xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
Instagram: @mirelakaurinovic @architects_labnote
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xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
We don’t even need a disney remake of Mulan. Look at this.
I would totally watch more Disney reboots if children from the actual ethnicities were cast in those movies.
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xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
Underwatched Animated Films I Recommend You See at Least Once in Your Life
EDIT: i didn’t expect this post to get so many notes. for the record, these are just my personal recommendations, not a definitive list of best underrated animation. i also did not include anything made by Disney. I know that they made some movies that didn’t get as much attention as their other hits, but lists of underwatched Disney films are pretty common, so I thought I’d make one of films by studios that aren’t household names. 
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Angel’s Egg (1985)
This movie is a nearly silent film with painstakingly beautiful frames and environmental details. All I can say is that it is a real piece of art worth watching and can be watched on YouTube here.
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Les Triplets de Belleville (The Triplets of Belleville) (2005)
An incredibly quirky, strange and humorous French film, also with almost no dialogue. The colors, creative storytelling, and almost caricature-like designs make the Triplets a must-see. The setting and timeframe is left sort of abstract, but it’s a clear transition from last-century rural France to the hustle and bustle of urban America. Lots of homage is paid to cartoons from the 1920s.
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Mindgame (2004)
This movie, quite like the title says, blew my mind. It’s also incredibly strange and out-there, but the awkward imagery gives way to real emotion and huge payoff by the end. The colors and animation are delightful, and always tailored to the situation. It is an amazing intersection of an altered state, a love story, a struggle to get home, an existential trip, and an unlikely group of friends. I almost always cry when I watch this. Seriously, can’t stress this enough. There is absolutely nothing like Mindgame. 
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Le Chat du Rabbin (The Rabbi’s Cat) (2011)
Rabbi’s Cat is a French film based on a French comic by the same name. The comic artist also directed the movie. Honestly, the dialogue  in this is unmatched. Both Cat and Rabbi are witty and have the best banter. The setting is one of the most unique and real-feeling I’ve ever seen a film take place in: a Jewish community in Algeria. It’s wonderful and incredibly charming, could not recommend more.
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Tekkonkinkreet (2006)
This movie hits me on a number of levels. I have so much love for the two orphans, Black and White. The story quickly becomes raw and almost difficult, as it touches on a lot of the feelings we see in things like Grave of the Fireflies, but in a much more abstract way and on a much grander scale. Also less sad, but there are very sad parts also. I guess the best way to describe this movie is intense. While there are a lot of sweet, domestic moments, none of the gruesome reality is sugercoated for you. 
The visuals are all completely stunning; the art is on another level. Treasure Town is a rich, fantastical environment and the characters flow through it effortlessly, like water. You gotta see this at least once in your life. 
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Chico and Rita (2010)
An American/Spanish romance between an aspiring piano player and a young singer. The film opens in Cuba and has a vibrant and unique visual style while exploring a multitude of music styles and cultural backdrops. It’s touching and sweet, but does not erase the hardships of being a black music star in America or living through the Castro regime. 
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Wizards (1977)
Ralph Bakshi is notorious for underappreciated gems. Wizards is set in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world where magic is real and man has survived the radiation to evolve into fairies, elves, and dwarves. It’s a classic nature vs industry story with Bakshi’s unique spin. My favorite character is Necron 99, the assassin robot turned pacifist. I’ll warn you though, Bakshi films aren’t everyone’s taste (he’s responsible for Fritz the Cat, which against my better judgement I recommend as well).
Wizards was completed during the dark age of animation, and its fascinating to see how Bakshi gets around these limitations to produce something that grossed more than twice its budget.
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Memories (1995)
Memories is a three part anthology based on three different manga short stories, Magnetic Rose, Stink Bomb, and Cannon Fodder. While the entirety of the movie is beautifully animated and worth the watch, the best of these is the first one. It is a mysterious, tragic sci-fi horror short film set in space and worked on by Satoshi Kon (so of course its amazing). 
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xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
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Follow me on Instagram @kim_artventures for more!
Hello fellow studyblrs!
I’m Kim and I have been a part of the studyblr and bullet journalling for more than a year already. However, despite messing around from month to month and week to week, I still find myself not knowing what my personal style is. I usually browse through a lot of other people’s work and absorb them into one single piece. I’m also someone who can’t stick to just one theme per month like how other people do it because whatever I do is always spontaneous and I think I might get bored with having a similar theme throughout. However, I really love the aesthetic of those who are able to do it. Here are some of my work.
What do you guys think?
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xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
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阳光,生活就本来这样 快乐其实很简单 //  Lately I’ve been watching a lot of catcreature’s videos, which are so dreamy and lovely. Also, unsuccessfully reading through books and doing some reading notes of my own. ( 0 6 / 0 7 / 2 0 1 7 )
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xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
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busy with uni assignments 🐝
ig: cayliestudies
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xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
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8.5.17 | 3:38 PM by the time this is posted, I’ll be either getting ready for a debut or staying home and avoiding the outside world. maybe the weather is getting to me
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xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
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Indiana Jones + punching Nazis
19K notes · View notes
xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
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5K notes · View notes
xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
Hi! I'm a (farily) new runner, but I'm obsessed. I just injured my knee about a week ago. Nothing serious, but it's put me out of running for a while. How can I keep strength up since I can't run? I really want to, and I feel like I'm letting the team down because I'm one of the captains and I can't do anything.
Hey anon!! I’m so sorry to hear about your injury :( it happens to the best of us! First, I’d recommend looking into the root cause of this injury–as knee injuries are often from overuse that can be caused by anything from wearing old trainers to overtraining. This is a super important step in your long term health, so that once you rehab from this injury you can stay healthy!! 
While you heal, my advice is to cross train to keep up your aerobic fitness! A bike, elliptical, or pool are all good choices and maybe rotate between them. Try to do at least the number of minutes as you would running (I sometimes did about 10-20% more since xtraining doesn’t get your HR as high. You can even do your workouts that way! I generally did hard workouts on a spin bike. I generally believe that you can pretty easily maintain fitness doing cross training workouts, but it is much hard to gain a lot of fitness. HOWEVER, being new to running, a lot of your fitness gains will be aerobic (aka the cardio side of it), so you may still be able to make gains. I’d also use this time to focus on doing strengthening exercises to prevent future injuries and get stronger in general (core, hips, legs). 
Lastly, you are NOT letting the team down! You care a lot about the team and the sport, and being an encouraging leader is what matters most. Organize team runs, team breakfasts, send encouraging messages! There is so much you can do! You don’t have to be the fastest girl to be a good captain, but being injured doesn’t have to hold you back. You can still have a strong season, just be smart and take as much time as you need to be 100%. YOU’VE GOT THIS!! :) 
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xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
Ambient sounds for writers
Find the right place to write your novel… 
Arctic ocean
Blizzard in village
Blizzard in pine forest
Blizzard from cave
Blizzard in road
Ocean storm
Ocean rocks with rain
River campfire
Forest in the morning
Forest at night
Forest creek
Rainforest creek
Rain on roof window
Rain on tarp tent
Rain on metal roof
Rain on window
Rain on pool
Rain on car at night
Seaside storm
Swamp at night
Winter creek
Winter wind
Winter wind in forest
Howling wind
Barn with rain
Coffee shop
Restaurant with costumers
Restaurant with few costumers
Garden with pond and waterfall
Fireplace in log living room
Call center
Street market
Study room from victorian house with rain
Trailer with rain
Tent with rain
Jacuzzi with rain
Temple in afternoon
Server room
Fishing dock
Fictional places
Chloe’s room (Life is Strange)
Blackwell dorm (Life is Strange)
Two Whales Diner (Life is Strange)
Star Wars apartment (Star Wars)
Star Wars penthouse (Star Wars)
Tatooine (Star Wars)
Coruscant with rain (Star Wars)
Yoda’s hut with rain ( Star Wars)
Luke’s home (Star Wars)
Death Star hangar (Star wars)
Blade Runner city (Blade Runner)
Askaban prison (Harry Potter)
Hogwarts library with rain (Harry Potter)
Ravenclaw tower (Harry Potter)
Hufflepuff common room (Harry Potter)
Slytherin common room (Harry Potter)
Gryffindor common room (Harry Potter)
Hagrid’s hut (Harry Potter)
Hobbit-hole house (The Hobbit)
Diamond City (Fallout 4)
Cloud City beach (Bioshock)
Founding Fathers Garden (Bioshock)
Washing machine
Boat engine room
Cruising boat
Train ride
Train ride in the rain
Train station
Plane trip
Private jet cabin
Airplane cabin
Airport lobby
First class jet
Fireplace in medieval tavern
Medieval town
Medieval docks
Medieval city
Pirate ship in tropical port
Ship on rough sea
Ship cabin
Ship sleeping quarter
Titanic first class dining room
Old west saloon
Spaceship bedroom
Space station
Cyberpunk tearoom
Cyberpunk street with rain
Futuristic server room
Futuristic apartment with typing
Futuristic rooftop garden 
Steampunk balcony rain
Harbor with rain
City with rain
City ruins turned swamp
Rusty sewers
Train station
Haunted mansion
Haunted road to tavern
Stormy night
Creepy forest
New York
Paris bistro
Tokyo street
Chinese hotel lobby
Asian street at nightfall
Asian night market
Cantonese restaurant
Coffee shop in Japan
Coffee shop in Paris
Coffee shop in Korea
British library
Trips, rides and walkings
Trondheim - Bodø
Amsterdam - Brussels
Glasgow - Edinburgh
Oxford - Marylebone
Seoul - Busan
Gangneung - Yeongju
Tokyo metro
Osaka - Kyoto
Osaka - Kobe
São Paulo
Ho Chi Minh (Saigon)
New York
Hong Kong
290K notes · View notes
xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
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old spread but i keep forgetting to post on tumblr lol!! i hope you all are doing well and good luck to those who are in their exam periods, remember ur grades don’t define u as a person!!! i know it’s super hard to believe but it’s honestly so true
materials for this spread!!!
- notebook is moleskine large squared
- tombow dual brush pen 192
- muji gel pen 0.5mm
- pigma micron pen 1.0mm
- mt washi tape
10K notes · View notes
xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
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505K notes · View notes
xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
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Members of the studyblr community have definitely seen this challenge. I personally have done this challenge too! But what exactly are the 100 Days of Productivity?
For this challenge, all you need to do is post 100 times about your productivity. Generally, you’d create one post for the challenge each day. However, they don’t need to be consecutive days, and you could combine multiple days into one post.
Anyone and everyone can do the 100 days of productivity challenge! It’s most common in students and studyblrs, but it’s open to all.
I’ve only seen it on Tumblr, but you can also post on Instagram or any other social media platform of your choice.
I start my 100 days of productivity at the beginning of a school year. You can start whenever you’d like! Two good times to start are the start of a new year or a new school year.
The most common way to post in this challenge is to post photos of what you did each day. Still, this isn’t a requirement - you can do a written summary as well.
I don’t know exactly what the official tag for this challenge is, but I tend to use #100 days of productivity and #100dop.
That’s all there is to it! It’s a very open-ended challenge, with only one loose guideline. So go ahead and start posting!
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xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
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august 6, 2017.
today i spent most of my day reading (again, lol) and studying the history of ancient greek language! i decided on which dialect i would study and decided that i’d study ancient greek from the classical period, specifically attic and ionic. then i practiced brush strokes for hiragana and memorized a few more of the characters, and went on reading about greek mythology. it was a really great day.
currently reading: mythology: timeless tales of gods and heroes, edith hamilton currently playing: stay with me, miki matsubara
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xtravaggio-blog · 7 years
im putting together a couple of scottish folk mixes bc that’s what i do and im honestly curious if anyone in my country has ever been unequivocally happy about anything ever
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xtravaggio-blog · 8 years
Half of hoziers music is him being a sadboy in the countryside playing soft indie music and the other half is hozier fighting his shadow self outside Florence Welch’s recording studio
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