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her phone was locked and purposefully thrown on the opposite side of the sofa for a few minutes now, which was quite the feat coming from beverly roberts of all people. at this point, asking the woman to stay off for a little while was laughable -- with a digital footprint to spark envy on the trendiest insta - model of the week, she barely had to try and attract herds of aspiring it girls to her profiles. these days, a lot more than that ended up making their way up to her page. their plans usually left them with a positive outcome in all fronts, but jackie's latest endeavor found a way to shook them over.
she trusted her lover's promise that all publicity is good publicity, of course. jackie is the product of years in this industry after all, and she's just... an actual really honorable architect whose professional and personal aesthetic choices resulted in a few moments in the spotlight. truth is, she didn't really know how to deal with it. the ability to turn anything into a vogue editorial was arguably jackie's best feature, but beverly should have been able to prevent this. she couldn't fathom the idea of jackie facing all this backlash alone, as if they were doing something wrong in the first place! usually, she managed to keep tabs of virtually everything; nothing wrong in getting a few gifts on the side, of course, but it's always best if the wives don't find out and give them hell for it. sometimes it's just hard to think straight with all those diamonds in plain sight.
beverly: and it's really not that bad, jacks. i checked tiktok and most comments are actually really supportive. one of them said you're like robin hood for girls.
except they were keeping the jewels to themselves, of course. plus, there were a lot of fancams of them to some of her favorite gwen stefani songs -- a personal victory. she has to keep those in mind when some particularly angry mean guy decides to rant away on her photos and finds a way to make lesser of her personal achievements just because of some stupid fucking gifts. sure, she got those things for free -- differently than the house they lived in, and her impeccable resumé, and the mostly untouched features that good god in heaven gifted her with!
beverly: oh! i love that. marc would definitely be down for a campaign with the court girls. you, winona, naomi, lindsay. ( bev gasps at her own idea. she really could've been a publicist. ) but i think psyche really would sell the look. i mean, at least on the purse, please! ( she has the exact one in mind. it's like she can visualize jackie, sitting on court, and the purple color of the bag tying the whole pink look together. ) i was thinking ysl, and maybe the new deville pumps. would that be too reputation ?
she's really not interested in fabricating a good girl image out of the blue; sure, beverly is innocent and obviously so is jackie, but that doesn't mean they must dress like pre - makeover cinderella. bev feels the weight of it all on her girlfriend's perfectly managed nervosism. sits straight up, shifts on the couch until she's close enough to have one arm around jackie's waist. a delicate pout curls her rosy lips; wtih a sigh, she scans the woman's features for any signs that things might be getting out of hand.
beverly: oh, these vacations are gonna be huge, miss monroe. we spent so long under the sun in those beaches, maybe we can take a couple months in a snowy landscape. finally drag dotty all the way to the alps like we promised. you know i'll follow you wherever. ( the thought is beyond perfection already; time with her friends and most importantly, jackie, is all she could ask under a shooting star. ) they have nothing on us, baby. and i know you know it, but also that it's scary. i can't believe i let those stupid old men slip, or that they think they could outsmart us. i really wish i could go all blonde-ambition-hair and just face this hell for you. but granted, i'd only look half as good in the photos.
“ we never go out of style . ” @gllianowens
it's a witch hunt, but instead of brooms and wands, they have perfectly conditionated hair and manicured nails. she doesn't care about being labeled a dumb blonde; it's all part of the business, but if anyone should be allowed to see how nervous jackie is about the trial, that one is beverly, the only one smart enough to not be fooled by the blonde locks and pink tendencies since forever. what would she do without her best friend, her girlfriend, always by her side, whether it's about a new pair of shoes or a fraud and theft scheme?
"we are the style, babe. court pictures will be the new trend again as soon as our own pictures are out, i'm sure." she tries to joke at first, like dipping her toes in cold water, waiting to see how much she is willing to talk. one thing she always appreciated about their relationship is how much of a secret language of their own they shared; some things were spoken through looks, other through gestures, at the end of the day they'd be smiling to each other and locking arms as always. but she wants to talk about it, feels it's important enough to not just brush it off and go on. "it's just... it's so ridiculous. there's barely a case. we are very pretty and charming so some men gifted us some jewelry. tale as old as time. i just hate when people think they can mess with us."
but there's no point in feeling bad for herself, and she refuses to do that. all publicity is good publicity; people are talking about them, and as soon as they are proven innocent, people will jump to the opportunity of exploring their images and personalities even more than they are already doing. she already has ideas for the next covers and interviews she'll give. "you know, i don't even wanna talk about it. we should start planning the clothes we will be wearing to court. i was thinking of something marc jacobs, like winona. or psyche haute couture. i have to have a chat with miuccia before deciding anything, though."
is this the right time to talk about marriage or far from it? jackie decides to not say anything yet, afraid it won't be taken seriously when she's so obviously fidgety. "after this whole thing, we should pack our things and stay away for a while. i'd like to visit dotty. stay off the radar. time for a good rebranding. i know we have just come back from vacations, but it's kinda the reason we will need another one."
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a kiss in the hand may be quite continental, but diamonds...
❝ ——— greetings from california, bitches! ❞ os braços erguidos, um grande v acima de sua cabeça, beverly comemorou, como se qualquer uma daquelas pessoas realmente se importasse com sua presença. v is for victory. e passariam a se importar, de qualquer maneira, como todos acabavam fazendo. beverly e jackie sempre traziam vida a todos os ambientes. qualquer viagem em um cruzeiro até agora perderia sua graça / nada como passar algumas semanas em alto mar na companhia daquelas senhoritas. a gigantesca mala sendo arrastada de um lado para o outro, beverly caminhou na ponta dos pés até a beira do píer, parando somente para esperar pela companheira. ❝ jackie! they always wait for two gals, love, but not this much. come on! ❞
o caminho até o deck do cruzeiro acabara sendo mais conturbado do que o imaginado. apesar de encontrar seus mais prezados alvos -- que apareciam na engomada e grisalha forma de riquíssimos empresários que preferiam encontrar conforto em estranhas e presenteá-las do que de fato encarar certas verdades na vida --, acabaram trombando em um time inteiro de qualquer-fosse-aquele-esporte. oof. beverly tinha total segurança em sua relação com jackie, mas a simples ideia de conseguir alguns presentinhos por fora graças a alguns atletas endinheirados parecia boa demais para passar despercebida. fez uma nota mental -- descobrir que esporte era aquele e porque todos homens pareciam tão animados sobre ele. entregando as malas para um dos marinheiros, agradecendo rapidamente por levá-la até o quarto. ❝ what do you say, miss monroe? first stop, super classy bar? i could really use some drinks before getting to work. ❞ sugeriu, enganchando seu braço no da outra, caminhando pelos decks enquanto analisava as pessoas, lugares e comportamentos.
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