Anemo Magie
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A Genshin Multi rp blog with an OC that dreams of being Teyvat's best magician in hopes of bringing smiles around the seven nations! xMultiship friendly!x
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xwindboundxmagic · 2 hours ago
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Re watching Dai no Daibouken 2024 and I love the starting 10 episodes establish the lore for DQ's battle class system pretty easily that Hero and Warrior classes can tank hits better then Priests and Mage classes being "normal humans" from the first boss fight turn ally.
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xwindboundxmagic · 2 hours ago
Send  ❤️  to  confess  your  love  to  my  muse. (Send  🔄  +  ❤️  to  reverse  the  outcome.)
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xwindboundxmagic · 7 hours ago
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Honestly I didn't expect Zap Tap counting as Only let your partner damage your opponent count as a counter act since it's mostly a shield.
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xwindboundxmagic · 22 hours ago
"Mhm, I have to admit though it'll take some time to get use to hearing it again but.." Looking at Cyno again, a wide smile came on her lips as she tilted her head with a blush of happiness.
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"I wouldn't mind hearing my name again from someone important to me." The magi took breath before holding her hat in her hands, a meek smile came to her lips as she tried her hardest not to hide behind the item in her hands. "..Zelie.. M-my actual name is Zelie Yuki-Violette.."
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"You... are you sure? Would you like me to do that?" The offer, and that genuine admittance came as a surprise, like an unexpected break through the clouds of a ray of sunshine in the middle of a storm.
After everything Zola had revealed about herself and the significance of one's true name in her family, it felt as though she was entrusting him with a personal treasure. Forbidden knowledge, almost. There were no rules that kept him from accepting, and still, he wanted to make sure the girl wasn't moved by some kind of pressure.
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xwindboundxmagic · 1 day ago
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"Really I'm okay.. besides I can rest when we let the knights know about the dandelions. If they hear from a magic user from another nation something isn't right with their staple plant they'll shift their focus more right?"
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The boy noticed his cousin's push, and as long as she rested after that would be easier for himself and Miran's worries. So brown hues looked over at the woman with a small frown. "Zola-nee has a point Miss.. my cousin is stubborn to say but she rather help give a message first before resting." A yelp came out of the brunette before ruffling his hair with a blush of embarrassment. "Asahi you snitch don't call me out!"
The magi huffed a bit before looking at Miran with a clear to her throat. "His words aside, it isn't a matter of difference but nipping whatever the cause is in it's metaphorical bud before it starts effecting something more serious."
Should they tell the knights? They already were tight on manpower as they currently were, would they bother about some flowers? Besides, Miran didn't really have proof, nor could tell anyone where she got that feeling from. She stood there, starring down at the ground underneath their feet. But then again, perhaps they would put their worries into it too. Especially if it comes to dandelions - they were important for dandelion wines after all.
"Yes, perhaps the knights are the right ones to go to.", she replied after a while of silence, "Maybe they already realized something being wrong too and already work on trying to figure out the problem.".
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"Are you really okay though, Zola? Do you need a break?", she asked with concern in her voice, "I do not think that it will make a difference between going now and letting you rest for a while."
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xwindboundxmagic · 1 day ago
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Ay so I'm replaying Thousand year door again to do a BP challenge run, but I'm so stuck on getting HP and FP - well the FP is staying at 10 or 15 so I end up doing HP and BP after getting the FP to 15.
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xwindboundxmagic · 1 day ago
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"...That's not right.." Sure any kid would dream of becoming a knight or some kind of hero, and a flower seller isn't that bad of a starting point but a bar tender? Yeah no that earned a deadpan from the child. This nation is crazy..
Hearing Miran's theory the brunette stood up quick before dropping on her knees at the same time, causing her cousin to run over with a worried expression. "Zola-nee?!"
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"I'm okay.. I'm okay, I just stood up to quick." Letting Asahi help her up, the magi took a moment to breath before looking at Miran with a slight frown. "Maybe instead of Flora we'd go to the Knights, their the ones that might have better luck if it's something more then a flower seller can deal with."
“Or being a knight. Though, Klee seems to be close to her age.”, Miran’s hand rested underneath her chin as she thought about how that child possibly even became part of the knights of favonius. Wasn’t she too young to protect the nation? Did a child in such age even understand what it meant? Because sometimes, as dear as the child was, she seemed to be rather mischievous for such job. Yet, the woman did not want to question the decisions of Jean or any adults, “You also have miss Diona working as bartender, mixing alcoholic beverage for adults.”.
Miran cocked an eyebrow as she remembered that, “So there certainly are worse things than miss Flora owning a flower shop.”.
Then, the blonde looked back at Zel, swallowing at her words. Yes, she thought so. But the question was - what was wrong? Did something poison them? Or perhaps even the soil they grew on? Miran rested a fist underneath her chin.
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"Perhaps, it really would be better to ask miss Flora about that. But I do have a feeling like there is more about it... and that the dandelions might just be the beginning.".
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xwindboundxmagic · 2 days ago
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"What are you talking about you are human. Intimidating sure but that's because of how passionate you are when it comes to your job and what the title brings. You can work on the timing of your jokes once in a while.." Despite finally hearing that last bit he spoke, Ethan cleared his throat before looking at the brunette in question. "...
"She was sick when we were kids, always stuck in her room treated like some dandelion that can get blown away.. She won't walk on eggshells when she wants to befriend someone, she'll stammer if she feels like she's going to step over a line they might not like.. Hell I won't be surprised if she does it to an Archon.." Looking at Cyno, Ethan scratched his cheek. "So it's not selfish you rely on the feeling you like her so it's apart of that feeling."
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"..." Cyno exhaled a sigh of relief as he watched Zola settle down... literally. That girl was truly one surprise after the other. Maybe this side of her was also part of what intrigued him. She kept him wondering, but never in a particularly bad way.
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"She always seems to worry about me, even for things even I wouldn't consider as burdensome..." He said with a quieter voice. He wasn't whispering like a conspirator, but it was plain that what he was sharing with Ethan just now did not come easy to confess. "... As the General Mahamatra, I've gotten used to the way people look at me. How they regard me as some kind of invincible figure, not affected by the common folks' needs like being tired, or upset, or bored... but Zola doesn't do that. She speaks to me like I'm the normal human being I once was. It's selfish perhaps... but I've come to rely on those moments. The moments I can feel like I belong with everybody else."
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xwindboundxmagic · 2 days ago
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Yeah this is a pout
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xwindboundxmagic · 2 days ago
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I've come to a conclusion this is a pout
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xwindboundxmagic · 2 days ago
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We thank Joy boy in this insane site, very reliable
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Even if they a year younger then me but I got doubts because of their wisdom
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xwindboundxmagic · 2 days ago
ancientforgcd // 126
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No no I know the chapter but I can't find a stupid site to read all of them.
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xwindboundxmagic · 2 days ago
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Going through the anime of blue exorcist because I can't find the damn manga chapters but I do remember Rin clocking the shit out of Yukio
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xwindboundxmagic · 3 days ago
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I didn't want my curiosity to go at the gen.der difference between the current playable characters, if you don't count Aloy and the Traveler twin, to be fucking 30.
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xwindboundxmagic · 3 days ago
send "you're too sweet for me." to see my muse's reaction. ♡ [feel free to add context / actions / other dialogue as needed.]
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xwindboundxmagic · 3 days ago
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You guys giving this heads up right now: THERE IS LITERALLY TWO MONTHS LEFT UNTIL FANTASY LIFE I
I am gonna apologize so hard when it comes out because no two ways about it I will be - hopefully screenshotting, of my game exp of this game and have you guys know just how this game is
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xwindboundxmagic · 3 days ago
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I got a therapy session to get to but I wanna apologize first for the two rants but GOD that had to get said for the silent protag bit because I am sick to death of people not knowing the actual definition and constantly calling characters that have dialogue choices blank slates when its clear from their expressions and actions they ain't.
Their either tired of the narrative like we are or an absolute smartass no matter the dialogue choice you give them.
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