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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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Missing home and the little joys of being there... (at Jamaica)
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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We reap what we sow, for every action there is a consequence... #honey #milkandhoney #bees #sweetpoetry (at Jamaica)
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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How does the ocean contain itself? If it were smaller would it be content living in bottles or a well? • • ° (at Jamaica)
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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Speaking our truth makes us vulnerable, but in doing so we liberate ourselves and empower those around us to do the same; to be true to themselves.."In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King, Jr In Celebration of Emancipation day(August 1st), public holiday in Jamaica. ◇ ◇ #poetry #poems #emancipation #freedom #motivation #poetsofig #poetryinmotion
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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So after watching a cricket match today after centuries of not watching one,its no wonder I was thinking about boundaries...boundaries we've established in relationships, in business, in friendships, in our minds...boundaries are at times necessary but can also get in the way of acting as a unified body to achieve desired goals...what are some of the boundaries you have set ? Do you think they need to be re-assesed?
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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I think poem describes me as much as it describes my homeland Jamaica, likkle bout 'tallawah'; diverse in so many ways..having so much to offer...
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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Let your imagination paint a way...there are endless possibilities! . . #poeticmind #poetrylanguage #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #poeticconversation #instapoem #instapoetry #poetsofig #writerserite #writerslife #poetsofinstagram #poetry #poems #poethic #poetryisnotdead #poetrysociety #wordswithqueens #writersofinstagram #authorsofig #poeticjustice #writersofig #poetsofinstagram #buttonpoetry #wordsmith #writersuniverse #poemsofig #poetrylife #soulsearching #creativewriting
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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There are days when my extroversion surprises me...there are other days when I'm gud with just me..call me 'sometimish' . . #infjproblems #infjpersonality #infjgirl #infjlife #infjconfessions #infjgirl #infp #infpquotes (at Jamaica)
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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When you behold your rage in the mirror of your past do you call it pretty? (at Jamaica)
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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And finally the story you've all been waiting for: . . The rainbow poetry series  draws from the experiences of different relationships over the years. The poems are infused with reality and a dash of imagination. The first poem in the series, the Red, "Sleeping with Time" reflects on the sentimentality attached to objects we are often gifted. It tells the story of me, basically going to bed wearing a watch I had been gifted when I missed the person who have it. "Opinionated" and "Dubious" draw from separate experiences where love was misappropriated as the only thing to show for this so called love was neglect . "Waterbaby" which is my personal favorite, as it is a bit different from the rest, was written from an introspective point of view and explored the relationship I had with myself. The green "Clover" which i believe is the most self explanatory shows an attempt at a perspective as to why I was neglected, hence the comparisons. Yet in all the comparison I realized that my differences made me a four-leaved clover. In some instances where you are  neglected you are often mislead by the why. People aren't always genuine with their intentions and so even after introspection getting to know yourself better, being confident, there is still need for caution, hence the poem "When Hearts Lie." At the end of the rainbow you will find your pot of gold, you will find a love you only imagined of and realize it was somewhere out there all along. It will "Rain", the purple symbolizes hope of the peace and magic rain(i.e. true love) brings.
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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Looking back at good times can bring such joy, cheers to the memories we will always hold dear🍾🍷 . . . #poeticmind #poetrylanguage #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #poeticconversation #instapoem #instapoetry #poetsofig #writerserite #writerslife #poetsofinstagram #poetry #poems #poethic #poetryisnotdead #poetrysociety #poethic #writersofinstagram #authorsofig #poeticjustice #writersofig #poetsofinstagram #buttonpoetry #wordsmith #writers #authors #nostalgia #lookingback
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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Sharing this awesome poem by the lovely lady @candyremnant... "Love song," What's your favourite line? Comment below... . . . #poeticmind #poetrylanguage #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #poeticconversation #instapoem #instapoetry #poetsofig #writerserite #writerslife #poetsofinstagram #poetry #poems #poethic #poetryisnotdead #poetrysociety #poethic #writersofinstagram #authorsofig #poeticjustice #writersofig #writersofinstagram #buttonpoetry #wordsmith #writers #authors
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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There was a time when this was only a dream... . . . #poeticmind #poetrylanguage #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #poeticconversation #instapoem #instapoetry #poetsofig #writerserite #writerslife #poetsofinstagram #poetry #poems #poethic #poetryisnotdead #poetrysociety #poethic #writersofinstagram #authorsofig #poeticjustice #writersofig #writersofinstagram #buttonpoetry #wordsmith #writers #authors
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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So it's been a long time coming, and Indigo is finally here... . . . thanks for all the 💞and support! . . . so the story behind the series is to come soon, know a few of you maybe wondering what was the inspiration behind these poems..stay tuned! #poeticmind #poetrylanguage #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #poeticconversation #indigo #instapoetry #poetsofig #writerserite #writerslife #poetsofinstagram #poetry #poems #poethic #poetryisnotdead #love #relationships #trust #authorsofig #poeticjustice #writersofig #writersofinstagram #buttonpoetry #poetrysociety #writers #authors #wordsmith #affairsoftheheart (at Jamaica)
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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Throw back tuesdays!..this one here is for you igers...wrote this poem in 2017...enjoy #ourworld #toast #poetryislove #poetryeveryday #lovepoetry #loquotes #lovesnotes #poetrygram #relationshipquotesandsayings #love #loveislove #lovepoems #home #lolovestory #poetryislife #spilledink #passion #writing #loveislove #poetrycommunity #buttonpoetry #poetsofinstagram #writingcommunity #writerserite #writerslife #poeticjustice #poethic #home #poeticmind (at Jamaica)
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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Don't major in the minor, don't make a mountain out of a hill.....Life is like a swing...#mindovermatter #navigatinglife #happy #affairsoftheheart #life #wanderlust #quotestoliveby #mondayvibes #quotesaboutlife #quotesdaily #quotesdailylife #lifelesson #quotesofig #enjoylife #enjoytheride #motivation #motivationalquotes #writerslife #writersofinstagram #writerscommunity #authorsofinstagram #authorsofig #success #successquotes #goals #inthenow #thebeautifulnow (at Kingston, Jamaica)
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womanunderconstruction · 7 years ago
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If i ever believed in magic, it would be in this...#poetryisawesome #love, #lovequotes, #poeticmind , #poetrylanguage , #poetrycommunity , #poeticconversation , #instapoem , #instapoetry, #loveisreal , #lovepoems #wordsofthewise ,#poetry, #poems , #poethic, #poetryisnotdead , #poetryislove, #trust, #wordgasm, #lovemeforme, #couplegoals, #poeticjustice, #writersofig, #writersofinstagram, #relationships #poetrysociety #buttonpoetry #poetsofig #writers #writerscommunity #writerslife #writerswrite #authorsofig
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