writingsfromthesmp · 2 years
Small Town AU Expansion
Hey guys, so it's been fuckin forever since I posted on here, but I just wanted to let you guys know that, if anyone here remembers the Small Town AU I made for the Dream SMP, I've actually moved it over to AO3!
I've made some adjustments and the like and it's gonna be getting some proper fics - be they ship fics or just platonic friendship fics or family dynamic fics, there's gonna be a lot happening with it over on my AO3
So if by any chance any of you are still interested in it, check it out! For the moment it's just the revised cheat-sheet all put together but hopefully in the next week or so there'll be a full size fic added too! Let me know your thoughts and stuff! And any more suggestions or requests based around the AU are so welcome and are actually actively encouraged!
You can send any suggestions and stuff either to my inbox here, or you can send them to me on twitter (dms there are open or you can just tweet them at me) or you can comment on the AO3 page!
But yeah, it'd be really cool if you guys would check it out! Hope you're all doing good!
AO3 Page // Original Masterlist // Twitter
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
Getting Through THOSE Nights
(taken from my blog, link in bio!)
I’ve been having a lot of THOSE nights (capital let’s and italics very much needed)
It’s taken me years of getting through nights where I can’t sleep because I feel like I can’t breathe and I can’t be alone with my thoughts because holy shit that just not at all remotely what I need before I’ve gotten to this point where I have at least a small list of resources that consistently help me get through them
And just in case anyone out there reading this is having one of those nights themselves, here is that list. Please add on your own through comments or messaging me to add one – any suggestions are so, so appreciated if you think that they will help others in getting through those times
As far as I’m aware at the time of posting all of these resources are completely free to use and all the links work, if not let me know
Free knitting patterns – Easy knitting patterns for beginners. Even if you’re experienced with knitting on those nights sometimes all you want is something easy that you can complete quickly. Lovecrafts also has a lot of more advanced free knitting patterns if you want more of a challenge
Word Sprints – They start every half an hour, just write as much as you can. Be it a short story, poem, novel chapter or anything. Write to get your thoughts out and don’t stop writing. You get a star for every 100 words and it’s very satisfying (Here’s a link to my room – Nifty-Frogs-153 if you want some company there’s a chance me or someone else might be in there, otherwise it’s very easy to join the global sprint or create your own room)
This is Sand – Create some art online using different coloured sand
Weave Silk – Creates beautiful patterns that are really satisfying to watch and look at
Write a Letter – This isn’t an online resource, just something that I do to alleviate a little of my anxiety, which is to write a letter to myself. It works in a similar way to the word sprints, but a bit different in that I am directly trying to talk to myself and make sense of my thoughts
Spotalike – Put in a song that you like and it’ll create you a playlist based off of that song
Chill music – There’s a load of these on YouTube that you can check out but this is the one that I tend to come back to
Rain for Me – Listening to the rain to relax
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse Audio – Tim Uffindell reading the audiobook
Press this button – to make everything okay!
Neal.fun – This website is full of fun little mini-games and sites that serve as good distractions, I’ve linked a couple of my favourites below! Macaroni Draw – Paint with pasta Progress – Watch the progression of time Your Empire – Conquer the world based on the places you’ve visited
Picrew – I like to find fun-looking picrews to make either myself or just to mess around in!
Hermitcraft Season 7 – The playlist of all of Grian’s Hermitcraft videos from season 7. Even if you don’t typically watch Minecraft videos, Hermitcraft is the most relaxing thing to watch and season 7 Grian especially brought me a lot of comfort
Kitten Livestream – 24 hour livestream to watch kittens playing
Otter Livestream – 24 hour livestream to watch otters playing (there’s a load of other aquarium-based livestreams on here too: sharks, jellyfish, etc. it’s just that I love otters)
Twitch – You’ll always be able to find someone to watch as background noise on Twitch as a distraction, I’ve linked a couple of my favourites below
The Butterfly Project – For when you feel the urge to self harm
Samaritans – I believe this is just a UK based project (other than the email service, though please don’t use this for emergencies) Call 116 123
The Trevor Project – A US-based project set up to help struggling LGBTQ+ teens Call 1-866-488-7386
7 Cups – Online support for those that need it
Please do add suggest some of your own coping tools to get through those nights, I hope that you’re all staying safe and keeping well
Freddie 🐸
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
Dream SMP Blanket Blog
Alright boys - no, this isn’t an official update to the blanket (though I have about a million more squares designed, improved and a couple done but not ready to be posted about)
But it is a blanket update related to my proper blog (link in bio!!)
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Over the past couple of days I pretty much completely redesigned the look of the blanket page of my blog in the hopes of making it a million times easier both for you guys to navigate and for me to keep it updated!
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The initial page is split up into the different factions as well as those who aren’t currently a part of factions and those that are dead or have died and then been revived (there’s also a Kinoko Kingdom page but it’s above these). In the future, the pictures will instead be either of the flags (I already have converted them into knitting patterns - v exciting for me) or in the cases of the Syndicate, for example, something that represents the faction as a whole
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On each page there’s a little intro to what it’s about (for the moment it’s just the same on every page) and I’m going to try and keep those intros updated with the plans I currently have regarding the progress of some of the squares and things like that
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And then finally there’s the content of the actual pages, which is basically set out like this with a column for each member of the faction and links to their original blog posts as well as the blog posts themselves in a little section right down at the bottom of the page
So yeah! Please do check it out and let me know what you think of the new design! And also let me know any suggestions you have for the squares I said I was stuck on! Any help at all is so very, very appreciated. You can find the link in my bio (if I link it here it will mess up the Tumblr tagging system because we love Tumblr like that)
Freddie 🐸
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
Also you remember that ask I got fuckinnweeks ago about an apartment au??? I’ve been planning some stuff for that as well so you guys want those headcannons as well or...?
Lmao so I have a load of small town drafts that are pretty much completed that I fuckin forgot to post so do y’all want that or... is the small town!au old news???
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
Lmao so I have a load of small town drafts that are pretty much completed that I fuckin forgot to post so do y’all want that or... is the small town!au old news???
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
I just discovered Reece’s peanut butter cups and bruh I feel like I’ve been missing out on them for 18 years I’m so in love
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
Eret's "betrayal" was during April fools cause someone somehow started a town wide paintball battle and the ending of the paintball war was decided by a duel between Dream and Tommy and Dream was already mad enough that his entire town was turned into a fucking war zone, so he took no mercy on Tommy. "It was never meant to be" Became a highly used term and Eret will never live it down.
Lmao yes - it started because Wilbur had heard Dream complaining about how much he had to listen to Wilbur and Tommy (and Tubbo) singing to Hamilton in the streets and thought it would be funny to paintball him on April Fools
April Fools was then turned into a giant paintball match 😂
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
Yeah go ahead with the part time coach for punz I love that
Hell ye- I’m gonna put out my thoughts a little later when I write up some more random headcannons
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
Small town shit coming soon!!
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
What's puppet history?
BRUH I fuckin LOVE puppet history - if you watch Buzzfeed Unsolved it’s done by the two people from that on their own channel (Watcher) and it’s basically a contest about like historical events, hosted by a puppet named The Professor. He teaches the two contestants about an event, sprinkled in with questions and the winner at the end of every episode wins jellybeans and there’s a song
And I just love it okay (side note: all the Watcher series are brilliant 100% check it out!), it’s got Horrible History vibes and it’s great
But yeah, I have many ideas for them to be in the AU (not permanent residents but yeah)
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
With the return of puppet history I lowkey really wanna add the watcher crew into the small town!au. I know they’re not SMP but... I have many thoughts...
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
SMP Small Town Navigation
Here’s the basic ways of navigating through some of the SMP small town!AU posts!
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Map (not fully updated, missing some shops and the like but gets the point across)
Jobs (1) - Dream, George, Sapnap, Sam, Fundy, Bad, Skeppy, Phil, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Purpled, Technoblade, Wilbur, Quackity, Karl, Captain Puffy, Niki, Schlatt, Foolish__Gamers, Callahan
Jobs (2) - Eret, Hannahxxrose, 5Up, Ponk
Jobs (3) - HBomb, Connoreatspants, Antfrost, Velvetiscake, Crumb/Cuptoast
Mr Beast Crew
Roommate Headcannons
Random Headcannons
Small Town Tag (concepts, more headcannons etc)
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
Ayo might hit y’all with some more random small town brain rot headcannons!!!
Also do you guys want me to make a masterlist with the major posts on? Like the introductory headcannons, map and the random headcannon posts????
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
Hey you got and Sparklez and Crumb hcs? Idk why just I'm just craving some adorable Parent-Kid dynamics
I am completely exhausted and haven’t watched these dudes in a solid while so sorry if these are a little incoherent!
When Crumb was younger she had a habit of trying to “help” her dad when he was at work, something which was pretty dangerous around people fixing cars - to deter her from trying to help Sparklez bought her sketchbooks and paint, which is what got her into drawing
When Eret gave Crumb a job at the tourist centre, Sparklez went to talk to them to make sure that it was a good environment for Crumb to be working in - it literally just took him like 2 seconds to decide that Erets shop was a good place for Crumb to work and the two of them very quickly became friends
When Crumb first started hanging out with the Cogchamp gang, Sparklez was mildly concerned because he didn’t really know Sam or 5Up or Fundy but then he saw that Ranboo was a part of it and he is certain that Ranboo is the most mature child in the world and so he was okay with Crumb spending so much time with them all
Crumb has been trying to convince Sparklez to let Tubbo come on their next trip to the country with them because she wants to show him the farm
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
The only idea I have for punz for some reason is that he is a retail banker. Since in the smp his character cares about money as a mercenary, I feel like in this au his job is about money as well but in a different way. Also imagining him having to help everyone in the town and their finance is funny, chaos would definitely happen.
Hey this is a real heckin cool idea!!! I’m a big big fan of this ngl!
Also can I put forward the idea that him and Sapnap in their free time coach the school rugby team?? 👉🏻👈🏻
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writingsfromthesmp · 3 years
Ok so I've got nothing for punz but I can just imagine him dreading everytime he enters the coffee shop and Velvet is working the shift instead of the other 3 because man's always roasting him the most out of all the customers. It's even worse when Ant's there because he's "getting ganged up by the fucking couple dude". But he secretly finds the roasting funny and him and Velvet are close friends (this was inspired by puffy's latest jackbox stream especially in that one rap battle)
Oh god yeah 100% - he like asks Sapnap for Velvets working hours so that he can avoid going in at those times but sometimes Sapnap just gets bored and tells him the wrong times just so he can watch Velvet bullying him 😂
We really need to give Punz a workplace geez, one neighbourhood cryptid (Callahan) is enough I think
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