wu-ling · 2 years
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wu-ling · 2 years
Utahime Iori wakes up to a white-washed world and Gojo Satoru. It just gets worst from there. 
Or alternatively, Utahime Iori died and Gojo Satoru launched a genocide against reality to get her back, and this is the aftermath.
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wu-ling · 2 years
Featuring Spider!Kusuo being stuck in Kokomi’s school bag. Pure indulgent fluff.
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wu-ling · 2 years
without you, who am i / without you, i am me
a three part piece about an AU where Saiki Kuusuke ruins the world by accident in his attempts to bring his dead brother back. But instead of being alone in his bunker, Teruhashi Makoto becomes his unlikely companion. 
and the kicker? absolutely nothing changes
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wu-ling · 2 years
Chapter 3: i’ll work hard to be worthy / i don’t need the memories Makoto (15) briefly self-introspects and his delusions cleared up for a bit for him to realise he might be imperfect. Kuusuke (15-16) is cranky and tired, and tries not to miss his family as he boards the plan to the UK.
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wu-ling · 2 years
Teruhashi Makoto and Saiki Kuusuke have “never” met each other before. To their knowledge, at least. Missed connections of an ill-fated pair. 
Goal: 500 word limit for each chapter.
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wu-ling · 2 years
Yeah, I think I might expand on “the soft glow of your grace” and tell the story from Teruhashi’s point of view. Only because the conflict between Teruhashi and Aiura would be awesome!!
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wu-ling · 2 years
Saiki Kusuo doesn’t believe in the existence of God. With his psychic powers, he was arguably the most powerful being in the world, or perhaps the entire universe. It was not arrogance, it was fact. 
However, for all his God-like abilities, he could never sway Teruhashi Kokomi, the one supposedly most beloved by God. Whatever she willed to happen, will happen. More than once, she had saved others, including himself, with her divine will. 
But her grace will not save him this time.
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wu-ling · 2 years
Whelp. Changed the title name to “war imminent” instead. Not sure if I’m gonna write it but at least the idea is now out there. I’m more like to write little one-shots that interlinked with each other~
I blame this idea on the fact that I’ve been watching Spy X Family, Millionaire Detective and Saiki K. Not ever gonna write it, but damn, it would be such an awesome crossover idea!!
Concept Idea: Sleight of Hand
The year was 2020. Terrible tensions arise between the West and the East, as many countries competed in an arms race that would be more catastrophic than all others before it. It was understandable that if the arms race ever ended, World War III would begin. And this must never ever happen. 
At the forefront of stopping the impending war, the Westalian Intelligence Service’s Eastern Focused Division, or better known as WISE, sends out their most trusted operative, Twilight, to uncover the secret plans of Dr Saiki Kusuke, who was rumoured to have built a weapon of mass destruction that could level the entire world. To maintain world peace and ensure the success of Operation Strix, Twilight must become Dr Loid Forger, and infiltrate the filthy rich, upper echelons of Ostania, who were powering Dr Saiki Kusuke’s research. 
Meanwhile, in Nihon, Detective Kambe Daisuke of the Metropolitan Police and scion of the billionaire Kambe family, was a few steps ahead of WISE. For three years, Daisuke had been taking responsibility for introducing the world to his late parents’ research, Adollium; a renewable source of energy that could either save the world…or destroy it. And Daisuke has reasons to believe that Dr Saiki Kusuke’s doomsday weapon was engineered from Adollium. 
In the midst of chaos and spy networks, Saiki Kusuo, a psychic and the most powerful being in the known universe (aside from God itself), was nowhere to be found. It has been three years since the meteor incident and Saiki’s confession (yes all of them knew now). While the others had given up, thinking he may be dead, Teruhashi Kokomi, was determined to find Saiki Kusuo, at all costs. After all, as the one most beloved by God, there was no way she could ever die in a world war! Not until she has made Saiki say “offu”!! 
As the arms race reaches disturbingly destructive heights, and Dr Saiki Kusuke’s inventions reaches completion, would these unlikely heroes — a spy with no name, a millionaire detective and the one most beloved by God, be able to prevail and save the world from a devastating war?
Setting: would take place before SpyxFamily, after the conclusion of Millionaire Detective as Kambe finding out about his grandma’s crimes and his parents research on Adollium is rather integral to the plot, and after the conclusion of Saiki K, where Saiki regains his abilities and puts a stop to the impending meteor
Kusuke being the centerpoint was based on the episode/manga chapter where Saiki had travelled to the present after messing up his parent’s first meeting, and discovers the world devastated by WWIII. Kusuke also said that he didn’t cause the war and that “I just invented something that they all wanted”, which is what this story is more or less about
Ships that I envisioned for the story: SaiTeru (of course), Daisuke x Suzue (not relatives, like in the anime), Loid/Twilight x Yor (of course lols). But I only imagined SaiTeru being the most important to the plot.
Also a meeting of the minds between Anya and Saiki! That’d be so cute.
Loid still would need to get Anya and Yor since he still needs to get Anya into that rich school to assassinate Desmond —it’s just that Desmond now has ties to Kusuke.
I imagine Teruhashi needs to find Saiki, who is a slumbering god that has been whisked away to an unknown location for the past three years. I do think that, even if Saiki was awakened, it would not be so simple as reversing reality and stopping Kusuke in the past.
Age templates: Saiki and Teruhashi (21), Kambe (22), Haru (25), Suzue (22), Kusuke (23), Loid/Twilight (24-25), Yor (24-25), Anya (5-6)
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wu-ling · 2 years
Saiki Kusuo miscalculates his teleportation and ends up travelling farther than he originally intended. Anya Williams offers him peanuts! Set pre-canon.
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wu-ling · 2 years
I blame this idea on the fact that I’ve been watching Spy X Family, Millionaire Detective and Saiki K. Not ever gonna write it, but damn, it would be such an awesome crossover idea!!
Concept Idea: Sleight of Hand
The year was 2020. Terrible tensions arise between the West and the East, as many countries competed in an arms race that would be more catastrophic than all others before it. It was understandable that if the arms race ever ended, World War III would begin. And this must never ever happen. 
At the forefront of stopping the impending war, the Westalian Intelligence Service’s Eastern Focused Division, or better known as WISE, sends out their most trusted operative, Twilight, to uncover the secret plans of Dr Saiki Kusuke, who was rumoured to have built a weapon of mass destruction that could level the entire world. To maintain world peace and ensure the success of Operation Strix, Twilight must become Dr Loid Forger, and infiltrate the filthy rich, upper echelons of Ostania, who were powering Dr Saiki Kusuke’s research. 
Meanwhile, in Nihon, Detective Kambe Daisuke of the Metropolitan Police and scion of the billionaire Kambe family, was a few steps ahead of WISE. For three years, Daisuke had been taking responsibility for introducing the world to his late parents’ research, Adollium; a renewable source of energy that could either save the world…or destroy it. And Daisuke has reasons to believe that Dr Saiki Kusuke’s doomsday weapon was engineered from Adollium. 
In the midst of chaos and spy networks, Saiki Kusuo, a psychic and the most powerful being in the known universe (aside from God itself), was nowhere to be found. It has been three years since the meteor incident and Saiki’s confession (yes all of them knew now). While the others had given up, thinking he may be dead, Teruhashi Kokomi, was determined to find Saiki Kusuo, at all costs. After all, as the one most beloved by God, there was no way she could ever die in a world war! Not until she has made Saiki say “offu”!! 
As the arms race reaches disturbingly destructive heights, and Dr Saiki Kusuke’s inventions reaches completion, would these unlikely heroes — a spy with no name, a millionaire detective and the one most beloved by God, be able to prevail and save the world from a devastating war?
Setting: would take place before SpyxFamily, after the conclusion of Millionaire Detective as Kambe finding out about his grandma’s crimes and his parents research on Adollium is rather integral to the plot, and after the conclusion of Saiki K, where Saiki regains his abilities and puts a stop to the impending meteor
Kusuke being the centerpoint was based on the episode/manga chapter where Saiki had travelled to the present after messing up his parent’s first meeting, and discovers the world devastated by WWIII. Kusuke also said that he didn’t cause the war and that “I just invented something that they all wanted”, which is what this story is more or less about
Ships that I envisioned for the story: SaiTeru (of course), Daisuke x Suzue (not relatives, like in the anime), Loid/Twilight x Yor (of course lols). But I only imagined SaiTeru being the most important to the plot.
Also a meeting of the minds between Anya and Saiki! That’d be so cute.
Loid still would need to get Anya and Yor since he still needs to get Anya into that rich school to assassinate Desmond —it’s just that Desmond now has ties to Kusuke.
I imagine Teruhashi needs to find Saiki, who is a slumbering god that has been whisked away to an unknown location for the past three years. I do think that, even if Saiki was awakened, it would not be so simple as reversing reality and stopping Kusuke in the past.
Age templates: Saiki and Teruhashi (21), Kambe (22), Haru (25), Suzue (22), Kusuke (23), Loid/Twilight (24-25), Yor (24-25), Anya (5-6)
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wu-ling · 3 years
I read somewhere that someone mentioned that they wished Evangeline got a chance to bite Jacks, and...I am very sure this isn’t what that anon meant but I present to you, Evangeline biting Jacks! Violently! :D
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wu-ling · 3 years
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wu-ling · 3 years
i think the worse feeling is the aftermath; when the dust finally settles, when the hurt numbs to nothing and the weight of the horrors finally come crashing down; and you are so tired to fight anymore you let yourself be consumed
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wu-ling · 3 years
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wu-ling · 3 years
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wu-ling · 3 years
i wished you could
look in the mirror
see the absent way
you look at me
we are sitting down
across from each other
i am laughing as i talk
and you are smiling
but my heart squeezes
in time to the
tap tap tap
of your nail on the table
you are facing elsewhere
body turned
face tilted
can’t make you
look at me
when you try to talk to absent friends | w.y.ling
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