blades-and-books · 4 years
activity check 3/13
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
New Balance: 8,500G
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blades-and-books · 4 years
activity checks 1/30 - 2/27
hiatus pass
[-3,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[+4,500G] For your first (main) job.
New Balance: 8,000G
0 notes
blades-and-books · 4 years
activity check 1/16
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[+500G] For failing.
New Balance: 6,000G
0 notes
blades-and-books · 4 years
activity check 1/2
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
New Balance: 6,500G
0 notes
blades-and-books · 4 years
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[ Hunt Holiday Party 2020 ]
0 notes
blades-and-books · 4 years
activity check 12/12
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
New Balance: 6,000G
0 notes
blades-and-books · 4 years
activity check 11/28
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
New Balance: 5,500G
0 notes
blades-and-books · 5 years
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“Though some declare black cats to be unlucky, that is mere baseless superstition.” “Judging such an adorable creature on the color of its fur alone is out of the question. Do you not agree?”
As a person who has soft spot for black cats, this dialogue is a plus points for me.
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blades-and-books · 5 years
Activity Check
Passed ✓
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
New Balance: 6,000G
0 notes
blades-and-books · 5 years
It wasn’t long before Rebecca spotted a woman on the steps of the school’s entrance. She seemed dignified and young, something that really spoke to her. To Rebecca, the woman already seemed mature beyond her years, though of course this was just at a first glance. She looked forward to speaking with her more.
“Hey there. Ms. Kasumi? Name’s Rebecca. I called about getting a tour of the school.” Rebecca greeted, offering the woman her hand for a handshake.
✒Kasumi smiled politely at the woman nearing. “Yes, my name is Kasumi Nakano. I’m a teacher here at the academy. It’s very nice to meet you,” she replied while accepting the tall woman, Rebecca’s hand with her best professional handshake. 
“I’m sure you will find St. Hermelin Academy a fitting choice for your child. I would love to show you around.” Kasumi opened the front door for her guest, “Right this way, Ma’am.”
A School Tour || Rebecca and Kasumi
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blades-and-books · 6 years
Kathy sighed. She looked down at her papers seeing the Fohnding Celebration was a month long event that tied up a lot of the Island’s resources, people, and time. She had no choice but to push the event back a month. A bit exasperated she sighed. Then a receptionist walked in and told Kathy someone was looking for her. She nodded and began walking out.
It wasn’t long before Kathy saw the stoic, but frankly beautiful woman hanging out in the guild center. She wasn’t sure they had met before, so she had no idea why she was here. She, infact, forgot she sent out the flyer at all. It had been a while since she posted them after all. But she was still keen on making the event happen.
“Heya there. Hear yer lookin’ fer me. Names Kathy. How can I help ya?” She asked offering her hand.
✒Kasumi observed her surroundings as she waited. This was her first time at the Guild Center. She had no reason to come here before this. Really, she wasn’t quite sure what they do there. She brought her attention back to present as a blonde woman approached who she presumed to be Kathy. This was confirmed when she introduced herself. 
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“Yes, nice to meet you.” Kasumi took the brazen blonde’s hand and gave a firm but prompt shake. “My name is Kasumi Nakano. I’m here to inquire about the posters regarding the Women’s Self Defense class. If you are still looking for teachers, I would like to apply.”
Combat Training || Kathy and Kasumi
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blades-and-books · 6 years
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“Let’s keep it below the chest then. That should help us stay away from any serious injuries.”
She nodded to confirm her own thoughts. It was definitely best that they kept everything controlled. They have seen each other train while in passing, but this would be the first time they sparred against each other. There was no saying how their styles and level of expertise would match up against each other. It would be a learning process.
“I’m ready when you are, Kasumi!”
✒Kasumi felt slightly intimidated about making the first move. She wouldn’t want to underestimate her rival, but she most certainly wouldn’t want to hurt her either. This would be quite the interesting match.
"Very well.”
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Analyzing her adversary’s openings, Kasumi decided to target her legs. She aimed to knock Agate off her feet, immobilizing her temporarily. First, she charged head on with a simple tackle. Once they were engaged physically, Kasumi positioned her leg behind Agate’s and kicked her leg backwards. While also having a firm hold on the brunette, she attempted to knock her back and hold her down.
Compatible Combatant
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blades-and-books · 6 years
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Founding Celebration Dance | Kasumi’s Attire
✒Kasumi didn’t often keep up with festivities being held, especially dances, but she was convinced by her students. There was a month long event regarding the founding of the islands, that much she knew. 
Apparently, there was also a competition between the islands with the prize being new venues. Between the two, Kasumi much preferred the Arcadian option despite living in Leuda. An underground city certainly sounded intriguing, but a garden was much more her style.
Oh well. She might as well enjoy the last event of the celebration. Kasumi sorted through her closet and decided on a light, floral kimono perfect for spring. Hopefully, she wasn’t dressed too formally. 
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blades-and-books · 6 years
Activity Check
Failed ✗
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
New Balance: 5,500G
0 notes
blades-and-books · 6 years
Activity Check
Passed ✓
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
New Balance: 6,000G
0 notes
blades-and-books · 6 years
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“Ugh, right?! Me either!!!” Fists propped on her hips, she gave an indignant little stamp, her gaze following the other’s out the window again. Was she afraid he might come back…? He’d have to be a total idiot, after she scared him off so bad. Luna swore her heart had skipped a beat when she grabbed his wrist! ♡
An absolutely PERFECT idea popped into her head, and she quickly turned her attention back to the raven-haired beauty, bringing her hands together with a delighted clap.
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“Hey, do you like cake? Coffee, tea? Lemme get ya somethin’ for saving me! My treat!! ☆”
✒Kasumi blinked at the girl, processing her offer. On one hand, she didn’t want to impose and possibly get the small waitress in trouble for giving out free confections. On the other hand, it would be rude to decline her offer. 
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Instead of conveying this dilemma, all she managed to let out was a small, “Tea, please.” Realizing she was vague in her answer, she corrected, 
“Green tea. If you have it.” Of course they have green tea. What kind of cafe doesn’t have green tea? It was such a simple question, yet Kasumi became flustered trying to come up with comprehensive answers.
{ My Hero(ine) ♡ Luna & Kasumi }
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blades-and-books · 6 years
⛅- what is your morning routine?
“It mostly consists of the normal tasks everyone performs such as warm ups of my mind and body like shikake oji and light reading. I would not wish to bore you with such monotony.”
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