don't look away.
41 posts
Lee Hyeri. Or you could call me Annie. Slowly turning into a Weeping Angel. 7th year Slytherin r/s: single; s/o: straight Closed AU roleplay. Not the real Hyeri. tracking #sly:hyeri
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
JUST KIDDING. omg did you guys actually believe me-
No, im not leaving aih, but I am dropping hyeri. She only has like three threads and no one is replying to them like srsly guys her activity feed is literally a straight line I am not even kidding. I mean that's partly my fault but still.
Either way, I've lost my muse, and even though I love the idea of a "hufflepuff in slytherin robes" as Yuki put it in his aura analysis or w/e, what little muse I had for Hyeri at first has long since disappeared.
So baiiiiii I'll see you on Key's thought blog because srsly what other blog do I really even use regularly anymore I mean come on
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
Animal fun fact: Chinchillas can’t get wet. Their fur retains too much water and will start to grow mold. So they bathe by rolling around in dust.
Chinchilla fun fact: Chinchillas have around 20 hairs per follicle; unlike humans who have 2-3 hairs per follicle. Because their fur is so dense, they cannot get fleas or other parasites. The bugs will suffocate in their fur.
Chinchilla fun fact: Petting one of those awesome little guys feels like touching a motherfucking cloud.
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
Hyeri shook her head, crossing her arms and pouting. "Well I'm good enough at it that I managed to trick you!" She said, sticking her tongue out childishly before grinning as Chaerin hit her on the arm. The seventh year waved a hand, which was her half-assed effort of hitting the younger back. Hyeri stretched her arms over her head languidly before stretching out on Chaerin's bed, her head on the pillow and her legs curled up since Chaerin was still sitting at the foot of the bed.
The girl merely shrugged as well as she could from her position lying on her side. "I don't know. It was kind of a weird relationship. He was supposed to protect me while my father and uncle--who you probably know is the current Egyptian Minister, but I think he's just filling in for someone else. Anyway, Father and Uncle had to go help the Muggle army with the political situation, but it's basically a warzone there so Iskandar was supposed to keep me safe. And he did, obviously, since I'm here, but one of the first things he said to me was that we should go in a pyramid and have a quickie," she explained, rolling her eyes and turning so that she was lying on her back and could see her friend better. "But he did his job. I was able to stay safe until Father was able to arrange a Portkey back to London."
catching up || hyeri & chaerin
"I—" she paused, lips remaining parted as she stared at the older girl incredulously. She was clearly at a loss of words, unable to understand how she could let herself fall for Hyeri’s words and instead, resorted to pulling a face at the empty drawer—save for a few small pieces of parchment and scattered pins— before reaching over to give the older Slytherin a playful whack on the arm. "Shut up! Salazar, you suck at tricking people, Hyeri, I swear!" Her best friend’s laughter, however, was quite contagious to Chaerin and soon enough, the blonde joined in the laughing briefly. 
Once she managed to stop, however, her brows raised in a manner to display she was impressed by Hyeri’s discoveries in said country. She had been to Egypt once or twice, but only as a child and hadn’t visited the Ministry there at all. Nevertheless, it sounded like quite an adventure to jump in the Nile River as opposed to their entrances. “True—I honestly think that if we had to jump in a river to get into the Ministry and escape without being soaked, I’d visit the damned place more often.” Upon hearing the older Slytherin’s cousin was royalty, Chaerin’s lips parted, eyes widening just slightly before gaining a hold of herself; she flicked a strand of blonde hair over her shoulder, straightened her back and tilted her head upwards just a little to portray an image of importance. “Well, darling, you’ve always been in the presence of royalty!” At that, she pointed at herself with a wicked grin but it was not long before that dissolved into a smile. “Seriously?! That’s awesome! Do you two get along or?”
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
Hyeri moaned slightly into the kiss, using her arms around his neck and her hands in his hair to pull him down further, closer. The soft touches of his fingers weren't enough, and she did her best to pull him all the way down, pressing her body to his in an attempt to get closer. The heat between them was electrifying, sending alcohol-driven shocks up and down Hyeri's spine. In spite of the overwhelming heat from her own arousal and their close proximity, the Slytherin found herself shivering at the feeling and searching for more, pressing herself that much closer to him and tightening her fists in his hair as she tried to cause the electric shocks once again.
As he parted from her, she pushed her head up slightly, searching for his lips once again in her lusty daze. His question had her unfocused eyes flickering up to meet his. She nodded, turning around and slipping her arms back from around the boy's neck, opting instead for grabbing his hand and pulling him along at a brisk, slightly wobbly pace. She headed down the hall, soon reaching her room and pushing the door open. Thankfully it was empty, and Hyeri quickly collapsed on her back on her own bed, pulling the boy down on top of her. "What's your name?" She breathed, her eyes already flickering down to his pink, swollen lips.
「/ baby, we're going down swingin'. jhs;lhy
as soon as her lips met his, hoseok knew that it was now too late for introductions — but who said a few kisses as an introduction weren’t as welcomed as a verbal one, certainly not hoseok — in fact, he rather (if he had the chance to decide) would have asked for a kiss rather than a name. he could smell the breath of alcohol at her tongue but it only called to him further — luring him downwards at an alarming rate as he consumed her lips with brief brushes of his own, his fingers now finding their way to pull the shirt she had on upwards in substitution for his slim, wandering digits.
the pads of his fingers easing their way upwards, taking the moment to press against her sides as they pleased as he walked her backwards in hope of somehow finding a place more private. he pulled away slightly, lips still but a centimeter away as they brushed against hers. his breath coming in short, heavy puffs as he glanced hazardly in her eyes, “room?” an eyebrow twitched upwards in question, he could feel the arousal of the moment linger within his stomach before shooting down to the place that called for it most. 
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
Hyeri laughed loudly, rolling onto her side and clutching her stomach. "Oh, Chae-" she choked out through her laughs. "You...you totally believed it!" She kept laughing, eventually panting and struggling for breath. Finally, when her laughs subsided, the seventh year stood up from the bed, walking over to her friend's nightstand and opening the drawer. "See? No condoms. But Merlin, your face was priceless!" She cried, pointing to Chaerin childishly and beginning to laugh again.
Getting her giggles under control quickly, Hyeri rolled her eyes. "Yes, I know, Chae. I've been to our Ministry a lot, you know. But really! I had to jump into the freaking Nile River. That's not something you do every day, you know?" She chuckled before falling backwards onto the bed, her arms stretched languidly over her head. "I didn't either, to be honest. But guess what?" She sat up much too quickly, and her hand quickly moved to her temple as she blinked, trying to clear the black spots from her vision. "He's a prince," she said when she had regained her bearings. "I'm related to royalty!"
catching up || hyeri & chaerin
"Charming, Hyeri, really charming," Chaerin said flatly and offered a few claps to add to the irony but she burst into a fit of chuckles, probably at how ridiculous the situation would be. "And anyway—I didn’t mean that sort of uncomfortable, excuse you! Wait— You— What." An unstoppable shriek escaped her lips and at once, pressed both of her hands to her mouth; she hadn’t really touched on the subject of boys with Hyeri just yet and the older girl’s straightforwardness had taken Chaerin by surprise, without a doubt. It’s not that she shied away from such talks, of course not, but it was territory that was still untouched by the blonde Slytherin.
"I wouldn’t say our Ministry’s entrance is all that glamorous; you either floo yourself in there, or—if worse comes to worse—you flush yourself down the damned toilets or struggle with those red Muggle boxes they use for communication." Her nose scrunched slightly before focusing on Hyeri, brows raised in surprise at the mention of said Gryffindor. "Didn’t know you had a cousin in Egypt, much less one in Gryffindor," Chaerin admitted, surprise evident in her voice. 
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
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Girl’s Day goes to Hogwarts 1/4
↳ Hyeri in Gryffindor
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
somebody plot with hyeri srsly she's turning into a weeping angel how is that not the scariest/best thing in the world huh
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
turned to stone || lhr & ?
As Hyeri woke up, it felt like a normal day. Her left arm felt a little strange, but she dismissed it as still being numb from sleep as she got up and began to get ready. It wasn't until she was getting dressed that she noticed it--when she pulled off her pajama top, she found her entire left forearm was turned grey. The Slytherin gasped, dropping the shirt she had been about to put on and glancing around to her roommates, all of whom were either still asleep or busying themselves with getting ready. Touching her arm lightly, Hyeri discovered that it was completely hard, like a rock. 
What was she supposed to do? Did someone slip a potion into her drink at dinner the night before? Gulping, Hyeri knelt to pick her shirt up, making sure to keep her arm out of sight of her roommates as she pulled the sleeve over the grey area. She'd just hide it. If it got any worse, she'd go to the hospital wing. That's what she told herself as she ascended the steps to the entrance hall, so distracted by her thoughts that she ended up bumping into someone, accidentally brushing the hard part of her arm against theirs. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" She snarled, cradling her arm to her chest. Had they noticed? She hoped not.
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
note: hyeri is going to be slowly turning into a weeping angel. she'll probably turn into one completely within the next few days. the effects of the weeping angel curse thing will wear off once aih finishes the doctor who week.
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
Hyeri bit her lip as she watched his eyes work their way up her body, and she vaguely wondered what she was wearing. She chanced a glance down to herself, blinking to keep her eyes in focus. Shifting from foot to foot, she discovered that she was hardly wearing anything on her lower half--just a pair of stiletto heels that probably made her (mostly bare) legs irresistible to the boy in front of her and a tight black miniskirt that she could feel hugging her hips and waist. In all honesty, she wasn't wearing that much on her top half either--a tight white blouse that hugged her body in all the right places, the top three buttons undone so that the top of her lacy bra could be seen.
Glancing back up to the boy's face, he saw his eyes roving over her neck hungrily, and she bit her lip, a small breath escaping at the thought of how much she needed his lips on her right then. Stepping even closer to him, she tightened her grip around his neck as he looked back up into her face. Hyeri acted before she allowed herself time to think, as many did when they had consumed a bit too much alcohol. The Slytherin stood on her tiptoes to press her lips hungrily to the boy's own, allowing him to push her backwards slowly and dimly thinking that she should take him to her room at some point soon so they could finish this. 
「/ baby, we're going down swingin'. jhs;lhy
eyes fell to the floor, feeling the subconcious notion that something had collided with his feet — noticing the cup that had been in her hands seconds prior caused him to raise an eyebrow — obviously very amused at such a thing. something if he had been sober, wouldn’t exactly be as hilarious as it was now. the smile that lingered on his lips only seemed to rise, curving into it’s own chesire design at her answer. “your wish is my command, just tell me how.” his eyes are slowly moving from the floor upwards, taking his time as they nearly collide with each and every viewable pore in sight — from her legs to the naked skin of her neck that’s appealing more and more inviting by the second.
teeth bite down onto his bottom lip at the mere awareness of her fingers against his scalp. it didn’t matter if the action was as simple as a quick run through — it had ignited a little something within him — a flame that was keeping it’s steady burning at a minimum only to be oxidized into a burning fluidity that crept through his veins, urging him on. his body leaning further into hers as his head angled downwards. his eyes flickered from their hypnotized sight on her neck to her face — finally taking in the soft facial features of the woman that was in his arms. she was pretty, pretty much his tonight. he was going to make sure of that. feet began their slow tip-toe forward, pushing her backwards — he just wanted to get out of this overcrowded room. it wasn’t that hoseok minded an audience, but he’d rather be left alone when it came to things he hungered for — the gryffindor wanted his eyes to be the only one hungry for the object of lust.
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
Hyeri blinked innocently up at her best friend, though the devious smirk on her face gave her away. "Then I'll just walk right back out and press you for details later, of course. And anyway, I think I'd be able to tell if it was an...uncomfortable situation just from the sounds, you know?" At this the girl waggled her eyebrows suggestively before laughing, her face splitting into a wide grin. "Oh please, if you have a guy in here then you know I'll find out about it somehow or other. Which is why I've stocked both of our bedside tables with condoms," she said, as casually as if she had been asking about the weather.
"Mmm, yeah, the security was way tight. I had to jump into a damn river to get to the Ministry. I didn't get wet, of course, since it was an enchanted entrance, but it sure was uncomfortable," the seventh year sighed, rolling over onto her back and looking up at Chaerin with a strange look on her face. "I also met one of my cousins who I didn't know I had. He was my 'protector' while I was in Egypt, and he goes here. He's a Gryffindor sixth year, Iskandar Son. Or I think he said Dongwoon is his Korean name."
catching up || hyeri & chaerin
"I think she’s slowly getting sick of my pestering presence lurking about the place for so long," Chaerin joked and a small laugh accompanied that, before raising her brows in an inquiring manner at the other. "That, I know of. But do tell me, Hyeri, what are you going to do if you keep bursting in without knock and run into an, uh, uncomfortable situation?" As soon as the words left her lips, the blonde tilted her head a little to display genuine curiosity as well as a hint of amusement. The moment Hyeri scooted closely to Chaerin, a crooked grin was painted upon her face and she narrowed her eyes at once in the form of a teasing glare. 
"So I’ve heard…." the younger Slytherin sighed and pressed her lips into a thin line at once. Her father had briefly mentioned the rising tensions in said country but aside from brief figures, Chaerin knew very little of the full scale situation. Nevertheless, she was glad Hyeri had returned, safely at that. "Mh, he probably did get intercepted. Luckily enough he returned on both occasions. Beak empty, but nevertheless he came back." 
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
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xhyeri-sly · 12 years ago
Hyeri chuckled, staring up at the green canopy on Chaerin's four-poster. "That long already? Your mom really did want you out of the house." She glanced over at the younger with a cheeky grin on her face. "That's because I didn't knock, doofus," she said with a laugh. "I haven't knocked on your door in years." She rolled over and scooted down the bed to get closer to Chaerin, looking up at her with a childish look on her face.
While Hyeri was always cold towards others, Chaerin was different. The two had known each other since Hyeri's second year (Chaerin's first), and the younger had always been able to bring out Hyeri's childish, more bubbly side. They had seen each other less than a month prior, but Hyeri had missed her best friend all the same, and she already felt happier and a bit more relaxed just being here with her. "I've been in Egypt. It's crazy there. It's bordering on a civil war. They probably intercepted your owls. Sorry about that."
catching up || hyeri & chaerin
"My light reading often goes a step too far and anyway," Chaerin puffed her cheeks for a moment, deflating them shortly after, "there’s hardly much to do ‘round here during the holidays. As for how long I’ve been here…maybe two weeks? I haven’t kept track but certainly less than a month. Tch," the younger Slytherin scrunched her nose, looking at Hyeri with a playful glare, "I would have noticed if you knocked louder.” As soon as her legs were poked, Chaerin pulled up from the chair with a chuckle and made to sit on a small corner of her bed.
It hadn’t been that long since she had last seen her best friend, but they’ve gone by with a few weeks apart for sure. Truthfully, it would be a lie if the blonde were to claim she did not miss Hyeri- the older Slytherin was someone she treasured ever since her early years at Hogwarts and it didn’t really surprise her how well they clicked in place. “Where have you been wondering about these few weeks? I sent Lux once or twice with a letter but had no reply. Explain yourself, Lee Hyeri.”
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