Using Words to Fight For Women.
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womenemanatepower-blog · 8 years ago
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If I see someone who is clearly bothering a woman, or if they bother me, I say something. We are safer in numbers; we are safer when we help one another. If you see a woman who looks uncomfortable or who is being harassed, for the love of all that is good in this world, try and help them. If it means hurting the harasser's ego, so be it. Women's safety is more important than damaging someone's overgrown self-confidence. #women #safety #safetyinnumbers #saysomething #help #protect #bethechange #harassment #harass #harassers #ego #bruisedego #womenempowerment #feminism #feminist #femalepower
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womenemanatepower-blog · 8 years ago
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I've been seeing a lot of posts praising 13 Reasons Why on Netflix. I cannot watch it because *thankfully* I read a post warning those who have experienced sexual assault and/or mental illnesses like depression and anxiety may be triggered by it. Mental illness isn't fun, it can be crippling and prevent me, and others who live with mental illness, from doing everyday things. From what I've read, the creators of this series spoke with mental health professionals, and then ignored what they said and created a show that is damaging. Stop romanticizing mental illness because it devalues the lives and experiences of those who live with it. We should have more visibility about this issue, but I am not sure 13 Reasons Why sends the right message (again, I have read articles on this and haven't actually watched it for fear of being triggered). #13reasonswhy #mentalhealth #mentalillness #visibility #trigger #triggerwarning #depression #assault #anxiety #support #supporteachother #mentalhealthawareness #women #feminism #feminist
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womenemanatepower-blog · 8 years ago
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Telling boys "Don't be a sissy!" or, "You do ______ like a girl!" in order to make fun of them gives them negative views of feminine qualities. Girls and women are strong, smart, innovative, and are capable of anything they set their minds to do. If you hear someone call a boy or man a "sissy" in a derogatory way, say something! Doing something small can have a large impact. #sissy #sissies #girl #girls #women #men #boys #feminine #smart #innovative #capable #strong #smallact #bigimpact #stringertogether #support #supporteachother #feminism #feminist
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womenemanatepower-blog · 8 years ago
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Women who choose to wear makeup are not falsely advertising what they look like. Women can put whatever they want on their faces. Women do not wear makeup because we are seeking your approval. Women who wear makeup use it because they enjoy it, because it is another way to express themselves creatively or empower themselves. Women deserve the right to put whatever they choose on their faces without being scrutinized or cat-called. Keep your negative opinions to yourself. #makeup #creative #empower #empowerment #women #wechoose #catcalling #scrutiny #falseadvertising #feminism #feminist #womensbodiesaretheirown #support #supporteachother
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womenemanatepower-blog · 8 years ago
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When super strict dress codes are imposed upon young girls so that they don't "distract their male peers from learning" it sends the message that boys can't control themselves and that it is the girl's fault for having bodies that might arouse said boys. This makes boys think it's okay to act on those urges because it isn't their fault, it's the fault of all the girls around them. This leads to more insidious assumptions later on in life. This is one of the places where rape culture starts. We need to stop teaching girls to police their bodies, and instead to love their bodies. We need to teach boys to respect their female peers and that acting upon their impulses is their fault alone. #dresscodes #dresscode #boys #girls #impulse #impulses #body #bodies #rapecultire #stopthecycle #respect #respecteachother #women #men #feminism #feminist
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womenemanatepower-blog · 8 years ago
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Advertisements and society try to show us that we need to fit a certain standard to be celebrated and loved. While this is SLOWLY changing, I tell myself every day that no matter my size I have worth, I have strength, I have intelligence, I have love, and so much more. The size of your body does not determine your worth. #advertisements #society #bodypositive #bodypositivity #loveyourself #youhaveworth #youhavestrength #youhaveintelligence #youhavelove #celebrateyourself #effyourbeautystandards #woman #women #womenmatter #womensbodiesaretheirown #feminism #feminist #support #supporteachother
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womenemanatepower-blog · 8 years ago
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Women do not have to be feminine to be women. We can be bodybuilders, wear men's clothes, have deep voices, be adventurers, never wear dresses or skirts or makeup. The point is, women can be feminine if they want to, but they do not have to be feminine to be women. We define what it means to be a woman, not anyone else. #woman #women #makeup #clothes #adventure #ourchoice #definition #ourdefinition #feminine #femininity #valid #wearevalid #femalepower #feminist #feminism
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womenemanatepower-blog · 8 years ago
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Sometimes men ask me why I am polite to men who are bothering me instead of just telling them to leave me alone. The answer is this: rejecting unwanted advances is not as simple as it seems. If I don't know the person, how can I know how they will react to my rejection? I have been cursed at, followed, physically threatened, and more because I told a man to leave me alone. Being polite is an attempt to prevent worse things from happening. Once I gave a man a weird look because he ruffled my friend's hair at a bar. I didn't say anything but he took it upon himself to come over to me, verbally abuse me, threaten me, tell me he is a nice guy, followed me to my car, continued to yell at me as his friend is trying to drag him away and say "he really is a nice guy." If he had been a nice guy, his friend wouldn't have had to say so as he was physically restraining him from getting to me. Being nice is a preservation tactic. We aren't trying to encourage men by being nice, we're trying to get away without something worse happening. #unwanted #advances #unwantedadvances #nice #niceguys #socalledniceguys #notallmen #enoughmen #sayingnocanbedangerous #danger #dangerous #protection #selfprotection #selfpreservation #cursedat #verbalabuse #followed #threatened #leavemealone #leavewomenalone #strangers #protectwomen #protecteachother #ifyouseesomething #saysomething #intervene #women #femalepower #feminism #feminist
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womenemanatepower-blog · 8 years ago
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Men go topless at beaches, in parks, on the streets, and no one really thinks anything of it. But if a woman breastfeeds in public people think it's indecent or say something derogatory to her just for trying to feed her child. If a woman posts her nipples on Instagram the photo is taken down because it is considered pornographic and indecent. Almost everyone has nipples, so why are women's censored while men's are not? The only difference is that women's nipples could serve the purpose of feeding an infant. It's just another way to shame women and their bodies. #freethenipple #nipple #nipples #inequity #nipplesarenipples #breastfeeding #bodyshaming #effyourbeautystandards #stoptheshame #instagram #communityguidelines #equality #fightforequality #men #women #femalepower #feminist #feminism
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womenemanatepower-blog · 8 years ago
trans women are women
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womenemanatepower-blog · 8 years ago
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Women don't wear clothes so you can judge them, women who wear makeup are not falsely advertising, women who have piercings or tattoos or purple hair are not any different because of the way they choose to look. Women do not have to fit society's strict standards in order to be beautiful, smart, funny, worthy, or loved. Our bodies are not objects for people to stare at, yell sexist phrases at, or take by force. RESPECT WOMEN'S BODIES. RESPECT WOMEN. #women #repsect #equality #wearenotobjects #wearwhatyouwant #lookhowyouwant #tattoos #piercings #hair #makeup #effyourbeautystandards #youareworthy #youareloved #youmatter #womenmatter #femalepower #feminist #feminism #yourbodyyourchoice #womensbodiesaretheirown
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womenemanatepower-blog · 8 years ago
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In Arkansas they're trying to pass laws so trans women and men have to use the bathroom based on their biological sex. Trump is taking away the rights of the LGBTQ community. Now more than ever we need to fight the stereotype that women are only women if they were born with female reproductive organs. Trans women are women, and they deserve respect, dignity, and a wonderful life. #transwomenarewomen #transrights #fightforjustice #fightforequality #support #supporteachother #women #femalepower #feminism #feminist #hearourvoices #politiciansdontgettodecidehowwelive #equality #fightforequality #loveeachother
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womenemanatepower-blog · 8 years ago
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So many politicians making decisions about women's healthcare and reproductive organs aren't listening to women. We deserve healthcare, we deserve autonomy over our own bodies. #whenwomenspeaklisten #standtogether #listentowomen #listenup #women #womenshealthcare #reproductiverights #askwomen #autonomy #ourbodiesourchoice #healthcare #politicians #hearourvoices #feminism #feminist #support
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