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Naly [] 18 [] And this is just a place for my fiction. [] Variety of fandoms: Superwholock, Merlin, Yogscast, etc
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writefic · 7 years ago
[Part of a much longer story based on this post; this first part is also a comic!)
Once upon a time (this is a game Brian plays with himself, on the bus, in the coffeehouse, at three in the morning when the sky is the indescribable color you only see in an overcast sky above a city. A game, except the fun went out of it long ago, and now it’s something crueler. Self-flagellation, maybe). Once up on a time there was a boy and a girl who tumbled into a fantasy world together. Once upon a time there was a boy who betrayed the world and a girl who saved it, and they were both sent home again. Once upon a time –
It’s been ten years.
Brian’s twenty-three now, for the second time, and Erin has just given up.
Once upon a time there was boy and a girl, and they were angry.
Erin was already there when Brian walked into the pub, slouched over the wood counter with her shoulder blades up like a shield. Before he could even say anything, she shoved a tumbler across the countertop. “I got you whiskey.”
Brian took a seat, and then the glass. Erin didn’t turn her head an inch. “I hate whiskey.”
“You tried to stab me through the heart,” she said. “Drink the fucking whiskey.”
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writefic · 8 years ago
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“penguins will push other penguins into the water to test for predators.”
i don’t usually listen to the radio… but when I do, I hear some interesting info sometimes;;; //they said this in a pirate voice too what is going on
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writefic · 8 years ago
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amir khusrow (1253–1325 CE)
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writefic · 8 years ago
why writing takes forever
writer: *stops mid-sentence* damn what's the word I want?
writer: *spends 25 minutes on google trying to figure out the right vocab word*
writer: *gets a paragraph done*
writer: *starts another sentence, stops* what is that really specific fact I need?
writer: *spends an hour trying to figure out this obscure thing that probably doesn't actually matter*
writer: Wait what's that thing called again?
writer: *has no idea how to search for what I need*
writer: *ends up digging through blogs and other archived websites for details*
writer: *needs to reference source material for fact checking*
writer: *has to eat and sleep at some point*
writer: should it be "she regards him with disdain" or "she glares at him with disdain" ??? (hint: it doesnt matter but gunna go back and forth over it for an hour)
writer: *gets distracted by the internet in general*
writer: HOW IS THIS ONLY 800 WORDS???????
writer: fuck proofreading
writer: okay fine i'll proofread.
writer: holy shit this is awful.
writer: *reworks entire sections*
writer: *doesn't think I'm good enough as a writer and stops for a few days*
writer: repeat process as needed.
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writefic · 8 years ago
I’m all for James and the boys still calling Lily “Evans” even when she changes her name but I am also here for Lily in seventh year accidentally responding when someone says, “Potter?” and her going red in the face when James looks at her afterwards
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writefic · 8 years ago
why come they called him “beast” in the castle when everyone knew his name cuz they’d been working for him forever anyway? like …. i would just be like “hey chewbacca-Adam” or some shit, there’s no reason to call him beast … id hide in my room all day too if my employees started making fun of me..
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writefic · 8 years ago
A cold dread climbed up Yuuri’s spine, vanishing the warm flush from winning and joy. Time slowed as he processed what Victor held so casually within his hands: his thoughts, his secrets, his heart. The smile that Yuuri drew countless of times seemed so mocking in light of the moment.
His breath hitched as he attempted to calm down, but the knowledge that Victor knew what was inside his sketchbook overwhelmed him. It was too revealing. Victor knew too much. Frustrated, tears welled up in his eyes as he angrily looked away from Victor and the crowd. He blinked furiously in hopes they’ll magically disappear but it only made them fall over the edge, which in turn made him angrier at himself and Victor.
Stunned, Victor stood frozen at the sight of the tearful boy in front of him. He glanced at the book within his hands and flipped to his favorite page. “Why are you crying?” He asked, awkwardly shoving the artwork in front of Yuuri’s eyes and flipping through other pages. “Don’t be embarrassed. I like your artwork. They’re beautiful pieces.”
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writefic · 8 years ago
Erotic Porridge
A short, random piece in honour of the woman who tried to set me up with her son today. He was cute, though, so…
Summary: Euphemia Potter thinks her doctor needs to go on a date with her son. Muggle AU, Lily is a doctor AU, Mum sets them up AU (are these things?)
The title of this story, by the way, has absolutely nothing to do with the content – I saw this phrase somewhere, @professor-riddikulus​ hated it so much that I threatened to write a story and title it “Erotic Porridge.” Because I have no fucks to give, here we are.
Also here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12397433/1/Erotic-Porridge
Lily Evans loved, bloody loved, being a doctor. Sure, the hours were shit, the patients could be right fucking annoying, the NHS never had enough fucking money, but at the end of the day, she loved taking care of her patients.
That feeling, though, is sometimes (usually) steamrolled by the stress that hits her the moment she walks into the door of her surgery at 630, a hour and a half before it opens, because she still has paperwork to finish from the night before, emails and phone calls to reply to, a schedule to check, and doublecheck, and follow-up calls to make for patients that she can’t book in to see her in person.
She logged into the computer behind the desk at reception, knowing full well that Frank would kick her fucking arse if he came in and saw her at his computer again, to check who she was seeing today. Ugh fuck Mr Johnson tomorrow?! Okay, no Lily, stick to today. We’ll worry about tomorrow tomorrow…
She’s booked solid, as always, and fuck, Frank leaves early today, but she saw a name towards the bottom of her schedule that made her break into a huge, relieved smile. Euphemia Potter - 1600
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writefic · 8 years ago
“I’m Yuri Plisetsky. Fight me.”
Yuuri stared at the angry underclassman blankly. “Is that how you always instigate your fights?” He asked curiously. “Does it usually work?”
The smaller Yuri fumed, gritting his teeth in frustration. “Shut up, Piggy,” he growled. “Shut up and fight me.”
Smirking, Yuuri tousled the younger Yuri’s blonde hair and tilted his head, mussing the hair even more afterwards. “For such a small ball of fiery rage, you sure have really soft hair.”
“There can only be one Yuri,” the younger shouted, swatting the warm hand from his head. “And I aim to be the best dueller here in Hogwarts.”
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writefic · 8 years ago
my entire life as a writer
Me: *spends 8 hours inventing wild types of dragons, re-writing the rules of death, and naming ancient curses*
Also me: *spends 8 hours researching the entrance to a clock tower in Mumbai as it stood in 1917 and how one could conceivably sneak into it just in case one person reads the singular scene featuring it some day and says "wait a minute, that staircase that probably only engineering officials have ever entered has 16 steps, not 17!!", sweats nervously, checks 18 sources, maybe cries*
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writefic · 8 years ago
Fan fic readers: omg!!! Can’t wait to see what happens next!!<3 xD
Fan fic writer, staring dumbly at the blank word document: me too, pal. me too…
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writefic · 8 years ago
Previous Chapters: 1 2
Chapter Preview: 
If Yuuri was honest, breakfast at Hogwarts was one of his most favorite things, along with lunch and dinner, but all were second in comparison to his mother’s homemade katsudon. Nothing could quite top that, not even the katsudons the house elves would make for him whenever he felt homesick. It never tasted the same, but he appreciated it all the same.
Either way, Yuuri still loved meals at Hogwarts. It reminded him of his family, coming together and eating, sharing their news and how their day went. Meals at Hogwarts brought warmth to Yuuri even on his bad days.
This morning was no different.
But, it wasn’t the same warmth.
Because he was late.
So late.
And he sprinted from his dorm to the Great Hall faster than he ever had before.
Oh, he was warm alright and slightly sweating, but he made it in time for breakfast. He burst through the doors, slightly panting in exhaustion, and hurried towards Phichit at the Hufflepuffs’ table. A quick flash of silver and wild hand movements caught his attention before he heard the loud shout of “Good morning, Yuuri!”
His face flushed, feeling warm for an entirely different reason again. “Good morning,” he called back with a short wave.
“Come sit with me,” Victor beamed.
Yuuri shook his head, glancing at the heads turned in his direction. “Sorry, not today. I have to talk to Phichit,” he blurted out, feeling a pang of guilt as Victor pouted and looked at the empty seat next to him longingly. “I-I’ll sit next to you tomorrow,” Yuuri paused, “if the offer still stands.”
Immediately, Victor flashed him a brilliant smile and winked.
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writefic · 8 years ago
Someone convinced him..
John: We should scare Mycroft.
Sherlock: Yes.
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writefic · 8 years ago
Previous Chapter: 1
Victor found the first couple days of Yuuri ducking into broom closets and tapestries to avoid him humorous. It was still funny as the week had passed, but as a month of avoidance ticked by, a whole month of seeing a dark-haired Hufflepuff scramble to the opposite direction in panic was wearing Victor’s patience thin. Not to mention the not-so-secretive whispers behind his back murmuring about how terrible he is for terrifying a poor helpless Hufflepuff.
Honestly, in the past week alone, he was approached by various different house members, who blatantly indicated that they thought he was different but were clearly wrong about him. He tried clearing it up, informed them that the reason he kept searching for the Hufflepuff was to return a few things and apologize, but their selective hearing only allowed them to hear apologize, in which they nodded their head and patted him on the back like their talk changed him.
‘Dumbledore would’ve been impressed with how well inter-house relationships are,’ Victor thought, as he lied in wait to ambush Yuuri. This wasn’t his proudest moment, being resorted to hiding inside a broom closet, but after week one of being avoided, the weight of the art supplies in his bag started to get heavier and heavier.
He did not feel guilty.
He just wasn’t used to having extra things in his bag.
That was it.
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writefic · 8 years ago
Honestly, we should’ve known. Should’ve known that the lady on the bus was some form of danger, especially so to tempt John Waston, owner of the subconscious danger radar.
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writefic · 8 years ago
Preview:  Shivering, Yuuri Katsuki began to meticulously go through his routine of setting up his art supplies. Winter had arrived at Hogwarts with freezing temperatures and countless snowfall, but despite the biting cold morning, Yuuri remained determined to finish prepping his supplies a safe distance away from the frozen-over Great Lake. His stiff fingers could hardly hold a pencil tight enough to actually sketch right now, and his teeth chattered a million times a second, even though his thick Hufflepuff scarf covered half his face, but it was all worth it.
Nearly two weeks ago, Yuuri came across the most beautiful sight he seen. He had gotten out of bed early to hopefully sketch and paint the fresh snow-ridden Hogwarts scenery, but was distracted instead with an ethereal figure gracefully ice skating on the Great Lake. The sight was breath-taking as a ray of light peeked through the gray clouds and sparkled on the silvery hair of the skater. Before he knew it, he sat down where he stood and immediately started sketching in his book. Despite the cold making his fingers stiff, they flew across the paper in excitement and recorded the art dancing on the lake - the ray of light, the brilliant ground, even the way the skater’s hair flowed.
But that was two weeks ago.
Now, Yuuri’s sketchbook was nearly filled with intricate details of the ethereal man skating on the ice. He didn’t mean to make this morning visit a routine, but each day he found himself getting out of bed and walking towards the lake, art supplies in hand. As the days turned into weeks, Yuuri learned new information about the skater, like he was a Slytherin and that he was definitely a morning person. Phichit Chulanont, his dorm mate and best friend, already informed him that it was awkward to draw someone at a distance without introducing their self, but Yuuri justified that it’s already been two weeks, and that surely by now, the person would know about Yuuri’s presence near the lake. Besides, he didn’t want discomfort marring the Slytherin’s peaceful countenance. The tranquility of the morning reflected upon the person’s face and Yuuri didn’t want to change anything about it. He was content to draw from afar.
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writefic · 8 years ago
So This Is Love
Requested on tumblr: James and Lily are so dating and it’s disgusting to everyone around them maybe just maybe James and Lily fight and in the middle of the GREAT HALL James says something “Lily Potter you come back here!” And then everyone is like ? And also !
Levins18 requested this and it turned into a 32 page story so that I could properly fit in everything that was asked for so specifically. Also I brought back my character Anna from The Quidditch Commentator because I missed her.
“You’re going to have to do something about that Prongs.”
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