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Our latest blog is up! Check out everything that happened in advertising
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Best pieces of marketing this week!
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We love Gary and we think you should too!
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Our second issue of Friday’s Finest is up!
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Our new blog post is up! Check out my favorite ads of the week.
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Great piece from SMM
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Our second blog is officially up! Find out how to take killer Instagram photos!
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5 Ways to Increase Your Business Page Facebook Likes
If you are living in 2016 and not under a rock, you know most small businesses use Facebook as a vital part of their marketing strategy. Within my 5 years of marketing, I’ve seen a multitude of Facebook pages plateau and business owners are often left scratching their heads. These 5 simple solutions should attract more people to your page and help you increase those pesky little “Thumbs Up”.
The content you choose to put on your page MATTERS. Shocking right? I’ve ran media pages for a plethora of business types: appliance stores, universities, dental; you name it! Regardless of the type of business you run, make your content fun. Have a flower shop? Post pictures of a stunning bouquet. In home maintenance? Trying posting about a renovation gone wrong! As long as the post falls under the 3 Rs (Relevant, Recent, and/or reliable. Give some goofy things a try and gauge those to see what’s working.
Sometimes I’ll be sipping my morning coffee and reading AdWeek. I’ll come across something in my industry and immediately post it on the WIndigo24 Facebook page. It’s the old salesmen rule of ‘Always be Closing”. When I worked in the sales industry, my boss told me his best salespeople were ones who were prospecting on weekends and without much effort. For example, if his top salesmen were to go shopping with his daughter at a local boutique, he would get to know the owner while his daughter is trying on some new jeans and leave his business card. It’s that simple. The same principle goes for social media. If you are a devout business owner, you strive to know the breaking news in your industry. Why not share those little bits of knowledge with your audience?
This is crucial. A lot of people are afraid to invite their friends and family to their page. It could be because this is their entire life’s work and they are asking people to judge it. It could be because they simply feel guilty about “spamming” their friends’ pages. Never feel guilty about inviting people to see your work! Some people will like your page and others will ignore your request. That’s ok. Accessing your friends is the easiest way to grow your Facebook page fast. It only takes a few minutes and even a couple likes will benefit your company.
Updating your Facebook information can be vital for complete strangers to be able to find you. Make sure you have your basic information. If you have them, list your website, store hours, phone number, and a description of your business. Go a step further and fill out the categories and subcategories that your business is related to. This will help customers find you in Facebook and Google searches.
Don’t forget to add a company profile and cover picture. Be sure to make them the proper dimensions so the photos don’t expand or compress and make your business look a bit wonky. Here are the dimensions for those:
Profile Picture: 180 x 180
Cover Photo: 851 x 315
If you have additional social media, make sure the profile pictures are matching. This helps build brand identity without putting in much effort.
The beauty of social media is you can plaster your name pretty much anywhere you see fit! Get your Facebook information on your website. Put up an icon that links straight to the page. Talk about your page in your blog, on your Twitter, or anywhere else you can. Mention the Facebook in store to customers or include the link in your email signature. These are all ways to capture potential customers.
Until next time,
For more information on small biz, subscribe to this blog and visit our website: www.WIndigo24.com
You can always follow us on our social links too!
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Why Does This Business Exist?
Windigo24 was founded in 2015. We're new to the Phoenix market and new to owning an LLC, but we've been in the industry for years. Many people ask me a lot why I decided to stop working at a well paying, corporate job to start my own business at 24. Because I want to. I aspire to something greater. I want to become a better entrepreneur and create a reputable business. I want my salary to rely on how hard I work each day. I want to help local businesses find success. I want to learn from older entrepreneurs. I want to hustle like Gary Vaynerchuk and negotiate like any one of the Sharks. I want to get up every day and love what I do. No one promised me an easy road. I don't want it. I want to earn everything I receive. I want to go to sleep knowing I made someone's life easier and wake up knowing I get to help someone else. That is why Windigo24 exists.
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We're officially on Tumblr!
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