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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
Part two of this post. Thank you so much for reading! I’ve been dealing with quite a bit of pain myself lately so I was able to use my own experiences.
MC lay on a plush lounge, grateful that they had brought it into the undercroft a few weeks ago for her to rest on. One arm was slung over her face, the other hanging off the side as she tried to ride out the pain. It had been moving to different parts of her body all day. Her knees had hurt so she sat down. Then her back had hurt so she stood back up. Then her hips hurt so she tried to stretch. She had eventually stumbled to the couch and decided to just lay as still as possible in hopes that it would all go away.
The loud clanging of the gate made her jump and look to the entrance, which caused a shooting pain through her neck.
“MC?” Her friend called out. Upon seeing the boy with the familiar red tipped wand, MC went back to her previous position.
“Hi Ominis.” She mumbled.
“Are you alright? Can I do anything?” He offered.
“I’ll be fine, thank you though. What are you doing?” She replied.
“The common room was too loud for reading, so I thought I’d read here. Is that alright or would you prefer to be alone?”
“It’s fine. I don’t mind the company.” She peeked over at him as he took a seat on the floor nearby. “What are you reading?”
He pointed his wand at the open book, and she could have sworn she could see a faint blush on his face. “It’s some muggle story Anne recommended. She thought I would enjoy it.”
MC paused for a moment before speaking up nervously. “Could you read it to me? I would really appreciate the distraction,”
Ominis looked surprised. “Of course,” he agreed.
He began reading, and MC vaguely recognised the story as a fairy tale she heard in her childhood. The familiar story and her friend’s comforting voice made it easy for her mind to drift away, picturing it all in her head.
Ominis had just finished the third chapter when he heard light snores coming from the direction of the couch. He chuckled, summoning a blanket to cover his friend. “Sleep well, MC.”
Dear MC,
I have heard from Ominis about your new condition, and wanted to ask how you were doing. I understand how it feels to lose control of your body and am always available if you wish to discuss any of it.
I thought I could share a few things that have helped me, in hopes that it may do the same for you. I have found that during a particularly bad bout of pain, it helps to focus on my breathing. Try breathing in as deep as you can, holding it for a moment, and releasing it as slowly as you can.
Another thing that may help is visualisation. Try to think about what makes you happy and focus on that. Try to experience it with all of your senses. I often imagine myself walking at the beach with my favourite people, smelling the ocean. Or laying in a pile of puffskins, feeling their fur under my hands.
One of the most important things is to learn how to pace yourself. Take breaks and please avoid taking on too much at once.
I’m sure my brother will become overbearing in his attempts to help you, so do not hesitate to tell him to back off when you need to. Please do not hesitate to rely on your friends, myself included.
Your friend,
Anne Sallow
MC felt her eyes tear up at the sweet note, having a newfound love and understanding of her friend and their similar experiences. She closed her eyes and decided to try the visualisation that Anne had suggested.
She saw her friends, smiling and cheering for her during duels. She heard their laughter as they recounted stories of the first years at Hogwarts. Tasted the sweet, familiar taste of butterbeer. Smelt books and freshly brewed potions. Felt the wind on her face as her broom sped through the grounds.
MC opened her eyes and found herself smiling. She grabbed a piece of parchment and her quill, ready to respond to Anne’s thoughtful letter.
MC immediately realised it was the pain her stomach that had woken her up, and rolled over with a groan. She had woken up earlier unable to move without feeling nauseous, and quickly sent Professor Weasley an owl to say she wouldn’t be in class, before falling back asleep. It was well past noon when she woke up again, and found a fresh cup of tea at her bedside. She was very grateful for Deek, as he always seemed to know what she wanted before she even asked.
Deek peeked his head in the room as she sipped her tea. “Mister Sallow is here to see you. Should Deek let him in?”
“Yes please. Thank you Deek.” MC slumped back onto her pillow, not having the energy to rise and meet her friend.
“Hey sleepy head,” the slytherin greeted, sauntering into the room. MC knew she must look like a mess, but couldn’t bring herself to care in that moment. She would be mortified that he saw her in that state once she felt better though.
“Shouldn’t you be in class?” She questioned.
“I have a study period, actually.” He came over and hovered by the side of the bed.
“Go on, have a seat,” she rolled her eyes. “Tell me what I missed.”
He slowly sat on the side of the bed. “Well, I kicked Leander’s ass in a duel again, Weasley blew up another potion, and I found Ominis asleep on the floor.”
“So nothing new?” She teased, giggling before wincing at the movement.
“Where is it today?” He asked sympathetically.
“My stomach,” MC groaned, pushing her face into the pillow. “Could you please get my hot water bottle? It should be on the desk in the main room.”
Sebastian returned a few seconds later, handing it to her. MC sighed contently, placing the bottle on her stomach.
“How did you get the temperature so perfect? I usually end up making it too hot or cold.” She asked, snuggling into the heated object.
“I just practised a heating charm until I could control the temperature,” he shrugged.
“You did that for me?” She sounded surprised, laying on her side holding the hot water bottle on her stomach.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I?” He smiled. MC smiled back, curling into a ball and sighing in content as her muscles began to relax.
“Do you need anything else?” Sebastian asked, lifting a hand to move a piece of hair behind her ear. MC glanced at him nervously, a blush covering her cheeks. “Well, my back kind of hurts too, and i suppose it might help if I had a heat source on that side too,” she said with a joking tone. Sebastian chuckled, kicking off his shoes before moving to the other side of the bed. He joined her under the covers and pulled her in so that his chest touched her back. MC blushed even harder, but soon found herself relaxing into him. “Well, do you use the charm on yourself or are you just naturally warm?” She mumbled.
“Just naturally hot I suppose. Lucky for you,” he teased. “Now close your eyes, I’ve got you.”
The warmth of his arms around her and the tickle of his breath on her ear quickly lulled MC back into a slumber. She would wake up later feeling more rested than she had in months.
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
This is kind of a continuation of this post where I headcannoned that MC was left with chronic pain after absorbing the magic in the repository, and had to learn to let her friends help her.
Natty & Poppy
MC stood at the top of the stairs, glaring at the winding staircase that led to her next class. She had stepped back to allow for the crowd of students to pass her, not wanting to get in their way, and was now mostly alone in the hall.
“Hello, my friend! Is everything alright?” Natty appeared at her side with a friendly smile.
“Hi Natty, yeah I’m okay. Just mentally preparing myself,” MC laughed awkwardly.
“May I join you? I also found these stairs rather difficult during my recovery. We’ll go together, yes?” She offered her arm. MC saw no judgement on her friend’s face, leading her to accept and loop her arm through hers. They began slowly descending the stairs.
“You would think that magic stairs that appear out of thin air would be able to move on their own. Wouldn’t it be nice if we only had to stand while it moved beneath us?” Natty said.
Footsteps came up behind them, and MC braced herself to be pushed past. To her surprise, Poppy appeared at her side and took her other arm.
“What are we talking about girls?” She asked, smiling brightly.
“I was telling our friend here that magic stairs should move on their own, don’t you think?”
“Ooh yes! I wish I could bring Highwing into the castle, he’d make it much easier to get to class.” Poppy agreed.
The three girls talked and giggled the whole way down, and MC got to class with a couple minutes to spare, grateful that her friends were so willing to accomodate her without a fuss.
Garreth (ft Sebastian)
“Hey MC, ready for potions?” Garreth was the last to leave the classroom, finding her a few steps outside the door. She was walking slowly through the hall, and he matched her pace.
“You should go on without me. Don’t let me slow you down, Garreth.” MC smiled in embarrassment.
“It’s fine. Besides, Sallow would have my head if I showed up without you.” he smiled at her.
“You’ll get in trouble for being late, you know Professor Sharpe is willing to use any excuse to give you detention.” She told him.
“Well I won’t leave you to get detention on your own.”
Garrett’s eyes lit up suddenly and he turned to her with a cheeky smile.
“I think I know a way for us to both arrive to class on time. Do you trust me?”
Sebastian stood outside the potions classroom, scanning the sea of students. He was debating going to find her when her head appeared above the crowd. She was moving towards him quickly with a smile, and he furrowed his eyebrows. Why did she look taller than usual?
Garreth suddenly sprinted out of the crowd with MC on his back, who was giggling wildly. He skidded to a stop in front of Sebastian, panting.
“What’s going on here?” The slytherin questioned.
“Garreth was kind enough to help me get to class on time,” MC laughed as she slid off his back. Sebastian immediately wrapped an arm around her waist, using her unsteadiness as an excuse to pull her away from the other boy.
“Thanks for the help, Weasley. I’ll take it from here.”
He guided her into the classroom, and she looked over her shoulder to see Garreth wiggling his eyebrows at her. She stifled a laugh and turned back to Sebastian as he guided her to her potion station.
“It’s not fair! Why doesn’t she have to do it?”
MC looked up from her book, spotting the ravenclaw boy who was talking loudly to his friends.
“I think she’s injured,” a hufflepuff girl said, glancing her way. MC sighed upon realising they were talking about her. She looked back down at her book and tried to ignore them.
She had told the professor at the beginning of class that she didn’t feel well enough to fly, not trusting her aching body to stay upright on her broom. Madam Kogawa had nodded in understanding and allowed her to spend the class studying instead. She had then left to help some students struggling to lift their brooms, not hearing the complaining students.
“That’s dumb. She looks fine,” the ravenclaw scoffed.
Imelda swooped down on her broom, hovering just in front of the boy’s face.
“So if I kick you between the legs, you won’t feel pain right? You know, since we can’t see it.” She spat.
The boy spluttered and a few of his friends snickered.
“That’s what I thought. Leave her alone.” Imelda told him, and the boy hurried off in fear. She turned to MC, who smiled at her thankfully. She nodded back and zoomed off into the sky, leaving MC to laugh at the image of the boy’s face ingrained in her memory.
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
Headcannon: MC is left with chronic pain after absorbing the magic
You first notice it a couple days after the battle. It starts off as random shooting pains through your limbs that you try to ignore
Then it becomes a constant ache in all of your muscles
The nurse can do nothing to help so you just try to deal with it
You theorise that absorbing the magic meant absorbing all the pain that Isadora took from people
Some days are worse than others
On bad days, you curse how many stairs there are and why the school is so big. Your brain fog makes it too hard to use the floo flames
You try to hide it but your friends notice that you occasionally cringe, twitch or groan when moving around
You go to the room of requirement after classes on a bad day, and there’s a comfy bed waiting for you along with a hot water bottle
Deek knows what you need based on how bad you rate the pain that day (1-10, he’s like your personal Baymax)
He makes herbal teas and gets you sleeping draughts when you need it
One day, you’re in class experiencing a particularly bad flare up. You keep moving around in your chair, hoping no one notices your obvious discomfort
Sebastian has been watching you for days now, and recognises the subtle changes on your face when something hurts
He tells the professor he’s taking you to the nurse, and you’re too tired to protest
As you leave the classroom, he realises that you’re walking in a different direction. He questions you, but you’re too dazed to respond so he just follows you to the room of requirement
You let him in and he takes a moment to look around in wonder, before realising that you had disappeared into another room. He finds you face down on your bed and tries to convince you to go to the nurse
You tell him that there’s nothing she can do to help, and decide to tell him everything
He’s heartbroken at how much you’re hurting, reminding him of Anne’s curse
He asks if there’s anything he can do, and you ask him to hold you
You talk about why you didn’t want to tell anyone, how you didn’t want to burden your friends, and he convinces you to let them in so they can help you
He holds you and you fall asleep, his body acting like a hot water bottle relaxing your aching muscles
You start opening up to your friends, allowing them to help you
Natty and Poppy are always there to offer their arm when you’re struggling with all the stairs
Ominis reads to you to provide a distraction
Garreth always offers to give you piggyback rides from one class to another when walking is too much
Imelda will fight anyone who implies that you’re faking it
Anne sends you a letter, giving you advise on breathing techniques that may help you through a bad flare up
And Sebastian learns a heating charm so that he can immediately make your hot water bottle the perfect temperature
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
How confronting Sebastian in the catacombs would go if it was a musical (according to my imagination at 2AM)
MC: I wish your sister felt a little stronger
Sebastian: Don’t talk about my sister!
MC: I wish your parents were around a little longer
Sebastian: Stop!
MC: I wish your uncle were good!
I wish grownups understood!
I wish we’d met before they convinced you life is war!
I wish you’d come with me!
Sebastian: I wish I had more inferni.
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
A type of ship that I’m obsessed with:
Two characters that are others think are only together because they’re both hot and popular and it’s expected of them but they’re actually just so in love with each other
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
I’m my mind PadmĂ© lived and Anakin didn’t turn and they kicked Palpatine’s ass and then adopted Ahsoka and she was the best big sister to Luke and Leia and Anakin leaves the Jedi but Obi Wan comes by sometimes to see Anakin and talk shit with PadmĂ© and he’s like the twin’s vodka uncle and the clones always visit with toys for the twins and they all live happily the end.
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
I can imagine the VKs having pretty dark senses of humour that disturbs people in Auradon. Like:
Auradon person: Your mother tried to kill me!
VK: Join the club, we’ve got buttons.
Auradon person: *visible concern*
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
If the Bridgerton siblings share one brain cell Daphne held it hostage for most of season 2
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
Were they really ever your OTP if you didn’t try to find a edit of them to ‘Wouldn’t Change a Thing’ from Camp Rock.
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
Why do these three
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Give me the same vibe as these three
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
When the doctor looks at your pain diagram and says your too young to be in that much pain
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
Two of my favourite ships include
Badass girl with blue hair & connection with water
Emo boy who will do anything for her
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
Six the Musical as OUAT
Catherine of Aragon
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Anne Boleyn
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Jane Seymour
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Anna of Cleves
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Katherine Howard
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Catherine Parr
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
Hsmtmts 3x8 reaction
Ricky not knowing Arendelle
This is me was adorable and they all looked amazing
If they ruined both Portwell and Redlyn I’ll be so mad
Love Maddox pretending to choke Channing
Nini dressed like the mad hatter
I really love the anxiety representation
Kourtney is killing it
I love Gina “don’t get me started”
Kourtney looking fabulous
Thank u Ricky finally yelling at Channing
Corbin redemption
Aw Everday
Nini got him a ticket đŸ„Č
That trailer was a chaotic mess and I loved it
Big Red casually announcing he’s bi
Ricky’s “good for him”
That’s it that’s where it ended.
Nothing else happened.
I’m in denial
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
3x7 thoughts
I’m late because I was mentally preparing for the Portwell breakup
Yasss Jojo
Ricky ‘I’ve never shown this much cleavage’
‘Richard’ ‘Elton’ that *cough*sexual*cough* tension
The girls are absolutely serving
Ashlyn is giving Daphne Blake
I love Ricky and Ashlyn friendship
I’m disappointed that we didn’t get angsty Portwell wouldn’t change a thing but this was okay
Focusing on EJs chest hair and Gina’s sparkly eyeshadow to get through the breakup scene
Is it bad that I wanna see EJ breakdown a bit. Baby boy deserves a good cry after all his stress
I’m still not on board with Rina
But imagine if the girls sang Not Alone from a very potter musical
Kourtney has had so much character moments this season love her
Yes Maddox you are part of the group
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xxwhisper255xx · 2 years ago
Brand new fic based on @xxwhisper255xx’s post (hope that’s okay with you) about what if EJ had been there when Gina got hit by the basketball. Super quick turnaround with this fic, which I’m super happy about it. Glad to have it up before the new episode airs. Hope you all like it.
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