heart-in-bl00m-blog · 6 years
💘 - A tip of winning their heart or gaining their friendship.
(Mun: :eyes:)
Haley liked to think it was easier to make friends with her as of late.
“Just...be nice I guess? It helps if we have similar hobbies, fashion, photography...But just don’t be an ass, and I’ll give you a shot.”
Matters of the heart were different, however.
A blush crept up Haley’s cheeks, remembering the last person she really fell for. “Kindness. Being down-to-earth. Being patient.” She attempted to shrug it off, “Those are the basics, I guess.”
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heart-in-bl00m-blog · 6 years
Alluring Melody ll Haley & Lily
On her free days, Haley enjoyed photographing the sights the islands had to offer, of which there were quite a few. 
This particular evening, a nearby melody caught Haley’s ear; drawing her to the source. Outside a nearby inn, a woman who somehow looked like the music she was playing seemed to be lost in her own song.
Haley just stared for a moment, desperately wanting to take a picture. But experience had taught her that not everyone appreciated being captured on film, especially if they were attempting to pay attention to their task.
So instead she waited, (albeit a bit impatiently) enjoying the tune. When the woman turned to look at her, Haley gestured to her camera, holding it up.
“Uh, hello! Can I get a photo of you? You look really picturesque like that--I loved your song, by the way.”
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heart-in-bl00m-blog · 6 years
Long ago, an animal of any sort running up to Haley would’ve irritated; or even scared her. But now? Seeing a cute pet excitedly running up to her warmed her heart. “Oh, hey there! Aren’t you just a cutie?” Haley bent down to pet the dog, careful that her camera wouldn’t hit the pup’s face. “The camera’s confusing, huh? I’m sorry to tell you its not dog food.” She teased.
Haley looked up, not realizing someone else was there until a voice spoke up. She had to suppress her smirk into a smile; realizing how smooth the man was attempting to be. “This sweetie? I can’t imagine him hurting a fly.”
“Oh, I’m not lost. Believe me, I can find my way.” She joked lightheartedly, “I’ve just been out taking some photos.” Haley held up her camera, “Really, I think your dog here would want to be a subject of mine if he wasn’t moving around so fast!”
(At least this guy was cute.)
Photogenic || Kasey and Haley
“Whiskey, com’ere boy!” Kasey hollered out, trotting out of the farmhouse. “Whiskey! Where the hell could that dog be?” It was getting close to suppertime. It wasn’t like Whiskey to be late for his food. “Buddy!” He whistled, walking down the fence while Finn flew on ahead.
//*”Kasey, over here!” Finn fluttered about, pointing past the small hill to the north.*//
Lo and behold there sat his dog, tail wagging so hard his butt looked like it was about to fly off. Staring up at a cute blonde haired girl with a camera around her neck. Probably begging her for treats or something. 
“What a schmooze.” Kasey whispered to Finn, who giggled and followed his friend along the fence line to meet up with the pretty lady on the other side. “I hope he hasn’t tried licking you to death yet.” The dog’s ears perked at the sound of his master behind him, but he was unphazed, eyes glued to the girl and her camera. 
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“‘Sup?” He stepped up onto the fence, not at all trying to show off. “What brings you all the way out to this side of the farm? Store’s that way.”
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heart-in-bl00m-blog · 6 years
Haley blinked, momentarily feeling like she was struck by lightning. Geez, what was his problem?! Did he want to start drama again? Had he held a grudge her the entire time they were apart? It was tempting to start screaming right then and there, but...
She rolled her eyes, “Really, Alex? If you’re trying to pick a fight, at least bring up something that’s true.” Haley had always been a fighter, and right now, Alex was trying to use that to his advantage.
Pity carved into the pit of Haley’s stomach. Pity. She knew the feeling of wanting to fight; wanting to drag someone down to her level. Right now, she was looking at a direct reflection at what a relationship with her used to be like.
And then she laughed.
It wasn’t a bitter or dry sound; nothing expected for a situation like this. Her laugh was light and joyful; feathery and soft.
“You really haven’t changed, have you? Really, this would’ve worked on me a few years ago, but now...”
Haley trailed off, in awe of herself. She really had made progress.
Un-ex-pected || Haley & Alex
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heart-in-bl00m-blog · 6 years
Harvest Moon Asks
These asks are inspired by the common elements of games Harvest Moon or Story of Seasons.
If the icons are not available, simply copy-paste the full question if possible.
🐶 - What is your muse’s favorite animals? Do they have pets and/or be around animals regularly?
🌸 - Do your muse like plants, if so what kind? Would they be type to grow any if they could?
🎁 - What type of gifts would they like or love to get? Do they have a reason for liking them?
💢 - What kind of gifts would they dislike or hate to get? Would they have a reason for hating it?
💘 - A tip of winning their heart or gaining their friendship.
💔 A way to make them disappointed, mad, or not impressed.
💕 - Heart Event! What kind of scenario would you like to seen between our muses (if the sender is a multimuse please state for which muse if possible).
🎀 - Have your muse ever been in a competition or participate in any regularly? If so, what kind of contests?
😀 - Do they have a lot friends or a few? Do they attempt to get along with others around them?
🍽️ - What are they favorite types of food? Least favorite? Do they know how to cook?
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heart-in-bl00m-blog · 6 years
Hot & Fashionable || Haley & Luna
Haley already looked stunning, but this was no excuse to slack on her wardrobe--if anything, that just meant she had to keep up with the latest trends.
The islands were filled with beaus and babes alike, and Haley considered herself no exception. Her looks were the one thing she could maintain with pride without feeling like she was inflating her own ego too much.
Stopping by the tailor’s, Haley quickly became enraptured by a pair of form-fitting coats, holding each up to her figure in the mirror.
I have to be responsible and just buy one. Ugh, being in debt sucks.
But it was worth it to make the move.
Haley was about to ask for a second opinion from an employee, when she turned and found one already glancing her way.
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heart-in-bl00m-blog · 6 years
Haley wanted to jump to her sister’s defense upon her name being spoken so bitterly, but Alex continued before she could even think to argue.
It took all her willpower to not get angry. Defend herself. Insult him. Demand an apology back. Any of her old tactics. And for a second, she remembered why she used to have her walls built so high up in the first place. Because if you’re never vulnerable, you can never be hurt.
“I don’t know, Alex. That’s what I came over to find out. Its been years, after all.” She sighed, “But it looks like you’ve made up your mind already. If you don’t want to talk to me ever again...Fine. If that’s all you had to say, I’ll leave you alone now.”
You don’t need anyone’s approval but your own, this is for you. Not for him.
Un-ex-pected || Haley & Alex
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heart-in-bl00m-blog · 6 years
Annoyance and panic roared through Haley’s mind before the fish was removed, rubbing at her face with her coat sleeves in an attempt to get the slimy residue off. And now her clothes smelled like fish too, great.
Haley wanted to yell, say something insulting, rub salt in the wound...but her rage died down as soon as she saw the worry on the man’s face, and she froze up as he took a scale out of her hair.
“...I’m fine.” She replied, searching for something else to say, “I’ve, um, been meaning to try my new conditioner anyway, so...” 
Come on, Haley, say something that doesn’t sound completely petty. “But thanks for asking, it...looks like you reeled in a pretty good catch, there.” This was her attempt at being “nice.” She just hoped it was working.
Fishy Persons II Haley & Denny
With the cold weather, Haley had to bundle up before taking a walk anywhere. The islands were decidedly a beautiful place, and her feet took her to the pier–she did love the scent of the ocean air.
A man fishing at the edge of the pier didn’t deter her; in the past she may have silently judged fishermen for getting in her way (even if they were there first.) But Haley was trying hard to not be like that anymore. She was just here to get clarity, an open mind, and–
…And a fish to the face, apparently.
“Ugh!” Haley exclaimed, scrambling to get the slimy sea creature off of her face, nose wrinkling at the scent. 
There was this thing about the ocean in the winter. It was always so much harder on the fish, and so much easier on the fishermen. What, with all the waves thrashing about, peerless and profoundly deep, it lead the fish out of the abyss and closer to the surface. And once you break the surface, you don’t know exactly what’s waiting for you at the top. Okay. Okay, so maybe he was sorta, kinda wrong about that. It was only a matter of time ‘til it was hard on them both, fish and fisherman alike.
And uh–
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Oh no. 
“W-whoa! Oh my Sea Gods, are you alright?!” Guess it was hard on the random bystanders trying to get scales outta their hair too. 
Oh, he was so going to get an ear-full for this. Arms up in a flurry, he rushed to pull that floppy thing off of her– hands nimble enough to snatch it by the tail. Just like how the ocean would snatch his wig, right off his head, if it could. Fffffff– He didn’t even know if an apology would even cut it! He was starting to feel exasperation slithering up his back– because… just his luck, right? 
“Sorry! No, I’m seriously sorry…! You aren’t hurt are you?” 
He began with a start, gingerly deciding between respecting her well-deserved space or giving her a hand. And the hand won out, trickling close to her face to pluck a rainbow scale out of her golden tussled locks. He could feel the metaphorical sweat drops streaming down his forehead. And all he could do was hope she would let him make it up to her. Or um, forgive him. Or something! Something easier than holding it against him in court. These pockets were meant for Popper, not money for a lawsuit. 
Sometimes, it really isn’t sunshine and rainbows. Not when you’re casting your net too wide and hoping your luck miraculously turns around for the better.
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heart-in-bl00m-blog · 6 years
“Shouldn’t I be asking you the same thing?” Haley huffed, bitterness getting the better of her for a second or two. “I...wanted to see my sister again.”
While it was true, she knew it sounded out of character for the Haley that Alex had once been so ‘close’ with, and the suspicion in his eyes was indication that she should cut to the chase.
“Listen, Alex. I’m...sorry.” She let out another huff, one tinged with regret. “I know I wasn’t the best girlfriend, or person. I was clingy, shallow, jealous...you name it.” Her eyes adverted from his, “That’s not who I am now. Or at least...I’m trying.”
Haley struggled to make eye contact again, “You don’t have to like, forgive me, or whatever. But if you don’t completely hate me, maybe we could be...friends?” She even surprised herself with those words. But who knows? Maybe Alex had changed, too.
Un-ex-pected || Haley & Alex
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heart-in-bl00m-blog · 6 years
Un-ex-pected || Haley & Alex
Oh, Goddess.
Haley had come to the islands to get a fresh start, not expecting to know anyone beyond her sister. In the event that she ran into anyone from her past, she wanted to reconnect and apologize for the attitude she had back then.
But she wasn’t expecting to see him.
Of course he was at the park, running laps. Nothing ever kept him from working out for the majority of the day. His determination was part of what drew her to him in the first place; until he hardly made time for their relationship. Haley’s eye twitched, realizing that her kindness resolution would mean apologizing to her ex. 
It wasn’t fair; Alex had been just as horrible as her back then, if not worse! He should’ve been begging for forgiveness at her feet...
Shaking her head to chase away the negative thoughts, Haley approached Alex while he was taking a water break.
“Hello, Alex.” She tried to greet him in a polite, friendly tone--but couldn’t help but let a sliver of ice creep in around the edges.
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heart-in-bl00m-blog · 6 years
“My Hero” II Haley & Dan
Pepper spray was an essential addition to any girl’s purse; and when you were as fabulous as Haley, not having a bottle or two was playing with fire.
Walking home from work one night, Haley had her head held high, heels clicking against the pavement. At least looking like she was rich raised her confidence considerably.
Until she felt an all too violent tug on her purse.
“Hey!” Haley tugged back on the strap, using the momentum to claw her assailant across the face. Seeing that the attacker was undeterred, she reached down to take off one of her heels.
Holding her shoe in what she hoped was a threatening manner, Haley ended up backing against a wall, still pulling on her purse. “G-get away you creep! D-don’t make me use this!”   
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heart-in-bl00m-blog · 6 years
Fishy Persons II Haley & Denny
With the cold weather, Haley had to bundle up before taking a walk anywhere. The islands were decidedly a beautiful place, and her feet took her to the pier--she did love the scent of the ocean air.
A man fishing at the edge of the pier didn’t deter her; in the past she may have silently judged fishermen for getting in her way (even if they were there first.) But Haley was trying hard to not be like that anymore. She was just here to get clarity, an open mind, and--
...And a fish to the face, apparently.
“Ugh!” Haley exclaimed, scrambling to get the slimy sea creature off of her face, nose wrinkling at the scent. 
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heart-in-bl00m-blog · 6 years
Back Home II Haley & Emily
Settled in, Haley knew who the first person she needed to see was. It wasn’t at all a long trip, since she had made sure she lived in a house just a couple doors away from her sister’s.
It had been so long, and the two had only been communicating through letters for the past few years. It wasn’t surprising, given the friction between them before Haley had left for college.
But this time, she was here to make things right.
Nervousness creeping in, Haley knocked on the door. It’s just Em, Haley. There’s no way she’ll turn you away.
“Hey, Sis...” She gave a warm, hesitant smile as the door opened.
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