on the ground, hands trenched in the earth and legs neatly tucked to her side. There are grass stains on her blue skirt and a brown smudge on her cheek, too, lending even more credence to the absurd accusation that Nigel just heard.
Was she really eating dirt? he thinks to himself with slight disgust. That is, admittedly, very, very weird.
But for all that she essentially doomed herself to a lifetime of name-calling and ostracisation, she does not appear distressed at all. Her posture is lax and movements unhurried as she draws herself up to stand.
“Gee, I had no idea…” Her voice wobbles with innocence, and her eyes get impossibly more fawnish.
Nigel’s face hardens. He has to step in before she starts to cry.
“Absolutely no idea that THIS SCHOOL IS FULL OF NOSY BULLIES!!!”
Caught mid-stride, her volume forces him to take a step back. The bullies circling her get the brunt of it, though: the power of her decibels knocks them onto their butts, skidding in the dirt.
“How bored are you that you have to go around causing trouble where there isn’t any, huh!? Does it make you happy to pick on kids all by their lonesome? Kids who aren’t bothering anybody?? Only losers care too much about what other people are doing with their free time! Go touch some grass, why don’t ya!”
Kids flee left and right, but very few escape the wads of turf she throws after her aggressors. Her aim is erratic, but her power and frequency more than make up for it.
Just on the edge of the target zone, Nigel merely watches her defend herself with an eyebrow raised in interest. He believes he just got to know Lizzie better.
“Haven’t had enough yet, baldy?” she growls at him as he walks up to her.
“Trust me, I’ve had plenty; but I’m afraid you’re mistaken. I’d never join a ring of playground bullies like those guys.”
He stands in front of her with feet shoulder-width apart, arms crossed behind his back, and chin held high. “Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Nigel Uno; but when acting in my capacity as a Kids Next Door operative, I go by Numbuh One,” he says with a slight smirk. He’s not ignorant of the effect he tends to have on people between his position, his confidence, and his accent.
“‘The Kids Next Door’? What’s that?”
The smirk freezes on his face in an awkward way. The KND aims to save kids worldwide from adult tyranny, and no team was more prolific at that mission than Sector V. Based in America as Lizzie was, surely she should have heard of them. Has his team never saved her or her classmates from overpowered bullies, insane teachers, or gross school lunches before?
No matter; he was never one to pass over the chance to advocate for his cause. He passionately describes the mission, vision, and creed of the Kids Next Door; details the various perpetrators who stand against kids’ rights and privileges worldwide; and expounds upon the bonds and camaraderie that forms among operatives.
The only thing that stops him is the bell that signifies the end of recess.
Lizzie noticeably perks up at the sound, to Nigel’s mild embarrassment. “Well… All that being said, you should join us. The Kids Next Door is always on the lookout for promising youths to join our battle against adult tyranny. Extending recess by an extra 15 minutes is one of our long term goals,” he entices.
“That’s real sweet of you to offer, Nigel, but I’ll have to pass. See you in class!” She punctuates her dismissal with a smile and a wave before skipping off towards the school entrance.
He stares, flabbergasted enough to let her get a head start, but he quickly gets himself into gear. “W-W-Wait, are you sure?” he stutters as he catches up to her.
Nigel prides himself on his 100% success rate of recruiting hopefuls into the KND ever since he himself was scouted by Numbuh 5. He knows potential when he sees it, and he’s usually so good at galvanising that potential into action. What part of his impassioned spiel didn’t immediately appeal to her? Lizzie has moxie and gumption and spunk and—
“Yeah. I’m not interested, no offense; I’ve got other hobbies that need my time. I really appreciate the invite, though! Your club sounds like it would be the perfect fit for someone else, someone with way too much time on their hands or who has trouble making their own friends. You know the type. Anyway, good luck with recruitment!”
—absolutely no interest whatsoever. (Not to mention tact.)
He watches the school doors swing shut behind her, bewildered and a little bit offended. What kid would give up the opportunity to join the Kids Next Door?
Then the hamster wheel in his brain kicks into gear, and his eyes narrow.
Unless she isn’t a kid in the first place.
His working theory is that Lizzie is a disguised alien from a planet of sentient plants sent to monitor Earth’s children, and he just needs the proof.
There’s the alleged dirt thing, of course; but Nigel didn’t see that for himself. He tries tailing her during recess in case of a repeat performance, but she’s since started hanging out with some girls from class. They often gossip in the shade of a tree with branches whose strength he misjudged, and they did not appreciate it when he accidentally crashed onto the flower crowns they were in the process of making one afternoon.
(There is an errant thought about how the crown becomes her when she puts it on, but it is fleeting and ignored in favour of figuring out his next course of action.)
He almost caught her eating celery once during lunch—which is honestly no better than eating dirt and would have been surefire proof she was not a human child—but it turned out to be ants on a log. Just because he doesn’t think that’s a real snack doesn’t mean she’s forcing children to eat vegetables against their wills necessarily. Since then, Nigel’s been monitoring her lunch every day, cleverly taking samples when she wasn’t looking and searching for unknown contaminants hidden in her food that might indicate her true biological identity, but he had to stop after he made the mistake of actually trying one of her homemade meals. He was out of commission for three days after that.
(He can’t help but be impressed that she finishes every bite of her lunches, though. He’s always been jealous of kids who can eat whatever they want without getting sick; it’s almost like a superpower.)
She behaves strangely in class, too. Whenever someone uses an idiom, she has to ask the teacher what it means. On top of that, she actually takes notes and pays attention. That should be enough to make anyone suspicious, but she also doodles! By virtue of their last names, Nigel sits far enough behind her that he can surreptitiously examine her notebook with 2x4 technology (Glaring Ocular Gap Gadget Lets Entities See). The flower sequences she draws all over her notes are patterned in such a way that reminds him of code. He hasn’t quite cracked it yet, but he’s working on it.
(The most common flower has a blue center and yellow petals, which instantly brings to mind the shirts she always wears. It’s to the point where he can pick her out in any crowd by that fact alone.) (For surveillance, of course.)
As far as he’s concerned, he needs no further proof; but he knows his team. If he goes to Sector V with anything less than photographic evidence of Lizzie Devine’s alien heritage, they’ll make fun of him and his paranoia for weeks. He just has to keep observing her until he captures something on camera.
When he reviews the photos later at his locker, however, her eyes seem to take up more and more of the images’ focus.
“These are useless,” he mutters to himself.
“What’s useless?”
He jerks away from the surprise voice, and the photos from the Long-range Orbit Observations Kaptured Only Using This fly into the air. He hastily grabs at them as they fall down before whirling around to find none other than the object of his investigation holding one that he missed.
“Hey, I look good in this!”
“Lizzie!” he screeches in embarrassment as he snatches the picture out of her hands. How is he going to explain this? “What are you doing here!?”
She crosses her arms and levels him with an unimpressed glare. “As of two weeks ago, I go to school here, Double-Oh-Seven.”
Nigel’s embarrassment is momentarily overshadowed by excitement. “Actually, my Numbuh is One,” he corrects eagerly, thinking this is her way of expressing interest in taking him up on his offer from all that time ago. He knew his sense for potential operatives wasn’t deteriorating! If she joined the KND, it would summarily lay all of his misgivings about her to rest!
“More like Number Dumb,” she scoffs, crashing his hopes again. “When you told me all about your little spy club, you made it sound like you were actually good at spying.”
“I’m one of the best there is!” he retorts with offense.
“That’s sad, then. I could tell you’ve been following me and my friends around for the last two weeks, and I’m actually here to tell you to knock it off. The other girls won’t keep hanging out with me if some loser with a crush is always there to weird them out.”
He blushes something fierce. “I’m not f-following you,” he stammers out. “I-I’m just… gathering valuable intelligence about areas where you happen to be.”
“I see. So this is for one of your missions?”
“Yes!” he exclaims, happy that the easy answer is the truth.
“Can you tell me about it?”
“I—Um. Am! I mean, I am… I am afraid that’s classified.”
“Oh, so I’m a suspect.”
“N-not necessarily.” His voice breaks as he deflects.
“Am I a target, then?”
“I’d be taking much better precautions if you were,” he swears.
She leans forward as she baits, “I’m not any kind of person of interest?”
He blinks. “I, uh, wouldn’t say that…”
She looks him up and down before raising her eyebrow. “For a James-Bond-wannabe, you sure are a bad liar.”
He’s actually a fantastic liar. Normally. He doesn’t know why it’s so hard now, though.
The longer it takes for him to think of something to say, the more amused she looks. She even smirks at him as she leans back.
This is nothing like he’s used to. He knows how to handle himself in front of threats to his safety or threats to other kids’ freedoms, but this? Whatever threat Lizzie poses is not one he has any defences against.
But let it never be said he ever backed down from a threat.
Just when he decides to stop letting her get to him, however, she rolls her eyes and sighs. “Let me make this easy on you, then. Do you know what a pinky promise is?”
“Of course I know what a pinky promise is,” he snaps.
She shrugs. “I just learned about them on Tuesday. Anyway. Ask me whatever question you want, and I pinky promise to answer it honestly.”
He gapes stupidly at her outstretched finger, offered way too lazily considering how vulnerable she’s making herself to him. Whatever internal conflict he was facing doesn’t matter now. He could learn anything about her: where she came from, what she’s doing here, whether she really eats dirt.
It’s a heady feeling.
He sees himself reaching out his own hand in slow motion, not fully cognisant or controlling of his own actions. Not until his skin touches hers.
“Are you free on Saturday?”
Instead of his pinky hooking around hers, his hand settles over her fist in entreaty. He hastily arranges his fingers into the correct orientation before meeting her eyes, and what he sees there makes him gulp.
The guarded look she always wore—the one he can only recognise now that it’s melting away—is replaced with a surprised delight, glittery and warm.
“I sure am.”
She giggles behind her other hand, and the sound wraps around his heart and squeezes a little too tight. If Lizzie really is a threat to the children of Earth, she’ll have to get through him first.
There is no one else he could allow to face her like this.
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sorry i just need to scream about under the oak tree but WHY IS THERE NO TAG FOR QUAHEL LEON?! mild spoilers below
i love riftan and maxi to death but i am not gonna lie i want to know what quahel leon thinks of maxi hahaha he looks like he’s interested of her!!! he’s not like sejur aren who’s just being like the usual flirty gentleman around maxi haha
book 2 is really the best i swear. maybe i’ll write a proper review soon!!
#under the oak tree#quahel leon#op's right. book 2 is the best#may have killed my interest in maxitan but it offered me a maxel in exchange and for that i am grateful
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Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru / カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる
Volume 18 Chapter 72
aka She Loves Lies Too Much, The Liar and His Lover
manga credit: aoki kotomi (青木 琴美) for Cheese! magazine raws credit: raw-zip read online: bato.to
so get this: i told myself i was gonna upload the next chapter on new year's day as a positive omen for the rest of the year... then i over-dicked around and it was already 12:30am on jan 2nd when i realised my folly. whatever omen i manifested, i hope it means more frequent updates from me 🙃 lmao
also, peep the new credit box on the title page! i noticed after the last update that my xlations were getting reposted onto other sites, which i don't inherently mind since the reposters never cover up my name and since those other sites don't have much of a community anyway, but i thought i'd give the props to this awesome site anyway.
as a reminder, the side notes of my reactions on the page will disappear as soon as someone complains about them, so if you're a reader and bothered by that, all you gotta do is say something :)
see y'all soon, hopefully!
#カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる#カノ嘘#kanojo wa uso wo aishisugiteru#kanouso#the liar and his lover#manga#scanlation#xyzc kanouso#xyzc*
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happy holidays!
requested by anonymous
#kim possible#k/r#a very possible christmas#posting this decidedly not on xmas but close enough that the holiday feelings are still building
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Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru / カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる
Volume 18 Chapter 71
aka She Loves Lies Too Much, The Liar and His Lover
manga credit: aoki kotomi (青木 琴美) for Cheese! magazine raws credit: raw-zip read online: bato.to
yep, i really finally uploaded! i have a bunch of excuses, but you don't wanna hear them anyway haha
if you click in to read, you'll notice that i have left colour commentary on this chapter. i often leave comments to myself on the page as i translate to remind myself what i want to say in my t/n then remove them during editing, but this time i left them in b.c a reader indicated that they wish they had more people to talk about this with, so maybe reading my side comments will make you feel like someone is reading along with you?? idk lol it's just an experiment, let me know if you dislike it :)
finally, i put 3 copies of pg. 61 (with the group hug) in case you're unwell like me and want to take a screenshot so that you could make it your phone's lock screen background ✌️
happy holidays!
#カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる#kanojo wa uso wo aishisugiteru#カノ嘘#kanouso#the liar and his lover#manga#scanlation#xyzc kanouso#xyzc*
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Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru / カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる
Volume 18 Chapter 70
aka She Loves Lies Too Much, The Liar and His Lover
manga credit: aoki kotomi (青木 琴美) for Cheese! magazine raws credit: raw-zip read online: bato.to
bros. midway through the editing process, my laptop somehow forgot all of the extra fonts i had downloaded??? it took me an embarrassingly long time to remember what they were called so that i could redownload them lol (if i just gave up and downloaded new ones, the aesthetic incongruity of this chapter would have haunted me to the grave, you understand)
also: i may be the self-proclaimed captain of the akiko ship, but i sensed mad ust between shinya and aki in this chapter?? 👀 i don't ship it, necessarily... my feelings about them are more analogous to a remote-controlled toy boat, but i still think they could kiss work it out. (i am comfortable with any judgement this confession earns.)
as always - please don't remove the credits, please don't add watermarks to the pages. if you would like to see this uploaded in your manga reading site of choice, please let me know. i cannot provide a download link because i don't have a place where i can store this many files publicly, but message me here or on twitter if you would like me to email the files to you.
also - if you're willing to help me produce the manga as a cleaner, typesetter, or editor, then please hit me up!
thanks for stopping by :)
#カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる#カノ噓#kanojo wa uso wo aishisugiteru#kanouso#the liar and his lover#manga#scanlation#xyzc kanouso#xyzc*
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Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru / カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる
Volume 17 Chapter 69
aka She Loves Lies Too Much, The Liar and His Lover
manga credit: aoki kotomi (青木 琴美) for Cheese! magazine raws credit: raw-zip read online: bato.to
we've reached the end of volume 17. i've already began volume 18, and i cannot WAIT for y'all to read it! at least, a lot of my personal grievances begin to be addressed, so i'm happy haha. in the meantime, let's talk about those full-page panels and how severely they fuck (complimentary). do yourself a favour and set the 'load pages' option to 'one page' for this chapter, just so that you can get the full effect of how those panels were meant to be perceived 😚✌️
as always - please don't remove the credits, please don't add watermarks to the pages. if you would like to see this uploaded in your manga reading site of choice, please let me know. i cannot provide a download link because i don't have a place where i can store this many files publicly, but message me here or on twitter if you would like me to email the files to you.
also - if you're willing to help me produce the manga as a cleaner, typesetter, or editor, then please hit me up!
thanks for stopping by :)
#カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる#カノ噓#kanojo wa uso wo aishisugiteru#kanouso#the liar and his lover#manga#scanlation#xyzc kanouso#xyzc*
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10 years ago today Kim Possible aired it’s final episode Graduation.
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Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru / カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる
Volume 17 Chapter 68
aka She Loves Lies Too Much, The Liar and His Lover
manga credit: aoki kotomi (青木 琴美) for Cheese! magazine raws credit: raw-zip read online: bato.to
not much to say about this chapter except i just wanna remind everyone that i do the cleaning and typesetting in paint so that's why the text is always horizontal even when it should be at an angle lol (shout out to pages 119 and 130, awkward but functional like me~)
on a related note - if you're willing to help me produce the manga as a cleaner, typesetter, or editor, then please hit me up! help me avoid the clunky horizontal text! lol
as always - please don't remove the credits, please don't add watermarks to the pages. if you would like to see this uploaded in your manga reading site of choice, please let me know. i cannot provide a download link because i don't have a place where i can store this many files publicly, but message me here or on twitter if you would like me to email the files to you.
thanks for stopping by :)
#カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる#カノ噓#kanojo wa uso wo aishisugiteru#kanouso#the liar and his lover#manga#scanlation#xyzc kanouso#xyzc*
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Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru / カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる
Volume 17 Chapter 67
aka She Loves Lies Too Much, The Liar and His Lover
manga credit: aoki kotomi (青木 琴美) for Cheese! magazine raws credit: raw-zip read online: bato.to
sorry for the long wait on this chapter. there were some panels on this that completely tripped me up on the translation front because i don't know how to fookin read. i have a translation friend that says that that problem never really goes away, so i have that to look forward to (:
personal opinion time, because i am a fan of this manga just as tou are: as far as rivals for riko's affection go, i prefer shibaken to yuu b.c shibaken is at least funny when he's being pathetic, but at this point in the manga i really question the necessity of exploring the potential of different romantic options. i get that akko are doing their own things right now, so let's just focus on their professional lives then??? like dang
please don't remove the credits, please don't add watermarks to the pages. if you would like to see this uploaded in your manga reading site of choice, please let me know. i cannot provide a download link because i don't have a place where i can store this many files publicly, but message me here or on twitter if you would like me to email the files to you.
if you're willing to help me produce the manga as a cleaner, typesetter, or editor, then please also message me!
thanks for stopping by :)
#カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる#カノ嘘#kanojo wa uso wo aishisugiteru#kanouso#the liar and his lover#manga#scanlation#xyzc kanouso#xyzc*
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Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru / カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる
Volume 17 Chapter 66
aka She Loves Lies Too Much, The Liar and His Lover
volume 17 - start! content warning for casual mention of suicide on p. 26
manga credit: aoki kotomi (青木 琴美) for Cheese! magazine raws credit: raw-zip read online: bato.to
to be fully transparent, the reason i picked up this manga is because i watched the movie and liked aki/riko enough to want to learn more about their story; and the reason i watched the movie is because i'm sato takeru trash. the manga often rewards me with panels that are just sooo sato takeru-esque, and this chapter happens to have a few haha (p. 36, 41). perfect casting, i tell ya.
note about p. 19 - JAL and ANA are the two biggest airlines in japan. like, rivalry status. not only do shinya and aki prefer different airlines, aki happens to prefer the 'underdog' of the two. i don't think it's a coincidence 👀 anyway:
please don't remove the credits, please don't add watermarks to the pages. if you would like to see this uploaded in your manga reading site of choice, please let me know. i cannot provide a download link because i don't have a place where i can store this many files publicly, but message me here or on twitter if you would like me to email the files to you.
if you're willing to help me as a cleaner/typesetter (i don't know the difference tbh. i just know editing the text into the image is the most bottleneck part of the process for me right now), then please also message me!
thanks for stopping by :)
#カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる#カノ嘘#kanojo wa uso wo aishisugiteru#kanouso#the liar and his lover#manga#scanlation#xyzc kanouso#xyzc*
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Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru / カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる
Volume 16 Chapter 65
aka She Loves Lies Too Much, The Liar and His Lover
last chapter of volume 16! the full page spreads in this chapter are probably my favourite pages in the whole dang manga. they're so evocative and heart-wrenching 🥺
manga credit: aoki kotomi (青木 琴美) for Cheese! magazine raws credit: raw-zip read online: bato.to
also i'm pretty embarrassed lol i edited this chapter so many times before publishing but it's only AFTER publishing that i realised what 'rumeryaki' on p. 126 meant. it's caramel ('kyarameru' in japanese) spelled backwards. i don't have chapter editing permissions in bato, so here's the page i /would/ have put if i did

lesson learned 🙃 anyway:
please don't remove the credits, please don't add watermarks to the pages. if you would like to see this uploaded in your manga reading site of choice, please let me know. i cannot provide a download link because i don't have a place where i can store this many files publicly, but message me here or on twitter if you would like me to email the files to you.
if you're willing to help me as a cleaner/typesetter (i don't know the difference tbh. i just know editing the text into the image is the most bottleneck part of the process for me right now), then please also message me!
thanks for stopping by :)
#カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる#カノ嘘#kanojo wa uso wo aishisugiteru#kanouso#the liar and his lover#manga#scanlation#xyzc kanouso#xyzc*
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Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru / カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる
Volume 16 Chapter 64
aka She Loves Lies Too Much, The Liar and His Lover
aki's speech about 'tomorrow, too' and shinya was sooo hard to translate lol i am still not sure i captured the whole nuance of their conversation, but it was the only thing holding this chapter back so i figured if people are confused they'll leave comments, and i'll clear up what i can 🙃
manga credit: aoki kotomi (青木 琴美) for Cheese! magazine raws credit: raw-zip read online: bato.to
please don't remove the credits, please don't add watermarks to the pages. if you would like to see this uploaded in your manga reading site of choice, please let me know. i cannot provide a download link because i don't have a place where i can store this many files publicly, but message me here or on twitter if you would like me to email the files to you.
if you're willing to help me as a proofreader, cleaner, or typesetter, then please also message me!
thanks for stopping by :)
#カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる#カノ嘘#kanojo wa uso wo aishisugiteru#kanouso#the liar and his lover#manga#scanlation#xyzc kanouso#xyzc*
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Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru / カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる
Volume 16 Chapter 63
aka She Loves Lies Too Much, The Liar and His Lover
my first scanlated chapter: released!
manga credit: aoki kotomi (青木 琴美) for Cheese! magazine raws credit: raw-zip read online: bato.to
please don't remove the credits, please don't add watermarks to the pages. if you would like to see this uploaded in your manga reading site of choice, please let me know. i cannot provide a download link because i don't have a place where i can store this many files publicly, but message me here or on twitter if you would like me to email the files to you.
if you're willing to help me as a cleaner/typesetter (i don't know the difference tbh. i just know editing the text into the image is the most bottleneck part of the process for me right now), then please also message me!
thanks for stopping by :)
#カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる#カノ噓#kanojo wa uso wo aishisugiteru#the liar and his lover#kanouso#manga#scanlation#xyzc kanouso#xycz*
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hi hi! my name is dg and i'm picking up the liar and his lover/kanojo wa uso wo aishisugiteru :)
i don't think there are any readers anymore, but /i/ need to know what happens after @sennennoyuki's work ended, lol. starting from volume 16 chapter/song 63, i hope to post monthly. i'm doing this by myself and have a day job and also am editing it on ms paint; but where there's a will, there's a way, right?
(that being said, if there is someone out there who is willing to help edit the photos for the scanlation, please message me! i'm a just a translator that's trying too hard.)
whether you're stopping by or settled in, i'm happy to have you reading! よろしくお願いします~
#kanojo wa uso wo aishisugiteru#カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる#the liar and his lover#kanouso#カノ噓#manga#scanlation#xyzc kanouso#xyzc*
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Bonus round: list all nine in order of favorite to least favorite!
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