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btswaifeu · 7 years ago
This time, it’s goodbye | o2
You and Tae have been the best buddies both of you could ask for and even the rest agreed with that. However, things started crumbling when his love for you faltered.
Chapters | o1 | o2 | o3
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A month passed and tae still didn’t get back to you. But what’s new heh? Before telling your friends about it, you called your mom and told her about your current situation. Of course, she bawled her eyes out and demanded to see you. You then relayed the message to one of the girls and told them not to worry, and took 1 week leave of absence to see you mother back in your hometown. Which went unnoticed by Tae.
The only update you got about him were either from jungkook (yes, you were still contacting him since he got into the same major as you) or you’ll scroll past his social media updates. In that month, you tried contacting Tae again but to no avail. To make things worse you had to finish up this whole term before you undergo the removal of your tumour as your tuitions fees have already been paid. Finishing the term meant that at least, if you survived, you would have no problem getting a job after. But it also meant that you will be in constant pain for the whole term.
You spent a lot of time thinking if you should just tell him through text, but you didn’t want tae to come over cause of pity, you really wanted to see him one last time. In those months of going back and forth, and tae making empty promises to meet you, you managed to get back on track with jungkook and got close to him, helping him with his studies as well. You couldn’t bring yourself to tell him anything yet, but knew he was starting to get suspicious about your behaviour, since you always went missing for a couple of hours, and sometimes appear smiling with puffy eyes. He didn’t want to push it either.
Midterms passed in a flash and you were back to having free time. But for you, time was running out. Occasionally, Tae and hyeri would pass-by you and jungkook greeting you with a little smile. Well, things did improve a little with jungkook’s persistence, the four of you started hanging together, only this time, it was quite tensed. You didn’t know why but of the little dats the four of you went, you found tae constantly getting irritated at you for no reason, and both of them would ‘run’ off, ending the date with only you and jungkook.
After months of playing around, you’ve reached your final hurdle, and the biggest decision of your life. Your doctor contacted you a few weeks back regarding your surgery. The thing is, if you choose to undergo the surgery, there’s 80% chance of you not making it back. But if you choose to live with these constant pains, you would still maybe live around for another 5 years till you’ll ascend to the next life. With your assignments and projects piled up, you told your doctor to give you some more time, and you’ll get back to him after your final year exams end.
By this time, you have actually prepared your death. Prepared as in, you cleared your dorms, did all the things you wanted to do with jungkook, told your friends you love them (and making them cry). But there’s one last thing you wished to do. To go on one last date with him.
It was finally submission day, you were more than ecstatic to hand up your research thesis and get all of this over and done with, although you gotta admit you did enjoy jungkook’s company while you were mugging. That night, your abdomen pain shot up suddenly and jungkook panicked not knowing what to do. Still stubbornly trying to keep it a secret, you brushed it off and told him it was gastric. But things turned ugly real soon when you got dragged to the hospital by jungkook as your eyes were turning red. Jungkook had to find out from the doctor and you felt really sorry for keeping it a secret from him. Thinking back, you could feel how angry he was that Tae didn’t know about this.
“y/n...why didn’t you say anything…”
“I-i wanted to but, you guys were busy and i didn’t want you both to come rushing just out of pity.” you looked down to your hands.
“I’m sorry, i should’ve been a better friend. But does tae know?”
“No you’ve been the best thing i could ask for ever since i entered uni. And no.. please dont tell him yet. I’ll tell him myself..m-maybe.” you looked up and found jungkook’s glossy eyes staring back at you.
Truth is, you didn’t want to let him know about it. Jungkook did so well in his module that he received a scholarship from Singapore and you wanted him to pursue his dreams there, not worry him constantly.
“y/n, fuck all this. I know you’ll get through the surgery, you’re going to be alive and well when i see you come out those doors, and i’ll be waiting for you with all the little plushies you love and all your favourite food. You better come out breathing.”
With this, you and jungkook cried all night in the hospital. Also that night, you finally got tae to meet you the day after submission day.
(y/n’s phone)
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to be continued....
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crimsintea · 7 years ago
W.S: Safe & Sound: III.
A/N: I have not fully edited this so if there are any errors, it will be fixed at a later time (when all WS stories are completed & I have no life ╮(╯▽╰)╭).
PS: Follow me on twitter (thextrasuga) for news on updates or upcoming fics!
Genre: AU / Fluff / Angst / M-Smut (M = Maybe smut. Maybe no smut. ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭) / TW (Trigger Warning: Bullying / Language / Other)
Pairing: Junmyeon + OC
Words: 1,100+
Chapters: Back | Three | Next
Status: Ongoing
Warning: This chapter deals with death.. If you know you might be triggered by it, don’t read until you know you can handle it…
"Ms Jung is not home right, perhaps you can wait in the living room.." The nurse said as I stood beside the bed looking down at the unconscious girl.
Her skin was pale but was still taken care of. Her lips we're a faded pink, almost as if she wasn't even living but the pink that was there showed that she was still alive.
Her nails we're plain, not polished or designed like other girls around her age, not even to match the 'A class' she seemed to be by the size of the apartment.
She had hospital clothes on, not clothes girls her age usually wore. Seeing this girl in the condition she was in made my inner beast angry and over protective and I knew the feeling well enough to know I was somehow connected to this girl..
"How old is she? How long has she been in a coma? And is she able to be located somewhere else?" I asked the nurse, ignoring her words before.
"Wh-what?" She stuttered and I growled, feeling myself get impatient. "Just answer the questions. Ms Jung is no longer paying for your services." I tell her as I looked carefully at everything connected to the machine.
"She just turned nineteen last week and has been under the coma for a month now.. Sir.." She quickly informed me.
"Is she able to be relocated?" I asked as I turned to look at her. "Y-yes, Sir.. but you will need to inform us at least a three hours before we can move her, sir." The nurse tells me but it didn't settle well with my inner beast.
"That won't do. I want her moved in less than one hour, leave. I will just call people I know." I growled as I dug my cell out from my pocket. "Yixing, get the others together and come to the address I am going to text to you."
"She's doing fine.. But Suho, I found something that you won't like hearing." Lay tells me as we stood in the my room at the end of my bed.
"What is it?" I asked him as I sat on the couch by the window close to my bed. "Well.." He muttered and came to sit beside me and I looked at him, giving my full attention.
"I ran tests, like you asked.." He tilted his head with a confused look on his face.
"She should have been out of the coma as of a week ago, since she's healed and well enough to breathe and everything all on her own. It seemed strange, so I called Donghae and Mark and they went over the results as well.. They both said the same thing I was thinking." He tells me then looked to me straight in the eyes.
"They we're keeping her under the coma longer than she should have. The papers from her former doctor said that she has a minor injury to the head. She shouldn't have been in a coma in the first place but they did give her medicine to make her rest to heal."
"What?" I growled and he flinched but rubbed the back of his neck. "Why would they do that?!" I growled and he shrugged.
"Our guess is that they didn't want her to wake up and remember about whatever happened." He tells me and I nodded. He did make a good point..
"I tried to drain out the medicine as much as possible and it worked well enough, I think.. So she could be awake before tomorrow." I nodded and patted his back.
"Good job.. You should rest, and let the others know to just continue with dinner and I will be down soon." I tell him and he nodded before leaving the room.
As soon as the door shut, I found myself getting up and walking to the side of my bed to look Jiyeon over.
As I looked her over I could see that Yixing did a good job in removing most of the medicine out of her system and she was getting her color back.
Her skin looked less pale, her lips had turned to a dark pink color and her skin looked better than it was. All her features seemed to fit her more now..
"Get well quickly, Jiyeon.." I found myself muttering before shutting the door behind me as I walked out of my room.
"Oh, hyung!" Sehun popped in front of me as I was turning around. "Xiumin and Kyungsoo made lunch, I was sent to come and call you." He tells me and I nodded. "Okay, thanks." I tell him and he nodded.
When we entered into the kitchen it was chaos. Chanyeol had a fork pointed at Baekhyun. Kyungsoo was banging a pan on Kris's head.
Luhan and Lay we're hitting Chen on his arms. Tao was shoving Kai away from the counter, and Kai was shoving him back.
The only normal ones in the room we're Xiumin and Hyeri, the two just sat at the table eating as of nothing was going on around them.
"What is going on?!" I shouted and watched as everyone stopped and looked at me. "Baekhyun tried to steal my plate!" Chanyeol shouted then hit Baekhyun on the head with the spoon he held in his other hand.
"Kris was trying to take food without letting Xiumin hyung and Hyeri get some first!" Kyungsoo explains while glaring at the said third elder member.
"Chen shoved me! This idiot doesn't respect his elders enough!" Luhan growled and shoved Chen into Lay. "Chen took my plate." Lay explained as he shoved Chen back to Luhan.
"Tao is being a brat again." Kai says as he backed up pointing to Tao, who glared his way.
"Kai tried to take my chicken!" Tao hissed and kicked Kai on his leg. "You brat!" Kai growled back but did nothing in return.
I stared at them and shook my head. "I am not even going to say anything.. Just keep it down, we have a guest who is resting." I tell them and walked to grab a plate and food.
"See what you did!" Chanyeol hissed to someone. "Shut up!" Baekhyun growled but got silenced by Kyungsoo.
"Everyone just stop and get your own plate and food." He growled and came beside Sehun who stood next to me.
"Ah! Guess who I met today after classes!" Sehun said loudly as he sat across from me and Kyungsoo sat beside him.
"Who?" Xiumin asks and the Maknae grinned as he glanced to Baekhyun. "Taeyeon noona! She was with Leeteuk hyung! I approached them and asked what they we're doing together, and hyung said that they were on a 'date' for the day." Sehun tells us as everyone else sat at the table.
"Sounds like you're too late, hyung." Kai teased before stuffing his mouth with food. "Shut up before I lock you in the basement for a week!" I chuckled but shook my head at their new topic to bicker about.
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lovelycheollie · 7 years ago
Check it out hahaha
Tagged by: @milkteafairy-hyeri HELLO THANKS FOR TAGGING LE MOI
Rules: Tag 10 Tumblrs you want to get to know better.
NAME: Hannah!!
GENDER: Female
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius boo
HEIGHT: 5"5' huehuehue
MIDDLE NAME: Carat hahahah
Feature- Jay Park feat. Cha Cha Malone
Anti- ZICO feat. G.Soul
B Boy (Meek Mill)- Seventeen Mixtape
Alone Tonight- Jay Park feat. Sik-K
bless this shuffle such a good shuffle.
From: Oh Eternal Happiness
ahh well my best friend likes writing as well and she tends to make some hilarious poems hahaahaha
I really can't remember when it was ages ago omo
Ummm honestly I don't have one because I've never been a celebrity addict since I rarely watch TV (only when Spongebob is on) but hey SEVENTEEN CAME IN THE PICTURE AND I AM DROWNING WITH MY CRUSH FOR SEUNGCHEOL JISOO AND SEOKMIN YAY
Ahh the sound of something creaking is just something that I can't stand. Plus loud laughter in a small room. Like hey I understand you're happy with your boo but KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.
Anyway, I love Seokmin's high notes, Jisoo's (lol) low voice when he sings and SEUNGCHEOL'S BREATH yes I love those sounds they're the reason why I'm still alive
Well I do believe in ghosts since I've seen some when I was a kid, but now not anymore. In aliens, somehow? IDK I just do apparently.
No, and I don't really want to know how. I am sorry hahaha
It's Why Aren't We Together and lemme tell you I was just laughing the whole time as I read the book. Hahahahah imagine someone shouting Batman at his mom hahahahhaa
Yeah for some weird reason, and also the scent of markers and lit match sticks. Yes. LIT. MATCH STICKS
Ahhh it's a horror movie named IT. Yeah everyone was into it and I just wanted to know why and I have no regrets.
I haven't had any injuries thankfully.
Nopeee.. obsessions are weird???
Well kind of? I mean. I can be very passive at times but when if it's too much I just can't forget it omo.
Married to Seungcheol, in a relationship with Seokmin and dating Jisoo.
I’LL TAG: tumblr boo @chillihansol @myungho @soonyoungz @soongyuz @olafrina @justsomekpopstuff
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thekidultlife · 8 years ago
Huh? | 6 | Jeonghan
He thinks I did it, but I KNOW he did. Because I SAW him do it.
 Wonwoo calmly aimed his pine wand into Jeonghan and he slowly stirred from his seat. “He’s alive, Auror Choi.”
 When the man in question was fully conscious, he was greeted by a glaring Seungcheol and a nonchalant Wonwoo, and Jeonghan scowled at the sight of the two men. Well, fuck me.
 “Alright. What the hell was that, Jeonghan?” Seungcheol pushed the man to his seat, seething with controlled rage. He knew that the last few weeks were incredibly stressful to everyone yet for it to result into a fight was definitely not what he had expected.
 Jeonghan shoved Seungcheol away with such harshness that made Wonwoo raise a brow.
 “It is what I said it is. Mingyu strangled that muggle to death,” Jeonghan replied as he grit his teeth, almost hissing angrily at Seungcheol when the other man made an unimpressed frown. “What? You think I’m lying? I could drink a hundred veritaserums and you’ll get the same answer!”
 “You said she was Mingyu’s girlfriend,” Seungcheol stated as if he wanted Jeonghan to confirm it.
 “Yes, she was. How come you don’t know—“
 She is, isn’t she?
 Mingyu had a muggle girlfriend.
 Girlfriend? Did he have—
 Huh? Why would I even want Mingyu’s—
 The moon was dark. She was there. He was there. I was there.
 Why was I there?
 The moonlight had shown only half of their faces yet she still held on to her ephemeral beauty despite the dinginess of the alleyway.
 She was crying and Mingyu held her tightly on the wrist. They were screaming at each other.
 “Mingyu, let me go! I told you, we’re off!”
 The muggle yelled yet Mingyu glared at her ferociously. He would not back down.
 “No! As long as I say that we’re together, we will stay together! You are mine!”
 “You do not own me! You may be a wizard but I am not afraid of you!”
 I saw Mingyu grow livid as he tightened his grip on her wrist—only to result to more wailing.
 “You? A muggle?” Mingyu laughed maniacally and the girl grew frightened at the sudden change in attitude. “I can kill you in a blink of an eye! Don’t patronize me!”
 “I know you can’t use magic against me! You’ll be arrested!”
 Mingyu laughed at her face again. His sharp canines were showing.
 “But I can still kill you without magic.”
 The muggle widened her eyes and began to frantically tug herself away from the man she once loved—now aware that he will still kill her, with or without magic.
 I wasn’t surprised to see him pin her against the wall; his hand gripping tightly around her neck. Tears were beginning to form at the side yet that fucking monster simply chuckled at her.
 “We’ll be together. Together forever.”
“Jeonghan! Answer me!” Seungcheol was screaming at his face when he woke from his trance yet Jeonghan paid him no attention.
 “Where is that fucker Kim Mingyu?”
 He simply asked but did not wait for an answer. He strode purposefully towards the door and when Wonwoo tried to block the exit, Jeonghan glared at him.
 “You do know you can’t even Imperius me to move,” the tall Unspeakable muttered casually yet Jeonghan felt its venom sink into his skin.
 Before Jeonghan could think of a reply, the door had splintered itself to pieces and behind Wonwoo, he came face to face with a murderous Mingyu.
 “Stupefy!” Mingyu shouted and a bolt of light came from the tip of his wand to Jeonghan’s direction.
 Another came from Jeonghan, dodging another set of hexes.
 “Kim Mingyu! Yoon Jeonghan! Stop this shit or—Everte Statum!”
 Seungcheol was not even able to finish his sentence when Jeonghan had hit him with an Expulso Curse. “Wonwoo, help me stop them!”
 “I’m already on it!” Wonwoo replied as he evaded a jinx from Mingyu.
 “Kim Mingyu! You little shit! I’ll make you suffer!” Jeonghan shouted, the tip of his wand at the side of Mingyu’s neck.
 Before Jeonghan could finish his Unforgivable, Seungcheol had lunged at him; pinning him to the floor as his wand spun to the other end of the room.
 Seungcheol glanced at Wonwoo’s direction, seeing that he had already restrained Mingyu to the ground.
 “Let go of me! Seungcheol! I’ll—“
 Jeonghan was cut off with Seungcheol’s fist; blood sputtering from his lip.
 “Are you insane?! You almost used a fucking Unforgivable at Mingyu!”
 “See! That bastard is also trying to kill me!” Mingyu interjected but whined in pain as Wonwoo intensified the spell; crushing the guy against the floor.
 “I’ll kill you for what you did—“
 “Why the hell are you fighting over who killed her?”
 Everyone stopped at their tracks as they averted their eyes to the person who just entered the spell-scarred room—Vernon.
 Seungcheol gave him a look that demanded an explanation.
 “Everyone’s wrong. They didn’t kill her, the muggle killed herself.”
Admin Hyeri and Admin Leanne
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acasiyoon-blog · 8 years ago
sent to ☆ @acajaebum​
The club fair is the least of his worries—Hyeri has it all handled after all. She has grandiose plans and there hasn’t ever been a time where he’s simply been against her ideas. She knows what to do best in situations like this after all. What he does have to worry about is the declining sanity of their best speaker, Im Jaebum. Even if Siyoon is a cause of this decline, he still has to worry. He’s their coach, the one that guides them to the path of victory. Every year (since he’s coached the debate team) so far they’ve simply passed out fliers, attempt to catch the attention of freshman and persuade them to join.
It was a bore, yes—but it was easy and efficient.
But of course, Hyeri does anything but easy and efficient. With her as president, everything is under her jurisdiction. She’s decides on what they should do and she makes the final decision. Lee Hyeri rules with an pink-cladded iron first. Of course, he had ensured that nothing they did broke any regulations—there wasn’t any rules of how they could promote their small club.
He’s still in his office—he had purposely asked to take a day off from his TA duties for the club. They had to be at their table before the rush of students come in. He quickly texts Jaebum and leaves his office, locking the door and taping a note onto it notifying that he won’t be in his office for the day,
「sms ⇉ captain im」 : meet me at the booth in ten? we need to set everything up 「sms ⇉ captain im」 : also please don’t die on me ^^ I need you alive 「sms ⇉ captain im」 : you’re one of our only sane members left
And now he prays that everything goes right.
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