xntpspacecase · 6 years
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Female INTP 6w7 sp/so Melancholy Sanguine lockscreen
Requested by @mattie-spiritwalker
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
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sea foam
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
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Introvert Dream House
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
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Enneagram 3w4.
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
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3w4 - Nike
The goddess of triumph whose name literally means “victory”. She is often depicted as riding Zeus’ chariot. She was told to fly over battlefields, granting the victors glory and fame for their deeds. She was also a close friend of Athena, which considering their attributes is not surprising. After all, what fits better with a war goddess than a goddess who represents strength, speed, and winning?
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
Hunk: How long have you been in love with him?
Pidge: That’s disgusting. And wrong. I don’t even get – why would – I’ve never been in love with anyone, anywhere. It’s none of your - you have - the nerve, the audacity - Lance is my friend, technically. And he is terrible, face-wise. And how - how do I know, frankly, that you’re not in love with him? Maybe you are. Maybe you’re trying to throw me off. Hmm, check and mate.
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
Norwegian prisons are nicer than my apartment.
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
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➫ | slytherin + southside serpents
“snakes don’t shed their skin so easily”
(click for better quality)
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
Sun in 1st: luminaries in 1st have a natural glow, they stand out, confidence oozes even when insecure, expressive, independent, healing energy, power hungry, charming.✨
Sun in 2nd: earns money well but also spends greatly, giving, values are everything, materialistic, independent yet present with people, eye for design, possessive. 💘
Sun in 3rd: often talkative & energetic in nature, curiosity, intellectual, interested about the world & people, lover of adventure & travel, communicative & expressive 🕊
Sun in 4th: nostalgic, family oriented or wants a family, future oriented, your childhood can have a huge affect on you & maybe your children’s futures, foundation is important.✨
Sun in 5th: playful yet competitive, leader, artistic, charming, eye for design, all about having a good time, lover of casual affairs. 💘
Sun in 6th: natural healer & may gravitate towards health or people oriented careers, ambitious, wants comfort & stability, empathetic, intuitive, senseable, health.🕊
Sun in 7th: can find bits of themsleves through interpersonal relations, sacrificial, sees all sides, easily adaptable to situations. ✨
Sun in 8th: interested in the deeper sides of life, intuitive, may have paranormal experiences, transformation through financial or joint finance issues, magnetic & intense.💘
Sun in 9th: lover of travel & learning, interested in all walks of life, find humor in the little things, spiritual/religious possibly, expanding knowledge through others & experiemves. 🕊
Sun in 10th: self confidence can change depending on how people view you, ambitious, career driven, leader, powerfull energy. ✨
Sun in 11th: really good around others, lover of groups and friends, a desire to change the world and community around you, may take interest or action in politics or world issues. 💘
Sun in 12th: intuitive & sensing, can naturally hide themselves in the shadows, not very forthcoming, living in a fantasy world, sacrificial, in tune with others energies. 🕊
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
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Bats illuminated by lightning
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
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Always the tone of surprise.
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
So.....im a 6w7 I guess?
After reading the recent posts on enneagram 5 especially on Sherlock Holmes I have ruled it out as my head type. I also don’t relate to 6w5 or 7w8 . That leaves 6w7 and 7w6 . I relate more to the description of 6 but I identify with the disinterested and inigration lines of 7 . I could also identify with the fears on 6 or 7 . I worry about a lack of support like a 6 but like a 7 I get stressed by limited options and feeling hopeless. What does this sound like? Thank you.
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Could be either one.
If you act like a 1 under stress, you’re a 7. If you act like a 3, you’re a 5.
In other words, yours truly (as a 6w7) becomes an angry 3 under stress – she literally shoves people out of the way to get things done, she’s sensitive about whether others perceive her to be good at her job or not, and she just wants to show everyone that she’s the best – working hard while whining about it.
A 7 in disintegration acts like a 1 – suddenly becoming moralizing and hard on themselves and others, fixated on doing the right thing, being nit-picky and judgmental / critical.
There are… a lot of differences between them.
The most basic slant is pessimism vs optimism. The 6 is naturally distrustful and pessimistic, the 7 is naturally optimistic and adventurous. Even with the wings, one is going to have way, way more influence on your core personality. A 6 thinks the worst, first, every time; a 7 thinks the best first, every time. A 6w7 tends to think the 7w6 is irresponsible and flighty, with a short attention span (while secretly longing to be more adventurous and see things in the best light like they are and do); a 7w6 tends to think a 6w7 worries too much and massively over-thinks everything (while thinking maybe they should do that more often, so as to stick with things longer).
From the Enneagram institute:
Sixes and Sevens can be mistyped when there is confusion between main type and wing: that is, between a Six with a Seven-wing and a Seven with a Six-wing. Both are Thinking types, and both are driven by anxiety, although they cope with their anxious feelings in strikingly different ways. Sixes tend to react to their anxiety by fretting and becoming more anxious. They may react counterphobically by reacting against their fears, but react they do. Further, anxiety tends to make Sixes more pessimistic and negative about themselves and their prospects. They can be full of self-doubt, while being suspicious of the motives of others.
Sevens, by contrast are extremely optimistic, and react to anxiety by looking for enjoyable distractions. Sevens suppress their self-doubt as much as possible, and try to keep everything upbeat. Sevens tend to deny the dark corners of their souls, sixes tend to get stuck in them. Sixes, however, have a heightened sense of responsibility and do not allow themselves to “goof off” until all of their obligations have been met. Sevens, for better or for worse, are far more spontaneous, and resist having too many expectations placed on them. They want to be free to come and go as they please, and find the Six’s persistent sense of commitment potentially limiting and dull. Sixes tend to find the Seven’s lifestyle flighty and irresponsible. In short, sixes seek out structure and guidelines: Sevens resist both.
- ENFP Mod
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
what venus in the houses are in love with
Venus in 1st: Themselves, if not learning to love themselves.
Venus in the 2nd: what and who they hold closest to their heart, their possessions. Both tangible and intangible values.
Venus in 3rd: poetry, prose, and writing. In love with mental stimulation and connection with others.
Venus in 4th: Their roots. What they have been shaped up to be. If not what they’ve been molded to be, then what they can become. The security that their home brings them, whether metaphorical or literal.
Venus in 5th: Their creativity. The natural inclination to the arts. The love affairs that are usually fleeting and light-hearted. A summertime fling, at the most.
Venus in 6th: What they succeed and work the hardest for. Animals. What they’ve put blood, sweat, and tears in to make perfect. Something that they can truly call their own work of art.
Venus in 7th: The relationships created between them and others. Their boyfriend or girlfriend. Their mother, father, siblings. Even their enemies.
Venus in 8th: People, places, or topics that lead them to a place of magnitude and bewilderment. The unusual and the taboos. Those who aren’t afraid to have deep conversations about the unknown. Those who give them more than a rush; a deep spiritual and physical bond & connection.
Venus in 9th: Topics involving different religions and philosophy. New scenery and landscapes. Foreign countries and foreigners. Different cultures that always lead to different faces. Learning experiences and life lessons.
Venus in 10th: The image that they want to paint for all to see. Goals that have to be accomplished, goals that are attainable. Their reputation in life, what they achieve to be and to accomplish.
Venus in 11th: Those who are eccentric and unapologetically themselves. Friendships that transcend to lovers. Being apart of an organization bigger than themselves for the greater good.
Venus in 12th: Those who chase their dreams and never stop dreaming. In love with imagination, healthy self-seclusion. People and situations that draw them into their spirit man and elevate their spirituality.
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xntpspacecase · 6 years
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Greek Myth:         Goddesses  - Artemis ☾
↳ Artemis was one of the most widely venerated of the Ancient Greek deities. Her roman equivalent is Diana. Homer refers to her as Artemis Agrotera, Potnia Theron: “Artemis of the wildland, Mistress of Animals”. In the classical period of Greek mythology, Artemis was often described as the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo.
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