.....Older sibling.....Wings of fire x older sibling!reader
Characters: Moonwatcher,Darkstalker,Qibli,Winter,Peril,Tsunami, Starlight.
Moon is very glad that she has someone who can guide her, encourage her, and just listen to her. You, like her, grew up in the Rainforest, so you can read minds, which makes it easier to understand her shy personality.
It was you who taught her how to hunt, so when Qibli asked her how she learned to hunt so well, she answered with a little pride, "My eldest sibling taught me that. He's quite good at hunting."
(And Qibli couldn't help but feel a small thread of envy, but he noted and analyzed this information in his head, realizing that she was on good terms with her older sibling.)
She loves spending time with you and you don't even have to say it out loud because you already know the answer thanks to mind reading. And she likes to spend time with you only when you are alone, away from everyone, where there is no one but you. Because with you she behaves more relaxed.
When Moonwatcher is nervous, she loves it when you put your paw on her shoulder, hug her with your wing, or touch her tail with your tail. This calms her down.
Kinkajou loves it when you come to visit her friend because you've become the big sister of the whole Jade mountain academy.And Qibli loves Kinkajou even more when you come over because he feels the care of an older sibling, which he never felt despite having an older brother and older sister.
Guess who Moon and Qibli asked for help when they couldn’t normally express their feelings for each other.(obviously they did it in secret from each other, while you giggled because they didn't know that their other half was asking you for help:})
It is reasonable to assume that you were the one protecting Darkstalker and your little sister from their parents. He remembers how you covered their ears with your paws and wings so that they could not hear their parents' screams.
He swore that when he killed Arctic, you would live happily. That's how it was....was.
While the Icewings didn't kill you, as revenge against Darkstalker. Whiteout took your death hard, as did Darkstalker, but he tried to cheer up his sister while he was in unimaginable pain. From the realization that even his magic can't bring you back. Nothing can bring you back.
He didn't understand why this world was so unfair and cruel. Were you guilty of anything? Were you guilty of smiling warmly at Whiteout and Darkstalker when they succeeded?That you comforted them after nightmares late at night? That you took care of them out of the whole family? Was that your karma?!
When he woke up after 2000 years of sleep, the biggest reason for his hatred of the Icewings was your death. And when his mother was freed, a tiny hope lit up his petrified heart that you're alive too. But you were still dead. Lying in the damp earth, until all that's left of you is memories, until even your bones have decomposed over time.
Qibli always wanted to know why you were so soft towards him. You gave him the last bits of food, even though you were hungry (and it doesn't lead to anything good), protected him from other siblings, mother and grandfather. And even if you could somehow fight back against your brother and sister, your mother and grandfather were merciless.
When you came to Thorn, he thought he could finally repay you in kind. Sometimes he did, but most of the time there was no way to repay your kindness. You caught a lot of crimes, and of course,Qibli was known to many. You were like him, but more agile in this life. You noticed more details than anyone who knew the dragon you were talking to, and could easily understand the motive his actions. From one glance and dialogue.
He always admired you and loved you. After all, you are the only one who could listen to him, prompt him and direct him on the right path. And although he partly understands why you are so cautious and distrustful towards other dragons, but he can't be as distrustful as you are (which you're actually glad about, because it's not a good feeling when you can't just start trusting a dragon because of your experience.)
Qibli is also not against physical contact, but he prefers do it alone, because yes, the past speaks to both of you. It calms him when you wrap your wings around him, allowing him to hide from the world and just let himself rest.
Winter is more pleased than ever to have someone to whom he can pour out his problems. As the eldest of the family, you have many tasks to do, such as training, lessons, and many other things, which is why you have VERY LITTLE time to eve n talk to other brothers and sisters.
But from time to time, when you would free time, you prefer to spend it with Winter and Icicle under the guise of training. After the "death" of Hailstorm, you became even more worried about the younger siblings, although you masterfully hid it.
You are the one who improves Winter's skills, cleverly changing the subject when his parents call him worthless again.
When Hailstorm returned, your joy knew no bounds. Then the idea arose in Winter's head that perhaps you, Winter and Hailstorm could spend time together as before (but his hopes were not justified, as sad as it was.)
You visit him at the shelter whenever possible, and he tells you about people with such enthusiasm that your head and ears may start to hurt from the hum. But what wouldn't you do for your brother's happiness, right?
You are probably the only dragon who has never been afraid of her. Since her hatching, you have been burned by her scales, but this has never been the cause of your fear. Nothing has made you afraid of Peril.
You tried to shield your little sister from the arena fights, but in her stupidity, she continued to blindly trust Scarlet. Until she met Clay, your words on this matter did not take her seriously.
When Ruby took the throne, things with your sister improved thanks to Clay, even if Peril was banished from the Skywing kingdom.
She began to spend more time with you, and often her conversations turned to Clay. She spoke of him more than often, and several times you teased her about it, to which she bristled, blushed and ran away. You laughed at her and decided to help her with this (which, in general, worked.)
When her scales stopped being deadly because of the scroll, she flew at full speed to hug you. It was the best feeling in her life.
And she wouldn't lie to herself that she was upset when her fire scales returned, even if it was by her own free will. She would like to hug you many more times:(
Both she and you were stunned when you met. It was surprising on your part that your little sister was standing in front of you right now, and it was surprising on her part that her older sibling was standing in front of her. But she was very happy to finally meet you. In no time, you became her sibling-friend (and she is more than happy with that.)
She loves to explore the sea palace with you, while you tell her about every painting, every exhibit and decoration. She never really liked history, but when you tell it, for some reason she becomes very interested.
But as much as she enjoyed listening to you, she couldn't stay in that restrictive palace any longer, so she gave up her royal life. You were understanding, and honestly, she was a little surprised by this (in a good way).
You often visit her at the academy, and she is only too happy to chat with you.
Like your father, you've always been interested in science. That's why Starlight is sooo happy to talk to you, because there's something to talk about. When you first met,you helped your father (carrying things and other small tasks), but you looked as if this work, and especially your father's work, was so exhausting you that you would soon fall from exhaustion.Starlight isn't stupid and he understands that you were forced to do this and that you feel sorry for the Rainwings too. He thought you were the only Nightwing who had empathy.
Throughout his stay on the volcano, you and he worked out a plan to free the Rainwings and escape. At first you were hesitant about the whole thing, because even if you didn't torture the Rainwings, you did help your father endure those horrible things. You didn't think you deserved forgiveness.But Starlight convinced you to run away with him because you weren't the one who willingly brought pain to dragons.
In fact, you calmed the Rainwings and brought them as much food as possible so that they would not die of hunger, but you never thought that this would help them in any way.... But it atoned for your guilt a little.
....Since you were threatened with death under absolutely any circumstances, it was very brave of you to do this. You even hissed at the cruel guards when they mocked the rainwings,so you became their little hope for liberation. And few actually held a grudge against you, because you saved them so many times.
When Starlight went blind, you were always there, helping him with everything. You also look in on your little brother in the library too often (so Glory sometimes gives you the sideways glances, but don't worry about it.)
Starlight secretly loves to cuddle with you, but he will never admit it, so feel free to spoil your little brother with hugs!=)
//Thank you for reading, my little dragons! I think we need more format with Wings of Fire characters😼 So I'll be happy to spoil you with this content! Today I took an unusual format for this book,because I haven't seen any "Sibling" headcanons with Wings of Fire anywhere.
With love, Snanieee!❥
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I forgot to post these lmao
Mlp as wof dragons!!!!
Part two
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Mha girls x male reader,who respects the girls in his class and protects them from Mineta and Denki.
Mina Ashido:
She didn't care much about Mineta's lustful words. It wasn't that she cared much about anyone's opinion, but it meant that she didn't feel good about Denki and Mineta peeking.
So, when you bowed your head in front of all the girls of Class 1-A for the first time, she thought that this is it. The guy who will become her best friend and advisor.
And she is very pleased when you stand up for her. Honestly, she will buy you your favorite sweets as a sign of gratitude.
And Ashido brings insane pleasure to watching you slap these two idiots upside the head for their lewdness. Out of all the girls, she reacts like a fan the most when you protect girls from kinks (sometimes Iida gets involved, but he doesn't do anything other than give comments and instructive lectures to Mineta and Denki).
Mina, she’s like your little fan when she shouts approvingly: “Yes, [Y/n], keep it up! Serves them right!” when you accompany the perverts away from the women’s locker room with a kick in the ass.
Ochaco Uraraka:
Believe me, she is very annoyed by Mineta and Denki's peeking eyes. She wants to become a hero, not someone who is spied on.
And her soul lightens every time you stop two perverts.
She is actually pleased that you respect her as a comrade and perceive her as a person, and not as a person with breasts larger than a man’s.
She, too, sometimes looks like a little fan, when you kick the stars of both the villains and Denki and Mineta. Only she, unlike Mina, does not behave so loudly. She will agree with every word Mina says, saying: “Yes!” and “I agree!”
She is also flattered that you are not afraid to show respect for girls, unlike many other guys.
“Wow, you’re really cool today, Uraraka!” you say with admiration, despite the fact that you are many times stronger than her.
“Yes, thank you, [Y/n]! You’re cool today too!” - *she answers you with a smile.*
Kyouka Jiro:
She is MORE THAN annoyed by these two idiots - Mineta and Denki - because they always behave very disrespectfully towards her classmates.
On the one hand, she is glad that they don’t say anything about her, but on the other hand....
Yes. She is more than glad that there is a person, especially a guy, who understands girls. You understand that no one will be happy if they are always spying on him. And she respects you for the same reason and is even friends with you.
I swear, if Denki or Mineta talk while you're away about how good it is that you're not here, or how annoying you are, she'll point her headphones at the person who said it.
.........Or break their skull with his guitar.......
As it was said earlier, you are the one who respects women and treats them as equals. And you are not afraid to show your respect, for example, by praising not only boys, but also girls.
She appreciates your praise.
“Jiro, it was cool!” you say, watching her train. And she smiles slightly at your sincerity.
Momo Yaoyorozu:
She is very uncomfortable when people spy on her. She wants people to notice her other qualities, and not just her large breasts, which are visible because of her quirk costume.
And she is incredibly pleased when you slap Denki and Mineta on the back of the head when they are up to something again. Moreover, you respect girls and understand that they don’t like it when people spy on them.
And when you, the guy who stands up for girls, praise her for the efforts she puts in, it really gives her motivation, as a sign that everything she does is not in vain.
And you also bowed your head to the girls when Mineta and Denki wanted to peek at them again, but you knocked them out. And you bowed your head in apology.
"I sincerely apologize for his disrespectful behavior towards you. Please accept my apology."
Here it is.
What she needed to hear. And the girls respect you from the very first time you stopped those two perverts, saving the girls.
Tsuyu Asui:
She didn't really care about the comments of perverts, but when they peek, she really gets annoyed. And she thanks you for understanding the problem of girls and preventing discomfort.
She took the initiative in friendship when you have already proven your respect for women and stood up for them a couple of times. And she is more than happy to be friends with a guy like you, understanding and reliable.
And by the way, even if she doesn't say it, she gets some pleasure from watching you a kick in the ass for Mineta and Denki.
Toru Hagakure:
Tohru is one of the most emotional people in the class. Therefore, she reacts quite violently to their antics.
Right after you stood up for the girls for the first time, she became friends with you, as did Mina. She likes to communicate with you, because your respect for the female sex gave impetus to the development of your friendship.
She can calmly complain about how she's sick of her period, and you'll listen to her and not be disgusted by her words. Hagakure appreciates that.
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•wings of fire•
To begin with: English is not my native language, so I am writing through a translator, so there may be some errors!!!^^^
Headcanon: How will they react to a hug/attempted hug?
She will be very surprised that you want to hug or touch her. This will be an unexpected but pleasant action on your part for her. Her scales make it impossible to touch her without getting hurt, which upsets both of you. She will be a little sad that neither she nor you can touch each other, but she will try to push it aside and spend time with you.
“Oh... Sorry, I completely forgot...” - you say awkwardly, coming to your senses in a second and moving away from Peril.
She is a little taken aback by your attempt to hug her.
"Nothing, [Y/N], don't worry."
Peril smiles awkwardly at you, waving her paw weakly and comfortingly.
Clay at first won't understand what you want to do, but then the realization shoots him in the head....
He will holler and open his wings so that he can wrap you up. Your wings touch his, and it warms you both. He chuckles quietly and stupidly, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.
"Oh... Sorry."
He will immediately guess what you want to do.
Quibli smiles widely, glowing with happiness. He presses tightly against you, and his warm scales warm yours. His wings have wrapped around your body and he is squeezing you so tightly that it must be difficult for you to breathe.
Quibli smiles stupidly, but happily, accompanied by your feignedly displeased groaning.
The blind baby dragon is scared and dumbfounded for the first seconds by such a close space between you. You laugh at his reaction and squeeze him even tighter as he groans in surprise.
Starlight is embarrassed, and only you can see his barely noticeable blush on his black scales.
He squealed when you hugged him sharply. He didn't expect this, and for a second he was more scared than ever.
He tells you in a voice trembling with embarrassment that this was very unexpected.
He can’t move from embarrassment, so he just sits obediently in your arms.
His cold scales press against yours, giving you a slight chill.
Winter is too embarrassed to return the hug, and he's flushed all over, so it's not a winning position for him...
He grumbles quietly as you chuckle at his reaction, but he's more than pleased with your gesture.
Thanks for reading!❥
By Snanieee.
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