writing-pocalypse · 5 years
Imagine your OC with wayy too much coffee
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writing-pocalypse · 6 years
OCtober Day 4: Birthday
A/N: Just a short lil thing. I’m pretending that I did the first three days of this. Using @oc-growth-and-development ‘s prompts for this. Also Arcene’s birthday is October 31st but it was the closet to the prompt. OC List is right here my dudes.
Arcene woke up slowly, originally confused on why the bed was empty near her. She could hear a quite argument happening outside of the room she shared with her boyfriends. The argument was getting slightly louder, indicating that either one of her boys was getting upset or they were getting closer. Deciding to get up and investigate, Arcene left the warmth of the blankets and picked up one of the many shirts laying on the floor. The arguing quieted abruptly when Arcene opened the door. Xander and Adam were standing there with embarrassed smiles on their faces. “Did we wake you?” Xander questioned as he walked up to Arcene and kissed her head.
Arcene smiled at him and kissed his cheek back, “Nah, I was waking up anyway. What are you two doing up so early?” Adam stepped away from the counter and revealed a very intricately set up french toast breakfast. “Aw! You guys didn’t have to!”
“We wanted to surprise you… Happy Birthday baby girl.” Adam wrapped his arms around Arcene’s smaller frame.
Xander laughs from behind them, “I hate to ruin the moment you two, but we better take a picture of that lovely breakfast before it gets cold. I worked hard on this.”
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writing-pocalypse · 6 years
Character A: [Character B], I'm going to ask you not to do anything violent.
Character B: What? What are you talking about? I only use violence as an appropriate response.
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writing-pocalypse · 6 years
Satan: Hey, I bought your soul last month and-
Character A: No returns.
Satan: Please, it's making me sad.
(submitted by honeystarsyt)
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writing-pocalypse · 6 years
Character A: Google, how do I get revenge on those who have forsaken me?
Google: The best revenge is letting go and living well.
Character A:
Character A: Yahoo, how do I get--
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writing-pocalypse · 6 years
Character A: [Character B], look, it’s the good kush!
Character B: This is the dollar store. How good can it be?
(submitted by aceofsquiddles)
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writing-pocalypse · 6 years
Which OC wears shoes that are worth more than the rest of their outfit combined?
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writing-pocalypse · 6 years
Character A: I wasn’t injured. I was lightly stabbed.
Character B: I’m sorry, you were stabbed?
Character A: Lightly stabbed. I didn’t want to frighten you.
(submitted by fabulousninji)
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writing-pocalypse · 6 years
Which OC should come with a parental advisory?
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writing-pocalypse · 7 years
Character A: See, we have a good parent/child relationship because I can be mean to you without feeling bad.
Parent: That’s not a good relationship, it’s mean.
(submitted by defiantlytrash)
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writing-pocalypse · 7 years
Character A: Does [Character C] ever sleep?
Character B: I think they periodically make a whirring noise and then shut down.
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writing-pocalypse · 7 years
Slytherin: I don’t want to talk about it.
Ravenclaw: Do you want me to sit here and brood in silence with you?
Slytherin: …Do you have depressing poetry?
Ravenclaw: *pulls huge book out of their bag* Of course.
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writing-pocalypse · 7 years
Slytherin: shit, i look hot
Hufflepuff: yeah, you do
Slytherin: *completely shocked*
Hufflepuff: what? You didn’t expect it? Baby, I could eat you with some cream
Slytherin: *blushing furiously*
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writing-pocalypse · 7 years
(A/N: Another piece of my writing, this one is more centered around a lot of people and not just the Lanes. Sorry if I butchered your language. Nighty, Adam, Chase, Xander, and Delmira belong to @galaxsona) 
An Exploration of the characters Family Dynamics.
Alexander pulls the garlic bread out of the oven and places it on the counter to cool. The front door was noisily pushed open and equally as noisily closed, “Schätzchen! Prinz! Bärchen! Liebling! Welcome home! Dinner just got done.” There’s a chorus of tired cheers and the tired athletes squeeze into the kitchen.
“Hey Vati.” Luna hugs his side, grabbing a piece of garlic bread on the way.
Nighty grabs five bowls from the cabinet and slides four of them onto the counter, bumping Luna and Alexander out of the way to fill her own bowl. “How was your day, Papa?”
“Good. Was practice hard?” Alexander questions, ladling his own soup into his bowl.
“The same as usual, slowly mounting stress, Nighty almost killed me and Luna several times, Axel is a saint. You know, the usual.” Abrax answers as he and the other two join Nighty and Alexander at the table.
“Wanna hear about some bullshit that happened at work?”
“Hell yeah!”
Across town a different family is in a similar situation. “How was business today abuela?”
“Good Rosa, how was class?” Bella’s grandmother sets down two plates of food and sits across from her granddaughter.
“Two kids almost got into a fight during lunch, but otherwise uneventful.” Bella notes the missing plates from the table. “Just us tonight?”
“Santiago is at his little girlfriend’s house, your mamá is on a business trip but you knew that, and your abuelo is closing down the shop with your papá.” Bella hums in acknowledgment, already shoveling food into her mouth. “Speaking of your abuelo!”
“What did he do this time?”
“Oh don’t even get me started!”
Xander Smith flicks through a menu carefully, more for show than anything. “They’ve added a new kind of steak to the menu.” He mummers, lowering it enough to look at his parents.
“Another one? How many more different ways can you cook a steak?” His mother questions, signaling for the waiter to come their way when he gets the chance.
“Only like... twelve, but if you change the name and description to something fancier you can charge more.” Xander quips back.
His parents laugh a little before his father fully turns his attention to his son, “So how was school today?”
“The usual school. Some kids almost got into a fight at lunch, Bella wants to come over this weekend.”
“And how’s that little boyfriend of yours? Adam right?” Xander blushes a little at the mention of Adam, “So he’s treating you well?”
“Dad! We aren’t even officially dating yet.” Xander whines, dramatically bringing his normally baritone voice up a few octaves to get his parents to laugh.
His mom replies, reaching across the table to grab Xander’s hand, “His loss. I raised a very handsome and gentlemanly child, you know.”
“Mom… I’m your only son.” Xander deadpans which sends his parents into another small laughing fit.
Chase drummed his fingers on the wheel of his car, Adam bopping his head next to him. The duo was sitting in the drive-thru of an In-and-Out, waiting for their food to be done. The worker hands Chase their food and they drive off, cranking the music louder. Adam begins to dig into his food as soon as it’s in his lap, “You have any idea where mom and dad are?”
Chase snorts, “No, but who needs them anyway?”
“You’re right, but I wanted to know if I could have Xander over without having to explain… them.”
“Nah, you’re good to go dude. Don’t be too loud.”
Adam slaps Chase’s arm, causing him to laugh out loud, “Dude shut up! We aren’t a thing!”
“Yeah, whatever bro.”
“Honeybee! Dinners done!”
“I’ll be out in a thecond!” Delmira calls back, narrowing her eyes and pushing her glasses back down.
The door to her office is pushed open and Catherine stands in the open door frame, “Honey pie you’ve been working all day.”
“Thorry kitten, you know how important thith ith.”
Catherine sighs, her hair bouncing with the movement as she walks to her girlfriend - almost fiancée - and her voice adopting the cutesy tone when she gets when she wants Delmira to pay attention to her, “I know sweet pea, it’s pawsitively important to both us-”
“So can I get back to work?” Delmira’s voice is deadpan, her resolve is slowly slipping but she can survive if Catherine doesn’t-
“- but it’s not healthy fur you to bee staring at that screen all damn day.” Catherine brushes some of Delmira’s hair out of the way and presses a kiss to the side of her neck. “And ‘sides, there’s someone special that’s gonna have her felines hurt beclaws you haven’t paid attention to her.”
Delmira groans and turns her chair around to face her girlfriend, “That was pawsitively too many puns.”
“Sorry honey, I’ll stop pollen your leg, hive convinced you enough.” Catherine’s little giggle is heaven on earth in Delmira’s eyes, and she decides to prove it - and stop the puns - by pulling her shorter girlfriend down into a kiss. Catherine pulls back a little, “Dinner’s gonna get cold.”
“Let it.” Delmira pushes herself up from the chair and kisses Catherine again.
Hunter sighs and cleans up the abandoned plates left on the table, “Alone for dinner once again.”
Not much ever happens in the Doberman house.
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writing-pocalypse · 7 years
Character A: I smell like heartbreak.
Character B: Tequila and sloppy rebound sex?
Character A: How did you know?
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writing-pocalypse · 7 years
Which OC would eat an entire jar of peanut butter on its own?
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writing-pocalypse · 7 years
Which Hogwarts house would your OC be sorted into - Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin?
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