snow bunny once more
done with being daddy’s little princess, that snow bunny life is better anyway
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Despite all the glitter that people throw at college life, it’s not always as glamorous as it’s made out to be. There are good times, there are some okay times, and there are definitely some bad times. There are times when you love your school and other times when you kinda just wish you hadn’t chosen it and went somewhere else. There are times when your grades are great, and unfortunately there are times when your GPA becomes a looming shadow waiting for your demise. There are times when you love your friends, and times when you realize that you may not have made the best choices with some of them. For me, I’m in one of those moments where I’ve felt that my best friend since I’ve been at this school has not really been the greatest of friends to me for the past academic year. Honestly, I can barely say she’s been a friend at all this semester. Yet I’ve been trying to convince myself otherwise because other people have shown concern for me and say that I should really just not put as much effort towards her since she doesn't reciprocate. I’m kinda just done trying to be friends with her with the way she’s been treating me, all the while calling me a best friend but only when it’s convenient for her. It’s made me realize that despite the great times we’ve had together, out time is over, and it’s time to move on. It just sucks going to this school where everyone forms a clique at the start of their freshman year here and have the “no new friends” motto. I’m not very social, and I do have other friends here, but I’d be intruding on their cliques and things change rapidly as time passes in college, and especially if you change your major. So I guess I’m left with the shadows here. I mean my boyfriend is amazing and is one of my best friends, and I talk to my other best friends from before even though we all went to different schools hundreds of miles apart, but it’s not the same as having someone on campus with you...especially when you have to live with them. 
Anyways, my rant is done. Sorry about that.
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Baby Girl
So one moment out of the shadows led me to being a snow bunny, another moment now has me as daddy's little girl...no complaints though ;)
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A lot of people don't grasp that anxiety attacks don't always mean having a break down in the middle of something...that's why I like the shadows, they comfort me, they hide me
Anxiety attacks aren’t always hyperventilating and rocking back and forth
Anxiety attacks can take different forms, such as:
Unpredictable bouts of rage or irritability
Nit-pickiness (obsessive behavior, which may be a part of OCD), and even a hypersensitivity to disarray, chaos, or any sort of change
Fast-talking, stuttering, stumbling over words
Not talking at all
Sitting rigid, staring into space, almost seeming “zoned out”
Understanding the way our or other’s anxiety works can help to decrease the stigma and help to calm a person faster and get them out of that state. These are just a few, but it gives an idea of the range in which attacks can come.
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what do you do when all you want to do is hide in the shadows? like what if help isn’t actually helping?
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The worst part about losing someone without losing them to death, is that you miss the memory of them, but you know that you have both grown apart for so long that nothing would be as it were before. That there can never be the same bond, and that's why you're sad, because in the end that relationship you had has ceased to exist long ago, to never return. In other words, I miss a bond I had with someone that can never be replaced.
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snow bunny
so in other news, being a snow bunny might not be such a bad thing...i’m still chilling in the shadows but i’m even being pursued by others... i still have no idea how this happened though
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Night 🌙
Another sleepless night, but no surprise about that with all the stress I'm under at the moment... Can the shadows please just embrace me?
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so i step out of the shadows for like 5 seconds and now this guy wants me to be his “snowbunny”
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can it please just rain so i can dance already?
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psa from the shadows
shoutout to @myrelationshipwithlove for the being the first blogger to like one of my posts, you da real mvp
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Milksnake vs. Cornsnake?
So I want to get a snake, but I’m debating if I can truly afford to have one...   ugh the struggles of living in the shadows
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I’m coming out of the shadows just to say that it’s finally October and I can’t wait for halloween...okay, I can retreat again now
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so do I magically become famous within the next 24 hours? or do I just stay hidden in the shadows of tumblr?
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when you find out that you could’ve slept during the dark of the night because you only had 1 exam today, but instead you pulled an all-nighter 
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when you have 2 exams tomorrow morning and all you want to do is make a pillow fort and watch old horror movies in the dark
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Hello from the shadows...
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