strut like you mean it
16 posts
Lisa Morales, 22. Lauren Willis on Lesliean.
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
text → lisa
CAROLINE: i'm in a bind
CAROLINE: i'm reenacting that famous episode of life: by leah
CAROLINE: and i need you to be ryan and nick
LISA: are we thinking tampons or pads?
LISA: if it's the latter, with or without wings?
LISA: also where are you?
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
Texts || Brynn
LISA: 👸🏻 👸🏻 !!
LISA: Are the rumors true?? Are you leaving us for LBL??
LISA: that was my imitation of an annoying paparazzo but tbf i've always been shit at impersonations
LISA: otoh hey what's up ! did you see the new scripts yet?
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
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“yeah, you’re real distracting when you keep opening that big mouth of yours,” he teased, turning the lens slightly to adjust the focus on the actress in front of him. it was easy with lisa – both at work and outside of it. it was no secret that jace didn’t get along with the majority of their coworkers, but it was always a treat when he got to work with lisa. “you may have my brother wrapped around your finger, but i see through that innocent routine; the camera sees all.” one last adjustment and he leaned back from the camera, blinking a few times as his eyes adjusted to the room’s lighting. “alright, princess; you’re all finished. shooting should start once the others are finished in hair and makeup, and as long as someone doesn’t decide it’s a good time for blooper reel takes, we should get you outta here shortly.”
“Connor is my most favorite location manager in the world.” How could she say anything else about him? Even if it weren’t true, she wouldn’t speak ill of Connor while standing in front of his brother. “And I’m sure I’m among at least his top two Morales sisters. Just because he hasn’t met Rocky yet.” She blinked up at him, putting on her most angelical expression, one hand resting against her cocked hip. “I’m sure there’s something to be said about seeing through the lens and not really getting the full picture. But, then again, I’m no poet.” Although she did try her best for her tone not to sound bitter, or as if she was hinting towards something, she wasn’t quite sure that carried. There followed some relief after his words, and Lisa threw a victory sign his way. “Please, I’ve got the most urgent of dates. Some rocky road in my fridge and a Facetime scheduled with my sister. Can’t beat those plans. How are you spending this fine evening? Once you’re free, that is.”
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
“Please tell me you’re not going to give the gum away to a less deserving person.  I’ve been good.”  Nathan reacted almost instantly, swinging the door to his trailer open so fast that he was about 70% sure he’d have broken it with much more force.  “Wait.”  He held up one finger, tilting his head curiously at Lisa.  “What happened? Are you okay?  Who am I hurting?”  Brows creased, and he took a breath, stepping back to let her in.  “I would wonder whether this was a bribe if we were strangers and not friends, just so you know.”
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“That - remains to be seen.” Lisa very nearly flinched at the sudden appearance, settling instead for a calm expression followed up with a very questioning rise of her own eyebrows. “I hadn’t seen your face all day, dummy. Wasn’t sure if you were having an off day or avoiding me, or we just hadn’t managed to cross paths at all. Are you really going to look a horse gift in the mouth? Or a watermelon gum gift?” Scoffing, as though he’d just caused her a great disservice, she made her way inside his trailer before stopping and hugging him around the waist with one arm. “So you won’t judge me if I’m actually physically using this visit as an excuse to hide out for a while? I mean, friends totally let their friends hide in their private trailers all the time, at least when those friends come bearing gifts.” Another smile, albeit lacking somewhat in innocence this time, although a pout may have worked better in this situation.
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
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camera pointed at lisa, jace cracked a smile at her comment – a genuine one at that, as lisa was one of the few people who could actually pull one out of him. “wear that to my next game and i bet you’d distract everyone on the field,” he mused, shaking his head and chuckling. “that could work out to my advantage though, so by all means.” lisa had that presence that commanded whatever area she was in, but jace liked to think he was immune to it after spending so much time with her over the last four seasons – at least for the most part. “now stop distracting me, or you’re gonna be standing in that spot forever.”
Of course, it’d be just her luck to get anyone else’s attention but the one guy she actually wanted attention from. Not that she was complaining, loving or appreciating any interaction she got with her friend in any form it came, but there was something to be said for always reaching for the impossible. “Are you trying to imply that I distract you, Jace Santos? How very dare you?” The smile that lit up her face was very real, for even if it wasn’t the kind of distraction she intended to be, there was the part of her that rejoiced in succeeding at it. Albeit minimally. “You wouldn’t do that to me. I’d call for your blood and I know somebody on the staff would believe in my innocence, number 34.” Behaving was tough, mostly when he was in the scene. Lisa knew what it was that made her act out, but still -- why bother holding it back?
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
It was never the most comfortable of situations, having to remain in place while lighting and cameras happened to be re-arranged around one. Adding to that the fact that she was already fully in costume, and not simply doing a camera check, and the smile on her face had become more than a little bit stilted. Even after three whole seasons, putting on the cheerleader costume never failed to feel like too much of a gimmick. Did her legs really have to look like that? She tugged absently at the hem of the stretchy skirt, to no avail, teeth digging slightly into her bottom lip as she focused her gaze on the cameras again. Or, more specifically, one of the operators behind them. “ @svntcs? Why so serious? Think I could borrow this for your next game?” she queried, her tone passably neutral, head tilting to one side as she put on a cutesie pose.
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
Having not seen @ncthanwinters for the better part of the whole day’s work - a tough feat ,given they didn’t actually work in too many different locations at once - Lisa had chosen to resort to desperate measures. Once she’d procured the necessary items to go through with her mission, she stopped in front of the male’s trailer, knocking strongly against the door. “Nathan? There’s something that smells very strongly of watermelon but actually packs more of a flavor punch in my hand out here. I mean, I could share it with you if you let me in, or I could just hand it over to some of the crew. Are you busy in there?” It was hard to tell, sometimes, when her fellow actor was just having one of those days where he’d rather not interact with the public, or when they just happened to have constant bad timing. Either way, and having failed to keep the chips safe from her own hands, she knew the small packet of chewing gum could help in some way. Though not precisely when it came to her patience.
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
“As funny as this whole ‘staring at our identical faces’ shtick is, I do miss Rocky. I’m sure all three of us together would make people stop and wonder if they should give up their morning bourbon.” Lisa smiled in spite of her words, one arm linked loosely with that of her sister’s, her gaze warm as she took in @elicnvs appearance. It wasn’t literally every day they got to take some time off during the day to bask in each other’s company, at least. “We’re not actually going to that organic shop, are we? I meant it as a joke, but I saw their menu and they seem to take things too seriously. Like a $20 latte seriously.” A delicate shudder, as though hit with a sudden chill, and she slid her hand down to link her fingers with those of one of her twins’, head turned towards her.
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
“Uh -- no, you see, I wasn’t actually interested.” Lisa did little to hide her cringe-y face as she leaned away from the overly enthusiastic stranger who had very obviously not read between the lines. “Why? Ugh. I was just - waiting for them.” As luck would’ve had it, @ofpracticalities just so happened to walk by them, and her hand immediately shot towards his arm, using his momentum to try and propel herself away from the wall. “I promise, you’re the greatest lifesaver that has ever existed. Can we just keep walking and not look over our shoulders and walk all the way towards China?” her tone was low, an annoyed grunt escaping her as she side-eyed the unwanted solicitor’s dumbfounded expression.
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
“Think of the sticky mess. How would you even package those to begin with?” Her initial reaction was betrayed by an overly enthusiastic motion towards the offered cookie, though, to be fair, she was just rejecting the notion of the missing cookie ends. “One time, back in junior high or around there, one kid tried to pull the old ‘switch the stuff with tooth paste’. He was a complete amateur - and he used sparkly blue toothpaste, so.” She proceeded to twist the cookie open, more than content to nibble on the stuffing before eating the chocolate-y sides.
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“in theory, though, wouldn’t the all stuff oreos get bad quickly? i can’t imagine the shelf life for the creme center would be very long.” he bit into another oreo, turning the package to his companion to offer them one. “i think i’ll stick with the good ole double stuff, myself, even if the all stuff oreos were just an april fool’s day prank.”
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
“I’m not really a ‘pen’ person,” Lisa trailed off, quickly getting her own feet off the chair presumably meant for sitting, making sure her sister’s books were as if she’d never started flicking through them. It was yet another long day on set - the kind of long where her scenes started running later than they ought to - and she’d been feeling sort of antsy around the Lesliean stage. She reached towards the back of her head, pulling out the sparkly pencil that had been holding back - and messing up - what had been a shimmering blowdry, then held it out towards the male. “This helps? I think our next resource would be some eyeliner.”
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ashton didn’t know what to expect from his first day back, other than the occasional whispers–gossip was certainly very much alive still.  he had told himself he could handle it, but he was still terrified of all the misconceptions.  staring down at his notes, ashton began to write again, grumbling in frustration when his pen ran out of ink.  his long legs carried him out of his little cubicle and to the nearest open doorway, where he stuck his head in.  “hey, uh, this is kind of embarrassing, but do you have a pen i could borrow? “
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
the paparazzi have spotted LISA MORALES, the TWENTY-TWO year old ACTOR who’s currently working as LAUREN WILLIS on LESLIEAN. the tabloids have called them EXTROVERTED and SPONTANEOUS, but also UNPREDICTABLE and FLIGHTY. during their time in the spotlight, they’ve been dubbed the HOYDEN.
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you’re not seeing double... or triple if you’re in front of a tv... this here is Lisa Morales, twin sister to @elicnvs (& a third sister known as Rocky, guitar player in a band) ...
Lisa has been in Zenith for nearly 4 years now, ever since she landed the role of Lauren Willis. Not to say that she landed it by it falling on her lap, but after going through extensive auditions was she able to claim the role as hers.
She was always very very very lucky to count with her family’s support throughout it all -- their parents are probably the coolest there can be, seeing how Rocky plays guitar, Ellie a v trained ballerina/dancer & Lisa herself known as an actress -- and the knowledge that any of them are just a phone call away is the best thing ever for her
That, and being able to just walk across the lot and seeing her sister’s face, too, bc she’s big as heck on family and Queens is just ... a little bit too far away
Voted (by her own fam) as the one most likely to get her triplets in trouble ((although Rocky was a near second??)) she’s in the self imposed mission to have FuN with capital F and Ns for no particular reason, and get Ellie out of her shell just a teensy bit
also not a huge fan of skirts or dresses at all but she’ll wear them if she has to tho they’re not PRACTICAL sometimes she just gotta
a perfect night in for Lisa involves videogames and popcorn or movies and popcorn tho she tends to regret the popcorn the morning after when she’s hitting up the gym ((shrug emoji))
feel free to shoot me with coworkers, crew and cast alike, and anything and everything under the sun !! party buddies, frenemies, people who are usually going for the same roles as her, people who mistake her for her sisters, anything at all
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
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“I always loved Belle from ‘Beauty and the Beast’. I always thought I looked like her, so I dressed like her for every Halloween.”
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xomoralisa · 7 years ago
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Sofia Carson - Ins and Outs of Sofia Carson: Part One
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