within-the-water · 5 days
Worshipping Poseidon
Chronically ill and homeless edition <3
Water is NOT a lazy offering. Drink it in honor of him, do libations with it, stir in some flavorings clockwise for an energy boost
Relax with some ocean soundscapes in the background, or while you walk place to place
Decorate your mobility aids with ocean scenery or cute little sharks and trident stickers.
Wear jewelry that you may have and carry with you Keep in mind that He does not judge, and if you are away and cannot handle an alter space, that is okay. Everything is okay, and he is still there even if you don't feel his presence for a time being.
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within-the-water · 5 days
7 pillars of Hellenism and Worshipping Poseidon
Inspired by the lovely @aphroditesprincessmaggie
Xenia: Hospitality, Generosity
To be welcoming and kind in His name, but to not let boundaries be overstepped.
2. Kharis: Appreciation, Gratitude
Show appreciation for His gifts and the blessings of his domains. Gratitude for the fish we gather, and the water we drink.
3. Eusebia: Reverence, Veneration
Recognize that they are ancient beings that resonated before us. They deserve our respect, and that mythos is just that. Myths. Even godspoused people, priests, and devotees must honor the gods and respect them.
4. Hagneia: Purity, purifying oneself
Purify oneself with khernips, veiling to maintain purity, ritual bathing, cleansing oneself with the oceans water, or just taking a shower in His honor are all very appreciated by Him.
5. Arete: Excellence, Brilliance
To follow ones path to your highest potential, this can be in any field. Career, Faith, Personal health, and many more.
6. Sophia: knowledge, wisdom
Learn. Learn. Learn. Learn about Him, his path, his current sufferings and doings, his legion, horses, earthquakes, pollution. Research how to clean up beaches safely, and to preserve our ocean wildlife. Even if you don't take steps to do it, or cannot do it due to mobility, maybe that knowledge can spread.
7. Sophrosyne: self-control, sound mind, balance
Remain sound minded, especially while you worship and pray. This can lead to a lot of positive qualities. Don't get an ego, and especially do not think of yourself as "better" than anyone solely for your worship.
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within-the-water · 18 days
Hey, random question as someone who knows like nothing about any of this stuff but just recently have felt extremely drawn to Poseidon (and intimidated at the same time somehow?) How would I know if he's reaching out/AKA just existing around me. If he does that?
To avoid ranting on, I'll put it short. When talking to my friend about their greek god oc, I essentially completely denied the gods' existence and lightheartrdly laughed about it. My friend gave me a list of greek gods to learn about for fun but for some reason whenever I see or think of Poseidon now, I feel like I'm being watched. Like he's hanging around just to be like 'I don't exist, huh?'
If it is him, I love the sense of humor but also this feels ominous. Likely cause I'm not used to it.
Okay, yes, I definitely had this experience, too. I've never doubted they weren't real, however I've ignored his call for an unnumbered amount of years. He was always hanging around, even giving glaringly obvious signs he was there. He loves to prove a point in my experience.
However, a lot of gods also do this, but trust your gut. They all have a lovely since of humor, as they've adapted with humanity as time goes on.
(So sorry that i'm just getting to your ask!)
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within-the-water · 20 days
I come here to pay my humble respects to this temple and the god who dwells in it. Hail Poseidon, lord of the seas, god of horses, Earthshaker and brother to Zeus!
Praised be My Lord Poseidon !
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within-the-water · 29 days
Temple posts will slow down a lot during this and next month, as i'm sure you've noticed. I will not get into the details of why besides I am looking into moving. This is time costly, but I will try to still make the posts. But for now, my sermons will be paused and may be queued every once in a while until we settle down.
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within-the-water · 29 days
If you're new to helpol, welcome! We're all very happy to have you here. It's ok to ask questions. There is nothing wrong with not knowing; everyone starts somewhere, and you're doing great! Always be open to learn, and know that the gods are much kinder than what the media depicts. Leave mythic literalism at the door if you'd like! I'd personally recommend it.
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within-the-water · 1 month
idk if I can ask this question but may I ask how you see Poseidon show up in your day to day life?
I ask bc I asked him to send me a sign if I can worship him, I always have a habit of doing this
and I haven't gotten a sign for a while now but don't know what to potentially look out for
I see Poseidon through all aspects of my life. Through the streams to the waves, through the horses I see day to day, through the clouds shaped as various shapes of fish, through people picking up liter around the earth, through classes for bettering oneself, through little cracks in the earth from errosion.
Water is all around us. You do not need signs to worship, nor is Poseidon keen on giving them. If you feel a calling to worship, then just do it.
Lord Poseidon is all around us, you just have to take notice of and appreciate his smaller aspects that are not horses, tridents, or even the ocean. I might make a post on it soon. <3
Take care and Blessed be~
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within-the-water · 1 month
Lord Poseidon, great King of the Sea
You command me at will, pushing me to thrive. You have helped me tame my anger, my hunger and have truly shown what it means to be human. That being human is beautiful and fascinating.
Lord Poseidon, hear my praise that I sing
I will forever hold you dear to my heart and soul.
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within-the-water · 1 month
Poseidon, the ever intimidating horse figure that could make any man shake from fear, you command respect as you command the waters of the sea.
You hold the power to make the very ground shake and split apart, yet I've never felt more put together than when you're guiding me.
Your protective nature is as fierce as a wild stallion, loyal and strong, unpredictable to many but truly consistent with your own values.
I dedicate these words to you, Lord Poseidon, for you have never ceased in pushing me to improve everyday.
You are the steady never-ending loving force that I've searched for all my life. I pray that our relationship will continue to flourish with time.
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within-the-water · 1 month
I'd like to know your opinion on this, if you have the time. Hermes is pretty chill with my lenient way of worship but I feel like that's probably because he just is a chill guy. Do you think Poseidon would not like that? I don't want to disrespect him straight out the gate
I cannot speak on behalf of your path, and your own relationship with Lord Poseidon. You will find your path, and you'll be comforted by it. If your relaxed in your practice, he will understand.
That being said, for me he is a strict deity. I am not telling you to worship no certain way, this is just my experience with him, okay?
He likes me to stick to a routine, routinely clean his altar and do offerings of incense and libations often. I also dedicate getting ready every day to him, ritual bathe in his honor on days that aren't Venus day. He loves general worship, and I see a lot of others with that experience as well. However, he doesn't really like working with witchcraft when it comes to me. Your experience may not be like mine at all, and he could be very relaxed!! I just need a rigorous routine for my personal life because I become anxious without it.
Find out what works best for you. Do not take this word as gospel, but just as friendly experience sharing.
I wish you the best on your path with him!
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within-the-water · 1 month
Hello!! Reblogging this to spread awareness that it has updated a LOT. Please recheck it out and a code of conduct will be on there soon. <3
Welcome to the Temple of Poseidon, a sacred place of worship for those who welcome him.
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[ Please keep rhetoric to oneself, this is a digital space of worship. It is not fandom at any, any point. ] This is a safe space for all systems, disabled people, the mentally ill, queer people, and people of color. I will preach this as a place of healing, and it shall stay that way.
I, Eirene [20], had my name recently changed through process of elimination in a divination session. I am a landlocked sea witch who grew up with horses, relying on them for transport and wishing that was still the way today.
My name change is mentioned because I feel like, through lots of guidance, have finally stepped into my role as a priestess / oracle. This took a lot for me, as devotion consumes me but I have only recently felt ready for this huge step in my life.
One day, I should hope to open a temple of my own sacred place.
This is your space, as well as mine! Do not be afraid to submit any form of devotion for Poseidon and honored deities. This may include art, prayers, experiences, offerings, poetry, spells, dreams, godspouse writings and more to present within the temple.
You may also request readings, prayers, digital offerings, etc! I may make an info graphic if people get more curious.
No one person is a spokesperson of a god. No one person can be, not even an oracle. Always trust your intuition and take my title as Priestess not as gospel, but as your friend. I do not wish to dictate or rule over anyone as that is not the way of the gods, nor my way of running a polytheist temple.
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Temple Discord ! Please DM if the link doesn't work <3 About Eirene Fellow E-temple List
#eirene posts -> my any and all posts
#eirene reblogs -> usually my boosts for deity content or very valued fundraisers
#poseion devotion -> ALL devotional works, mine and others
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within-the-water · 1 month
Hi, I have been thinking of worshipping Poseidon and just learned of Triton too. May I ask what he's like?
My experiences with Triton are seldom, but when he comes by curiously, I welcome him with open arms.
He's very curious in nature, cares a lot about endangered species and loves to chat. I'd reach out to him! He strikes me as one who'd love to help guide and be there for you. He brings a lot of lessons on change, though, so if you aren't ready for the topic - I would be careful.
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within-the-water · 1 month
Is it like. Socially acceptable to ask Lord Poseidon what He thinks about The Little Mermaid or would He just straight up murder me the next time I’m at the beach
This is a UPG post
As long as you aren't making fun of the religion, questions are okay and sometimes you do get answers to mundane things like that.
In my experience, he likes the modern depiction of mermaids for kids, but not so much as, say, Triton does.
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within-the-water · 2 months
Heyo! I’m extremely new to being a Poseidon worshipper (I only realized that he’s been calling out to me a few days ago!) but I’m very much not new to god/deity work in general and I’ve been a witch since I was a teenager! (I’m 23 now! :3) Anyways, I’ve got a small silly story about Poseidon that I wished to tell as an offering of sorts to this neat little blog!
A few years ago, I was at the beach with my family, and we were riding out the waves. I was starting to feel pretty cocky and confident because I felt like I was easily surpassing the waters, so I said out loud “IS THAT THE BEST YOU GOT POSEIDON?!” while pumping my fists out into the air.
Swiftly thereafter, I was sent tumbling upside down by the next wave, so hard that my family only saw my legs poking out of the water. I was fine, but by the time I got back up my family were all laughing their asses off at me. This is a fond memory for me nowadays, and I hope this counts as a good offer! It makes me smile whenever I think about it, and I can only hope it’ll bring some smiles to other people too 💙🌊
I will never stop talking about how he loves to dunk people😭💙
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within-the-water · 2 months
💙this was the first thing when I logged on, and I'm so grateful how much he watches over me.
Praise to lord Poseidon, thanks to him for protecting us in his domain 💙🌊
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within-the-water · 2 months
Scylla! Another commissioned post for temple, to support their fundraiser here! Let me just say that I appreciate all those who have helped me with my worship, and I reblog these posts to help spread interest and show off these wonderful posts for the community. While I don't focus on reblogs, Scylla is very important in the worship of Poseidon. She can help through shadow work, empower one, and much more. I plan to do more with her in the future.
Thank you, Stag for all of your amazing posts and I am excited to help you with your fundraiser, being one of the firsts to donate when I first ever saw the post. I really hope Yogi gets well and I wish prosperity upon you.
Blessed be,
🦈 Subtle Skylla Worship 🛞
Assert your boundaries; learn what they are (keep track if you need to)
Make it clear when your boundaries have been crossed; if it's happened multiple times and the other person is clearly not going to change, establish consequences for their actions
Be forgiving to an extent; make sure you're not needlessly sacrificing yourself to keep the waters calm
Find healthy vents for your anger (physical activity, art, writing, crafting, singing, drumming, etc.)
Get a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Have a stuffed animal dog, predatory fish (shark, dolphin, eel, etc.), hermit crab, or sea monster
Have imagery of sea monsters, rocky cliffs, raging seas, shipwrecks, bared teeth/pointed teeth, crab pincers, spooky merfolk, tridents (yes, really), or fish around
Live your life the way you want to, not the way that someone else wants you to; steer your own ship, remind yourself of your ability to do so
Attend a protest or activist event; join a group that supports causes you believe in (be safe always)
Stand up for yourself; you have teeth, you have claws
Learn self-defense (includes use of weapons instead of physical fighting)
Do not go out of your way to harm others; know when to take accountability for harm that you may have caused
Forgive yourself for past mistakes; learn from them, and let them be carried away with the waves
Visit the ocean or a body of water nearby
Go swimming or diving (safely, please)
Learn about the deep sea; learn about the creatures of the sea
Stay informed about water safety in your area (floods, riptides, undertoe, river currents, etc.); practice water safety when out in or near the water
Donate to/support ocean-focused organizations or dog shelters
Volunteer for ocean-focused organizations or dog shelters
Pick up trash near local bodies of water; always throw away your own trash
Focus on building your self-confidence; find empowerment within yourself
Remind yourself of your inner strength; remember how far you've come, and think of how much farther you have yet to go
Take risks; if you're scared, do it scared (to a reasonable extent)
Collect ethically sourced shark teeth (or similar)
If you find a hermit crab without a shell or using trash as a shell, give it a proper shell (here is a video showing how you can do this)
Take a warm bath/shower when you're upset; envision the water washing away the stress, anger, difficulty, etc.
Make yourself a warm drink with some zest to it (spicy hot chocolate, strong herbal tea, bitter coffee, etc.)
Stay hydrated; drink lots of water throughout the day
Learn about how to properly argue with someone; learn about different fallacies and debating techniques
Practice not taking insults too personally; remind yourself that the words of others do not define who you are
When you feel yourself wanting to react immediately and emotionally to something, try to take a step back and breathe for a moment; ground yourself before returning to the situation
Learn about healthy conflict resolution skills; practice implementing those skills, and go at your own pace
Walk your dogs, if you have any; play with your pets
Cook yourself a yummy meal; go the extra mile to make something delicious that you'll love
Eat three meals a day; make sure you're encouraging yourself to eat when you need to
Engage in physical exercise; stretch your body throughout the day
Try fishing or hunting (make sure you get the proper licensing required first, if needed; NEVER target an endangered or struggling species intentionally)
Get curious about the things that scare you; learning about the unknown takes away some element of fear
Learn what things trigger or upset you; rather than always avoiding them, practice grounding yourself if the topics happen to arise
Fall asleep/meditate to the sound of the ocean, ocean storms, waves crashing against rocks, or sea creatures
Listen/dance to music that empowers, encourages, or motivates you, or that makes you feel rebellious
In the future, I may add to this list, but for now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Skylla. She's not a figure I see worshipped often, but there's a lot of lessons I feel that she can teach. Skylla is an immensely powerful entity - one that has been said to be the doom of many sailors - and the amount of empowerment she can grant is untold. I hope someone finds this helpful. Remember your own strength. ❤️
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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within-the-water · 2 months
Another commissioned piece for you lovelies!!
Galatea is greatly honored so i'm happy to share this list with you all! 💙
Eirene and Farewell <3
🫧 Subtle Galatea Worship 🏞️
Help to keep local rivers and streams clean; pick up any trash you find when you visit
Fall asleep/meditate to sounds of rushing water or ocean waves
Get a candle that reminds you of her; no altar needed
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Collect beach (or lake) sand, sand dollars, seashells, smooth river stones, or sea glass
Use a river stone as a worry stone; rub it when you feel anxious, worried, or afraid
Eat cheese with crackers; try adding honey or meat to it (if lactose intolerant, maybe try fruit and Nutella)
Drink warm milk mixed with cinnamon and honey (or rich/flavorful herbal teas)
Stay hydrated; drink lots of water throughout the day
Learn about different grounding techniques; practice grounding regularly
Learn more about emotional regulation techniques; try to practice them when able
Allow yourself to feel your feelings; cry if you need to, it releases stress
Take an herbal bath with relaxing herbs, such as lavender (I recommend using an herb strainer for your drain)
Have a stuffed animal hippocampus, eel, sea lion, or dolphin; have a stuffed animal fresh water fish (especially those that live in streams/rivers)
Have imagery of mountain streams/rivers, calm oceans, hippocampus, sea monsters (especially those that would be fun to ride), seafoam, milk, seashells, Sicily's coast, the Mediterranean Sea, or water-dwelling creatures (fresh or salt water)
Donate to/support ocean-focused organizations or organizations supporting water-dwelling life of any kind
Volunteer for organizations that support the ocean or local bodies of water
Learn about the ocean and its animals; learn about water-dwelling creatures in general
Visit any points where one body of water flows into another, especially where a river flows naturally into the ocean
Visit a nearby ocean or stream
Create art using beach (or lake) sand, seashells, sea glass, or water-smoothed stones
Learn how to swim; go swimming in the ocean, a lake, or a pool (NOT ALL LAKES ARE SAFE TO SWIM IN!!!)
Stand barefoot in a stream or at the ocean's shore (please practice river/stream safety)
Engage in water sports; play water games (water guns, water balloons, water slides, etc.)
Engage in activities that calm/soothe you (reading, drawing, meditating, taking a walk, etc.)
Take a shower/bath at the end of a tough day; imagine cleansing yourself of all the things you found unpleasant about the day
Try water-based arts and crafts, such as watercolor or tea painting c:
Collect treasures you find buried within beach/lake sand (gemstones, jewelry, shells, rocks, coins, etc.)
This is my list of discreet ways to worship Galatea! I may add more in the future. For now, I hope someone finds this helpful! It is shockingly hard to find any information on Galatea worship, so I genuinely hope this can give her worshippers a bit of relief. Take care! 🩵
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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