xenobladeheritageposts · 10 months
Do you think it'd be a good idea to like... include gears and saga posts here or should I keep it purely xenoblade?
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Date of Origin: January 16 2023
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getting real sick and tired of all them
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Date of Origin: Mar 10, 2018
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Date of Origin: September 9 2020
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Date of Origin: Oct 11, 2022
Hmm... thinking of creating and witnessing the birth of a whole new universe, once only a god could perform such a miracle
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Date of Origin: Jan 6, 2015
and another one
interpret it how you will
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Year of Origin: 2017
i’ll softblock god
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13K notes · View notes
Date of Origin: Jun 14, 2018
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someone has definitely made this joke before, right
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Date of Origin: Jun 16, 2016
when you do one thing wrong
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Date of Origin: May 23, 2021
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Date of Origin: Jul 26, 2022
Shulk Xenoblade Chronicles is truly one of the greatest fucking video game protagonists of all time. He’s introduced as just this wet fucking nerd who stays inside all day and messes around with robots and machines and is almost completely oblivious to the looming threat of robot invasion cuz he’s too busy staring at the alien laser sword that he keeps unsecured in his apartment and hoping that it will do something cool. Then he witnesses one atrocity and immediately flies off the fucking rails and decides that he’s not going to calm down until every single robot in the world is dead. He literally does not pump the breaks until 50 hours into the game and then after that he makes it his singular mission to kill God. He wakes up, declares that he’s going to either kill God or become him, fucking *succeeds* with this goal and then goes home and immediately starts making machines again cuz he’s still a wet fucking nerd who likes robots.
Shulk Xenoblade Chronicled rewrites the fabric of the universe and goes home and starts fixing watches or whatever. He canonically has a phobia of caterpillars. He was dragged onto an arctic expedition as a five year old for no fucking reason. He jumped off the edge of the earth with zero hesitation and never once thought in retrospect about how that might have been a bad idea. He’s an orphan and that is the least fucked up part about his backstory. He died ten years ago and didn’t realize so he’s just walking around still. He has God in his brain shouting at him trying to get him to commit genocide and manages to avoid falling to darkness cuz he’s just to damn oblivious to even realize that he has another fucking voice in his brain. His adopted father is a round furry who is 1/5th his size and in crippling debt. This technically means he has 12 other step-siblings. He gave up being a god and there’s a non-zero chance that he’s still some kind of divine cross-dimensional force. He managed to save the world while also being British! Incredible.
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About this blog
Due to the Xenoblade fandom being smaller than other fandoms with heritage post gimmick sideblogs, I'll allow posts that are at least over 500 notes if they're from before 2016.
Newer posts must already be over 1k notes!
Posts must be Xenoblade related.
Submissions can be made by DM or by dumping the link in the submission box, as the ask box won't let you submit links.
Spoilers will be tagged by game, dlc stories will be tagged by the main game they're a part of.
For example; spoilers for Torna - The Golden Country will be tagged as #xbc2 spoilers
If you only want to see the posts, they're tagged as #xenoblade heritage post
Non-heritage posts are tagged as #not a heritage post
I have a processing disorder and often struggle to find the correct words to describe something so writing image descriptions are more than a little difficult for me.
However if you also wish to submit an image ID, you're more than welcome!
If you need something tagged, just send an ask!
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