x-ahjusshi · 11 years
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
xmen-gayoon replied to your post: xm-soryong replied to...
This picture is like a gates to heaven.
i know, it's gorgeous right? would love to take a heli ride over milford sound but so $$ T.T can only take a cruise, sobs.
xmen-woobin replied to your post: xm-soryong replied to...
oh damn.. this is what happens when i try to multitask… and jump from acc’s. yes, this is Karina. Hi dee and no, bb learn how to share yes?
oooh, i had no idea *^* coolio and wow, u really can't resist jongsuk ah? ;)
xm-soryong replied to your post: xm-soryong replied to...
YEAH BUT THE SOUTH ISLAND DOESN’T HAVE ME AND JESS. And you have the worst timing, otherwise me and Jess would’ve come down to bug you.
ARGH DON'T REMIND ME SOBS. i knoooooow, would have ben epic to properly meet there and eat kiwis together and you teach me some kiwi slang since jess only knows changlish :|
x-jaerim replied to your post: xm-soryong replied to...
skjfbgdkjfbg i’ll probably only be in the library. or arts building if i drag a d’mi OTL and WHAT. WHAT. UNI HASN’T STARTED YET. THAT IS MY DEFINITION OF PRODUCTIVE.
omg so embarrassing if i do weird stuff n people in ur library see me :/ uni hasnt started for you yet? eh really? i'm in week 2 already (and work is piling, the stress of final year is scareh).
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
Dee what about you make a Cha Seung Won now ; u;~~~~
personality and history and everything - right here baby
“I come from the land under, can you hear can you hear the thunder? You better take cover” *hair flip*
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
xm-soryong replied to your post: xmen-sunny replied to...
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because sobs, milford sound and paragliding and bungee jumping and QUEENSTOWN and franz josef heli ride. sobs. but yeah, i need to go to the north island one day. LOTR nerd right here. life is not complete until i visit hobbiton. the south only has ISENGARD! *^*
xmen-woobin replied to your post: xmen-sunny replied to...
I’ll step on them, nbd /casually steals cha seung won and wonbin and… yeah
.... who is this? ooc i mean. is this karina? O_O no, those are my men. no B(
x-jaerim replied to your post: xmen-sunny replied to...
IKR. we can still have our date over the internet, it’s alright. AND YES. I WAS TRYING. i’ve got jaerim’s name, birthplace, job, and personality done over the past … two hours »
yes, i'll pick a romantic view. sunset over lake tekapo or something and then we'll skype bby .3. /facepalms/ jess i swear to god, when u said being productive i was imagining you know... u studying or doing an assignment or u know, UNI STUFF.. not.. mutant applications OTL
xm-key replied to your post: xmen-sunny replied to...
………..can I touch all ahjusshisssss?
u can look, but u .... *sings* can't touch this. ne ne ne hammer time.
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
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i feel like such an old man for joining the party so late, i dunno what party but u know what i mean ( gotta get that x x x too). this is so exciting, like... ngeee. ok, see u on the flip side with i dunno who :D 
and this blog will never not exist, i have too much memories and ahjusshi fetish within here B)
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
guess which bad ass is coming back?
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
xxdonghae replied to your post: my little doves
yixing misses his hyung like i miss u dee ilyyyyyy ; 3 ; slip on the grease ok
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i refuse to slip on the grease when i am drowning in the ocean of our love *drags u with me* *^*
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
my little doves
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In light of recent events, I'm gonna take a wee bit of time to figure out what to do with Wonbin (just a few days). I'm leaning more towards cancelling his entire amnesia thing and simply picking up from where he left off before I temporarily left. As for Ah In, I might let Myungsoo kill him off. And if someone has a female faculty muse come talk to me so I can feed you some ideas like *cough*SongHyeKyo*cough*asafacultymember*cough*. 
Until then, little doves don't go bashing people okey. There are reasons why some birdies fly away to leave the nest, to be free and find new adventures. You'll have your own adventures and they'll have theirs. That's just how life goes :) 
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
Monologues of a Door about it's Doormat;
The door to the library opens.
His eyes shifted away from the book in his lap - Ian Flemming's Casino Royale, the first of many Bond books he intended to read in his spare time, not for inspiration (though deep down he knew it was), but for leisure purposes instead. There was only so much training one could do before the balanced weighing scales were tipped off and life would spiral out of control. No, he would fly up the ranks the right way, his way - a balanced way.
However, the scene in front of him was successfully diverging his interest away from the book to something that could potentially morph him into those busy-body ahjummas. 
Unsurprisingly, Hyomin and Jaerim were together.
Surprisingly though, they were fighting (ideally),
when in fact Hyomin was scolding the other man.
Funny, how there is always one who seems to care more but becomes overshadowed by the weight of the world and instead meches into the surrounding background for the apple of their eye. He understood it all too well that it was pathetic. He subtly turned his head once more and took in the scene - only this time the two people standing were Gayoon and him, deja vu. 
In no way though was it to say that their situations were identical, far from it. Rather, he understood Jaerim even if he could never understand the man himself. Their circumstances were aligned in such a way that it made the two friends prior to even meeting one another. The kind of far-fetched friendship where a bond was formed even before they knew what was being formed. There was understanding and really what more could men like them want?
They were men who would give it their all for a certain someone or in his case, for certain siblings. Harsh words were nothing so long as they came from a healthy body. Every argument was a steady reminder that the ones they cared for were alive and vivid. They were masochists in their own right, willing to move heaven and earth so long as the others were safe and sound.
Their happiness but more importantly, survival and sanity lied not within them but with others.
He closed his book when the slamming of the door echoed in the room, he knew what he would come face to face with for he himself had lived such scenes. With steady steps, he crossed the room and gently laid his hand on Jaerim's shoulder, gently tightening his hold - a sign of support, mutual understanding; saying but not really saying "You did well."
before he exited the door and left Jaerim to stare at his back; the door and his doormat.
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
"Shh, shh, quiet. hurry up and get in the closet." She said, "Don't you make a sound or some shit is going down." I said, "Why don't I just go out the window?" "Yes, except for one thing, we on the 5th floor." "Shit think, shit think, shit quick, put me in the closet." And now I'm in this darkest closet, tryin' to figure out just how I'm gonna get my crazy ass up out this house.
(/puts the book down for a moment and exhales, he was getting to the good part now,  from here onwards there was no stopping him, books in the first person always did have that extra element to it) Let’s see what happens next (/takes a bite into his yucky hospital sandwich and turns the page to continue reading).
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
What does it mean to be smart?
It’s subjective really. It’s highly dependable on another person’s approval, unless of course you have enough confidence in yourself to self-declare yourself as smart. (/purses his lips) We need either a piece of paper produced by an Institution to officially say we’re smart (institutionalised education) or we need another person to approve of what we know (ad hoc expertise or street smart). For instance, if you don’t think reading is smart and prefer the knowledge of fishing as something very smart, that’s probably true if you come from a fishing village though in other regions that won’t be the case. Regardless, to you and your kind, it is defined as smart and right.
Either way - (/shrugs) - it’s all subjective on what you know to who thinks so too and where you’re at. .
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
next step -
(ooc notes)
establish first contact - jiyeon } almost done
contact family - gayoon and aj } next part
taken mutant test and found out positive } complete
finish physiotherapy session } next solo to write
escape hospital before taken by government } either by family or self? most likely family.
reach the brotherhood - discover their purpose - decide to agree with it or not
finally decide, to join or not?
i'll work on these as i go. haha, slowest old man ever, sorry OTL
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
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x-ahjusshi · 11 years
(/though he had just met jiyeon, it was easy to tell that there was a slight hint of bitterness in her last words, her sentence was inconsistent with much of what she had said prior) so i left without telling anyone huh. (/curiosity sprang in him and he wondered why he would do such a thing, surely someone had to know and judging from jiyeon's manner - he should have told her, so why didn't he? just what exactly was he doing in the past?) i hope i wasn't doing anything scandalous (/comments dryly). a man can always dream, especially in my case (/finds himself smirking).
(/ignores the disappointment in his chest, he was secretly hoping he could at least leave for a day to visit wherever his home was but maybe jiyeon was right -) two weeks ago, i have a couple more sessions for physiotherapy left (/now that he knew there were people waiting for him, he was going to push himself harder in those sessions, determined to fix himself up fast). what? a sister? (/the words were out before he could think about them, he has a sister... a younger sister who was here apparently) wow (/sinks back into his bed, head leaning and eyes gazing at the ceiling as his hand goes through his hair before he looks back at jiyeon) half an hour ago i thought i was a loner for sure, now i even have a sister (/chuckles). i want to meet her, in fact i want to meet everyone.
a moment like this
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