Chaotic working materials and links. Don't try to do it at home!
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mp3DirectCut — Fast MPEG audio editing
Cut MP3 and AAC fast and easily
mp3DirectCut is a fast and extensive audio editor for encoded MP3 and AAC. Without re-encoding directly cut, crop, split and join your tracks, create fades on MP3 and much more. Direct lossless editing saves encoding time and preserves the audio quality of encoded tracks. The built in recorder creates MP3 on the fly. With Cue sheets, Pause detection or Auto cue you can easily divide long files.
Direct data copying, no re-encoding
Non-destructive cut, copy, paste
Level change, fade, normalize MP3
MP3 recording/encoding with ACM or Lame
Fast MPEG visualisation and easy navigation
AAC support · MP2 support
Batch processing · Cue Sheet support
Pause detection · Auto cue by time values
Track splitting with filename and tag creation
Trim · Crop · Fast play · Loop play
ID3v1.1 tag editor, ID3v2 tag keeping
VU meter · bitrate visualisation
Level activated recording
Command line usage
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Rufus — Create bootable USB drives the easy way
Rufus is a utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives, such as USB keys/pendrives, memory sticks, etc.
It can be especially useful for cases where:
you need to create USB installation media from bootable ISOs (Windows, Linux, UEFI, etc.)
you need to work on a system that doesn't have an OS installed
you need to flash a BIOS or other firmware from DOS
you want to run a low-level utility
Despite its small size, Rufus provides everything you need!
Oh, and Rufus is fast. For instance it's about twice as fast as UNetbootin, Universal USB Installer or Windows 7 USB download tool, on the creation of a Windows 7 USB installation drive from an ISO. It is also marginally faster on the creation of Linux bootable USB from ISOs.
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RIOT — Radical Image Optimization Tool
A free program designed to efficiently optimize images for the Web
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Caesium Image Compressor
Compress your pictures up to 90% without visible quality loss.
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Amp Font Viewer
Amp Font Viewer — free windows font organiser/viewer. It can install and uninstall fonts, and organize them in categories. — Supports TrueType and OpenType fonts. — Supports Type1 fonts. — Installation of fonts from a folder (one by one or from a list).Installation of fonts temporally (until the program is closed). — Deletion of installed fonts. — List of all installed fonts with several display options. — List of the fonts from a folder with several display options. — Several options for organizing fonts in categories and managing them. — It can print a list of all or some of the installed fonts with an example of each font. — Scratchpad area for testing the look of any font (installed or from a folder). — Dual English/Spanish version.
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Atlantis Word Processor Lite
Atlantis Word Processor Lite is very fast, compact, and has a very small memory footprint. 3Mb only.
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Text для Gmail — полезный инструмент для отслеживания статуса прочтения вашего письма. Этот ещё и бесплатный и без рекламы. Просто работает.
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Embroidered cover for the September 2016 issue of Elle magazine
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Ksnip — скриншоты и редактор на QT
Умеет делать скриншоты, размывать, рисовать, подчеркивать. Всё, что надо, делает. Даже на imgur заливает, чтобы ссылку можно было отправить. Ещё и кроссплатформенный.
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SageThumbs — показываем превью psd-файлов в проводнике
Крайне удобное раширение для отображение в проводнике превью 162 форматов. Умеет определять установку XnView и использовать его плагины.
Extended thumbnail image view of Explorer folder
Thumbnail image in explorer context menu (right-click menu)
Extended info tips
Support 162 image formats (224 extensions) via GFL Library
Support additional 26 image formats via XnView plugins (if installed)
Send by mail support
One-click conversion to popular image formats support
Wallpaper selection support
Copy to clipboard support
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[ UPDATE June 28: YouTube download issues have been resolved ]
Download version 1.75 by clicking the Windows or Mac icon below:
So your love of GIFs has brought you here, and you want to take things to the next level. Whether you pronounce it GIF, or GIF (see what we did there?), Instagiffer is the perfect tool for creating the best reaction moments to any situation. Sometimes, only a GIF will do in a conversation, and can say so much by saying so little. If you find yourself struggling to always find the perfect GIF, look no more!
Meaning, just make your own. It’s easy. Promise.
Instagiffer allows you to capture the best GIF-worthy moments instantly from your screen. Whether you’re watching a YouTube Video, Netflix, or your favorite Vine star, you can grab the perfect moment, throw a little magic into it, and release your newborn GIF into the world. You’ll become an instant professional GIF editor, with the ability to add text, filters, loops, and more. Plus, it’s totally free of charge, and free from annoying ads and spyware - because let’s face it, that **** sucks.
Alright, ready to become the GIF Master, and have the perfect GIF for every occasion? Go ahead and get started, and… you’re welcome for your new-found Internet fame :). Check out our resident sensei’s video tutorials over at her YouTube dōjō, read the FAQ and start giffing!
Generate GIFs from anything!
GIF YouTube. and hundreds of other supported video sites
Tweak the exact region you want to GIF with the cropping tool
Create optimized, quality GIFs under 1MB in size, or large 60fps HD GIFs
Open and edit existing GIF files
Add highly customizable text and custom logos
Make beautiful cinemagraphs and subtle movement GIFs in seconds
Convert GIFs to Instagram or Vine videos with sound (just save as .webm or .mp4)
Make 3D GIFs, slow motion GIFs, GIFs using homemade cellphone videos. Combine GIFs. Endless possibilities!
Instagiffer adds no watermarks to your GIF. Period.
New features are user-driven. If there is something you want, just ask!
Supports all Windows versions and Mac OSX 10.8 and up
Other Links
Note: Main download links are above (big gray logos)
All previous versions
Portable PC version (zipped, no installer)
Installer hashes: SHA / MD5
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Коррекция цвета RGB→CMYK
ZX RGB to CMYK keeping the brightness and saturation! You can purchase Photoshop Action + Script + Color Styles.
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Resilio — синхронизируем большие файлы через торрент
Периодически возникает желание расшарить много гигов нескольким людям. Быстрее всего это сделать через Resilio (ex BitTorrent). Всё шифруется и раздается довольно быстро через протокол torrent. Никаких обрывов связи и т.д.
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Автоматизация создания папок в Windows
Периодически приходится из длинного листа с названием продукции создавать папки. Вручную. Утомило, ибо долго. Вспомнил про старый добрый Dos и bat-файлы. Рецепт такой, пишем в bat-файл вот такую волшебную строчку: @<"list.txt" (for /f "delims=" %%i in ('more') do @md "%%~i") А в файл list.txt сохраняем наш список, который и превратится в папки самым магическим образом. Каждая новая строка из текстового файла станет папкой. Кодиров��а текста должна быть Unicode, иначе получатся кракозябры. Вуаля!
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