writtenproofer-blog · 7 years
Traverse City is Finally Waking Up in a Lemony Way
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My husband and I scoped out Traverse City EIGHT YEARS ago. Seriously. How has it been eight years? We were babies without babies when we moved here and now we are adultish with two. I remember the energy of everyone we met kindly pointing us in the right direction when we turned the wrong direction on Eighth Street and were beyond confused when the road split on State Street as we tried to get back onto Front Street. After living her for a while I know the real truth. Yes, most people are polite, but it's around this time in May when Traverse City starts waking up. We have had a few warmer days in the 60's, we have gone to a few garage sales, the neighbors dedicated to their lawn have already been out mowing (even in winter gear) and people have finally taken down their Christmas decorations. The energy buzzing in May as people "wake up" from winter cannot be matched! I finally wake up as I start my summer routine of walking through the Farmer's Market. Today was the day and I was on a mission to find a chocolate chip cookie from Third Coast Bakery. My mission failed, but I found something even more delightful as I first spotted Heather Burson in her bright orange pea coat and blue knitted hat. "That's her," screamed my brain as I picked up my pace and weaved in and out of people. I patiently waited my turn at the Third Coast Bakery booth - something I have been waiting for since the Farmer's Market closed for the season last October. I glanced around and noticed that many of her baked goods were missing - claimed by other gluten free patrons (or others would just love a tasty treat). She was sold out of every single cookie, BUT I spotted Luscious Lemon Squares. How did she know? A year ago I was expecting baby #2 and I suddenly found myself needing a huge dose of all things lemon. Why lemon? I have no idea, because chocolate has always been my sweet tooth go to. I made lemon bars from scratch and they were Heaven for my extremely pregnant self. How did Heather know that TimeHop would remind me of the lemon bar frenzy a year ago and I would suddenly NEED a lemon bar? Need as in I CAN ALREADY TASTE the rush of sugar surrounded by the tart lemon that makes the best faces for babies kind of need. I closed my eyes and smiled deep within as I tucked my Luscious Lemon Square into my mom purse - the bag that resembles a diaper bag and carries ALL THE STUFF for an entire family because no one else has hands that seem to work that I'm too cool to call it a diaper bag? I patiently waited for my five-year-old to finally finish her tacos and for my youngest to go down for a nap. Then it was time to indulge! It was better than what I had made previously - probably because that was the first and last time I had made lemon bars and Heather makes all her desserts about a million times (plus a few more) until they are just right. Each bite was perfect as I closed my eyes and savored half, because I knew I would want to relive this again tomorrow. The good news is that Third Coast Bakery will be at the Farmer's Market in Traverse City every Wednesday and Saturday from now until October and she promised to bring a trailer full of baked goods with her next week. I cannot wait to try her new other products that she has been working hard perfecting through the winter. Follow Third Coast Bakery on Facebook to stay updated on her latest gluten free creations. Click to Post
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writtenproofer-blog · 7 years
I'm So Glad My Baby Doesn't Sleep Through the Night
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This article was first published on HerViewFromHome.com. A baby that sleeps through the night is often every parent's dream. Mine does not. Her screaming has pierced my night time dreams two to six times per night for the past eight months. She woke me up before she was even born, so it's not like I wasn't used to waking up at night, but I assumed that she would be sleeping through the night by now - especially since my older daughter was sleeping six to eight hours a night by three weeks old. Yeah, they are so opposite when it comes to sleeping and their temperaments! I have learned to embrace these sleepless nights and cheer when she sleeps a little longer - like this morning when she slept in until 8 a.m after only waking up three times between 10:30 p.m. and 5:30 a.m. If my baby slept through the night I wouldn't get the extra snuggles. There is something so quiet and peaceful about cuddling a sleeping baby in the middle of the night. It used to take over a half hour for her to drift back to sleep and now it's just a few minutes after she finishes feeding. Many people would call this an improvement, but it's a reminder at how she's changing and growing on her time. God created her to be special and unique and accepting this is part of knowing who she is and what she needs. She needs some extra snuggles and that's okay. I have tried giving her extra solid food before bed, a bottle of formula, a bottle a breast milk with rice cereal and have decided it's just not her time to sleep through the night yet. I won't give up on trying tricks to help her sleep, but I'm choosing not to stress over it. If my baby slept through the night I wouldn't be as creative in managing my day. I'm a first class over scheduler. I like to get things done because it feels good and I have deadlines to meet. Getting housework and work done when you are tired is hard and trying (especially with a five-year-old excitedly asking her book of questions as we tick off the minutes of the day). I have to prioritize my day around why my baby will sleep and it often includes taking a nap or at least laying down and resting myself. Taking care of a baby, older kids, work, housework and resting is a full time job and requires a lot of juggling. It's okay to take a nap when the baby is sleeping, even when the baby is nearly eight months old. If my baby slept through the night I would not have as many quiet moments with God. I often talk to God as I'm nursing and rocking my baby. I remind myself how great of a life I have and mentally go through all the reasons I'm thankful for my husband, daughter and even the challenges that each day brings. I also spend this time thinking through items on my to-do list and upcoming plans. I work best when it's quiet, so the middle of the night works for me. Yes, I also ponder how wide I should open my eyes to balance not becoming wide awake and not falling asleep. If my baby slept through the night I wouldn't have as many quiet moments admiring my older daughter. At five, I know she's fine sleeping through the night (most nights, at least!), but I take advantage of slipping into her room and watching her sleep. This never gets old for me. Thankfully, she is such a hard sleeper so she doesn't often wake up because of her screaming sister. I do not pick her up and rock her anymore, but it fills my heart and relaxes my mind to see her sleeping so peacefully. These moments are going fast and balance out her spicy sassy little self during the day. Do I look forward to when my baby sleeps through the night? Yes and no. I will be filled with terror the first time wondering if she's okay (just like I was with her sister), but my heart will settle and adjust. Then I'm sure I will start depending on her sleeping through the night so maybe I can get up early to work or workout. Right now I'm just going with it - no need to stress or compare my sweet baby to all my other friend's babies who have been sleeping through the night since day one. I'm embracing who she is now and know that she will sleep more than a three hour stretch some day. Click to Post
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writtenproofer-blog · 7 years
One Season Ends as a New Begins
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Tax season for many means wading through receipts and making lists of business expenses. You pile everything together neatly - or maybe just throw it all together in a box - and proudly hand it to your tax preparer as you shuffle into their office. Half an hour later you know whether you have to pay or will get a nice chunk of change in your banking account. You have conquered tax season. You are done and you survived. You bet you were your tax preparer's craziest and most complex client, but trust me - you weren't. You are good until next year and vow to keep track of business expenses better - but, reality is that you will keep making this vow each year and your tax preparer will just laugh knowing the impeding truth behind next year's pile of receipts. Tax season is different for me. Yes, I pay taxes, but my hubby handles all the paperwork. All of it for us and 500+ clients each year. It's long - and taxing (I just couldn't resist). Each year it seems to start sooner. We find a rhythm as the days get long; our oldest wakes up to cuddle with daddy and I make plans to break up the long and endless days of "Mommy, mommy, mommy!" This tax season is coming to a close and, although I'm excited to see my hubby again, I know it means transition. Five months have passed. He has had one day off per week split between spending time together and resting. Our girls are five months older. Winter was just beginning and now summer is almost here. Sometimes it's easier to hold onto the way I do things around the house and the schedule I keep. I control when the girls eat, nap, play and do almost everything - besides when they cry or ask for something (which happens all day long!). My comfy schedule gets assaulted when Kevin re-emerges from tax season. I love having someone else here who treats parenting as a partner and is my equal. It's great until I remember he has ideas too. Feed the girls lunch without a veggie? Oh, she doesn't need to wear a coat? Bedtime is a half hour (or - gasp - hour later) than normal? Who is this person and what do they think they are doing? Yes, I am guilty of thinking - and probably showing - that his ideas are wrong, but in reality they are just different. For the past five months I have adjusted the schedule and routine for the girls and myself based on what's needed each day while Kevin has worked 10 - 14 hours a day or more in the office. He adjusts the forms and taxes for clients based on what's needed, but it doesn't mean that he would rather be in the office than be home. This is 100% true and I am so grateful he sees parenting as a partnership. We are in this together - something we remind each other of all the time. He sees his day off as a day to jump into parenting and taking care of things around the house. My awesome hubby gladly takes care of the girls while I sneak (run) outside of the house or take a nap. He does the dishes without being prompted. He even blesses us with his amazing french toast - his recipe is way better than my original one. As we transition back to parenting together as a team, I promise I will try to be open as you offer up ideas to change things like the darts rapidly firing out of your Nerf gun. I may not like it all the time, but I am so grateful that you want to offer up ideas and have my best interest and that of the girls at heart. I can genuinely say that you have the girls' and my best interest at heart. You ask me questions when you aren't sure of something or you know I would prefer something different for the girls - like what to feed Teagan. We want the same outcome - girls who are fed, well rested, generally happy, respectful, kind, Jesus loving - and sometimes (okay, it may seem all the time) we have different ideas of how to get there. We have practiced listening to each other and I see more and more how much of a blessing it is to both bring a different perspective and how our differences can be a blessing. I can't even explain how much I love seeing Anika race down the stairs to get her shoes on to help you in the garage or run to Home Depot or when Teagan is clapping as her face lights up seeing you walk into the room. Welcome back home honey. We have missed you. Click to Post
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writtenproofer-blog · 8 years
The Perfect Gift on Valentine's Day - A Letter to My Babies
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My lovelies, you are young now and as I dream about what you will experience in the future, I think about what Valentine's Day might be like for you. The parties you will have in elementary school with decorative boxes full of colorful cards and candy. Sugar cookies decorated with hearts and pink frosting. Flowers and a card from daddy and mommy each year. I want and hope you have fun memories as I did as a kid. Things change as you get older and it can get awkward and painful. I wish I could take this away and prevent what's to come as you enter middle school and high school, but it's part of growing up. I often wished moments away during these years because the in between of being a kid and not being an adult are full of awkward moments and not feeling like you are doing life right. The thing is, lovelies, no one feels like they are doing life right during those years. Many of your friends who you play with on play dates right now may become unfriendly and distant with you as you get older. That's okay - they are trying to figure out life and who they are too and you may become distant with them. They may be hurting, so be kind to them. Right now you laugh and run and beg to stay longer as you wrestle around, play dress up and run barefoot around the yard. Think of these sweet moments as Valentine's Day approaches while you sit through the awkward moments of seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades. Yes, that is more years than you are old right now. I remember how the Student Council used to sell suckers and flowers that you could send to your Valentine. I think a friend sent one once, but I was always embarrassed if I received one AND if I didn't receive one. It turned into a popularity contest in my mind and I longed to receive many, but I hated the attention. Things get awkward and weird as you grow up - this is normal and okay. Be kind anyways and be kind to yourself. Your head chatter may lie to you saying you are only as valuable and loved as the number of Valentine's you receive. You are more than what you do and others do for you. You know what's not okay? It's not okay for someone to send you a Valentine as a cruel joke. This is the pain I'm talking about. It's more than just stealing your milk at lunch time. It's not okay for someone to be rude and mean to you everyday and do one big kind gesture once a year or only on holidays. You deserve to be treated with kindness and love. Love doesn't choose one day to "spoil" you as the movies show. Real love is thoughtful and kind and may not be able to afford the "big" and expensive gestures. Real love looks like your boyfriend or friends running to the store because you are sick, dropping off your homework because you missed a day, and sharing their lunch because you forgot your's. They are excited to see you everyday at school and may even send you a Valentine, but this one act of kindness does not define how they feel about you. You know your boyfriend loves you because he is thoughtful, kind and loving each day. This does not mean he or your friends are perfect - no one is. What does thoughtfulness and kindness look like? It looks like the guy named Steve who spent weeks making a Valentine's Day card to stick to the locker of every single girl in high school. He didn't have to do this, but he wanted every girl he went to school with to feel special, regardless of whether they thought what he was doing was awkward or weird. He cut hearts out of construction paper that said "Be Mine". Be my friend. Be someone who is kind. Be with others. Be confident in who you are because you are special. The time he spent was priceless and the message he sent was invaluable. I still remember this 13 years later. Be the kindness that you want to see in others and spread this on Valentine's Day. Maybe you will have a boyfriend and then a husband every Valentine's Day as you get older, but it's okay to be single. It's okay to only get flowers and a card from your parents. Our gesture is motivated by love and thoughtfulness and can be hard to find as you get older. Focus on what you do have and don't wish the moments away until you have the relationship status that other girls have. You don't need someone to do something nice to know how valuable and loved you are. So today, let's enjoy the flowers, cards and candy and tell others how we feel about them. This is a much bigger and more important gift than that one "big" gesture. Remember that we love you everyday and pray you have friends and future boyfriends that do too. Be mind. Be kind. Be love. Click to Post
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writtenproofer-blog · 8 years
Top 14 Gluten Free Valentine's Day Gifts and Ideas for Her
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When I think of Valentine's Day I immediately think of candy, chocolate, cake... pretty much all things food. Add red and pink hearts and BAM, it's Valentine's Day. So, how in the world do you "do" Valentine's Day if you or someone you love follows a gluten free lifestyle? It's not as simple as giving them flowers and a box of assorted chocolates. Hello runs to the bathroom and feeling like you are dying. How thoughtful and loving. Don't worry, I have your gift list covered. The point of Valentine's Day is to show someone how much you love them and help them feel special. Here are some ideas and gift ideas that will leave your significant other feeling well taken care of! Make Her Dinner At Home Going out to dinner can come with a mixed bag of excitement and anxiety. Many local restaurants offer a special menu on Valentine's Day, which means they are preparing meals they may not normally offer. I love having food prepared for me, so why not make your significant other dinner? Gluten free pasta, spaghetti sauce, gluten free bread, a baked good from Third Coast Bakery (which is gluten free and dairy free) and a bottle of wine or cider (both or normally gluten free, but here are some guidelines to consider) and you can have a care free dinner that is safe and you will have leftovers! Give Her the Ultimate Relaxing Evening "Red Sea Road" by Ellie Holcomb was just released and I can't stop listening to it. It's a great CD to listen to while working, driving or going through the mundane moments of your day. Push play as she enters the house and starts her relaxing night. Run her a bath and pour in Dr. Teal's Epsom Salt Soaking Solution - Relax and Relief with Eucalyptus & Spearmint. She will appreciate the time to relax in a hot bath while de-stressing from her day at work, juggling the kids, and handling everything else your awesome significant other takes care of! Light candles or pop in wax melts from Stand Around Creations while her bath water is running. They are soy-based aromatherapy candles with essential oils that are perfect for a relaxing evening (or anytime when peace and quiet are a must - especially during a long day with the kids!). Try these delightful scents: Island Coconut Tin Candle, Chocolate Layer Cake Tin Candle, Warm Vanilla Sugar Tin Candle, Lavender Mint Wax Melts, Rain Water Wax Melts, Harvest Berry Wax Melts, and Rose Wax Melts. Burt's Bee Essential Everyday Beauty Gift Set or the Burt's Bees Tips and Toes Kit will leave her skin soft and silky from her head to her toes after her relaxing bath. I love Burt's Bee products and always get excited when I'm surprised with one (or two or three)! Buy her sock subscription from SockPanda.com and have the perfect pair of socks ready for her to slip on after her long bath. You can design a pair of socks or choose from fun prints. The best part is that they donate a pair of socks to someone in need for every pair of socks they sell! This is a really thoughtful gift that will make her smile while also helping someone else. Current promotion: Valentine’s Day Sale 10% off + Free pair of socks with any SockPanda sock subscription. Promo code: FREESOCKS10. (2/1-2/14 only). Start the Day with Sweet Touches Get her Lovepop card! Remember pop-up books when you were a kid? Well, these cards remind me of those fun books. The outside looks like a normal card, but the inside pops up with flowers, a toaster, a turtle, hearts and tons of other options. It's a great way to make her smile first thing in the morning! YORK Peppermint Patties in the shape of hearts. I'm so glad these are gluten free! Jolly Rancher Candy heart lollipops. I love Jolly Ranchers, but heart shaped candy around Valentine's Day is just fun. NECCO® Conversation Hearts. I don't recall a Valentine's Day that hasn't included candy hearts, so this is great news! Tape them to a cute handmade card to spell out a funny sentence for bonus points. Valentine Marshmallow Heart Peeps. I've finally become used to the idea of eating Peeps for other holidays and these hearts are so cute! Order gluten free treats from Katz Gluten Free! Colored Sprinkle Cookies-Gluten Free - $5.19 from: Katz Gluten Free, Chocolate Frosted Donuts with Colored Sprinkles - Gluten Free - $6.99 from: Katz Gluten Free, and Marble Cake-Gluten Free - $5.79 from: Katz Gluten Free are tasty options! Buy her candy from the Lovely Candy Company. It's gluten free, most of it is dairy free and she will love you because of the delicious taste! There is also something special about the packaging that makes you smile as you unwrap a fruit chew. Here are my favorites: Chewy Caramels, Fruit Chews Superfruit and Cashew Caramels. Jewelry for Her with a Huge Meaning Purchase a custom cuff from my friend Danielle at Create Hope Cuffs. Her work is beautiful and a portion of every purchase is donated to the community for Bheveni in Swaziland, Africa. You can even get 15% off by using the coupon code 2017ALIVE when checking out! Surprise her with fun earrings, cuffs or other jewelry from Glory Haus. The mission of Glory Haus is "Community transformation that glorifies the Lord and changes lives through our work, art and relationships" and they do this through the people and ministries they partner with to produce every product. These Cream & Turquoise Leather Earrings and this Be Free Leather Cuff Bracelet are beloved by Jen Hatmaker. This Grateful Necklace will remind her how grateful she's part of your life. Beyond what you do or buy for Valentine's Day, just share with her what's on your heart and how you feel about her. How she's a blessing each day and what you love about who she is and what she does easily that is unique and special. This will mean more than any gift or gesture could ever mean.     Click to Post
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writtenproofer-blog · 8 years
2017 Is the Year of Bullet Journaling
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If you are an avid user of Pinterest then you may have come across the term "Bullet Journaling". The promise of keeping you more organized and the draw of millions of users encouraged me to take a look into what it's all about. What I discovered shocked me and I jumped on board right away. Bullet journaling is simply a method of organizing and prioritizing what you need to get done and what's coming up in the future. People have turned bullet journaling into an artistic outlet as they decorate their detailed monthly and weekly page spreads and layout their books to read page. I would lie if I pretended not to be a little jealous of the artistic talent of some bullet journalers, but it has convinced me to finally learn a few different styles of hand lettering. Reasons I Bullet Journal #1 Everything Is All in One Place Besides organizing what I'm going to do on a given day, having a journal allows me to add any spread or page I want. Some of mine include pages to highlight milestones of Anika and Teagan for the year, blogging goals, upcoming events that I can transfer to monthly page spreads later on, books to read, my word of the year, and miles to run. I love the idea of scrapbooking, creating lists and keeping my life organized, but it's hard to manage multiple books, so bullet journaling has helped me bring it all into one place. #2 I Have A Place to Put My Plans Whether I'm planning Teagan's first birthday or my housecleaning schedule for the week, I can put all my crazy thoughts in one place! This is huge for me because I would previously write my thoughts on papers I would love, text myself ideas, or create endless Pinterest boards, but they were ineffective because they were still scattered thoughts. #3 I Can Change My Spreads I have journaled on and off through the years, but it has always felt so permanent. If I write something then I can't change it. I know this is just a mental change, but the way the bullet journal is organized gives me the freedom to add new page spreads as needed. I can try out new daily habits one month or decided not to include them in the next month. #4 Color Coding Makes Life Easier Many bullet journalers follow a symbol guide to prioritize tasks and events, but I prefer to use a color code. Work tasks are written in blue, homing tasks (errands, appointments, housework and all other things that keep the home going) are written in light green, kid-related tasks and events are written in pink, and meal plans are written in red. I love color coding because I can see what is the highest priority for the day and only focus on one color of tasks at one time. Getting Started On Your Bullet Journal Many people started bullet journaling in January, but you can start any month of the year! I recommend watching these videos to learn how bullet journaling was started and see some awesome ideas on what to include in your bullet journal. Dive in! It can feel overwhelming at first, but the best way to learn is to simply start making your first page layout! You can change it as you go and you will quickly learn what works for you. You will need a few supplies to get started, but it does not have to be an expensive hobby. Sure, you can spend $200 like one lady did who posted in one of the bullet journaling groups I joined, but you can get started like I did for under $40. Here is what I purchased and highly recommend: Moleskin Classic Notebook (5 x 8.25) I love this notebook because it is small, stays closed, includes a pocket on the back and the pages are gridded. Many people recommend using a rule to ensure straight lines, but the dots make it really easy for me to draw straight lines. Staedtler Triplus Fineline Pens I purchased a set of 10 pens and absolutely love how they write! You can choose individual pens or sets of 10, 24 or 36. There are also other great pens on the market, but be sure to purchase something higher quality than a simple PaperMate if you want an element of artistry to your journal. Stickers or Washi Tape Some people go nuts over adding washi tape and stickers to their journals, but a little goes a long ways. I'm not a huge fan of washi tape, but I have included some fun stickers to add color and inspiration. Happy journaling! I would love to see your favorite spreads and learn about what you discover. Comment below and follow me on Instagram to see some of my page spreads. Click to Post
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writtenproofer-blog · 8 years
Word of the Year 2017
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The past few years I have chosen a word for the year. It's not something I have to do, but a word has come to mind for four years now. Last year was more of a concept: "time and budget". I learned through the year how vital managing my time and budget were and it certainly helped me through some unexpected times in 2016, including not going back to work after having my youngest. It has turned out to be the best thing for me, Teagan, Anika and Kevin. I enjoy having the flexibility of being home and it would not have been possible without taking a hard look at where I was spending money and only spending time on the things that are important during this season of life. My word for 2015 was "change" and man oh man I had to learn to embrace some huge changes! I was discontent in a few big areas at the beginning of that year. I knew I was spending too much time working and had no idea what the word balance meant or how to find balance. I followed God's lead to working outside the home for the first time in a few years at a local marketing firm. This allowed me to let go of some work that was taking up way too much of my time. There were many small changes I embraced, but the biggest change of all was preparing to be a mom of two. I had to slow down, which was a pace I hadn't previously understood. The pregnancy was long and hard, but God lead me into the crazy season of being instead of doing. I was forced to rest more than I ever had and let go of doing in so many ways. I let go of doing as much work as the physical strain of the pregnancy took over. I let go of saying yes to too many obligations. I let go of being the go-to for Anika 100% of the time. This last one was the hardest, but I also witnessed a huge change in Anika and Kevin's relationship. He has always been a terrific father, but as I had to step back and watch Kevin take over I witnessed a deeper understanding of our daughter and the connection to her daddy that she had always cherished in her heart. Anika has always been a daddy's girl and the hardest moment was when she ran to daddy when she got hurt instead of mommy. I wanted to take over even though Teagan was screaming for mommy. Anika was in good hands, but my mommy heart took it hard. More changes continue to come and I know they are God whispered into the plans only He knows for our life together as a family. So, what could my word be for 2017? What earth-shattering concept do I need to grow in my faith, shatter my level of comfort and rock my world in unknown ways to let go and receive more blessings? I pondered this for a while and even thought about not focusing on a word of the year. It hit me a week ago and I smiled because it made perfect sense. Foundation. With all the changes and all the areas I'm trying to allow God to mold and transform I have realized that my foundation has cracks. I feel as though I'm swaying to and fro by ideas, concepts and people that may or may not be completely based on the truth that I'm continuing to uncover. I question many things about who I am as a mom, wife, writer, among other things. I want truth as my foundation. Truth about who I am in Christ, what God thinks about: parenting and being a wife, knowing when to be and when to do, balancing life and building connections, tackling uncomfortable conversations with those I love, being bold and strengthening the relationships with the people we consider a part of our village. It all goes back to my foundation. Life is so short and I don't want to waste time considering ideas and doing things and being in places that do not bring life and are not of God's beautiful plan. 1 Corinthians 10:23 says, "I have the right to do anything," you say, but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything," but not everything is constructive." I'm on a mission to know what I'm doing that is not beneficial or constructive to the life that Kevin and I are working to build with Christ. I'm spending this year building my foundation for spiritual and emotional health in ways that God shows me. I will be reading books, soaking in scripture, writing out verses, listening to podcasts, reading blog posts and following God's lead as he gently shows me the direction. I will soak in His guidance in doing the things that are beneficial to being the best mom and wife I can, trusting Him with the direction He is swaying me to move this blog, and transforming my life through renewing my mind. Do you have a word for 2017? Have you practiced this in previous years? I'd love to know you how tackled the word of the year - what books or blogs did you love and what Bible verses did God challenge you with?
Word of the Year Ideas and Resources
My friend Danielle Brower created the business Create Hope Cuffs and she makes custom hand cuffs that are made from recycled leather belts and look amazing! She is currently making word of the year hand cuffs with your word and a Bible verse stamped on metal. When you support Create Hope Cuffs you are also supporting education within the community for Bheveni in Swaziland, Africa. Exclusive for AliveandFighting.com readers: you get a 15% discount when you enter the coupon code 2017ALIVE at checkout! It's still the beginning of the year and there is still time for you to choose a word of the year. Susannah Conway has chosen a word for the past eight years and has developed a resource to help guide you in choosing a word of the year. It's FREE and you'll receive the guide in your email! Tiffany from PeanutBlossom.com has a unique approach to the word of the year as she and her husband focus on a word for their family. I love this idea because it's one way you can teach your kids the value in focusing on one thing and work together as a family. Kimberly Job from SublimeReflection.com has some helpful ideas and tips for implementing your word of the year in order to get the most out of it. She has been practicing the word of the year for six years and has some great ideas that she has followed, including making a vision board and creating a themed book list. Click to Post
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writtenproofer-blog · 8 years
Gluten Free Snack List
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The hardest part about staying fueled is often having snacks when I'm on the go between meals. In the grocery store I often find myself in what I call the "bar" section - the area often in the breakfast isle where boxes of Lara Bars, Cliff Bars, and more live. I do love Lara Bars, but I'm not a huge fan of paying $1 or more per bar and I like having a variety of snacking options in my diet. I'm creating this list as a go-to idea list for when my tired brain is trying to figure out what snacks to add to my meal plan between my oldest little asking questions and my youngest demanding attention! Peanut Butter, Chopped Apples, Cinnamon and Nutmeg Trail Mix Packs with Dried Cherries, Dried Strawberries, Dried Mixed Berries, Mixed Nuts, Sunflower Seeds, Gluten Free Cereal, and Gluten Free Oats - The basics include dried fruit and nuts - add anything you want! Silk Yogurt and a Homemade Trail Mix Pack Hummus with Celery and Carrots Salsa and Tortilla Chips Hummus with Gluten Free Pretzels Canned Peaches Apple Sauce Rice Cakes and Peanut Butter Hummus with Veggie Chips or Veggie Straws Smoothie with Silk Yogurt, Almond Milk, Strawberries, Mango, and Peaches Yogurt with Gluten Free Cereal Chickpeas Roasted with Olive Oil and Paprika Hard Boiled Eggs Gluten Free Croutons I will continue updating this as I discover more go-to snacks. What are your favorite gluten free snacks that are quick and easy? Click to Post
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writtenproofer-blog · 8 years
Lessons from a Kid's Bible Class - Letting Go and Resting Well
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With soar throats, exhaustion and coughs surrounding my hubby and me, we decided to stay home from church. Our youngest daughter was getting over being sick and still really clingy to me. Our oldest daughter (who is normally running laps around us - both physically and with her questions - ) was on super fast mode. She watched TV, played outside, played quietly - at least what's quiet for her and said, "I miss church. I want to go to church." The youngest finally crashed for a nap mid morning (yay, I have arms again!), so I pulled out some Bible coloring sheets to do a mini Bible class for my oldest. She was thrilled and I was too seeing how excited she always is when learning about the Bible. We read about creation and colored two coloring sheets and played a match game together. I try to pull the life lessons out of the Bible stories for her to help it stick when she's someday my age and realizing she has the scariest (and best) job of all in trying to raise kids. Reading through Genesis 2:19 I realized that God was also teaching me a life lesson. Genesis 2:19 says, "So the Lord God formed from the ground all the wild animals and all the birds of the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would call them, and the man chose a name for each one (NLT)." I knew that Adam had named all the animals, but I had never thought about the fact that God could have named the animals himself! He created the entire world - it was and is his masterpiece and gave rivers and plants names, but he let one of his own creation name the animals. I thought and thought and thought about this. What process did Adam go through in naming the animals? God provided the work (the animals) and watched to see how Adam worked. Was it too big of a job for God? No! I then thought about the many times when I try to do everything myself - be it work or housework. I know how it needs to get done and often it's easier to do myself. God didn't do this. He gave some of His responsibility to Adam instead of just giving him a list of names and pictures to memorize and learn the animals. I imagine this was vital in helping Adam establish a relationship and respect for the animals and what better way is there for someone to learn something than to have them jump in take over? God didn't demand a resume or Adam's credentials. He had created Adam and knew where he was flawed and lacking. God realized that Adam needed a helper and knew that Adam would only be able to accomplish so much. Eve was the perfect helper and took over in the areas she was gifted - I imagine she sewed the leaves together for their first clothes.
When Work Takes Over Life
Not long ago I was so wrapped up in work. I believe working hard was important and sacrificed every Friday and weekend to homework and studying in high school and the same in college. I never took a break and never had limits or boundaries until my body crashed. That's just what I did and I looked down on others who laughed and smiled and went to see Friday night hockey games at Tech. I plowed through my first few years of working after college and continued at a hefty pace building my freelance business while being a stay at home mom. This sounds so crazy to me now because I have learned the value of recharging through relaxing and the life that comes from spending time with close friends and family. It's no coincidence that the first book I read this year was "Unglued" by Lysa TerKeurst while we move into my husband's eighth tax season and deal with other stress in life. Lysa devoted an entire chapter to resting on the Sabbath and painted this picture of what happens when she has skipped resting and having a Sabbath. We simply cannot go and go and go without taking a break and not all the work can be on our shoulders. We snap and lose control of our emotions and live in a constant state of being overwhelmed. We can't see our stressful situations through God's eyes if we are constantly working and doing and going. Oh how I relate to this picture! I have cut back on obligations this past year and decided to stop working on Sundays, but I had not focused on the main point of having a Sabbath: connecting with God. This is where the refreshing happens in a much more deeper and meaningful way than a nap. I can't fully explain it, but I have experienced work getting done faster, plans working themselves out with less effort and stress being less stressful after I take a Sabbath to rest and connect with God. Back to Adam, he needed a helper and God gifted him with Eve. They built a life together one day at a time and God later instilled the gift of the Sabbath. I'm new to resting well, but the Sabbath is what is going to help me thrive during this next tax season and the go, go, go all week that comes with raising a family. What do you do to rest, connect with God and recharge? Click to Post
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writtenproofer-blog · 8 years
Why Am I Not Diagnosed with Celiac Disease?
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I am frequently asked whether I am diagnosed with Celiac Disease and I used to get sweaty when answering this question. People tend to listen when a doctor is backing you. They think it's in your head if a doctor - any doctor - hasn't given you a label. Many people have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, but I decided when I first started that I would not hop from doctor to doctor to doctor. That route is expensive and often leads to a trail of medications. It's a route that many people have found effective, but so many people have ended up frustrated and I believe in trying natural approaches first before running to the doctor. I believe my body has an incredible way of healing when given the right fuel. I had already started taking Shaklee vitamins in 2012 and had experienced a reverse in how my body was processing food. I had literally gone from getting sick from eating anything (think lettuce, veggies, fruit, ice cream, meat - anything) to finally being able to enjoy food again simply because I added in a probiotic and started building up my vitamin and mineral levels. I knew my body was deficient in many things, but I didn't understand why. If you have read my account of going gluten free, then you know there were a few random (but not random) events that lead me to researching Celiac Disease. I put the pieces together and cut gluten. I had the worst migraine I had ever experienced five days after going gluten free, but I knew this was coming as it was my body's first step in detoxing - something it had not been able to do while gluten was present.
The Challenge of Testing to Get Diagnosed with Celiac Disease
So, if I had finally figured out that gluten was causing so much havoc, then why would I not seek a diagnosis from a doctor? Currently, the only way to get a true diagnosis is to have gluten in your body. A doctor will either take one of four blood tests to determine if you have a higher level of certain antibodies (here are full details of the blood screening tests from Celiac.org) or a biopsy of the small intestine. Your body starts healing as soon as you remove gluten from your diet and continues healing the longer you stay gluten free and correct any deficiencies you have from your digestive system not breaking down your food and thus not getting the nutrients in the food you ate. Unfortunately, a blood test and biopsy often come back with a negative diagnosis for gluten intolerance and Celiac Disease if you do not have gluten in your body. Most doctors require you to eat loads of gluten for two weeks before they will run a test. Why on earth would I say yes to eating something that my body out right refuses that causes me to experience migraines, irritability, joint pain, weakness, a low immune system and a host of other awful symptoms?
My Body is Healing from Celiac Disease
I had already cut out gluten and was feeling so much better - my husband even noticed fewer mood swings - and refused to add gluten back in my diet. I stick by my decision to not seek a diagnosis until there is a better and more full proof method of testing for Celiac Disease and the "cure" for Celiac Disease is to remove gluten from your diet, so I don't need a diagnosis for special medications - gluten free bread and other foods I eat are available at my grocery store. My body is proof that what I am doing is working. We did not know if I would be able to have another healthy pregnancy because of all the health issues I was having and God blessed us with our second beautiful daughter (who decided to go 15 days over her due date) in June 2016. I am building my body back up into the shape I was in before my last pregnancy, but I was in the best shape of my life last summer. I have fewer migraines and these days they are directly related to a lack of sleep and holding onto stress. I remember things way better now than I did before having our first daughter and life in general is not as exhausting. I have experienced so many more blessings by going gluten free that I don't need a diagnosis to confirm what I already know. I did talk to my general doctor about whether or not testing was beneficial and she said if what I'm doing is working, then don't stop doing it! That was enough of a affirmation for me! Do you have Celiac Disease? If so, did you get testing or a diagnosed? I'd love to hear your story and how your journey is going! Click to Post
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writtenproofer-blog · 8 years
My Biggest Health Fight
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Lately, I've had to fight for my health. It's not in the same way as a cancer patient or terminally ill patient, but it's a fight about choices. Over two years ago I began cutting out gluten and I bounced around like a bouncy ball, building up speed to rush through my favorite gluten-filled piece of cake and delicious pull-a-part bread made by my mother-in-law. I was in Heaven around the holidays, but I suffered from horrible migraines, irritability and weakness for weeks. What was going on? God knew and He had already started leading me down the path of figuring out what was going on. Fast forward a few years to this past December. I began meeting people at church who were gluten intolerant, had Celiac disease or took care of family members with the disease. I filed these conversations in the back of my mind until after the holidays. Unfortunately, I repeated the same cycle and completely regretted it. On December 27, 2014 I decided to take controll. I avoided all things containing gluten and felt empowered. I checked out Elizabeth Hasselbeck's book The G-Free Diet from the library and read it in two days. It was almost as though she was telling me my own story with the weird symptoms she had dealt with and the trigger of going overseas and winding up with a weird stomach bug. Staying gluten free is actually the easy part, but I still fight aspects every day. I have such a sweet tooth and although I love the idea of gluten free cake mixes, a box costs around and I only want a taste! The next best thing is gluten free candy, my favorite is licorus. Here's where it gets even more complicated. I've noticed that my body pretty much hates processed sugar and even certain processed foods. I'm still learning exactly how this is playing out. What Do I Eat? So what do I eat? There are SO many products that are naturally gluten free, such as fruit, vegetables, salsa (favorite is Chi-Chi's), almond milk, Silk yogurt, meat, etc. Staying gluten free requires eliminating the foods that harm my body, but I have to find one that offers the same nutrition (or better) to build my body back up. This is exhausting! One of my absolute go-to snacks are Quest bars. These are completely gluten free, loaded with nutrients and taste amazing. They fulfill my craving for something sweet while filling me up when I'm in a pinch – out of a staple (eggs), unexpected errand, accidentally forget to pack a snack. They cost between $2.49 – $2.99, but you can also purchase a case on Amazon for $24.99. Have I Been Diagnosed with Celiac Disease? The simple answer is no. It's really hard to find a doctor who understands all the symptoms of Celiac Disease who can properly diagnose it. One of the common tests is called the gluten challenge. This would require stuffing myself with gluten for three to six months and then keeping track of how my body responds. Invasive procedures, such as an endoscopy, requires having gluten in my system. Sorry, but this absolutely will not happen! Why would I put something in my body knowing it's going to make me sick? I'm on a road to recovery and have started finding nutritionists, connecting with other people suffering from Celiac Disease and have learned how to live gluten free. Someday I believe there will be a test available that doesn't require having gluten in my body, but that test doesn't exist today. Filtering Out the Noise A mental fight I had with myself was how to tell my family. My husband has been with me every step and my daughter is too young to fully comprehend what Celiac disease is (except that we can't share her pancakes anymore). I prayed for the right words and understanding if they responded skeptically, but I had absolutely no reason to worry. They embraced me and continued doing what they had done a along – they brought gluten free food when they visited and my mother-in-law had even found gluten free candy for me for Christmas. My experience may not be your experience, so be prepared for people who may doubt what you are saying and make the choice to turn on your filter. This doesn't mean you need to cut out your parents or best friend, but look for people to talk with who understand what gluten sensitivity is and even Celiac disease. Trusting God Looking back I can see how God began directing my steps towards a gluten free and dairy free lifestyle over two years ago. He is the almighty healer and knows exactly what my body needs to heal, so I will continue taking my questions to Him and letting Him bring the right information and right people into my life who want to help. Click to Post
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writtenproofer-blog · 8 years
Word of the Year 2017
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The past few years I have chosen a word for the year. It's not something I have to do, but a word has come to mind for four years now. Last year was more of a concept: "time and budget". I learned through the year how vital managing my time and budget were and it certainly helped me through some unexpected times in 2016, including not going back to work after having my youngest. It has turned out to be the best thing for me, Teagan, Anika and Kevin. I enjoy having the flexibility of being home and it would not have been possible without taking a hard look at where I was spending money and only spending time on the things that are important during this season of life. My word for 2015 was "change" and man oh man I had to learn to embrace some huge changes! I was discontent in a few big areas at the beginning of that year. I knew I was spending too much time working and had no idea what the word balance meant or how to find balance. I followed God's lead to working outside the home for the first time in a few years at a local marketing firm. This allowed me to let go of some work that was taking up way too much of my time. There were many small changes I embraced, but the biggest change of all was preparing to be a mom of two. I had to slow down, which was a pace I hadn't previously understood. The pregnancy was long and hard, but God lead me into the crazy season of being instead of doing. I was forced to rest more than I ever had and let go of doing in so many ways. I let go of doing as much work as the physical strain of the pregnancy took over. I let go of saying yes to too many obligations. I let go of being the go-to for Anika 100% of the time. This last one was the hardest, but I also witnessed a huge change in Anika and Kevin's relationship. He has always been a terrific father, but as I had to step back and watch Kevin take over I witnessed a deeper understanding of our daughter and the connection to her daddy that she had always cherished in her heart. Anika has always been a daddy's girl and the hardest moment was when she ran to daddy when she got hurt instead of mommy. I wanted to take over even though Teagan was screaming for mommy. Anika was in good hands, but my mommy heart took it hard. More changes continue to come and I know they are God whispered into the plans only He knows for our life together as a family. So, what could my word be for 2017? What earth-shattering concept do I need to grow in my faith, shatter my level of comfort and rock my world in unknown ways to let go and receive more blessings? I pondered this for a while and even thought about not focusing on a word of the year. It hit me a week ago and I smiled because it made perfect sense. Foundation. With all the changes and all the areas I'm trying to allow God to mold and transform I have realized that my foundation has cracks. I feel as though I'm swaying to and fro by ideas, concepts and people that may or may not be completely based on the truth that I'm continuing to uncover. I question many things about who I am as a mom, wife, writer, among other things. I want truth as my foundation. Truth about who I am in Christ, what God thinks about: parenting and being a wife, knowing when to be and when to do, balancing life and building connections, tackling uncomfortable conversations with those I love, being bold and strengthening the relationships with the people we consider a part of our village. It all goes back to my foundation. Life is so short and I don't want to waste time considering ideas and doing things and being in places that do not bring life and are not of God's beautiful plan. 1 Corinthians 10:23 says, "I have the right to do anything," you say, but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything," but not everything is constructive." I'm on a mission to know what I'm doing that is not beneficial or constructive to the life that Kevin and I are working to build with Christ. I'm spending this year building my foundation for spiritual and emotional health in ways that God shows me. I will be reading books, soaking in scripture, writing out verses, listening to podcasts, reading blog posts and following God's lead as he gently shows me the direction. I will soak in His guidance in doing the things that are beneficial to being the best mom and wife I can, trusting Him with the direction He is swaying me to move this blog, and transforming my life through renewing my mind. Do you have a word for 2017? Have you practiced this in previous years? I'd love to know you how tackled the word of the year - what books or blogs did you love and what Bible verses did God challenge you with?
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writtenproofer-blog · 8 years
10 Days of Gluten Free Desserts: Day #10 – Four Favorite Mint Recipes
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Mint is a favorite taste around the holidays and one that I simply can't get enough of. Growing up, I enjoyed mint bars, mint cookies, Andes mints, mint ice cream - it's safe to say that mint is a favorite. I was delighted to learn about so many great gluten free recipes that include mint. Here are my top four mint desserts that are gluten free - and easy to make dairy free!
Betty Crocker Grasshopper Bars
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I love recipes from Betty Crocker because you know it will turn out well using one of the gluten free box mixes. The recipe uses cream cheese frosting, but you can use a different frosting from Betty Crocker if you are following a dairy free diet. Get the full recipe here.
Mint Chocolate Chip Frosting Shots
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It's hard to believe that this delicious mint dessert can be dairy free, but it's completely true! The main ingredients are coconut milk, peppermint extract, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, and chocolate chips (which can be dairy free if using Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips!). ChocolateCoveredKatie.com created this recipe around St. Patrick's Day, but I would recommend it for any holiday, including ringing in the New Year! Get the recipe here.
Mint Chocolate Mini Cheesecakes
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SarahBakesGFree.com also posted a yummy mint dessert for St. Patrick's Day that happens to be dairy free, gluten free and vegan, but these are festive for any holiday - especially Christmas and New Years! These are small enough to eat a few without feeling to guilty for indulging in a dessert. This recipe requires more time and ingredients compared to these other delicious mint recipes, but it's a great dessert to try with your kids over Christmas break and it makes 20+ vegan mini cheesecakes.Get the recipe here.
Thin Mint Oreos
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Do you miss mint Oreos like I do while following a gluten free and dairy free diet? ForkAndBeans.com is here to save your craving with their thin mint Oreo recipe. There are multiple steps in this recipe, but you could be enjoying this treat in only 30 minutes! Sounds like a great recipe to go with a steaming cup of gluten free and dairy free hot chocolate! Get the recipe here.  
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writtenproofer-blog · 8 years
10 Days of Gluten Free Desserts: Day #7 – Caramel Popcorn
Caramel popcorn has always been a favorite holiday treat and one I have been making for the past nine years. I was not gluten conscious when I started making it in college, but was delighted to realize that it is naturally gluten free and loaded with sugar! It takes a little time to make, but it is completely worth the smell of freshly popped popcorn drizzled with homemade caramel sauce. Plus, it's a yummy treat that everyone - gluten free and not - can enjoy. Ingredients 6 cups popped popcorn 2 cups brown sugar (lightly packed) 1/2 cup white corn syrup 1 cup butter (margarine or dairy free butter works well too) 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda Other Items Needed 4 cake pans Wax paper Popping the Popcorn 1. Pop the popcorn either on the stove with a popcorn popper or in a large pan, using an old fashioned popcorn machine or in the microwave if you are short on time. Make sure you use the natural popcorn if using the pre-made bags in the microwave. 2. Spread the popped popcorn in a thin layer in the cake pans. Making the Caramel Sauce 1. Melt the butter, brown sugar, and white corn syrup over medium heat in a sauce pan until it reaches boiling. 2. Let the mixture boil for five minutes and remove it from the heat. 3. Stir in the vanilla, salt and baking soda. 4. Pour the caramel sauce over the popcorn and bake it at 250 for 40 minutes. Spread the wax paper on a flat surface, such as a counter top, while the popcorn bakes. 5. Spread the popcorn on the wax paper and allow it to cool. 6. Store whatever you don't devour in an air-tight container.
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writtenproofer-blog · 8 years
10 Days of Gluten Free Desserts: Day #8 – Peanut Butter Balls
Many people mark the holidays by making and decorating sugar cookies - for me, it's peanut butter balls! The sweet and savory combination of peanut butter and chocolate never get old. These are really easy to make and they are naturally gluten free and you can use Enjoy Life Dark Chocolate Chips to make them dairy free! Peanut butter balls are great as a holiday dessert for kids of all ages, regardless of whether they are gluten free, dairy free or not. Ingredients 1 cup peanut butter 1 stick softened butter (margarine and dairy free butter works too) 4 cups powdered sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 bags semi sweet chocolate chips Making the Peanut Butter Balls 1. Combine the peanut butter, butter, powdered sugar and vanilla in a mixing bowl. I prefer using my Kitchen Aide mixer, but you can also mix the batter by hand. 2. Roll the dough into balls. I like to make each ball with about a teaspoon of dough, but you can make them any size. 3. Chill the dough in the fridge for a 1/2 hour so it doesn't melt when you cover the balls with chocolate. Melting the Chocolate You can use different kinds of chocolate, but it's important to know a few basic details about melting chocolate. Not all chocolate melts the same! Milk chocolate melts best in the microwave while semi-sweet and dark chocolate melt best on the stove in a double boiler. You can also use two pots or a set a glass bowl in a pot with hot water to melt the chocolate. Covering the Peanut Butter Balls with Chocolate 1. Pour the melted chocolate into a bowl and drop a chilled peanut butter ball into the chocolate. Use a spoon to cover it with chocolate and then put it on wax paper for the chocolate to settle. 2. Repeat this until all the peanut butter balls are covered. Hint: It's common for the chocolate to become clumpy, but it's easy to fix! Simply remelt the chocolate following the same steps as above. It will melt quicker and you can add in more chocolate if you run low.
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writtenproofer-blog · 8 years
25 Days of Gluten Free Desserts: Day #6 – Christmas Candy!
Christmas candy is not a dessert to many people, but for people who have to follow a strict gluten free - and even dairy free - diet, candy is a yummy dessert. It's often loaded with sugar, curbs the "need something sweet" craving and isn't something that should be a main part of my diet, so it's completely a dessert in my book. I love holiday candy, but I hate getting glutened. Here is a list of my favorite Christmas candy that is gluten free. I have also indicated which ones are dairy free. Share this list with your family and friends so they have a clue of what you can eat!
Gluten Free Holiday Candy
Candy Canes Most candy canes are gluten free, however, there are some brands that label their candy canes as gluten free.   Bob's Candy Canes Jelly Belly Candy Canes Starburst Candy Canes Lifesavers Candy Canes Chocolate Brachs Chocolate Covered Cherry Cordials Hershey's Kisses Kisses Milk Chocolate Hershey’s Hugs Candy Kisses Milk Chocolate Filled with Caramel Kisses Milk Chocolate Filled with Cherry Cordial Crème Kisses Dark Chocolate Filled with Mint Truffle Kisses Deluxe Chocolates Hershey’s Nuggets Hershey’s Nuggets Milk Chocolates Hershey’s Nuggets Milk Chocolate with Almonds Hershey’s Nuggets Special Dark Chocolate Hershey’s Nuggets Special Dark Chocolate with Almonds Hershey’s Nuggets Extra Creamy Milk Chocolate with Toffee and Almonds Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - All except Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Unwrapped Minis and Seasonal Shaped Items (This means NO Reese's Christmas Trees because they are manufactured in a different facility than the regular Reese's). Mars Chocolate 3 Musketeers Bars M&M's Dove Bars Snickers Necco Haviland Thin Mints, Wintergreen Patty Non Chocolate Candy Bob's Sweet Stripes Peppermint Candy Balls Black Forest Organic Holiday Gummies Brachs Cinnamon Imperials Peppermint Star Brites Necco Candy Mint Juleps Canada Mints, Wintergreen and Spearmint Lozenges Jelly Belly Reindeer Corn Gumdrops Just Born Christmas Peeps
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writtenproofer-blog · 8 years
25 Days of Gluten Free Desserts: Day #5 – Chocolate Chip Sea Salt Caramel Cookies
If you are looking for a crispy and chewy Christmas cookie, then you need to bake a batch of chocolate chip sea salt caramel cookies - pronto! I have enjoyed the Pillsbury Funfetti Cookie mix, so I decided to make the Pillsbury Chocolate Chip cookie mix and add some Hershey's Sea Salt Caramel chips. Turns out, these cookies are some of the best gluten free cookies I have made and by far the easiest. Here's what you will need: 1 Box Pillsbury Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Premium Cookie Mix 1 Egg 1 Stick Butter 1 Tablespoon Water 1/4 cup Hershey's Sea Salt Caramel Chips Mix the cookie mix, egg, softened butter and water together until you have an amazing ball of cookie dough. I love using my Kitchen Aid Mixer for mixing up cookie dough because it mixes well and it's a job I can have my young daughter help with. Add in the Seal Salt Caramel Chips and mix it for a few more seconds.
Pull out your favorite cookie sheet - I used an aluminum baking sheet and two Teflon cake pans. Drop a teaspoonful of cookie dough onto the cookie sheet and use your fingers to make each spoonful round. It took me years to learn that the cookies will bake in the shape they start out as in the pan. Leave a little over an inch between cookies and bake them at 375 for 8 - 10 minutes. The cookies are done when they are slightly browned on the top, but don't over bake them unless you like crunchy cookies.
My cookie testers (aka my hubby and brother-in-law) loved the cookies and would not have known they were gluten free unless I told them. The Sea Salt Caramel chips add a touch of sweet caramel that compliments the chocolate nicely.
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