Member Feature: Raven Branwen
Nowhere else to go
Raven had nowhere else to go.
Vernal was the only tribe member she’d had a bond with. The other two people she wanted to escape. So she followed her bond with Tai, hoping he wouldn’t notice her. She’d managed it so many times before. She forced herself to keep flying away from the house, each wingbeat more difficult than the last as the adrenaline rush from her fight with Cinder faded, and she could feel exhaustion and pain from the various small wounds she’d picked up starting to sink in.
Her flight faltered, and she was forced to land in a clearing by a cliff.  She shifted and staggered to her feet, only to find herself in front of Summer’s gravestone. She fell back to her knees as she tried to catch her breath, bowing her head as tears continued to fall.
Yang was right, she wasn’t strong.
The above is a starter written by own own Raven Branwen, @nevermoretheravenreturns.
Want to join a closed RP group with quality writing? Check out our group. We have tons of fantastic and talented writers looking for chaos and mayhem. We write canon, we write au, we write it all.
We have many exciting openings to choose from.
If this is what you want in an RP, check out our rules and applications!
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Member Feature: Summer Rose
STRQ Contrasts
@drunkscythmaster​ @nevermoretheravenreturns​ @prouddad39​
No sweat. Absolutely fine. Summer had been waiting for this moment after all, to show off what she could do and let her weapon do all the conversation for her, and hopefully get a great partner out of it.
She could only hope. Glancing to the side she gave Raven and Qrow a small smile. They were… a little odd, but if trusting her gut told her anything, they’d make it out fine. “Stay safe out there!” she said to them. No doubt they’d manage to find each other and partner up like they wanted– it was just the feeling she had.
The person next to her went flying and Summer took a deep breath, bracing herself. The next moment she was airborne, soaring over the trees of the Emerald Forest below, white cape billowing behind her. As she descended she used her weapon to help her steady her landing, maneuvering through branches until she slowed to a full stop. Well, that wasn’t so bad. Leaping to the ground she drew up her hood and her weapon, prepared to face anything that came her way.
The above is a starter written by own own Summer Rose, @roseskindlyscattered. 
Want to join a closed RP group with quality writing? Check out our group. We have tons of fantastic and talented writers looking for chaos and mayhem. We write canon, we write au, we write it all.
We have many exciting openings to choose from. 
If this is what you want in an RP, check out our rules and applications!
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This lovely opener is from one of our members. Want to join a closed RP group with quality writing? Check out our group. We have tons of fantastic and talented writers looking for chaos and mayhem. We write canon, we write au, we write it all.
We have many exciting openings to choose from.
If this is what you want in an RP, check out our rules and applications!
Nowhere else to go
Raven had nowhere else to go.
Vernal was the only tribe member she’d had a bond with. The other two people she wanted to escape. So she followed her bond with Tai, hoping he wouldn’t notice her. She’d managed it so many times before. She forced herself to keep flying away from the house, each wingbeat more difficult than the last as the adrenaline rush from her fight with Cinder faded, and she could feel exhaustion and pain from the various small wounds she’d picked up starting to sink in.
Her flight faltered, and she was forced to land in a clearing by a cliff.  She shifted and staggered to her feet, only to find herself in front of Summer’s gravestone. She fell back to her knees as she tried to catch her breath, bowing her head as tears continued to fall.
Yang was right, she wasn’t strong.
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A RWBY RP group hosting a safe closed community for all your RWBY writing needs. Check out the links bellow to learn more.
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You must post a paragraph-length (5 sentences at least) reply every 28 Days, per character, to remain in the group.
Activity checks are done on on the last Sunday of every four weeks.  If you have not posted in the allotted 28 days, an admin reach out to you about your situation and make sure you still have interest in the character.
If you have not responded to the admin within 7 days of the failed activity check, an unfollow for your character will be posted, and you will be taken off the Master List.
If you talk to an admin, but still don’t make an acceptable post within 56 Days, the unfollow and removal will go into effect.
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A RWBY RP group hosting a safe closed community for all your RWBY writing needs. Check out the links bellow to learn more.
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A RWBY RP group hosting a safe closed community for all your RWBY writing needs. Check out the links bellow to learn more.
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Come join World of Remnant RP!
A new RWBY RP group hosting a safe closed community for all your RWBY writing needs. Check out the links bellow to learn more.
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A RWBY RP group hosting a safe closed community for all your RWBY writing needs. Check out the links bellow to learn more.
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A RWBY RP group hosting a safe closed community for all your RWBY writing needs. Check out the links bellow to learn more.
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A RWBY RP group hosting a safe closed community for all your RWBY writing needs. Check out the links bellow to learn more.
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