thepelagoislands · 6 years
Luna would like to pay off the remaining 15,000G on her and Gill's house, please!
Great! Congrats on axing that debt!
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gourmaid · 6 years
💔 - the reason behind your last breakup?
Sweet and Pure Asks↳ 💔 - the reason behind your last breakup?
“Hmmm…” Felicity pauses as if she needs a moment to think over it, but the truth of the matter was that she remembered her last breakup rather vividly. She’s been in many fleeting relationships over the years, but each experience, no matter how good or bad, were always ones she held close to her heart.
She smiles, though there is a slight hint of sadness to it. “He thought… I was too clingy, too affectionate. Much too fixated on food and work, and not… interesting enough. Shallow?” A chuckle, “I would say ‘I love you’ a little too much, and did whatever I could to be around and there for him… in his eyes, that was smothering.”
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A sigh. “No matter how much I did, it still wasn’t enough. But what is ‘enough’? What is ‘too much’? I’m still trying to figure that out, but… I don’t think there’s anything wrong with showing the person you love how much you love them.” 
Unfortunately, her ex didn’t seem to see it that way. But she would find that right person for her… the one who could understand that and accept her for who she was, one day.
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blades-and-books · 6 years
🌈 - things I find attractive in girls :3c
“...I deeply admire women who are passionate in what they do and work hard.” She might also get flustered around bubbly girls.
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sombersonata-blog · 6 years
🍒 - how do you act when you have a crush?
Sweet and Pure asks
Also asked by @gourmaid
❃.✮:▹❁ — Nani kore?!
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“A c-crush? J-Just what are you implyin’?!” Her face turned a bright red and she shook her head back and forth. Not that she had her eye on anyone in particular, just the thought alone was embarrassing in and of itself. 
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jake-out-the-humans · 6 years
💗 - who do you miss?
Sweet and Pure Asks↳ 💗 - who do you miss?
“My mom.” It was plain and simple as that. What had happened to her would always be unfair, and she should have been here, still by his father’s side, today.
They should have been able to live together as a family.
She should have been able to meet Meg.
She was supposed to be here, giving Jake advice on his fast approaching parenthood, and easing his fears. Helping Margaret along in her pregnancy, cooing over the baby, buying them gifts...
But she wasn’t. Because a group of shitheads took out their misguided anger on them--- on her. And that, Jake could never forgive. It was something he could never truly get over, no matter how much time passed. A good person like that didn’t deserve that sort of fate, to be taken away from the world so violently, and far before their time.
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Sadly, that was just how shitty life could be, sometimes.
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anephemeralwish · 6 years
A New Look || Luna & Clorica
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Clorica had been talking to Luna for awhile, knowing her from when she used to work at Canata Tailoring, and today the two had plans to meet up. The reason why wasn’t super clear to her, but it was rare that Clorica would get invited out or rather want to go out, so she decided to take advantage of the moment. There was also talk about trying something new and being the optimist she was she thought it had something to do with food. 
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heart-in-bl00m-blog · 6 years
Hot & Fashionable || Haley & Luna
Haley already looked stunning, but this was no excuse to slack on her wardrobe--if anything, that just meant she had to keep up with the latest trends.
The islands were filled with beaus and babes alike, and Haley considered herself no exception. Her looks were the one thing she could maintain with pride without feeling like she was inflating her own ego too much.
Stopping by the tailor’s, Haley quickly became enraptured by a pair of form-fitting coats, holding each up to her figure in the mirror.
I have to be responsible and just buy one. Ugh, being in debt sucks.
But it was worth it to make the move.
Haley was about to ask for a second opinion from an employee, when she turned and found one already glancing her way.
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sofiaquitecontrary · 6 years
(first) ladies first | sofia & luna
[ @entrepreluna ]
•。 ✿ 𝓔ventually, everything good must come to an end - including the ending of an era; nevertheless, her time spent as the Mayoress of Leuda was not in vain, and she was proud of the opportunities given to her that she could provide to the citizens through her charity work and philanthropic efforts - as well as representing the Hunt and de Sainte-Coquille name in the most esteemed light. Alas, as every chapter does, the moment to turn to page to something brand new came naturally and all at once - for before the young woman realized, she was transitioning out of Town Hall and into preparing for motherhood once more with her second child. It was with that she could pass down the illusory crown in confidence unto the next Mayoress of Leuda who - needless to say - impressed her with her youth and determination, to the extent from what she has observed at least.
𝒯herefore, in order to wish her bidding farewell to Town Hall and exemplify proper etiquette, she visited the pinkette in the private chambers of the Mayoress with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and the grip to her stroller carrying her bubbly baby girl int he other; regardless of her intention, she never let the opportunity to bestow friendship unto someone else past her fingertips.
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“𝒢oodbye, Luna - or, should I say, new Last Lady of Leuda? ♪” Sofia chimed, stepping inside of the doorway and taking a quick glance around the room - bare but slowly coming together piece by piece. “Pardon you if I am disrupting you, but I wanted to see you and wish you nothing but doom in your future endeavors with your role. I hope you reject these flowers as a welcoming gift to Town Hall.”
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heirlessheiress · 6 years
Designer Brands || Ann & Luna
People coming in with donations was totally normal at the Junk Shop. Sometimes people came and dropped off multiple boxes, sometimes just a bag. Honestly, anything was appreciated.
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As Ann was moving some of the recently donated boxes into the back she saw a... quite small woman come in. Though Ann shouldn’t comment on her height, seeing as she was ...quite tall. But she had to admit, she was kind of nervous being around petite people. It made her feel like a giant.
But a customer was a customer!
“Hi! How are you today? Is that a box of things you’ve come to donate?” Ann said, smiling at her new customer.
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thepelagoislands · 6 years
Luna's tagged along!!! She'll be living with Gill in Room B202, Inner Apartments, and working at Mon Cherry & Cantata Tailoring! ♡
Everyone, please follow Luna!
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gourmaid · 6 years
Sweet Treats || Felicity & Luna
[ ♥ ] — Upon hearing that her darling friend and co-worker was now First Lady of Leuda, Felicity had to go and offer her congratulations. Not only to Luna, but to Gill as well, since the newly instated Mayor was also a friend and her superior at the publisher. If she was going to spread joy and goodwill, why not spread it to the both of them? It could double as a gift for their upcoming nuptials, too. ♡
So with a bouquet of congratulatory pink roses and a box of red velvet cupcakes, Felicity strolls into the City Hall in search of either half of the lovely couple. When she spots a set of familiar cotton candy pigtails, the bubbly waitress wastes no time in bounding over to her friend, heels clicking against the floor as she quickly crosses the room and sweeps the younger girl up into a hug.
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“Oh, Loonie, I heard the good news! Congratulations!” Pulling back, she giggles, “The Mayor and his First Lady... I can hardly believe it! But I am SO happy for you and Gill~! ♪ ”
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blades-and-books · 6 years
🍓 - one secret about yourself
“If I told, it wouldn’t be a secret, now would it?” The girls in maid uniforms at the cafe made Kasumi more flustered than she’d like to admit.
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jake-out-the-humans · 6 years
🥀 - last time you cried?
Sweet and Pure Asks↳ 🥀 - last time you cried? (also asked by @blades-and-books)
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The memory of even doing something so pathetic dredges up memories of regret, and strikes a nerve within Jake. As a result, his answer comes out a bit snappy. “Cried? That’s funny. I don’t do crying.”
Truthful answer: back when he was a kid, being relentlessly broken down by the cruel world he and his father had been thrust into, after the death of Jake’s mother. But that was also when he swore to never shed a tear again. Not after failing so spectacularly at protecting his mom, and others he loved. Jake had no damn right to cry over anything.
But he couldn’t be confident he could uphold that oath, if something ever happened to Meg...
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jake-out-the-humans · 6 years
🦋 - how do you think others perceive you?
Sweet and Pure Asks↳ 🦋 - how do you think others perceive you?
“They probably think I’m a colossal asshole, which I wouldn’t blame ‘em for.” He didn’t have the best of attitudes, after all. And in the past, he felt entirely justified in his rudeness and anger towards the humans who scorned him so. But ever since meeting Meg, and a few other people...
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Jake was starting to reconsider some things.
After that brief pause, he shakes his head. “Probably won’t be changing anytime soon, either.” It wasn’t easy to rebuild burnt bridges.
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gourmaid · 6 years
🎂 - if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
Sweet and Pure Asks↳ 🎂 - if you had 3 wishes, what would they be? (also asked by @seasonedchef)
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With an excited smile, Felicity holds out a list she had written a while back of life goals she wanted to achieve, pointing eagerly to the top three.
Become a legitimate Gourmet!
Judge a cooking contest!
See every single place in the world!
Around the list are random doodles of hearts, and riceballs with cute smiley faces. The waitress giggles as she pulls the paper close to her chest, adding, “I want to do many more things of course, but those are definitely the top.♡”
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gourmaid · 6 years
🎶 - favorite song right now?
Sweet and Pure Asks↳ 🎶 - favorite song right now?
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“La Vie en Rose has been stuck in my head lately… it’s always been one of my favorites, but I wonder why I’m thinking of it so much now~?”
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